Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - June 2013
A record 10 million people living with HIV now have access to antiretroviral treatment
GENEVA, 30 June 2013 - Biggest year on year increase as numbers of people accessing antiretroviral therapy increase by 1.6 million from 2011 to 2012
A new report from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, Global update on HIV treatment 2013: results,
impact and opportunities, shows a huge acceleration in the roll out and uptake of antiretroviral therapy since 2011. A record 9.7 million people living with HIV were accessing treatment in 2012 compared to just over 8.1 million in 2011--an increase of 1.6 million in one year alone.
Communities vital to delivering on the promise of new global HIV treatment guidelines
Kuala Lumpur, 30 June 2013 - Joint Statement by the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the Alliance) and STOP AIDS NOW! (SAN!)
The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the Alliance), and STOP AIDS NOW, today welcomed the World Health Organisation's (WHO's) new guidelines on the
use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for the treatment and prevention of HIV and called on governments, multilateral and bilateral agencies, and donors to ensure that communities are meaningfully engaged as countries implement these guidelines.
The 30 30 Campaign Launch is Finally Here! The first video will be released at 10am PST July 1st
June 30, 2013 - Vancouver - We are so excited to share it, and hope you will be too! Please share it with all your networks via email, twitter, facebook and anywhere else you share.
Be the Change Group Inc., could not be more proud to present our latest campaign- The 30 30 Campaign , in celebration of the 30th Anniversary of our client, AIDS Vancouver.
The 30 30 Campaign has brought together the untold story of the past 30 years of both AIDS Vancouver and Vancouver's HIV Epidemic-told now by and for those who were there-community leaders, nurses, doctors, politicians, and people living with HIV.
WHO issues new HIV recommendations calling for earlier treatment
30 June 2013 | Geneva - Earlier, safer and simpler antiretroviral therapy can push the HIV epidemic into irreversible decline
New HIV treatment guidelines by WHO recommend offering antiretroviral therapy (ART) earlier. Recent evidence indicates that earlier ART will help people with HIV to live longer, healthier lives,
and substantially reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to others. The move could avert an additional 3 million deaths and prevent 3.5 million more new HIV infections between now and 2025.

U.S. National Institutes of Health, Centers for AIDS Research and International AIDS Society Announce New Round of Innovative HIV Research Awards
Saturday, 29 June, 2013 (Geneva, Switzerland) - The International AIDS Society (IAS), in partnership with the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the
NIH - supported Centers for AIDS Research (CFARs), today announced the launch of a new round of the joint research grant programme, Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR).

How graphics, sex, and humour saved lives: 30 years of AIDS advocacy in Toronto
Jun 28 2013 - The AIDS Committee of Toronto broke new ground and caused many to take offense by going explicit to spread the word on safe sex
Thirty years ago, the newly named disease called AIDS was just as bewildering as it was terrifying. It was a time of panic in gay communities worldwide, with fear and shaming
as rumours often outpaced what limited facts were available, and those who became ill were treated like outcasts destined to die.

- Watch Online
Women's voices have rarely been heard on this important issue. What happens if a woman does not disclose her HIV-positive status to a sexual partner? How does criminalization impact
HIV-positive women in Canada, who are trying to live their lives in the shadow of stigma and fear? Does the law actually protect women's health? How do women feel about their experience with the criminal law with respect to HIV non-disclosure?
Legislation ignores benefits of safe injection sites, say doctors
June 28, 2013 - A leading infection-control expert is urging public health officials to speak out about the benefits of safe injection sites instead of staying silent about new federal legislation that will make it harder for communities across Canada to establish new locations.

Statement by the President on National HIV Testing Day
June 27, 2013 - Today is National HIV Testing Day, when we encourage people across the United States to get tested. Early detection and treatment
for HIV saves lives, and yet over half of adults in the United States have never been tested. Nearly one in five people living with HIV in this country doesn't know his or her status. That delays treatment, increases the risk of transmission, and sets us back in our fight against the epidemic.

HIV Testing Day
Published on Jun 27, 2013 - The numbers are shocking, more than 200 people in the RGV have been diagnosed with the HIV virus. To make matters worse, 1 in 4 cases are from children as young as 13.

PrEP works for people who use injection drugs
27 June 2013 - Started in 2005, the primary aim of the Bangkok Tenofovir Study was to determine if oral tenofovir taken daily could reduce the risk of HIV infection
among people who use injection drugs. The study was a collaborative project involving the CDC in the US, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and Thailand's Ministry of Public Health.

