
Positively Positive
- Living with HIV
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HIV/AIDS News Archive Bradford McIntyre

Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - December 2015

Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre: VIDC Connect - vidcconnect.wordpress.com
World AIDS Day 2015
December 31, 2015 - For World AIDS Day 2015, we at VIDC quietly remembered our friends who have lost their lives to AIDS and those who are winning their battle with HIV. The whole day was quiet, a little solemn, but also mostly hopeful — our battle with HIV has come a long way in the past couple of decades.
We also joined our friend, Bradford McIntyre in reliving his interview at The Dini Petty Show. Bradford sent us a link to his blog where he featured the footage of his interview and reflected on the experience and how far he’s come since the interview for World AIDS Day 1994.
Read more... VIDC Connect - World AIDS Day 2015- vidcconnect.wordpress.com/

Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre: VIDC Connect - vidcconnect.wordpress.com
VIDC Updates
December 31, 2015 - A Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre community engagement initiative
Read more... VIDC Connect - Updates- vidcconnect.wordpress.com/

WORLD Is Ready For 2016
December 2015 - Earlier this month was World AIDS Day; today, WORLD would like to acknowledge the long-fought battle against HIV and AIDS that so many have waged during the past decades. We want to celebrate all of you that take part in this effort everyday. We have lost many beautiful souls over the years to this epidemic. Their efforts and strengths form the foundation of today’s battle against HIV and AIDS; our lost ones cannot stand with us today to see how far we have come, but we keep them in our hearts and minds. We lean on them for strength to continue this fight.
Read more... Women Organized to Respond to Life-Threatening Diseases - womenhiv.org

Men at Risk | Masculinity, Heterosexuality and HIV Prevention
December 2015 - Although the first AIDS cases were attributed to men having sex with men, over 70% of HIV infections worldwide are now estimated to occur through sex between women and men. In Men at Risk, Shari L. Dworkin argues that the centrality of heterosexual relationship dynamics to the transmission of HIV means that both women and men need to be taken into account in gender-specific HIV/AIDS prevention interventions. She looks at the “costs of masculinity” that shape men’s HIV risks, such as their initiation of sex and their increased status from sex with multiple partners.
Read more... NYU Press - Books - nyupress.org

Top 5 Stories Involving Black People and HIV in 2015
December 31, 2015 - A number of developments happened in 2015 that relate to the impact of HIV/AIDS in the black community. Though this is by no means a comprehensive list, below are five developments worth noting, some which will hopefully continue the progress toward ending the epidemic:
Read more... The Huffington Post - The BLOG - huffingtonpost.com

HIV+ man leads SF AIDS Foundation
December 31, 2015 - For the first time in recent memory, a man who's living with HIV is leading the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, one of the largest AIDS-based nonprofits in the country.
Tim L. Jones, 50, who was named SFAF's interim CEO in December, said his HIV status is "significant in the sense that we're hoping to move into an era of supporting people living with HIV more so than what we are today."
Read more... Bay Area Reporter - News - ebar.com

Group suggests policy for people aging with HIV
December 31, 2015 - Recommendations from the HIV and aging working group of San Francisco's Long Term Care Coordinating Council include supporting research, increasing linkages to care, making available more affordable housing and preventing evictions, supporting the inclusion of transgender people, training health care providers, and ensuring food security.
Read more... Bay Area Reporter - News - ebar.com

TheBody.com - www.thebody.com
With #EndBadHIVLaws, Campaign Uses Social Media to Combat HIV Criminalization
December 30, 2015 - Recently, several HIV and LGBT groups joined together to use the reach of social media to spread knowledge and spur action on a serious legal problem -- the criminalization of HIV -- with the hashtag #EndBadHIVLaws.
Read more... TheBody.com - News - thebody.com

Lack of knowledge results in unfortunate HIV/AIDS cases
December 30, 2015 - SON LA (VNS) - A lack of knowledge about HIV/AIDS is one of the biggest causes of cases in the northern mountainous province of Son La.
Read more... Viet Nam News - vietnamnews.vn

Thatcher claimed AIDS awareness campaign could ‘harm morals’
December 30, 2015 - Margaret Thatcher tried to block all mention of anal sex in government advice amid the AIDS epidemic, documents have revealed.
Read more... PinkNews - pinknews.co.uk

Atlanta’s alarming HIV/AIDS epidemic reminiscent of New York in the ’80s
December 30, 2015 - New strategies seek to tackle metro area’s high infection rates in face of ignorance, poverty and lack of political will
Read more... Al Jazeera America - Health - america.aljazeera.com

Aidsmap - aidsmap.com
A quarter of people with HCV initially refused access to sofosbuvir/lepidasvir, says US study, but most successfully appeal
29 December 2015 - Insurers deny almost a quarter of requests for sofosbuvir/lepidasvir (Harvoni) to treat people with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, investigators from Yale Liver Center report in PLoS One. However, most of those who were initially refused subsequently gained access after appeal. Advanced liver disease and Medicare/Medicaid insurance were associated with earlier decision and approval times, whereas Medicare/Medicaid coverage and high viral load were significant predictors of initial approval.
Read more... Aidsmap - aidsmap news - Hepatitis C treatment - aidsmap.com

God's Love We Deliver to Ring The Nasdaq Stock Market Closing Bell
December 29, 2015 - Nasdaq MarketSite – 4 Times Square – 43rd & Broadway – Broadcast Studio
Wednesday, December 30th, 2015 – 3:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET
God's Love We Deliver, the leading provider of life-sustaining meals and nutritional counseling for people living with severe illnesses in New York metropolitan area, will visit the Nasdaq MarketSite in Times Square. In honor of the occasion, Karen Pearl, President & CEO of God’s Love We Deliver, will ring the Closing Bell. Read more... CNN Money - News - money.cnn.com

In pics: The AIDS epidemic gripping this Mexican tourist spot
December 29, 2015 - A beloved tourist spot in Mexico is currently gripped by an HIV and AIDS epidemic.
A combination of prostitution, unprotected sex and drug addiction means that up to one in every 125 people in Tijuana are infected with HIV/AIDS.
Read more... Metro - UK - News - metro.co.uk

