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Positively Positive
- Living with HIV
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HIV / AIDS Articles Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS Articles

AIDS Awareness Red Ribbon

Creating HIV/AIDS Awareness 20 Years:
“Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS” website

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, HIV/AIDS Advocate, living with HIV since 1984. www.PositivelyPositive.ca

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, HIV/AIDS Advocate, living with HIV since 1984.
“My work creating HIV and AIDS awareness globally has provided for many people, a face living with HIV and this has helped to bring hope to people infected that they too can live!”

On August 15, 2003, I launched my website: "Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS" (www.positivelypositive.ca), designed to create awareness around the many HIV and AIDS issues and promotes messages of positive living with HIV/AIDS. When you visit, you discover a wide variety of life affirming and supportive topics; my personal story living with HIV, HIV/AIDS articles, HIV/AIDS Videos, HIV/AIDS News, HIV/AIDS Links & Resources, and more.

As a long-term survivor living with HIV since 1984, my first HIV activism to combat stigma was made on national TV, in Canada, being interviewed on the Dini Petty Show, World AIDS Day, December 1, 1994. An HIV activist, living positively with HIV to combat stigma and discrimination, shame and fear, and to encourage disclosure, treatment, care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS.

My nephew, Trevor Uksik created the website for me after our conversation regarding my long involvement in HIV/AIDS Activism and through our discussion that I had a drawer full of pertinent materials: radio, newspaper, TV, magazine interviews and documentaries. Articles on HIV and AIDS that I wrote and articles that were written about me were published in newspapers, magazines and on websites around the world.   Article continues >>

Opinion: BC needs to step up and provide access to long-acting HIV medications

Photo: 2023: Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984.    I have been living with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) for 38 years, and have had an undetectable viral load (less than 40 copies/mL) since 1998. Both of these facts are possible because of activism, community care, and HIV medications.
BC has been my home for 28 years. I chose to live here because this province, and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE), has led the charge in HIV treatment innovation throughout the epidemic: the development of HIV triple-drug combination therapy called "highly active antiretroviral therapy" (HAART), and developing the Treatment as Prevention Strategy (TasP), which has linked patients to care, treatment and prevention. Working together with numerous community organizations, the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS has save the lives of thousands of HIV-positive people and reduced new HIV infections.   Article continues >>

Living with HIV: 36 years

35 years after being given a death sentence,
I’m still alive!

In the latter part of 1984, my hairstylist noticed several lumps on the back of my neck at my hairline, which he had never seen before. Over time the lumps grew and became increasingly painful. This prompted me to visit my doctor. In 1985, after many tests, with the results always negative, the doctor suggested getting tested for HIV. I said yes, when the doctor suggested the HIV test, agreeing to have it done and signing my name to the test form. I responded almost instantaneously, without thinking and no real thought or concern.

I was in a monogamous relationship for nearly a decade and I was relatively new at being single. Never did I entertain the thought of the test results coming back anything but negative for HIV.   Article continues >>

Home for HIV/AIDS patients closes
under financial duress

"The transition house was the one place in Ottawa where someone with HIV could go and not be afraid," said Haoua Inoua, an AIDS support worker who was involved with Bruce House. She told the Leveller that she was deeply saddened by the closure.

Bruce House's transitional residence came into being at the height of the AIDS epidemic in 1988. It offered residents 24-hour care in a home free from judgment. It was a place where clients could live and even die with dignity.

Bradford McIntyre was searching for such a place when he tested positive for HIV in 1984 and was told he had six months to live in 1985. "I moved to Ottawa so no one would see me get sick and die. I was in hiding," McIntyre told the Leveller. He lived without any support before becoming too sick to work. "My body was like an open wound. And the stress, likely caused from not having a home, was preventing the healing."   Article continues >>


Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ 31 years, at home. October 2015    For all intents and purposes, Bradford McIntyre's story could be a movie. Thirty-one years ago, during the height of the AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) crisis, he was diagnosed with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). A year later, the doctors told him he had 6 months to live. This is a story of being given a death sentence, of enduring pain and self-imposed isolation but it is also a story of personal growth and making a difference.A difference that has been acknowledged with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012, for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS, in Canada, and the Pride Legacy Award in 2013, for Sexual Health & HIV/AIDS Awareness. Today, Bradford is an HIV/AIDS advocate, happily married to the love of his life and has given hope to thousands of people living with HIV around the world. The most intriguing part of his story is how Bradford decided to give purpose to his journey by speaking about his illness and sharing with others his experience.   Article continues >>