AIDSVu releases new maps that depict impact of HIV in America
ATLANTA,June 27, 2013 - New data compiled by Emory University shows where prevention and treatment are needed most
Today, on National HIV Testing Day, the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University launched its annual update of AIDSVu, including new interactive
online maps that show the latest HIV prevalence data for 20 U.S. cities by ZIP code or census tract. AIDSVu also includes new city snapshots displaying HIV prevalence alongside various
social determinants of health - such as poverty, lack of health insurance, and educational attainment.
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Statement for National HIV Testing Day 2013
June 26, 2013 - Do you know your HIV status? On June 27, the nation will observe the 19th annual National HIV Testing Day. This year's theme is "Take the Test. Take Control."

IGLHRC Comments on U.S. Supreme Court Marriage Equality Rulings
June 26, 2013 - IGLHRC Celebrates the Rights of LGBT People
When we talk about liberation of LGBT people and our allies, in the U.S. or anywhere else in the world, we must think in terms that are both basic and ambitious.
No one should be arbitrarily arrested, subjected to violence, fired from a job, expelled from school, refused housing or be exiled for who they are or who they love. Everyone should
enjoy the right to speak publically and assemble with others, be it at a Pride celebration, queering a space, or simply having a conversation with friends about their vision of equality for themselves and their community.

Frank Mugisha video and a challenge from the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network!
June 26, 2013 - The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network was honoured to host Frank in Canada. We arranged numerous interviews with the media and raised
awareness across the country on the challenges and dangers facing the LGBT community in Uganda, as well as the
community organizing to resist the anti-gay bill pending before that country's parliament. We also facilitated direct talks between Frank and government officials, including
the office of Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird. These talks will be helpful in securing Canada's ongoing constructive support to Frank's advocacy efforts.
VH1 Joins With Greater Than AIDS and Alicia Keys to Spotlight Impact of HIV on Women in the U.S.
June 26, 2013 - VH1 is helping to bring attention to the impact of HIV/AIDS on women with a new series of public service ads slated to air during
its popular Monday night programming block starting June 24. The spots are part of a new campaign from Greater Than AIDS and Grammy Award-winning artist Alicia Keys, called EMPOWERED that encourages women to lead in their everyday lives in response to HIV/AIDS.
HIV treatment update - Spring 2013
25 June 2013 - The new edition of HIV treatment update (HTU) is on its way to subscribers and is also available online at www.aidsmap.com/htu.

The International AIDS Society and Partners Award Outstanding Research Presented at the 7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2013) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tuesday, 25 June, 2013 (Geneva, Switzerland) - Women, Girls and HIV Investigator's Prize, IAS/ANRS Young Investigator Awards, and IAS TB/HIV Research Prize to be Presented to Outstanding Researchers from Australia, Romania, South Africa, United Kingdom, the U.S. and Zimbabwe.
The International AIDS Society (IAS) announced today seven winners of three prestigious scientific awards to be presented in conjunction with the 7 th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2013) to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 30 June - 3 July 2013. The IAS and
its partners recognise with these awards exceptional abstracts presented at the conference.
HIV-positive men show high rates of papillomavirus infection at oral, anal and penile sites
June 25 2013 - Scientists in Barcelona have found a high presence of papillomavirus infection in oral, anal and penile cavities in HIV-positive men,
particularly in the anal cavities of men who have homosexual sex. The researchers recommend routine examination of the three areas in all men, independently of their sexual behaviour.
HIV-carrying men are more frequently co-infected by human papillomavirus (HPV) in oral, anal and penile sites, according to a study published in the journal 'Sexually
Transmitted Diseases' carried out by scientists from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Lluita Contra la SIDA (Fight Against AIDS) Foundation and the IrsiCaixa Foundation (Spain).
New HIV infections among children have been reduced by 50% or more in seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa
GENEVA, 25 June 2013 - New report also shows that access to treatment remains unacceptably low for children--only 3 in 10 children in need of treatment have access in most of the 'Global Plan' priority countries
A new report on the Global Plan towards elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive (Global Plan) has revealed a marked increase in progress in stopping new infections in children across the Global Plan priority countries in Africa.
Where Are They Now?: ACT UP AIDS Activists 25 Years Later
June 25, 2013 - Saturday night at the West Village's 49 Grove, the venerable AIDS activist group ACT UP NY, which pulled off spectacularly bold demonstrations in the late eighties and early nineties to force the government to speed
up development of lifesaving HIV medications, held a reunion of sorts for its first wave of surviving members.
Read more & Watch Slideshow...