B.C. leads the way in fighting HIV and AIDS
December 28, 2015 - One in four people living with HIV don’t know it. British Columbia is leading the fight against a global HIV epidemic that has resulted in the death of millions of people. With programs such as Seek and Treat for Optimal Prevention of HIV/AIDS (STOP HIV/AIDS), the Province has expanded HIV testing and connected more people to life-saving treatment. Advances in HIV treatment can lead to improved health outcomes and suppression of the virus, to virtually eliminate transmission.
Read more... Revelstoke Times Review - revelstokereview.com

New PrEP Studies Offer Good News But Watch That Burning Down Below (Special Report)
December 28, 2015 - For a few hours earlier this month, LGBT and HIV/AIDS advocates felt slightly giddy, as if after an interminable period of turbulent seas and storm clouds, a lighthouse beacon cut through the darkness and promised an end to the seemingly never-ending HIV/AIDS crisis.
Read more... Frontiers Media - Health, Special Reports - frontiersmedia.com

H.I.V. Education That Aims to Empower, Not Shame
DEC. 27, 2015 - Traditional public service announcements tend to rely on shock and shame, with mixed success. But when Arizona public health officials began contemplating a new campaign, they wanted to change that.
Read more... The New York Times - nytimes.com

Gonorrhoea 'could become untreatable'
DEC. 27, 2015 - Dame Sally Davies has written to all GPs and pharmacies to ensure they are prescribing the correct drugs after the rise of "super-gonorrhoea" in Leeds.
Read more... BBC - News - Health - bbc.com

Wellness center opens with a goal: ending new cases of AIDS/HIV
December 25, 2015 - The San Francisco AIDS Foundation will open the doors Jan. 4 to a new health and wellness center dedicated solely to the overall wellness needs of gay and bisexual men.
Read more... San Francisco Chronicle - sfchronicle.com

Moveable Feast volunteers help feed locals with HIV/AIDS on Christmas
Dec 25, 2015 - This Christmas, hundreds of Baltimore locals living with HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening illnesses will receive nutritious, home-delivered meals thanks to a few helping hands.
Moveable Feast, an East Baltimore-based organization, has been delivering food and groceries to a network of homebound men, women and children throughout the Maryland area since 1989.
Read more... ABC2 News - Lifestyle - abc2news.com

World can now see KZN’s HIV success in a new documentary
December 24, 2015 - The documentary was launched in Nongoma last week.
The successes achieved by KwaZulu-Natal in the fight against HIV/Aids and the groundbreaking one million people on anti-retroviral treatment in the province is now showcased as a documentary.
Read more... The Citizen - citizen.co.za

Ending HIV may hinge on erasing economic disparities
December 24, 2015 - A major insurer said recently it would offer life insurance to HIV-positive people because of their rising life expectancies, prompting cheers from AIDS activists. But on the very same day, the nation’s top disease control official described an America falling far short in its fight against AIDS.
Read more... PBS Newshour - Health - pbs.org

Saskatchewan Crystal Meth Use, HIV Rates Are Rising
12.24.15 - SASKATOON - At least one Saskatchewan health official says fire evacuations in the north during the summer created more crystal meth problems which in turn are making the HIV situation in the province even worse.
Read more... The Huffington Post - huffingtonpost.ca

It’s Not Hard to Treat HIV—if You’re Rich
12.24.15 - Life expectancies may be nearing the national norm among white, affluent gay men with HIV, but 66 percent of the 1.2 million Americans living with the disease are not in treatment.
A major insurer said recently it would offer life insurance to HIV-positive people because of their rising life expectancies, prompting cheers from AIDS activists. But on the very same day, the nation’s top disease control official described an America falling far short in its fight against AIDS.
Read more... The Daily Beast - thedailybeast.com

National Institutes of Health (NIH) - www.nih.gov
HIV Antibody Infusion Safely Suppresses Virus in Infected People
Dec. 23, 2015 - Small NIH Trial Provides Foundation for Further Studies of Antibody-Based Therapy
WHAT:A single infusion of a powerful antibody called VRC01 can suppress the level of HIV in the blood of infected people who are not taking antiretroviral therapy (ART), scientists at the National Institutes of Health report in a paper published today. The researchers also found that giving HIV-infected people VRC01 antibodies by infusing them into a vein or under the skin is safe and well tolerated, and the antibodies remain in the blood for an extended period. mission to uninfected sexual partners, these findings support offering treatment to everyone with HIV.

Chingola Records 1,700 New HIV/AIDS Cases
December 23, 2015 - CHINGOLA district has recorded 1,700 new HIV infections from January to June 2015, which have been attributed mainly to the town being located in the transit corridor and also increased prostitution, district Aids Task Force (DATF) co-ordinator John Lumbwe has said.
Read more... Zambia Reports - zambiareports.com

Voice of America - www.voanews.com
New Antibody Treatment for HIV Passes First Hurdle
December 23, 2015 - An experimental treatment providing a new approach in the fight against HIV has cleared the first hurdle.
VRC01 is a so-called monoclonal antibody, a relatively recent development in the arsenal of bioengineered therapies.
Read more... Voice of America - News - Health - voanews.com

In China, training doctors reduced STI risk
23-Dec-2015 - PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] - As China continues to battle epidemics of many sexually transmitted infections including HIV, results of a study newly published in The Lancet Global Health highlight the importance of training doctors to confront it head on.