Living longer with HIV

Study shows life expectancy of HIV-positive Canadians receiving anti-retroviral therapy is 65

A year after Bradford McIntyre was diagnosed with HIV in 1984, he was given six months to live. He did not expect to live to be 63. Photo Dan Toulgoet.   Bradford McIntyre never expected to live to be 63. A year after he was diagnosed with HIV in 1984, he was told he had only six months to live.

But he beat the odds and is one of many Canadians now aging with HIV. New research from the Canadian Observational Cohort Collaboration found the average life expectancy for HIV-positive people receiving antiretroviral therapy is now 65.

"I feel fortunate to still be alive today. Many HIV positive people did not live anywhere near the 31 years that I have lived with HIV," McIntyre says.

McIntyre has been a longtime advocate for HIV/AIDS awareness and started his website positivelypositive.ca in 2003 to share his story and the latest research. He has a good life and enjoys cooking, gardening and spending time at the beach. But he says aging with the virus comes with its own unique set of challenges. These include health, emotional, financial and social effects.    Article continues >>

Pride 2014: Bradford McIntyre proudly declares his HIV status to encourage others to get tested

Bradford McIntyre says it's important to end the stigma over being HIV positive.


At this year's Vancouver Pride celebrations, Bradford McIntyre marked another milestone in his remarkable life.

The long-term HIV Survivor changed the sign he carried in the 2004 parade to reflect that he's still here 30 years after being infected with the retrovirus. A decade ago, the sign said "20 years".

Emblazoned across the front of his white T-shirt was the message "No shame about being HIV+".

"I'm in shock that I'm still alive and still here and still doing this," McIntyre told the Straight at the corner of Robson and Bute Streets.

McIntyre sees it as a tremendous opportunity for public education about HIV, which killed scores of Vancouverites before effective treatment was developed. "I nearly died of PCP pneumonia in 1998 and it was the antiretroviral medications that saved my life," he said. "I've been undetectable [viral load] since then. I'm not able to transmit.”    Article continues >>

Canadian face for HIV and AIDS

LONG TERM-SURVIVOR: Showing up for life
changed everything for him

Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, creating HIV awareness has become his life's work.      As he stoood on the Burrard Street Bridge at sunset, Bradford McIntyre watched the glowing tankers drift across the bay. It was a clear summer night in 1994, he remembers and he became overcome with emotion.

"Ï was looking out and thinking of all the brave people who had spoken out about their HIV status and those we had lost." McIntyre said as he choked back tears. "That's when I realized I had to tell the world that I was HIV-positive, too."

But something on that bridge overpowered the fear. After 10 years "in the HIV closet," McIntyre realized he was tired of living in isloation. He decided he was ready to take back his life.

"I started to show up for life and that changed everything." he said.    Article continues >>

HIV survivor Bradford McIntyre keeps up fight

After 29 years of living with HIV, Bradford McIntyre recently received a Vancouver Pride Society PRIDE Legacy award for elevating awareness about AIDS.

Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, creating HIV awareness has become his life's work.   When Bradford McIntyre found out he was HIV-positive, his world fell apart. Doctors told him to get his finances in order and to start making funeral arrangements, saying he had six months to live. That was in 1985.

The Vancouver resident has since made it his mission to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS. A decade ago, he founded the website Positively Positive Living With HIV/AIDS, which gets as many as 200,000 hits a month and has reached 14 million people in 176 countries.

"Creating HIV awareness has become my life's work," McIntyre says in a phone interview. "I don't want anybody to go through what I've been through. After I was diagnosed, I lived a life of fear-fear of death."

Four years after getting that devastating news, he says, he went from breakdown to breakthrough, his life becoming a spiritual journey. And although research into HIV/AIDS has come a long way in the almost three decades he has been HIV-positive, there's still much to do when it comes to educating the public about the disease.    Article continues >>

Bradford McIntyre has emerged as the face of HIV

Bradford McIntyre was handed a death sentence 28 years ago. While his journey hasn't been an easy one, he is being honoured for his advocacy efforts, Joanne Laucius writes.