Pediatric HIV/AIDS experts to present at 2013 International AIDS Society Conference
25-Jun-2013 - Experts from the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation are available for comments and media interviews
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) has released a report to mark the end of its successful project with Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) to improve
access to prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) and HIV care and treatment services for families in Cameroon.

24, 2013 - GENEVA, Switzerland - The International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) focused on expanding access to HIV testing, care, treatment, and support services globally.
15-year Vancouver study says harm reduction more effective than war on drugs
June 24, 2013 - VANCOUVER - Harm reduction - not a war on drugs - has reduced illicit drug use and improved public safety in what was once Ground Zero for an HIV and overdose epidemic that cost many lives, says a 15-year study of drug use in Vancouver's impoverished Downtown Eastside.

When AIDS viruses are transmitted despite treatment
Berne, 24 June 2013 - While antiretroviral drugs offer an efficient means of preventing the replication of HIV in the blood, shedding of HIV may occur in semen, so that other persons can
become infected during unprotected sexual intercourse. This occurs in particular if the male genital tract also has other viral infections. That is the conclusion reached by a scientist who is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
When HIV-Positive Children Grow Up: Managing the Transition to Adult Medical Care
June 24, 2013 - With advances in antiretroviral therapy, most HIV-infected children now survive into adulthood. According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, in 2009 there were roughly 77,000 HIV-infected youth between 13 and 24 years of age in the U.S., and youths accounted for a quarter of all new HIV infections in 2010.

The HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator - AIDS.gov
Published on Jun 21, 2013 - The HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator is a first-of-its-kind, location-based search tool that allows you to
search for testing services, housing providers, health centers and other service providers near your current location.

A Victory for Free Speech from the Supreme Court
06/21/2013 - Yesterday, in an important First Amendment decision, the Supreme Court ruled
that the government may not require federal grant recipients to endorse the government's policy positions. The decision in Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International, which was written by Chief Justice Roberts, also has important implications for public health.
PRIDE Legacy Awards Presented by TELUS
July 20th at the Imperial on Main
Reception. 6pm - Awards 7:30pm
Hosted by Fred Lee
Silent Auction
The Awards will celebrate the Legacy of Pride in Vancouver and the individuals whose volunteer efforts have shaped the LGBTQ community.
The first annual PRIDE Legacy Awards Presented by TELUS is taking place this year to celebrate the individuals that built and continue to shape
our community with their unabashed Pride. We will showcase community members that promote the Legacy of Pride in Vancouver through their community service.

AIDS Candlelight Vigil marks another year
June 21, 2013 - PRIDE NEWS / Event strikes a solemn and defiant chord on the eve of Pride Week
A candlelight vigil marked the addition of 22 names to the AIDS Memorial June 20. The annual event at Cawthra Square once again drew hundreds of people to the park as dusk settled on Toronto.
Better Testing Catches Early HIV Infection
June 21, 2013 - New approaches to HIV testing can detect acute infections that would have gone undetected with older methods, according to a CDC report.
Interaction between steroid injections and HIV protease inhibitors can disrupt cortisol levels
20 June 2013 - Corticosteroid injections can lead to dysfunctions in cortisol levels in people taking HIV protease inhibitors, according to research published in the online edition of the Journal of Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Investigators in the United States found that 11% of their HIV-positive patients developed hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysfunction after treatment with local corticosteroid injections. All were taking
antiretroviral therapy based on a protease inhibitor (PI).The authors believe that a drug interaction was the reason.

ACLU Statement on Supreme Court Ruling in Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society, International
June 20, 2013 - WASHINGTON - In a 6-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today in Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International, Inc., that the government may not require that organizations participating in a federally-funded program to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS adopt a policy explicitly opposing prostitution and sex trafficking.

amfAR Applauds Supreme Court Decision on Anti-Prostitution Pledge
NEW YORK, June 20, 2013 - Ruling Finds Law Requiring HIV/AIDS Groups to Adopt Anti-Prostitution Policies Unconstitutional
Challenging the anti-prostitution pledge, a group of more than 200 organizations including amfAR questioned in an amicus brief filed in April whether the policy is compatible with the First Amendment as well as the interests of public health.
It argued that including people involved in sex work in the fight against AIDS is an effective strategy in combating the epidemic.