Voice of America - www.voanews.com
Zimbabwe Says New WHO HIV Guidelines Need Huge Financing
23.12.2015 - WASHINGTON DC - The recently released World Health Organisation HIV/AIDS guidelines, which were unveiled during the ICASA conference in Harare last month, require huge financial resources.
Read more... Voice of America - News - Health - voanews.com

Single strategy not enough to curb HIV risk in young MSM
December 22, 2015 - “Numerous studies have found that many HIV-infected [young men who have sex with men (YMSM)] engage in risky sexual behaviors after their diagnosis,” Patrick A. Wilson, PhD, associate professor of sociomedical sciences at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, and colleagues wrote. “YMSM who are not virally suppressed may be at particular risk to engage in sexual risk behaviors that serve to perpetuate HIV transmission.”
Read more... Healio - Infectious Disease News - HIV/AIDS - healio.com

Vancouver’s syphilis rates hit highest point in 33 years
December 22, 2015 - Syphilis rates in Vancouver are at their highest in 33 years.
Vancouver Coastal Health’s Dr. John Carsley says most affected are gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.
Read more... News Talk 980 CKNW - Vancouver News - medicalxpress.com

Drug firm announces advance in quest for HIV cure
December 22, 2015 - A Norwegian drug firm on Tuesday announced an advance in its quest for an HIV cure with a drug combination which seeks to force the virus out of its hiding place and kill it.
Read more... Medical Xpress - News - medicalxpress.com

The mechanism of an AIDS vaccine candidate filmed in vivo
22-Dec-2015 - Advances in search of an AIDS vaccine
Using innovative technology, scientists from the Institut Pasteur and Inserm have filmed in vivo the process by which an AIDS vaccine candidate, developed by the French Vaccine Research Institute and the ANRS, triggers the immune response. This previously unseen footage clearly shows how the vaccine recruits the immune cells needed to destroy infected cells. These results, published in the journal Nature Medicine on December 21, 2015, shed new light on the mode of action and potential of this vaccine.

Tulane University awarded $4.2 million to study ways to wipe out HIV from hidden reservoirs
December 22, 2015 - The National Institutes of Health has awarded Tulane National Primate Research Center $4.2 million to study new ways to flush out and kill HIV from reservoirs where the virus lurks beyond the reach of antiviral therapies.
Read more... Tulane University - News - tulane.edu

Aidsmap - aidsmap.com
Previous AIDS-related pulmonary disease associated with lung cancer risk for people with HIV
22 December 2015 - IDS-related pulmonary disease is a major factor in the increased risk of lung cancer seen in people with HIV, investigators from the United States report in AIDS. The study compared lung cancer incidence rates and survival time between HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals.
Read more... Aidsmap - aidsmap news - Cancer - aidsmap.com

TheBody.com - www.thebody.com
Physical Effects of HIV-Associated Wasting Persist Long After Diagnosis
December 30, 2015 - Researchers have found that HIV-related wasting affects men's physical strength and quality of life long after their wasting diagnosis, aidsmap reports. Their mental quality of life, however, was found to be higher than that of HIV-negative men.
Read more... TheBody.com - News - thebody.com

Aidsmap - aidsmap.com
Large UK study shows low rates of HIV testing, even among those who think they are at risk of HIV
21 December 2015 - A major household survey of adults in the UK shows that, even among people who perceive themselves to be at risk of HIV infection, only 14% had recently taken an HIV test. While people with riskier sexual behaviour and people who were aware of their vulnerability to HIV were more likely to take a test than other people, a majority in this group had never taken an HIV test.
Read more... Aidsmap - aidsmap news - Testing policies and guidelines - aidsmap.com

Why New York’s plan to push the HIV-prevention pill could backfire
December 21, 2015 - Initial data does suggest PrEP has relatively few immediate side effects. But that data is barely five years old — and extensive research documents the inevitable damage long-term antiretroviral use has on the body. What’s more, those same San Francisco success studies also indicate a decline in condom use along with a worrisome rise in sexually transmitted diseases in folks taking PrEP, including serious conditions like syphilis.
Read more... New York Post - News - nypost.com

Why a Drug to Prevent HIV Infection Is in Low Demand
December 21, 2015 - Public-health officials push wider use of PrEP, but some AIDS organizations lobby against the medication
Some AIDS organizations don’t promote use of the drug, partly out of concern it could encourage more risky sexual behavior. “We are having an explosion of other sexually transmitted diseases impacting the gay community and PrEP offers no protection whatsoever for any other disease,” said Ged Kenslea, communications director for AIDS Healthcare Foundation, a Los Angeles-based global AIDS organization.
Read more... The Wall Street Journal - Health - wsj.com

Activists blast HIV criminalization laws as failure
Dec 21, 2015 - A panel of health experts blasted HIV criminalization laws in nearly three-dozen states as a failure, criticizing the statues for adding stigma to HIV, keeping people from getting tested, and oppressing already marginalized populations such as LGBT people.
Read more... Project Q - News - projectq.us

Health region continues work on mother-child HIV transmission
December 21, 2015 - Two babies in the province were born HIV-positive this year, after four years with no cases. They were not in the Saskatoon Health Region.
Read more... Saskatoon StarPhoenix - Health - thestarphoenix.com

GMHC- www.gmhc.org
GMHC Responds To FDA's Discriminatory Blood Donor 12-Month Deferral Plan
December 21, 2015 - New York, NY - Calls for a Policy Based on Science, Not Stigma
GMHC joins the #BloodEquality Campaign
The FDA's 12-month deferral plan would still require gay and bisexual men to be celibate for a full year before they are allowed to donate blood, regardless of marital status and safe-sex practices. Heterosexuals are given no such restrictions, even if their sexual behavior places them at high risk for HIV. In practice, the new policy is still a continuation of the lifetime ban and ignores the modern science of HIV-testing technology while perpetuating the stereotype that all gay and bisexual men are inherently dangerous. Blood donation policies should be based on science, not stigma.