Bradford McIntyre was handed a death sentence 28 years ago.

"Who would have thought I would still be alive to do
all the things I do?"

Vice-Chair, AIDS Vancouver

   In 1984, Bradford McIntyre was diagnosed with AIDS and was told he had only months left to live.

This week, McIntyre was among 30 people awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his advocacy and awareness in the field of HIV/AIDS.

"I give a face to HIV so people can see that you can live," says McIntyre, now 60, who "came out" as HIV positive in a 1994 interview with the Ottawa Citizen. He was back in Ottawa this week to receive his medal on Tuesday night.

A lot has happened since 1984. Now living in Vancouver, where he is vice-chair of the board of AIDS Vancouver, McIntyre regularly gets 150,000 - 200,000 hits each month on his website, PositivelyPositive.ca. He has been with his partner, Deni Daviau, for 13 years and doesn't fear infecting him.

"It's really important that people understand that HIV is not a death sentence. It's one of the reasons why I do what I do."   Article continues >>

Accentuating the positive
leads to national honour for activist

Diamond Jubliee medal. Bradford McIntyre went from fear to isolation to devoting his life to others with HIV/AIDS.

Bradford McIntyre receives the QUEEN ELIZABETH II DIAMOND JUBILEE MEDAL for his contributions in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada.
   Bradford McIntyre apologizes for letting emotions get the better of him as he talks about his upcoming trip to Ottawa.

He tries to hold back tears but speaking becomes difficult and laboured.

Just thinking about his life to date and everything that has led to him being named a recipient of a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal is enough to conjure up triumphs, disappointments, tales of life and memories of friends long gone.  Article continues >>

A life stained by stigma, now rich in love

A positive HIV diagnosis, left Bradford McIntyre ostracized and isolated; but because of St. Paul's pioneering research and treatment, he can now lead an almost normal life.
An extraordinary love story - Bradford McIntyre,(Right)stands with husband Deni Daviau (Left) and their marriage certificate in their Vancouver home. Photograph by: Arlen Redekop, The Province - www.theprovince.com

   At first blush, Bradford McIntyre and Deni Daviau appear to have an ordinary love story.

The Vancouver couple met online, dated for a year, were married in church and have been happily married for 11 years.

A run of the mill love story, except for one thing. McIntyre and Daviau are a mixed couple: McIntyre is HIV-positive; Daviau, HIV-negative.
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HIV proves no obstacle for couples: Study

Treatment, education allow couples to live normal lives: Vancouver Coastal Health

Deni Daviau, left, and Bradford McIntyre (Right) are happily married despite the fact McIntyre is HIV-positive. Photo Credit: Matt Kieltyka (Metro Vancouver)    Today, HIV-AIDS is no more a death sentence than it is a barrier to love.

Vancouver Coastal Health says that, with effective diagnosis and treatment, couples are able to live normal, healthy lives even if one partner is HIV-positive.

Bradford McIntyre and his husband, Deni Daviau, are living proof that the virus doesn't get in the way of a positive, long-term relationship. The two Vancouver men have been happily married for 10 years; McIntyre has been living with HIV for 28.   Article continues... >>

A Day in the Life of Bradford McIntyre, IAS Member
and Founder of "Positively Positive, Living with HIV/AIDS" Website
Bradford McIntyre, International AIDS Society Member - www.iasociety.org

   I found out that I was infected with HIV in 1984. One year later, on 28 November 1985, I was told by an AIDS specialist to go home, inform my family, and arrange my funeral because I had six months to live. Soon after, I left my job and moved away from friends and family so that no one would see me get sick or die. However, I didn't die, and twenty-seven years later I'm still here. My CD4 count is strong at 1050. I first started antiretroviral medications in 1997 and since then, my viral load has been undetectable.