amfAR Praises American Medical Association Opposition to Blood Donation Ban for Men Who Have Sex with Men
NEW YORK, June 20, 2013 - amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, today applauded the American Medical Association's (AMA) decision to oppose
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's longstanding policy that prohibits blood donations from all men who have sex with men (MSM), charging that the lifetime ban is "discriminatory and not based on sound science."
USAID v AOSI: Supreme Court rules in favor of free speech
WASHINGTON (June 20, 2013) - This morning, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-2 in InterAction's favor in the case of USAID v AOSI. This case,
in which InterAction is a co-plaintiff, challenged a 2003 law that requires all groups receiving U.S government funds for international HIV and AIDS work to have "a policy explicitly opposing prostitution."
AIDS in New York -- The First 5 Years: Where Did All the Lads Go?
June 19, 2013 - By
Alison Winfield Burns - HuffPost - Neglect and inaction slew our loved ones. Mowed them down like lawn. But if Freddie Mercury is in his grave, so is Mayor Koch. May God rest their souls. Don't we wish them all back again, oh so ardently and with so many tears, don't we wish?
The first thing you see: A bull's eye target asks "What is AIDS?" in simple graphics of lavender, yellow, red, and white. A looping sequence includes the outline of a chimpanzee pinned with a red HIV badge. Originating in Africa, the virus jumps from simian to human hosts: "Decolonization and vaccinations may have contributed to the spread." T-cells, opportunistic infections, and an ominous last word: "To date there is no cure."

Cool Video: HIV's Inner Shell
Published on Jun 19, 2013 - Computer-generated model of the approximately 4.2 million atoms of the HIV capsid, the shell that encloses the virus's genetic material.
CDC: HPV vaccine reduced disease rates in teen girls by 56 percent
June 19, 2013 - Rates of HPV strains related to genital warts and some cancers have decreased 56 percent among American teen girls since a vaccine was introduced in 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Wednesday.
UNAIDS and Lancet to bring together political and health leaders to shape the debate on the future of global health
Geneva/Lilongwe, 19 June 2013 - Ahead of the first meeting of the UNAIDS and Lancet Commission: From AIDS to Sustainable Health, the esteemed Commissioners
who will be working together on HIV and global health in the post-2015 debate have been announced.
HIV-derived antibacterial shows promise against drug-resistant bacteria
19-Jun-2013 - A team of researchers at the University of Pittsburgh has developed antibacterial compounds, derived from the outer coating of HIV, that could be potential
treatments for drug-resistant bacterial infections and appear to avoid generating resistance. These new agents are quite small, making them inexpensive and easy to manufacture. The research was published in the June 2013 issue of the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
NIH scientists find promising biomarker for predicting HPV-related oropharynx cancer
June 19, 2013 - In their study, at least 1 in 3 individuals with oropharyngeal cancer had antibodies to HPV, compared to fewer than 1 in 100
individuals without cancer. When present, these antibodies were detectable many years before the onset of disease. These findings raise the possibility that a blood test might one day be used to identify patients with this type of cancer.

ACT launches education campaign for HIV positive youth
June 19, 2013 - New book tackles issues of safe sex, disclosure
This is an opportunity for you, as a HIV+ man, to teach a class to other HIV+ men on a subject of your choice. No prior teaching experience is necessary, just be passionate and knowledgeable about your
subject! Classes at + Men's University will range in size from 5 to 25 students, and are 45 minutes long.
Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men
June 19, 2013 - Durban - Fact Sheet
Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are more severely affected by HIV than any other group in the United States. Read more about prevention challenges for MSM and what CDC is doing to address them in HIV Among Gay and Bisexual Men.

New Analysis of World's Premier AIDS Conference Finds Poor Coverage of Populations Most-at-Risk for HIV
June 18, 2013 - Hundreds of Organizations Worldwide Call on Conference Organizers to Increase Meaningful Coverage of Gay Men, Transgender People, People Who Inject Drugs, and Sex Workers
A new report produced by a coalition of global advocacy organizations shows that the International AIDS Conference (IAC) program continues to lack meaningful coverage of populations most-at-risk for HIV, including
men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people, people who inject drugs (PWID), and sex workers. Over 220 organizations from more than 70 countries around the world have called on the organizers of the IAC to take concrete measures
to increase coverage of HIV-related issues concerning the health and human rights of these populations worldwide.

UBC researchers team up with Chinese biotech firm to accelerate infectious disease, cancer research
June 17, 2013 - UBC researchers with Microbiology and Immunology, Chemistry and the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) have partnered with an international investment
company and a Chinese biotechnology firm to accelerate the development of new treatments for a variety of diseases.
12 HIV-Positive Tattoos You Must See
June 17, 2013 - Nothing fires up a conversation like asking a group of HIV-positive people how they feel about poz tattoos. Bottom line, you either love 'em or hate 'em. Aaron Lamout, who is currently planning for his own tattoo, argues that "willingly branding yourself,
I feel, takes away any power others have of causing harm. You wear your status proudly for all the world to see. It might, in it's own small way, help spread awareness. Once seen it cannot be unseen. By putting it in the public eye it forces people to talk about it."
Many Young Americans Unaware They're Infected With HIV
MONDAY, June 17 (HealthDay News) - Study found age was key to whether patients knew HIV status and were getting treatment
The younger you are, the less likely you are to realize you are infected with HIV or receive treatment for it, a new study finds.