More than 44,000 HIV patients have yet to receive medical treatment
20 December 2015 - PETALING JAYA: Out of the more than 88,000 living HIV patients in the country, some 50% or about 44,000 have yet to receive medical treatment.
Read more... The Sun Daily - News - thesundaily.my

Giving protection to a generation at risk
20 Dec 2015 - Poor sex education, stigma, and cultural conservatism are hampering efforts to drive down HIV infection rates among young people.
Read more... Bangkok Post - News - bangkokpost.com

Alabama showcases the perils of abstinence-only sex education
December 20, 2015 - In part 6 of ‘America left behind,’ Al Jazeera looks at why 39 states teach abstinence despite evidence it doesn’t work
The CDC issued a report in December of last year criticizing middle school and high school sex education programs across the U.S. for not teaching all the recommended sexual health topics. The least covered topic, the report noted, was how to get and use condoms.
Read more... Al Jazeera America - News - america.aljazeera.com

HIV-Infected Older Adults Challenged by Multimorbidity but Not Accelerated Aging
December 19, 2015 - Increasingly providers of clinical care for people living with HIV are spending less time managing drug resistance and associated short term ART toxicities and more time managing age associated illnesses1. This shift in care is underlined by reports that most deaths for this population are a result of non-AIDS related illnesses. This caused many to ask – are people infected with HIV aging faster?
Read more... HIVAGE.org - News - hiv-age.org

Student awarded for making poster on AIDS
12/19/2015 - Ilamathi, a student of District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), received the first prize for poster-making during the AIDS awareness programme, which was organised in association with the Pondicherry AIDS Control Society, in her college on Friday.
Read more... The Hindu - News - thehindu.com

Health officials hope free portable kit with condoms, lubricant and section for pills will be used to carry Truvada
12/19/2015 - The ultimate creation is a free handy kit, including lubricant, condoms and a portion for pills, which, as per health officials, will be used by the ones at high risk for contracting HIV for carrying the preventive drug Truvada. The city will distribute the ultimate creation in the beginning of coming year.
Read more... Austrian Tribune - News - austriantribune.com

HIV cases on decline, but MSM group poses a threat
19 December 2015 - According to the figures, among the causes behind new infections, as high as 95% is attributed to MSM category. It points out that the risk-factor and vulnarabily were found to be high among this group. Experts and health officials, whom dna spoke to, also attested to the fact that MSM high-risk group is a cause of worry.
Read more... Daily News & Analysis - News - dnaindia.com

Three people 'get HIV daily' in Mombasa
Dec. 19, 2015 - Two people die daily in Mombasa from HIV-Aids-related complications, a council has said.
The National Aids Control Council Mombasa coordinator said three people in the county get infected daily.
Read more... The Star, Kenya - News - the-star.co.ke

Louisiana near top of list for new HIV/AIDS cases
December 18, 2015 - Louisiana is near the top of the list in the nation when it comes to a staggering statistic: the number of new cases of HIV/AIDS.
Read more... The Daily Advertiser - News - theadvertiser.com

Aidsmap - aidsmap.com
Evidence for PrEP efficacy grows, but implementation presents challenges
18 December 2015 - But sixty percent of European cases diagnosed last year were in Russia
The annual surveillance report released recently by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) shows that the number and rate of new diagnoses of HIV is continuing to rise in eastern Europe, and is also rising sharply, though from a much lower base, in central Europe.
Read more... Aidsmap - aidsmap news - Epidemiology - aidsmap.com

PrEP: The Revolution That Didn't Happen - AIDS Healthcare Foundation - www.aidshealth.org
“PrEP: The Revolution That Didn't Happen” Declares New AHF Ad
LOS ANGELES (December 17, 2015) - More than three years after FDA first approved use of Truvada for pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV transmission, CDC reports just 21,000 individuals in the U.S. are on PrEP today.
A new advocacy ad by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) takes aim at the failure of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), the use of Gilead Sciences' AIDS treatment Truvada to prevent HIV transmission in uninfected individuals, to catch on despite the fact that the powerful AIDS treatment medication has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for us as PrEP since July 2012 and that Gilead has spent millions to promote the drug directly to community groups and physicians.

Canada's safe injection center brings drug addicts 'out of the alleys'
December 17, 2015 - Vancouver (CNN) - Fisher's team at Insite includes a front line of nurses, counselors, mental health workers and peer-support workers to ensure people inject their drugs safely -- reducing the risk of overdose and of infections such as HIV and Hepatitis C.
Read more... CNN - Safe Injection - Health - cnn.com

New HIV campaign launched
December 16, 2015 - Uganda Network on Law Ethics and HIV/AIDS (UGANET) has launched a new campaign to ensure those living with HIV/AIDS are treated with dignity so they can access healthcare with confidence.
The 6 months campaign which starts on 10 December 2015 to 10 July 2016 will go to 10 districts and intends to reach 10,000 individuals with free legal aid and provide human rights information.
Read more... New Vision - News - newvision.co.ug

Indian-American's 'Super Condom' can help combat AIDS
Dec 16, 20155 - HOUSTON: Aiming to increase global use of condoms as a way to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS, researchers including an Indian-American professor have developed a new non-latex condom which contains antioxidants and can kill the deadly virus even after breaking.
Read more... The Times of India - Science - timesofindia.indiatimes.com

Trans Sex Workers Are 25 Times More Likely to Be HIV Positive Than the General Population
December 16, 2015 - Here’s what can be done to push back against this unacceptable statistic.
The politics of HIV/AIDS have evolved over the years, from division and public hysteria to a global movement for health justice. But despite progress in fighting the epidemic, one community still faces an acute HIV crisis, representing the social and public health challenges left yet unresolved. A study on the experience of transgender sex workers reveals the myriad risks facing a group who are systematically marginalized from the public conversation on HIV—when they should actually be at the center of it.
Read more... The Nations - News - HIV|AIDS - Transgender Rights Sex Work - thenation.com

Antiretroviral Therapy For All (Almost)
December 15, 2015 - Optimal timing for initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been controversial since zidovudine, the first antiretroviral agent, entered clinical use. Over the years, the pendulum has swung back and forth on the benefits of early ART. Finally, this long-running debate has been resolved by the results of a large, international, randomized trial of early compared with deferred ART.
Read more... Infectious Disease Advisor - News - infectiousdiseaseadvisor.com

Aidsmap - aidsmap.com
UK maintains the largest HIV epidemic in western Europe...
15 December 2015 - Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) was a major topic at the 2015 National HIV Prevention Conference (NHPC) last week in Atlanta. A growing body of evidence continues to confirm that Truvada PrEP is highly effective at preventing HIV infection if taken regularly, both in clinical trials and in real-world clinical use. Yet uptake has been uneven, and researchers and front-line health workers are learning about barriers to PrEP implementation and scale-up for diverse population groups.
Read more... Aidsmap - aidsmap news - PREP - aidsmap.com