In 1994, I announced publicly on national Canadian television that I was living with HIV. I did not experience any negative repercussions following my coming out and this freed me from the burden of hiding my condition. My coming out publicly evolved and grew, and it has been an extremely rewarding and liberating experience.   Article continues >>

A conversation with PositivelyPositive.ca creator Bradford McIntyre

Bradford McIntyre, ocean kayaking in English Bay, Vancouver, Canada.
   Bradford, a Vancouverite, has led a public life as    an HIV/AIDS advocate and educator, along with    many other contributions to the global community.

   I first met Bradford while in Vancouver for a Canadian   Treatment Action Council skill’s one day workshop held in conjunction with some board meetings etc. I was impressed by Bradford's ongoing dedication. I thought he would be a great person to interview for our ongoing series, which provides an opportunity to better know members of our communities, whom I often see as role models for others.   Article Continues >>
HIV: Free of Stigma

Bradford McIntyre - Photo by Jaime Kowal
   In the early years, there was little understanding of HIV and a misguided belief existed that an HIV infection was an automatic death sentence. This fueled fear, stigma and discrimination. With time came a better understanding; one where it was clear how infection occurred. Before long, a new understanding evolved; not everyone who became infected with HIV died!
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HIV diagnosis is not a death sentence

Bradford McIntyre - HIV is not a death sentence!   25 years later I'm still here

Today, I am celebrating an Anniversary. I don't recall the exact day I found out I was infected with HIV, it was sometime in 1984. The day that stands out most for me is November 28th 1985.
On November 28th 1985, I was told by my doctor to inform my family, arrange my finances and funeral, I had six months to live!
Soon after, I left my job, friends and family and moved far away so that no one would see me get sick and die...but I didn't die. Twenty-five years later I'm still here.   Article continues >>

Not Everyone, Who Becomes Infected With HIV, Originates From A 'High Risk' Group

  The common usage of the words "high risk", in reference to people, who are most likely to become infected with HIV, has led many to believe misguidedly that they are not at risk. Unfortunately, this belief couldn't be further from the truth.

Everyone is at risk of infection and worldwide infection rates show that HIV is infecting men, women and children of all ages. Millions of people, who were not considered to be 'high risk', are now infected. The outdated and inaccurate messages that continue to be broadcast contribute globally to a false sense of security.   Article continues >>

A Brave Face
Bradford McIntyre
Positively Positive

"I don't know why I'm alive, when so many others have died." he says.
"But I owe my quality of life to those who came before me.
It wouldn't be fair to them if I did nothing."

Cover Shared-Vision Magazine - July Cover - www.shared-vision.com Shared Vision Magazine, A Brave Face Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive - Photo by Jaime Kowal

  What would you do if given six months to live? For Bradford McIntyre, the hypothetical question became a harsh reality when he was diagnosed with HIV in 1985. Intent on sheltering his friends and family from his imminent deterioration, he isolated himself and waited to die.

Four years later, alone and scared, McIntyre decided to get on with life. Since then, the Vancouver resident has become the face of HIV. By publically identifying himself as HIV-positive, McIntyre gives the virus a human element and helps stem stigma.
Article Coninues >>

Condoms: Our most trusted method
to prevent HIV infection and AIDS!

These three words echo around the world. AIDS CRISIS WORSENS!

40 million people infected worldwide
37.2 million adults
2.2 million children under 15

In 2004, 4.8 million people were infected and 3.1 million people died.

Over 20 million people have died of AIDS.

Why is this happening? We have had nearly 25 years to stop the spread of HIV and AIDS!

Why aren't people using condoms? AIDS awareness and prevention programs have seen American government policies pull funding from national and international organizations who promote and provide condoms. Religious leaders continue to ignore the need to promote the use of condoms in order to save lives and stop the AIDS epidemic.   Article continues >>

"We have a vaccine against HIV infection. It's called education."
1991 Dr. Peter (Jepson-Young) in Affirmation - The Aids Odyssey of Dr. Peter
by Daniel Gawthrop.