New Clinical Strategy Towards a Potential "Functional Cure" for HIV Announced at Today's Capital Markets Day
(Oslo, Norway, 14 June 2013) - Bionor Pharma Plans for a First-Mover Clinical Study Combining its Therapeutic HIV Vaccine Vacc-4x with an HDAC Inhibitor
Bionor Pharma ASA (OSE: BIONOR) meets today with investors and analysts at its Capital Markets Day to present the Company's new clinical strategy in its pursuit of a Functional Cure for HIV.
As one of the key elements of the new strategy, Bionor Pharma plans to initiate a study combining its therapeutic T-cell vaccine Vacc-4x with an HDAC inhibitor (HDACi).
Encouraging HIV Testing with Video
June 14, 2013 - Our newest video, "Facing AIDS for National HIV Testing Day," is a short, shareable video that anyone can use to jump-start a
conversation with a loved one, to educate colleagues, to show at a local HIV awareness event, or share on social media. With the approach of National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) on June 27,
we hope you will be able to use this video in your local NHTD events.
Annual Report 2012--2013 - Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Published on Jun 13, 2013 - Highlights of our work in Canada and around the world from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013.
Walgreens and Greater Than AIDS Team With Health Departments and Local AIDS Service Organizations to Provide Free HIV Testing in Support of National HIV Testing Day
June 13, 2013 - HIV Testing Events Being Held at 175 Walgreens Locations in 54 Cities June 27-29
Walgreens, the nation's largest drugstore chain (NYSE: WAG) (Nasdaq: WAG), and Greater Than AIDS, a coalition of public and private sector partners united in response to
the domestic AIDS epidemic, are teaming with health departments and local AIDS organizations across the country to provide FREE HIV testing in support of National HIV Testing Day, June 27.
Testing locations include nearly 175 Walgreens stores in 54 cities across 22 states.
10 Amazing HIV-Positive Gay Men
June 12 2013 - From Freddy Mercury to Vito Russo, there have been thousands of amazing gay and bisexual men who have lived with HIV. In honor of LGBT pride month, we're celebrating 10 of our
favorite gay men who are reinventing what it means to be HIV-positive in 2013 simply by being themselves.
UNAIDS welcomes new findings that provide an additional tool for HIV prevention for people who inject drugs
GENEVA, 12 June 2013 - The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) welcomes new findings announced today that an antiretroviral medicine, taken daily as a prophylaxis, can reduce the risk of HIV infection by 49% for HIV-negative men and women who inject drugs.
Study finds first evidence that PrEP can reduce HIV risk among people who inject drugs
Published on Jun 12, 2013 - A daily dose of a medication used to treat HIV infection reduced the risk of HIV acquisition among people who inject drugs by 49 percent. Those who took the medication
most consistently had even higher levels of protection, according to a new study announced today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - in collaboration with the Bangkok
Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and the Thailand Ministry of Public Health (MOPH).

In Haiti: "Always there for" HIV-positive children and young adults
Published on Jun 12, 2013 - UNICEF correspondent Thomas Nybo reports on how head of an adolescent clinic in Port-au-Prince Dr. Rachel Bertrand is on a mission to improve the care of HIV-positive children and young adults in Haiti.
The 30 30 Campaign:
30 years of the HIV movement in Vancouver
June 2013 - Vancouver - AIDS VANCOUVER TURNS 30,
RSVP for the 30th Anniversary Celebration
Wrapping up The 30 30 Campaign in style, the legendary Commodore Ballroom is rolling out the red carpet and playing host for an evening of remembrance and celebration July 30th, 2013. Musical talent, live painting and dynanmic hosts will fill the stage as guests dine on canapés and small plates. The evening will feature the inaugural Red Ribbon Awards, honoring some of AIDS Vancouver's remarkable champions, as well as the premiere of the final video of The 30 30 Campaign series.

HIV/AIDS in Yemen: Fighting discrimination
12 June 2013 - "Fighting discrimination is a major challenge," says Dr Abdul Fattah. "At first, people with HIV were being refused admission to hospital. After a lot of pressure and training of medical staff, the situation has improved a bit. Yet there are still many doctors, respected doctors, who panic at the mere mention of HIV."
Read more & Watch Video ...