UHealth opens HIV research clinic at Jackson Memorial
December 15, 2015 - With more newly diagnosed HIV infections and AIDS cases than any other region in the nation, South Florida is at the epicenter of a public health crisis, researchers and physicians with the University of Miami Health System said Tuesday at the opening of the new UM Infectious Disease Research Unit at Jackson Memorial Hospital.
Read more... Miami Herald - News - miamiherald.com

World AIDS Day raises awareness of 36.9M living with diesase worldwide
15 December 2015 - 35 million people globally are now living with HIV. Many of those infections are in Africa.
"It's important to be tested because if you're not tested and you don't know your status, you could be spreading it and not even aware", said LaVere.
Read more... The Examiner Post - Daily News - ExaminerPost.com

Number of foreigners in China diagnosed with HIV/AIDS on the rise, many left to fend for themselves
December 15, 2015 - From January to October of this year, more than 1,800 foreigners in China have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, compared with a mere 1,500 cases from 2012 to 2014, a startling increase that is only expected to continue.
Read more... Shanghaiist - News - shanghaiist.com

Aidsmap - aidsmap.com
Drug resistance acquired during HIV PrEP rapidly disappears after medication is discontinued
14 December 2015 - Drug resistance acquired in rare cases of HIV infection during treatment with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) rapidly disappears once medication is discontinued, investigators report in AIDS. Use of ultra-sensitive tests performed six months after seroconversion and discontinuation of PrEP failed to find any resistant virus.
Read more... Aidsmap - aidsmap news - PREP - aidsmap.com

Malawi study shows AIDS treatments help more than HIV patients
Dec 14, 2015 - A University of Pennsylvania study shows that AIDS treatments in Malawi bring improved health and economic benefits to people who don’t have HIV.
The study results showed that the treatments aided people who don’t have HIV by resolving their fear of HIV and AIDS. The treatments also improved the productivity and mental health of people without HIV.
Read more... Vaccine News Daily - vaccinenewsdaily.com

Prince Harry Pays Tribute to Princess Diana at London HIV Hospital
December 14, 2015 - Prince Harry today was carrying on his mother's legacy by visiting London's Mildmay Hospital, an HIV-specialist hospital and charity his late mother, Princess Diana, supported in her life.
Read more... ABC News - Entertainment - abcnews.go.com

Task Force: Screen All Teens, Adults at Risk for Syphilis
MONDAY, Dec. 14, 2015 (HealthDay News) - All adults and teens at increased risk for syphilis should be screened for the sexually transmitted disease, a U.S. Preventive Services Task Force draft recommendation says.
Read more... U.S. News & World Report - Health - News - health.usnews.com

Danny Pintauro Is the Newest Ambassador for The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation
December 14, 2015 - PEOPLE can exclusively reveal that Danny Pintauro is the newest official ambassador for The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation.
The partnership was introduced at an intimate event held at UCLA on World AIDS Day, and the former Who's the Boss star, 39, follows in the footsteps of other ambassadors, including Colin Farrell, Whoopi Goldberg, Hairspray director Adam Shankman and Mean Girls star Daniel Franzese.
Read more... PEOPLE - People Exclusive - people.com

Red Ribbon Gala in Shanghai raises HIV/AIDS awareness
December 13, 2015 - Shanghai's first annual Red Ribbon Gala was held at the Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai on December 1, World AIDS Day, to promote the awareness of - and fight discrimination against - HIV/AIDS in China.
Read more... Global Times - News - globaltimes.cn

ACT UP - actupny.com/actions
Last night, members of AIDS activist group ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) crashed an event featuring national radio show host and longtime AIDS denialist Gary Null. Activists took over the lobby of the event hosted by local radio station WBAI at the New School carrying a banner reading “AIDS Denialism Kills.” Activists moved to the auditorium chanting “Shame on Null” and “HIV causes AIDS” before being stopped by security who scuffled with protesters and aggressively pushed them back. One activist, Brent Nicholson Earle, made it into the auditorium chanting while the others chanted “Shame on Null” through the open back door of the auditorium to the around 300 people in attendance.

Promoting Safe Sex Among Teenagers Has Stagnated
December 11, 2015 - According to a new report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the sex education programs taught in schools for the past 20 years haven’t amounted to much, because the number of U.S. teenagers who report using a condom has remained approximately the same.
Read more... Utah People's Post - News - utahpeoplespost.com

Harm reduction services less available in areas plagued by rising IV drug use and HIV infections
10-Dec-2015 - Access to harm reduction programs such as syringe exchange is lowest in rural and suburban areas, where rates of addiction to heroin and other opioids are on the rise, according to a study led by researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and published online today in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

Award-Winning Magazine Honors Long-Term Survivors Of HIV
12/10/2015 - POZ magazine recently published it's annual POZ 100 list, which highlights and supports the work of HIV/AIDS advocates. For the 2015 POZ 100, the publication asked organizations and people across America to nominate HIV-positive people who have been living with the virus prior "since 1995 or earlier who remain active in the fight to end the epidemic," notes a press release sent to The Huffington Post. "All of this year’s honorees have been living with the virus since before effective treatment was available, and many got HIV before 1985, when the first HIV test became accessible."
Read more... The Huffington Post - huffingtonpost.com

Is the Catholic Church’s anti-condom law enabling the prevalence of HIV/AIDS?
December 9, 2015 - There appears to be a feud between the Catholic Church and the National Aids Control Council (NACC) in Kenya over an ‘anti-condom’ campaign in the country. This dispute ensued after a Catholic apostolate, called the Human Life International, put up a billboard to campaign against the use of condoms.
Read more... VENTURES - venturesafrica.com

Have sex workers revealed a connection between semen exposure and HIV resistance?
PHILADELPHIA - Dec. 9, 2015 - Researchers at The Wistar Institute have studied how long-term sex work may change susceptibility to the HIV-1 virus
More than half of all people infected by the HIV-1 virus worldwide are women. Commercial sex workers, who are at increased risk of contracting HIV because of repeated exposure to the virus, have long been studied to test preventive behavioral and vaccine approaches aimed at decreasing the number of infections. In some areas of the world where HIV prevalence is higher, a small number of female sex workers continue to test negative for the infection despite repeated sexual activity and low rates of condom use. However, the reason as to why these women are protected from HIV infection has eluded scientists, since they seem to have none of the known immune responses against HIV itself.