Dr. Peter Centre
Confusion and Conflict when it comes to HIV and AIDS

 In Canada, HIV was first diagnosed among gay men. Later, hemophiliacs and others with health problems were infected due to tainted blood received through blood transfusions. People infected early on had no treatment available! A new and strange virus was weakening the immune system and causing illness (what we now know as opportunistic infections) in various ways. That's all we knew! Those who were infected looked for ways to boost their immune system.
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Positively positive
Bradford McIntyre in Vancouver shares his story

Relay Magazine Cover: Bradford McIntyre on the cover of Relay: the facts about HIV and you - Positively positive: HIV+ for 20 years, Bradford McIntyre tells his story.    I was infected with HIV in 1984. In 1985, I was told I had six months to live but I chose not to accept that. Instead, I empowered myself to do all I could to fight this virus. Thanks to my healthcare team and other people living with HIV, I learned ways to stay healthy, to take responsibility for my life and I avoided medication for over a dozen years.

It wasn't that I didn't get sick or need medical attention, I certainly did! There were countless doctor's appointments, blood tests at the hospital and more times than I can count trying to fix the complications that appeared.

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   Individuals living with HIV and AIDS may not only have to deal with the threat of illness but also the toll of illness. All that is required to stay healthy and alive can leave an everlasting mark! I'm referring to the loss of subcutaneous fat from the face, commonly referred to as facial wasting or Lipoatrophy. While individuals are often able to re-gain weight and build up muscles on their arms, shoulders, and other areas, they fail to be able to replace the loss of fat to their face. Although fat loss in the face has been reported in individuals who are not taking HIV/AIDS medications, large numbers (up to 80%) of people on antiretroviral combination therapies (Protease inhibitors and nucleosides) are developing Lipoatrophy.
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Bradford McIntyre-Bio-Alcamid procedure: Before & After Photo Photo: Bradford McIntyre:
Before & After Facial Reconstruction.
Photo Credit: Drs. Alastair & Jean Carruthers

"For a quarter century, infected individuals have addressed their HIV infection by going beyond basic nutrition. They have included vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals."
Bradford McIntyre

The Way to Wellness and Healing

Positive living eclipsed by ARV (antiretroviral) drive

   The intention or hope of the global initiative is to treat 3 million HIV positive people with antiretroviral therapy by 2005. However, the current guidelines recommend starting antiretroviral therapy in patients with cd4 counts which have fallen below 350cells/mm3.

Originally, it appeared that anyone infected with HIV would progress to disease and die. This impression has long since been accepted as false. 
Article continues>>

"Initially, we didn't understand the AIDS virus and panic occurred. Today, we have moved from a place of confusion and little knowledge, to a place where we have a much broader understanding. Now, we can eliminate the fear and promote a new awareness, relying on education and a wide variety of treatment options. With choice, there is hope!"
Bradford McIntyre

OUT & PROUD-Vancouver Pride Parade, 2004
In the Name of Love

   With a record attendance, 150,000 people lined Denman Street and Beach Avenue along side English Bay in downtown Vancouver's West End. This year's parade was the most upbeat and colorful Pride Parade ever held in Vancouver and it is the third largest in Canada, after Montreal and Toronto.

The theme; IN THE NAME OF LOVE was about acceptance! "Everybody should be able tolove who they want to and be proud of themselves," explains Steven Schelling of the Vancouver Pride Society.

Federal, provincial and municipal government presence was at an all time high, with Jack Layton, Federal Leader of the NDP and his wife Olivia Chow, B.C. NDP Leader Carol James, Mayor of Vancouver Larry Campbell, Liberal MP Hedy Fry, MLA Jenny Kwan, MLA Lorne Mayencourt, City Council members Tim Stevenson, Jim Green and Tim Louis and Vancouver Police Chief Jamie Graham, all participating in the parade.
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in Mexico City

By Canadian Bradford McIntyre

 I have been living with HIV for 20 years
and for a decade now, I have been OUT publicly about my being infected with HIV. My work creating awareness globally has provided for many people, a face living with HIV and has helped to bring hope to people infected that they too can live!

   Article continues >>

Photo Slideshow: Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ for 20 years; is Out About HIV in the Vancouver Pride Parade, 2004 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Poster: SOMOS IGUALES PORQUE SOMOS DIFERENTES - XXVI Marcha Del Orgullo LGBT De La Ciudad De México - MOVIMENTO EN MARCHA-  26 de Junio, 2004 - Comité ORGULLO México, A.C.