Exploring the risks of liver cancer after successful treatment for hepatitis C virus
Jun 11, 2013 - HCV infects the liver. Initially there may be no symptoms or mild symptoms of infection similar to the flu. As a result, many people
may not be aware that they have HCV. Once HCV infection becomes established in the liver, it slowly degrades the functioning of this vital organ.

BCCLA responds to the release of new regulations for medical marijuana
June 11, 2013 - Vancouver - Micheal Vonn, Policy Director, stated: "These new regulations are bound for a constitutional
challenge, as the government has failed, yet again, to properly provide for the rights of patients. The heart of the new regulations is to license a medical
marijuana industry and prevent patients from producing their own medical marijuana. But this plan does not include any mechanism for cost containment or
cost coverage and requires patients who have been producing their own medication for daily needs to find anywhere from $500 to $2,500 per month to
pay for their medication. Not a single person on a disability assistance income in this country could afford medication at this cost.

Nation's Largest Health Insurer Sued for Discriminating Against HIV/AIDS Patients
Recent Settlement in Similar Lawsuit Allows Anthem Blue Cross Patients To "Opt-Out" of Mandatory Mail-Order Rx Drug Program
In a potentially devastating move for the health and privacy of HIV/AIDS patients, United Healthcare, the nation's largest health insurer, is illegally
forcing its sickest and most vulnerable members to abandon their local pharmacies in favor of United's own in-house mail-order service, according to a new statewide class action lawsuit brought by Consumer Watchdog.
Cost-effective: HIV tests for all in India
June 10, 2013 - PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] - A new study using a sophisticated statistical tool, has determined that providing universal
HIV testing for India's billion-plus population every five years would prove to be a cost-effective approach to managing the epidemic, even with more intensive testing for high-risk groups.
Results appear in the journal PLoS One.
In India most people who are HIV positive don't know it, yet testing and treatment are relatively cheap and available.
It would therefore meet international standards of cost-effectiveness - and save millions of lives for decades - to test every person in
the billion-plus population every five years according to a new study published in the journal PLoS One.
Ban calls on Member States to press ahead with efforts to realize AIDS-free world
10 June 2013 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on Member States to press ahead with efforts to realize the vision of a world free of AIDS, as the United Nations General
Assembly met to consider progress in the global struggle against the epidemic.

Lunch & Learn:
Initial findings from the CIHR Team Study of Acute HIV Infection in Gay Men
Date: Wednesday, 12 June 2013 - 12:00pm
Location: Training Room, Positive Living BC
Cost: Free
The purpose of this talk is to have a discussion regarding the initial findings from surveys and interviews with gay men
in Vancouver newly diagnosed with acute or recent HIV infection. These findings are from a five-year study coordinated by the BC Centre for
Disease Control, where Positive Living has been a key community partner. The presenters would like to discuss the findings and plans for analysis in the final year of the study.

AIDS: The Story of the Snowy Owl
The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation - "On October 29th, 1993, a cold and windy day, family and friends were gathered around my brother Louis.

May Review of What's Hot in HIV Research
Welcome to the Pacific AIDS Network's May review of What's HOT in HIV Research! It's been a very busy few months here at PAN since our über
exciting Knowledge to Action conference in February followed by the Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR) conference in Vancouver.
AIDS in New York: The First Five Years
June 07, 2013 - September 15, 2013
New-York Historical Society Museum & Library
AIDS in New York: The First Five Years will explore the impact of the epidemic on personal lives, public health and medical practices, culture, and politics in New York City and the nation.
Duke to co-lead research network on resistant bacteria
June 8, 2013 - "The worry is that, a few years down the road, there are going to be a lot of drug resistant bacteria around and nothing to treat it with," said Scott Evans, director of statistical and
data management for the new project and principal investigator at the Statistical and Data Management Center for the Neurologic AIDS Research Consortium at Harvard University.