AIDS activist Larry Kramer has changed his mind about HIV-preventing drugs
December 9, 2015 - Larry Kramer has reportedly backed down in his opposition to HIV-preventing PrEP drugs.
Read more... PINKNEWS - pinknews.co.uk

EGPAF launches new USAID-funded project to expand integrated HIV services in Uganda
Washington, D.C. - Dec. 9, 2015 - The five-year, $60 million project will integrate HIV services with tuberculosis, malaria, family planning, nutrition, and other health services in southwestern Uganda
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) today announced the launch of a new project to enhance integrated HIV service delivery in the southwest region of Uganda. Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services in Southwestern Uganda is a five-year, $60 million project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The project will take a data-driven and integrated approach to increase the availability, accessibility, and quality of health services including HIV and TB prevention, care and treatment; maternal, neonatal, and child health; family planning; nutrition counseling; malaria treatment; and other primary care services in 14 districts in the southwest region of Uganda.

Voice of America - www.voanews.com
Men's Self-Image Puts Them in Danger of Dying From AIDS
December 09, 2015 - NAIROBI - Men's self-image as strong, sexually active risk-takers means they are more likely to die from HIV/AIDS than are women, experts said on Wednesday, calling for more HIV workplace testing to reach men and greater efforts to change gender norms.
Read more... Voice of America - News - Health - voanews.com

Aidsmap - aidsmap.com
National HIV Prevention Conference highlights progress and disparities
09 December 2015 - Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), integration of prevention and treatment services, and initiatives to reach heavily affected but underserved groups are among the highlights of the 2015 National HIV Prevention Conference taking place this week in Atlanta. While the latest US epidemiological data show that HIV infections are on the decline overall, significant disparities have kept some groups from taking full advantage of recent prevention advances.
Read more... Aidsmap - aidsmap news - Epidemiology and behaviour - aidsmap.com

CDU Professor Curates 35th Annual Black Doll Exhibit to Empower Black Women Living With HIV/AIDS
Dec 9, 2015 -LOS ANGELES, CA This December, Charles R. Drew University (CDU) of Medicine and Science’s Assistant Professor Cynthia Davis will curate the 35th Annual Black Doll Show at The William Grant Still Arts Center.
The exhibit will feature work by local artists, including hand-made dolls, altars, National Names Project Quilts, sculptures, and a video preview of a relevant documentary focusing on African American women living with HIV/AIDS in the South.
Read more... Eurweb.com - News - eurweb.com

Two new CDC efforts aim to reduce HIV
December 8, 2015 - ATLANTA - At the National HIV Prevention Conference, the CDC announced the release of a national HIV testing campaign and an online tool to help people assess their risk for acquiring HIV.
Read more... Healio - Infectious Disease News - HIV/AIDS - healio.com

Feelings of vengeance influence sexual behaviors among MSM with HIV
December 8, 2015 - ATLANTA - Men who have sex with men reporting feelings of vengeance may be less likely to engage in safe sexual behavior, according to data presented here at the CDC’s National HIV Prevention Conference.
Read more... Healio - Infectious Disease News - HIV/AIDS - healio.com

HIV progress lags for gay, bisexual minorities, Southern states
December 7, 2015 - ATLANTA - Men who have sex with men reporting feelings of vengeance may be less likely to engage in safe sexual behavior, according to data presented here at the CDC’s National HIV Prevention Conference.
Read more... Healio - Infectious Disease News - HIV/AIDS - healio.com

Young men with detectable HIV more likely to have risky sex
December 7, 2015 - Young men who have sex with men and have detectable levels of HIV were more likely to report not using a condom during anal intercourse with a partner not infected with HIV, compared with virologically suppressed young men who have sex with men, according to researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. Findings are published online in JAMA Pediatrics.

POZ - www.poz.com
The POZ 100: Celebrating Long-Term Survivors
12/07/2015 - For the sixth annual POZ 100, we turn the spotlight on people who have been making a difference in the fight against HIV/AIDS and who have been living with the virus since 1995 or earlier. Why 1995? Because effective treatment came out the following year, and that changed everything. To have been HIV positive before 1996 means you experienced a different time in the epidemic and you now face the unique challenges of aging with the virus.
Read more... POZ - POZ Magazine - poz.com

This Is The Time For Leadership To Tackle HIV In Canada
12/07/2015 - An estimated 75,500 Canadians are living with HIV, with seven new infections occurring every day. While these numbers are concerning, Canada's overall rate of new infections is still lower than the global average. What these numbers don't show, however, is that HIV has reached epidemic levels in key populations across the country.
Read more... The Huffington Post - The BLOG - huffingtonpost.ca

U of T Commemorates HIV/AIDS
December 6, 2015 - U of T International Health Program holds commemoration at Hart House for lives lost to HIV/AIDS
As of 2014, approximately 37 million people with HIV. To provide an opportunity to discuss their struggles, the U of T International Health Program (UTIHP) and Global Health Engage — a subgroup of UTIHP — hosted a commemorative panel on World AIDS Day last week.
Read more... The Varsity - News - thevarsity.ca

Aids cases outpace rise in those treated, says ONE report
December 6, 2015 - International funding stagnates, though Ireland singled out for praise in report
Muluba Habanyama no longer lives in shame and fear.
Revealing her painful secret to the world that she is HIV positive removed an immense burden that had isolated and tortured her, further eroding her well-being.
Read more... Irish Times - News - irishtimes.com