Bradford McIntyre is Out About HIV in Mexico City, Mexico - 2004

"There ARE individuals who are OUT about their HIV status who are NOT afraid to speak up. What is necessary; is media coverage of HIV+ individuals who are living!" Bradford McIntyre



   Having disclosed you are infected with HIV eliminates the dis-ease associated with hiding the fact that you are HIV positive. That means, you can feel comfortable, confident and not have fear when you disclose to a sexual partner.   Article continues >>

"I hid my HIV status for far too many years. The last decade has proven to be the best years of my life...living my Truth..and leaving the fear and hiding behind!" Bradford McIntyre


   While nearly a million HIV+ American citizens enjoy the freedom to leave and travel outside their country, the United States government prohibits HIV+ individuals from other countries entry to the United States! Without a doubt, this ban is the most blatant display of discrimination against HIV+ people to date! This ban continues to fuel discrimination, while a worldwide community strives to stop the stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV and AIDS!    Article continues>>


Media Action
on HIV and AIDS

   Comments made by Canadian Bradford McIntyre in Mexico City at the SEXUALIDAD MASCULINA: NUEVAS PERSPECTIVAS Conference provided by Enkidu Magazine, Web Edition: Monday June 28th, at 10:00am in Bgay Bproud at Amberes 12-B, Zona rosa, in MEXICO CITY.   Article continues >>

The way we address HIV is cause for concern

   The truth is that there are millions of people living to whom HIV has not caused illness and death. This information brings joy and hope to the heart of any person who has ever dreaded the onset of AIDS.   Article continues >>

Poster: Stay Safe...Use a Condom

HIV Prevention:
What you need to know?

   Twenty three years since I first began to witness the horrific illnesses and deaths caused by HIV and still today, very few people have an understanding of HIV.

The world population is ignorant about HIV! We have failed to properly educate the world on HIV. Efforts to address HIV prevention have failed miserably. In fact, in many parts of the world HIV infection, stigma and discrimination have never been as bad as it is today!
  Article continues >>

– Our best resource is individuals infected with HIV

   Education is paramount if we are to reach individuals infected with HIV and those living with AIDS. Obviously, our best resource is from those who are affected by the disease! Information is not reaching those most in need and there is a certain mistrust of science and medicine. People are afraid. Many have only seen or heard of people dying and many people believe the drugs will kill them. It is important that they learn from those whose lives have been saved and who have benefited from the drug treatments, renewing a quality of life they would not have had otherwise.

   Who better to explain the realities of living with HIV?   Article continues >>

Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984. Photo Credit: J. Turpin
Photo Credit - J. Turpin

"Many people worldwide are out about their HIV status and many, many more are voicing they would also like to be able to live without fear and let others know they are living with HIV."
Bradford McIntyre

SEXUALIDAD MASULINA: NUEVAS PERSPECTIVAS CONFERENCIA - Mexico City, Mexico - Lunes 28 de Junio 2004. Speakers: Jose F. Colon (Puerto Rico), Bradford McIntyre (Canada), Alonso Hernandez (Mexico) and Yuri Herberg Tovar (Canada|Mexico). www.enkidumagazine.com

HARRT Benefits - HIV/AIDS drugs saved my life!

Bradford McIntyre taking daily HIV/AIDS medications.

  I was infected with HIV in 1984. From the time I was told I had "six months to live" by an AIDS specialist in 1985, I learned from other people infected with HIV and included supplements and complementary therapies. These kept me healthy and were responsible for allowing me to address health issues, boost my immune system and avoid going on HIV/AIDS medications for over a dozen years.   Article continues >>

"Be smart: If the results of blood work show you are HIV positive and in need of HIV/AIDS medications, do not put off or avoid doing so. Don't let fear get in the way of staying healthy and living a long life." Bradford McIntyre

HIV/AIDS Stigma and Discrimination

    Individuals should not have to suffer all losses due to illness! Men, women and children are suffering with HIV/AIDS. We need to assure that these people are cared for, not discriminated against! We must provide funds for proper nutrition, housing and health care for these individuals to aid and contribute to their well-being. We need to get rid of the false perceptions and judgments. Like Doreen Millman said in Vancouver at the 1996 AIDS Conference in reference to how a 63 year old grandmother got AIDS. She said, "It just doesn't matter!" Neither does an individual's race, religion or sexual orientation matter! Don't look for differences; look at how we can help one another.   Article continues >>