Canada blocking efforts at the UN to address sexual violence against women
Ottawa/Geneva - June 7 2013 - Governments and civil society are calling into question the leadership of the Canadian government on the theme of Violence Against Women at the 23rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC).
n previous years, the Canadian government, which chairs the negotiations of the annual HRC resolution on violence against women, has played a leadership role in helping to create advances seeking to protect women from violence. Yet this year, a number of concerns have been raised regarding Canada's
approach to the new resolution on the theme of 'sexual violence'. The concerns in question are the very proposals that Canada itself is putting forward which are regressive and represent a serious attack on women's rights and the health and wellbeing of survivors of sexual violence.
Female sex workers frequently offered larger fees by their clients in return for sex without a condom
07 June 2013 - Client demand for unprotected sex is contributing to the HIV epidemic among female sex workers, according to Canadian research published in the online edition of the Journal
of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Investigators in Vancouver found that approximately three-quarters of sex workers were offered more money by clients for sex without a condom and that 19% accepted this money. Transgender
women were more likely to accept extra money for unsafe sex, as were women who experienced client violence and users of methamphetamine.

Job Posting - Prison Outreach Worker - Positive Living BC
June 2013 - Working in collaboration with the Prison Outreach Coordinator, and under the direction of the Director of Support Services,
the Prison Outreach Program Worker will perform a wide range of program duties including outreach in prisons, developing and delivering training within the prison system and providing support to recently released prisoners from within correctional facilities in British Columbia.

Job Posting: Peer Research Associate (2 Positions Available) Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation
June 2013 -The Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS have partnered with researchers from across Canada to do a three-year research study on the Dr. Peter Centre (DPC).
We are currently seeking two Peer Research Associates (PRAs) to administer this computer-based survey at the DPC.

June 6, 2013 - OTTAWA - The Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS care (CANAC) is expressing concern and disappointment that the Federal Government
is introducing restrictive legislation to control access to Supervised Consumption Sites which provide people with chronic addictions a safe, clean and supportive environment, taking drug use off the streets and into clinical settings.
Response to the AIDS Pandemic - A Global Health Model
June 6, 2013 - Just over three decades ago, a new outbreak of opportunistic infections and Kaposi's sarcoma was reported in a small number of homosexual men in California and New York.
This universally fatal disease, which was eventually called the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), was associated with a complete loss of CD4+ T cells. Within the first year of its description, the disease was also identified in patients with hemophilia,
users of injection drugs, blood-transfusion recipients, and infants born to affected mothers. Soon thereafter, a heterosexual epidemic of AIDS was reported in Central Africa, preferentially affecting women. Little did we know at the time that this small
number of cases would eventually mushroom into tens of millions of cases, becoming one of the greatest pandemics of modern times.

CDC's HIV Testing Campaign - Reasons
Published on Jun 6, 2013 - In this 60 second video, Latino gay and bisexual men share their reasons for getting an HIV test. HIV testing is fast, free, and confidential.
Harper Government respects community concerns with new legislation for Supervised Drug Consumption Sites
June 6, 2013 - OTTAWA - The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health, accompanied by the Honourable Minister Steven Blaney, Minister of Veterans Affairs
and Minister for La Francophonie, announced the Harper Government has introduced the Respect for Communities Act, which would require any potential applications for supervised drug consumption sites
in Canada to meet clear criteria before such applications can be considered.

Canadian Nurses Association concerned new safe injection site rules pose extra barriers
Ottawa, June 6, 2013 - The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) is questioning new rules for establishing supervised injections sites, unveiled today by the federal
government. Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq tabled a bill in the House of Commons today that outlines criteria for obtaining permission to open a supervised drug injection site in Canada.

JUNE 6, 2013 - Flouting the Supreme Court of Canada, today the federal government has introduced in Parliament a bill that aims to make it even more difficult
for health authorities and community agencies to offer supervised drug consumption services, such as Vancouver's Insite, to Canadians who are among those most at risk of HIV infection and fatal overdose.

NIH Scientists Discover How HIV Kills Immune Cells
June 5, 2013 - Findings Have Implications for HIV Treatment
Untreated HIV infection destroys a person's immune system by killing infection-fighting cells, but precisely when and how HIV wreaks this destruction has been a mystery
until now. New research by scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, reveals how HIV triggers a signal telling an
infected immune cell to die. This finding has implications for preserving the immune systems of HIV-infected individuals.
AIDS - the modern day pandemic - turns 32
June 5, 2013 - On this day, June 5, in 1981, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta published a report of five cases of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) among previously healthy young men in Los
Angeles. All of the men were described as "homosexuals" - two had died.

5th Symposium on HIV, Law and Human Rights
June 13 - 14, 2013
International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research
June 13-14th, 2013
Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael's Hospital. Toronto, Canada
The field of HIV and rehabilitation research is emerging, with Canada and the UK as leaders HIV rehabilitation research. Evidence suggests
that rehabilitation has the potential to improve health and quality of life outcomes for people living with HIV.
35th Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference
Fostering Sexual Health: Individuals and Communities
Thursday, June 6 & Friday, June 7, 2013
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Rozanski Hall
University of Guelph
Aids survivor warns of complacency over HIV
5 June 2013 - Steve Schalchlin was diagnosed with HIV in 1993.
Read more & Watch Video...
Gonorrhea and HIV linked, U of T researchers find
June 4, 2013 - University of Toronto researchers have discovered a molecular link that explains why gonorrhea increases transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) between sexual partners.