HIV youth no longer living with fear and shame
Decebmer 6, 2015 - Muluba Habanyama no longer lives in shame and fear.
Revealing her painful secret to the world that she is HIV positive removed an immense burden that had isolated and tortured her, further eroding her well-being.
Read more... Toronto Sun - Life - torontosun.com

Annual HIV diagnoses down 19 percent over the past decade
Decebmer 6, 2015 - The number of annual HIV diagnoses declined by 19 percent between 2005 and 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Sunday evening, but diagnoses jumped 6 percent among men who have sex with other men.
Read more... The Washington Post - News - washingtonpost.com

Transmission of HIV drug resistance remains stable in Europe
December 4, 2015 - Recent data suggest the European transmission rate of HIV drug resistance between 2008 and 2010 was similar to rates recorded in previous years.
Read more... Healio - Infectious Disease News - HIV/AIDS - healio.com

HIV/AIDS treatments shown to disrupt cognitive function
Dec 4, 2015 - Antiretroviral medications that are commonly part of treatments for HIV infections and AIDS were recently proved to interrupt the function of insulation known as oligodendrocytes that protect the brain.
Read more... Vaccine News Daily - News - vaccinenewsdaily.com

Out of the Shadows: Female Drug Users and HIV/AIDS
December 3, 2015 - Although global action against HIV/AIDS is more than three decades old, certain populations have stayed on the margins of prevention efforts, medical care, and access to antiretroviral medication. While stigma surrounding HIV continues to frustrate progress against the epidemic for many vulnerable groups, few have been less visible than female drug users.
Read more... Columbia University School of Social Work - News - socialwork.columbia.edu

Elizabeth Taylor 'ran Dallas Buyers Club-style HIV drugs network from her home'
3 December, 2015 - Actor’s friend claims she set up scheme to procure and distribute experimental HIV medication in the early 1990s
There are about 75,500 people living with HIV in Canada and seven people catch it every day, says Stephanie Rullo of the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR). World AIDS Day on December 1st is a UN-designated time to dispel some of the myths that abound about the virus and how it is spread.
Read more... The Guardian - theguardian.com

HIV/AIDS still misunderstood, spread in Canada
3 December, 2015 - There are about 75,500 people living with HIV in Canada and seven people catch it every day, says Stephanie Rullo of the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR). World AIDS Day on December 1st is a UN-designated time to dispel some of the myths that abound about the virus and how it is spread.
Read more... Radio Canada International - rcinet.ca

Northern Health supports HIV/AIDS outreach
December 3, 2015 - Northern Health will make up to $180,000 in additional funds available to organizations who do HIV/AIDS outreach with a goal of improving the reach and impact of prevention, testing, treatment and support.
That is one part of an ongoing effort to support the Ministry of Health’s project dubbed “From Hope to Health,” which will mean working with primary care practices and establishing a regional HIV / Hepatitis C specialized care team.
Read more... Prince George Citizen - News - princegeorgecitizen.com

New hydrogel condom design includes anti-HIV antioxidants
COLLEGE STATION, Texas, Dec. 2 (UPI) - The latex-free condom will prevent pregnancy, the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, and make sex more enjoyable, said its designers at Texas A&M University.
As part of an international effort to increase use of condoms as a way to prevent the spread of the HIV and AIDS, researchers at Texas A&M University developed a new non-latex condom that is expected to kill the virus even if the condom breaks.
The condom is made of an elastic polymer called hydrogel, and includes plant-based antioxidants that have anti-HIV properties.
Read more... UPI.com - Health - News - upi.com

Public Health promoting HIV/AIDS awareness
COLLEGE STATION, Texas, Dec. 2 (UPI) - Red scarves will be doled out again this December First Friday as Lambton Public Health works to help promote HIV/AIDS awareness.
Knitted, crocheted or sewn by community volunteers, the scarves are designed to promote awareness as part of the annual Red Scarf Project, which coincides with World HIV/AIDS Day on Dec. 1.
Read more... Sarnia Observer - News - theobserver.ca

World Aids Day: What you want to know about HIV/Aids but are afraid to ask
December 1, 2015 - There are approximately 36.9 million people living with HIV
World Aids Day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died.
Read more... The Independent - Health - independent.co.uk

How close are we to a cure for HIV/AIDS?
December 1, 2015 - Just three decades ago at the start of the AIDS epidemic, testing positive for HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS, was essentially a death sentence. Today, the outlook is much less grim. If patients are diagnosed early and take antiretroviral medication as directed, doctors say they can live a normal lifespan. But there is still no cure.
Read more... CBS News - News - cbsnews.com

Americans Are Still Being Imprisoned For Being HIV Positive
December 1, 2015 - There has never been a documented case in which HIV was transmitted via saliva. But Willie Campbell, who is HIV positive, has been behind bars for nearly a decade and is serving a 35-year sentence for spitting at a Dallas police officer. According to the ruling, Campbell's saliva was a deadly weapon, and spitting at the officer was akin to using a firearm.
Read more... VICE News - news.vice.com

Africa’s biggest HIV/AIDS conference opens in Harare
December 1, 2015 - The largest gathering on HIV and AIDS, and Sexually transmitted infections, in Africa has officially commenced in Harare, Zimbabwe, under the theme; HIV/AIDS in Post 2015 Era: Linking Leadership, Science & Human Rights.
Christened the 18th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA 2015), the summit, being attended by about 5000 delegates is to showcase new research findings, and strategies towards achieving the global target of ending the AIDS epidemic by the year 2030.
Read more... GhanaWeb - News - ghanaweb.com

Jakarta launches ‘fast track’ strategy to combat HIV/AIDS
December 1, 2015 - The Jakarta administration launched over the weekend a strategy to combat and eradicate HIV/AIDS by 2020, called the Jakarta Fast Track Ending the AIDS Epidemic.
Read more... The Jakarta Post - News - thejakartapost.com