HIV/AIDS and Complementary therapies

   Initially, there were no drugs available to treat HIV/AIDS, but substantial numbers of infected individuals collaborated, shared experiences and found an alternative way. Without medications, people incorporated proper nutrition, exercise and complementary therapies into their lives. People have been successful at staying healthy and/or having wellness restored time after time using complementary therapies, with or without HIV/AIDS medications. We must acknowledge and give credibility to this reality!
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I Defied a Death Sentence

How to rise above the fear of disease diagnosis

The doctor took me into his office and closed the door. Every word he uttered seemed to run together in my mind. There was so much frightening information...

My body began to vibrate and even my teeth chattered uncontrollably. Emotions, fear and a powerful surge of adrenaline like nothing I had ever before experienced took hold of me. I was not prepared for what I was hearing.

Only six months to live - what should I say? How should I deal with it? Was I really going to die?
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Bradford McIntyre - Guest Speaker at Vancouver 20th International AIDS Candlelight Vigil 2003

Out About HIV
(Bradford's Message)
Given at the
20th International AIDS Candlelight Vigil

My name is Bradford McIntyre and I'm Positively Positive!

I have been living, infected with the HIV since 1984!

There is more power in people knowing I am HIV positive, than there ever was in the fear and hiding. The answers are in letting go of fear! Society has created a huge closet housing many shelves. Shelves for Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian and Transgendered, but even more shelves housing drug abuse, alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, physical and mental abuse, bulimia, anorexia, cancer, AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), dis-ease and disease. It is time for us to come out of the closet and tell people what is going on in our life. Then and only then can people know what is going on, support you, and if need be, offer help.

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Alive Magazine. Bradford McIntyre, HIV-positive since 1984.

Nutrition and HIV:
Losing rights to choose Dietary Supplements!

by Bradford McIntyre

   Are you aware you're losing your rights to choose? Have you noticed your choices of natural health products for optimizing your health are disappearing?

Why? Because of legislation passed by European Union (EU) Directive on Dietary Supplements and the fact that other countries are bound to the rules and laws of the World Trade Organization.
Article continues...

Looking Forward
Bradford McIntyre
Living Positively with HIV
Shared Vision Magazine Cover: Looking Forward Bradford McIntyre Living Positively with HIV  by Sonya Weir - Shared Vision - www.shared-vision.com Looking Forward Bradford McIntyre Living Positively with HIV joeaverageart.com
Joe Average ART

   Sixteen years ago, on November 28, Brad McIntyre was advised to put his house in order, inform his family and friends, and make arrangements for his funeral. At the new HIV/AIDS clinic in Hamilton, Ontario, a doctor had just informed him he was HIV positive with six months to live.
In all of twelve minutes, his world was turned upside down.

   By: Sonya Weir; Shared Vision Magazine, Nov. 2001.   Article continues >>

Improving the Quality of Health

Not to take away from the seriousness of HIV,
but it is time to let go of the fear!

   How we view disease, along with the constant bombardment of fear associated with HIV is cause for alarm. We must educate ourselves, those in the medical profession and our future doctors to address a broader understanding and treatment of disease. The fear and terror associated with HIV and the fact that the medical profession continues to contribute to fear is the first thing we need to overcome! Studies with healthy animals show that when subjected to constant fear and stress they surrender the will to live. Countless deaths of individuals infected with HIV can be attributed to fear. Telling people they are going to progress to disease and die, just because they have been infected with HIV is not true! Yet, these are the messages continually expressed by many in the medical profession.

 Even with the latest drug treatments and decline in deaths, many in the medical profession still convey information to patients in a way that promotes fear. Article continues>>


   A report released on Tuesday July 6th 2004 by the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS said "prevention efforts reach one in five people worldwide."

Is it any wonder, that the HIV infection rates are higher than estimated when the average person has little knowledge of HIV and AIDS? Where is HIV education? HIV education is near to none existent! If you are an HIV+ individual or with an organization working to educate, then you may have a wealth of knowledge but still most people know very little. As an individual living with HIV and involved in creating HIV/AIDS awareness around the world, I constantly hear the many mis-conceptions people have about HIV and AIDS.