Community Profile: Susan Jester, activist who founded AIDS Walk San Diego
June 4th, 2013 - SAN DIEGO - Some of San Diego's oldest LGBT community organizations and events have been in existence for decades,
so it has become far too easy for us to forget those who were there in the early days, serving as the pioneers of the organized community that is enjoyed today.
HIV discovery 'will change your life forever'
June 4, 2013 - French scientist Francoise Barre-Sinoussi almost didn't get the chance to make one of the greatest medical discoveries of the 20th century.

CTAC Talks Ep. 3 (Canadian Association For HIV Research)
Published on Jun 3, 2013 - Paul Sutton: The future of HIV treatment options in Canada.

Take the Pledge: United to Fight HIV
Published on Jun 3, 2013 - We've seen great strides in the movement for full equality in the last 30 years, but the HIV epidemic has seemed to fall by the wayside.
UNAIDS to establish international scientific expert panel on HIV
GENEVA, 3 June 2013 - UNAIDS' new panel will convene a series of scientific consultations to ensure that the best scientific evidence is used to inform the global response to HIV
"In the thirty years since HIV was identified, the progress made by science has been extraordinary and its benefits have been felt far beyond those directly affected by HIV," said UNAIDS Executive Director,
Michel Sidibé. "To reach the end of the AIDS epidemic, we need to continue to embrace science and innovation and I am delighted that Professor Karim has agreed to take on the leadership of our new UNAIDS scientific panel."

ORIGAMI CONDOMS Announces the First ORAL Sex Condom.
03 June 2013 - Actor Michael Douglas's reveled today that he developed his throat cancer related to having oral sex in the past. The timing of his announcement occurs on the same day that ORIGAMI Condoms,
of Los Angeles, CA, announces its introduction of the Oral Condom (OC), the first condom ever designed and tested for oral sex protection. No condom has ever been proposed for oral sex use, one of the most widely experienced types of sexual behaviors among men and women.
Nevirapine dose escalation for children may risk treatment failure
03 June 2013 - Full-dose nevirapine should be considered for HIV-positive children under two years of age in Africa, to simplify ART initiation and reduce the risk of suboptimal dosing,
researchers reporting on a pharmacokinetic sub-study from the CHAPAS-1 trial argue in the advance online edition of AIDS.
UK doctors and nurses that are injured while treating unconscious patients cannot test them for HIV due to lack of legal protection, while in most of Europe such testing is permitted
1-Jun-2013 - Doctors and nurses in the UK that are injured in the course of treating injured patients cannot currently test that patient for HIV without their consent. In emergency situations where
the patient is unconscious, such consent cannot be given, putting healthcare staff at risk of subsequent legal action if they test the unconscious patient. In a session taking place at Euroanaesthesia (the annual congress of the European
Society of Anaesthesiology [ESA]), senior UK anaesthetists will discuss the need for a change in the law to protect both patients and healthcare workers.
'People Think It's Over'
Spared Death, Aging People With H.I.V. Struggle to Live
June 1, 2013 - Steve Schalchlin would be the first to tell you he lives in a time of miracles, and about how hard that can be.
In 1995, as his body wasted away from AIDS, he took the limited time in front of him as a challenge: he would write songs, make amends, fill his remaining days with life.
And by the end, with his digestive system shut down, his figure skeletal, he was ready to die. Then he won a lottery for a new AIDS drug that had been rushed through
the approval process. Almost overnight his health began to return, and with it, another, more open-ended, challenge: life.

2013 HIV/AIDS/STDs and Human Sexuality Conference
June 12-14, 2013
Kansas City Airport Hilton
Kansas City, Missouri
2013 HIV/AIDS/STDs and Human Sexuality Conference will be held at the Kansas City Airport Hilton, 8801 NW 112 Street, Kansas City, MO 64153.

Changing How We Deal With Depression and HIV
Community Forum
Thursday, June 27th, 6-8pm Chateau Granville
This Community Forum will provide you with some basic tools you can use to start the healing and recovery process. All are welcome.
Speakers: Mary Petty, Social Worker at IDC, St Paul's Hospital
Glyn Townson, Former Chair of Positive Living BC