More people living longer with HIV, but new cases on the rise
December 1, 2015 - It wasn’t all that long ago that an HIV diagnosis meant a rapid and painful death, but much has changed since then. As Mike Drolet reports, most people live with HIV/AIDS instead of die from it.
Watch Video... Global News - Video - globalnews.ca

World AIDS Day: The state of HIV/AIDS in Canada
December 1, 2015 - Tuesday marks World AIDS Day and experts in the field have turned their attention to a lofty goal of ending the epidemic by 2030.
Here are three facts about the state of HIV/AIDS nationally, and how Canada can play a role in eradicating the deadly virus worldwide.
Read more... CTV News - HIV/AIDS - ctvnews.ca

Treato - treato.com
Treato Finds Approval of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Is GrowingOnlineWithinCommunities At Risk for HIV
NEW YORK, December 1, 2015 - Acceptance of Truvada As a HIV Risk Reduction Strategy Is Growing In Both HIV/AIDS and MSMOnline Communities
Timed to this year's World AIDS Day, Treato, a leading consumer online healthcare destination, released their data analysis on the growing acceptance of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as a HIV risk reduction strategy among at-risk communities.

Understanding HIV: treatment has come a long way, public awareness has not
Dec 1, 2015 - Tuesday marks World AIDS Day and experts in the field have turned their attention to a lofty goal of ending the epidemic by 2030.
Here are three facts about the state of HIV/AIDS nationally, and how Canada can play a role in eradicating the deadly virus worldwide.
Read more... Nanaimo Daily News - nanaimodailynews.com

HIV/AIDS drugs interfere with brain's 'Insulation,' Penn-CHOP team shows
1-Dec-2015 - Antiretroviral therapies, or ART, have enabled people with HIV and AIDS to live much longer lives, transforming what was considered a death sentence into a chronic condition. Yet concerns for these patients remain. Up to half of people with HIV on these drug regimens have some sort of cognitive impairment, such as memory loss or problems with executive functioning, despite the virus being almost undetectable in their bodies.

UNAIDS - www.unaids.org
On World AIDS Day 2015, Executive Director of UNAIDS calls on countries to quicken the pace of action
DURBAN/GENEVA, 1 December 2015 - Fast-Track Strategy to reach people with HIV prevention and treatment and end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat
On World AIDS Day 2015, the Executive Director of UNAIDS, Michel Sidibé, has said that countries are on a countdown to ending their AIDS epidemics and that if swift and effective action is taken over the next five years, one by one they will break their epidemics so that they cannot rebound.
Mr Sidibé made the remarks as he joined the Deputy President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, at South Africa's national World AIDS Day event, which was held in the Ugu District of KwaZulu-Natal Province on 1 December.

Voice of America - www.voanews.com
$12 Billion Annual Gap Threatens Fight Against HIV/AIDS
December 01, 2015 - NEW YORK - For global health advocates, December 1 is an opportunity to focus the world's attention on the fight against AIDS. The international health day was established to support the millions of people infected with the virus and commemorate the more than 35 million who have died as a result.
Read more... Voice of America - News - Health - voanews.com

Worlds AIDS Day: More resources needed to achieve ‘AIDS-free generation’
December 1, 2015 - World AIDS Day is observed each year on Dec. 1 to raise awareness about HIV and increase efforts toward the eradication of AIDS, according to a press release.
This year’s theme, “The Time to Act is Now,” highlights the urgent need to implement the best evidence-based HIV prevention strategies.
Read more... Healio - Infectious Disease News - HIV/AIDS - healio.com

How Activists Changed The Federal Approach To AIDS Research Forever
December 1, 2015 - There are so many times that conventional wisdom failed people with HIV or AIDS.
Neil Self found out he was HIV-positive 25 years ago following a routine test. He learned of his diagnosis in the morning and continued on to work, as a grocery store cashier, in a state of disbelief.
Read more... Huffington Post - News - huffingtonpost.com

Dr. Peter Centre helping Vancouver lead global fight against HIV/AIDS
Dec. 01, 2015 - VANCOUVER - Neil Self found out he was HIV-positive 25 years ago following a routine test. He learned of his diagnosis in the morning and continued on to work, as a grocery store cashier, in a state of disbelief.
Read more... The Globe and Mail - News - theglobeandmail.com

8 dangerous HIV myths debunked by the experts
December 1, 2015 - CNN - HIV/AIDS is one of the highest profile diseases of our times, but many of us are still ignorant about key aspects of the illness, how it works and how to live with it.
HIV has killed an estimated 39 million people to date, but making it more dangerous are the misunderstandings and stigmas that surround it. We asked experts to debunk some of the most prevalent and damaging myths about HIV. This is what they said.
Read more... CNN - Health - cnn.com

Bradford McIntyre
World AIDS Day 2015: Best of Dini Petty: Bradford McIntyre
December 1, 2015 - World AIDS Day - 21 years ago today, I was a guest on the Dini Petty Show for World AIDS Day, December 1st 1994
In 1994, I decided to write a letter addressed to government and the media, about my personal story living with HIV, along with the needs of people, who were living with HIV/AIDS. My friend, Leah Brenda Smith, helped me draft the letter. My letter was one of putting the information out to the Universe! There was no anger, no telling government what to do, no demands for action. Telling my story about living with HIV, providing insight and information and hopefully, create awareness and change, touching the person or people who would read my letter. A Course in Miracles says, “A shift in perception is nothing short of a Miracle”!

Best of Dini Petty: Bradford McIntyre
Published on Dec 1, 2015 - November 30, 1994: Bradford McIntrye comes out on World Aids Day 1994 and begins a journey as an HIV/AIDS warrior. He had been given 6 months to live.
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HIV Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) in Canada: Action Plan 2015-2020
December 1, 2015 - Jacqueline Gahagan, Brian Condran, Mohammad Hajizadeh
The overarching purpose of this Action Plan is to help establish recommended actions in relation to greater equity and support in building our national HIV testing response, including, but not limited to, an increase in awareness, access to and uptake of HIV point-of-care-testing (POCT) in Canada by 2020, and the development of expected outcomes or progress indicators towards these actions.

...positive attitudes are not simply 'moods'

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