HIV needs to be in the media each and every day!  Article continues >>

"It is bad enough that people are dying of Aids, but no one should die of ignorance."
Elizabeth Taylor
The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation


   In many countries throughout the world, people are going to naturopathic physicians when faced with a health issue.

It is naturopathic physicians, not medical doctors, who are specifically educated as physicians but with an expertise in alternative medicine. The naturopathic physician spends years of pre-medical training, which is the same as a medical doctor, as well as spending another four years in naturopathic training at University. The United States, Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand and South Africa all have 3-4 year courses with a recognized degree.
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HIV/AIDS Red Ribbon - Wear A Red Ribbon. Promote AIDS Awareness.

HIV and Alternative Therapies

   For more than 18 years I have been living with HIV virus in my body. I have gone without drug treatments for 13 of those years, using alternative and complementary therapies instead. While on drug medications, I have included alternative therapies and have been able to positively impact my immune system and decrease viral load.

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 "People need to see others living with HIV who are not afraid to disclose, in order to move away from the fear."
Bradford McIntyre

HIV/AIDS: Abundance

In August of 1998, a group of friends and I were sunning down at English Bay beach. I was coughing and my friend Janine Paquette said, "that's a serious cough, I'd get that checked out!" I was thinking it was a cold and hoped it would soon go away.

By late September it was determined by a chest x-ray that I had developed PCP (pneumocystis-carinii-pneumonia), an opportunistic infection related to HIV. Article continues >>

Are we putting too much faith in pharmaceuticals?

   In the early years of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, no treatment meant people went into action and sought out alternative therapies and supplements and created a network. Many of those infected have lived the last 20 years or more without HIV drugs and dealt with it well due to nutritional supplements, alternative and complementary therapies. Article continues >>

Use a Condom

So much more to HIV/AIDS story than science

When it comes to HIV/AIDS, the most visible view is the fear, illness, disease and death tolls. What we don't see are the great numbers of indivduals infected with HIV virus living.

From the beginning, when HIV first hit the gay community, the lack of treatment forced people into action.
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For Bradford McIntyre, the HIV virus is NOT a death sentence. Life is a Celebration!
Canadian Flag

"Individuals living with HIV are not asking to be different. They are no different than anyone else only that they are living with an illness and that illness is HIV." Bradford McIntyre

HIV drugs are not the answer for all

Recently new anti-viral drugs with revolutionary potential for the treatment of AIDS went on sale (Costly HIV drug goes on sale in Canada, April 3).

In 1985, I was diagnosed with the HIV/AIDS virus and given six months to live. For four years the doctors kept advising me to take AZT. When I finally did decide to go on the drug, it was with a positive attitude.

After eight months on AZT,

Healthy living combats AIDS

In regards to "AIDS activists want drugs fast tracked" (March 5): Those individuals who are not on any antiviral treatment, for whatever the reasons, have been combating HIV infection with nutritional diet, exercise and supplements, including alternative/complimentary therapies used with or without medical resources.

Article continues >>

Living with HIV serious business

 You made my day when I picked up the paper, seeing three pages devoted to HIV/AIDS (Spreading the word, Jan. 2). I am grateful to the Courier and also to reporter David Carrigg for putting it out there when it so rarely is! World AIDS Day, Dec. 1, came and went with very little coverage of HIV/AIDS issues and news, in any of the newspapers countrywide.

There is no doubt HIV infection is on the rise.
Article continues >>

HIV/AIDS POSITIVE STORIES - www.hivaidspositivestories.com

Understanding HIV/AIDS
by Bradford McIntyre
Dec. 2001

A shift in perception is nothing short of a miracle!

The public needs to understand HIV and let go of the fear, each person taking part in a global prevention strategy.

Click to view this story.

HIV/AIDS PPOSITIVE STORIES - www.hivaidspositivestories.com

Moving Forward
by Bradford McIntyre
Jan. 2002

While living in Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario, I learned I had been infected with the HIV virus.

Swollen lymph glands, and every test except HIV, led my doctor to advise me to be tested.

Click to view this story.

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 ...positive attitudes are not simply 'moods'. Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS

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