Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - June 2015
At the Nexus of Substance Abuse and HIV to Treat HIV-AIDS Patients
June 30, 2015 - UC San Diego Researcher Wins Major Award to Study New Treatments and Preventions
Dan Werb, PhD, an internationally noted epidemiologist at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, has been named one of four inaugural recipients of the Avenir Award, a prestigious $1.5 million research grant from the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Mexico Presents Antiretroviral Therapy to Treat HIV-AIDS Patients
Mexico, Jun 30 (Prensa Latina) - Mexican specialists presented the new antiretroviral therapy denominated Dolutegravir, of GSK pharmaceutical laboratory, to treat patients diagnosed with HIV-AIDS,
a disease in which about 180,000 people are suffering in the country.
Cuba first to ?eliminate mother-to-baby HIV transmission
30 June 2015 - World Health Organisation hails ‘one of the greatest public health achievements possible’, five years into regional initiative
Cuba has become the first country to eliminate the transmission of HIV and syphilis from mother to baby, the World Health Organisation has announced.
The WHO’s director general, Margaret Chan, said it was “one of the greatest public health achievements possible” and an important step towards an Aids-free generation.

Stem cell gene therapy developed at UCLA holds promise for eliminating HIV infection
June 30, 2015 - Method modifies immune cells to attack the virus, could be used to treat other diseases
Scientists at the UCLA Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research are one step closer to engineering a tool that could one day arm the body's immune system to fight HIV — and win. The new technique harnesses the regenerative capacity of stem cells to generate an immune response to the virus.

HIV stigma decreases with scale-up of HIV treatment
30 June 2015 - In high-prevalence countries of sub-Saharan Africa, the scale-up of HIV treatment appears to have resulted in a lessening of stigmatising attitudes in the general population, according to an analysis published online by the American Journal of Public Health.
Portrait of Pope Benedict XVI Made of Condoms Sparks Controversy in Milwaukee
June 29, 2015 - The work was inspired by the former pope's comments on AIDS in Africa
A portrait of Pope Benedict XVI made of 17,000 condoms has drawn fierce criticism—and support—at the Milwaukee Art Museum.
National study finds life-threatening barriers in access to breakthrough drugs
29-Jun-2015 - PROVIDENCE, R.I. - The Miriam Hospital physician leads first systematic study of Medicaid policies for hepatitis C treatment
Most states violate federal Medicaid law because they deny coverage for sofosbuvir, a new and highly effective treatment to cure hepatitis C, according to Lynn E. Taylor, M.D., director of
The Miriam Hospital's HIV/Viral Hepatitis Coinfection Program. Taylor's team of researchers examined Medicaid policies for hepatitis C virus treatment using sofosbuvir, more commonly known as Solvadi, and found
that most should change policy to improve access to the treatment. The study and its findings were published online in advance of the August issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Grease Back Your Hair, Slip On That Poodle Skirt … And LET’S DANCE!!
PALM SPRINGS, CA, June 29, 2015 - Palm Springs Pavilion new venue for the 8th Annual Mid-Summer Dance Party benefiting D.A.P. on July 25th
You don’t have to be John Travolta or Olivia Newton-John … just tap your “inner greaser” and get ready to have a great Saturday night because July 25th is going to be a new millennium sock hop those 1950s guys and gals could never dream of.
The Man Who Led the Fight for Gay Rights
06.29.15 - Why we should all give thanks to ACT UP! founder and civil rights icon Larry Kramer.
It’s been a pretty big week for legendary HIV/AIDS activist Larry Kramer, who celebrated his birthday on June 25, just one day before the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in favor of marriage equality. For a man who has lived
with HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) for many years, it may have come as a bit of a surprise to him to have lived to the ripe old age of 80. Countless numbers of Kramer’s friends were not so lucky, and like so many gay men in the ’80s and ’90s, he
nursed to their deaths (and all-too-quickly buried) many of his friends.

JULY 24, 2015
June 28, 2015 - The Legacy Luncheon honours outstanding members of Vancouver’s LGBTQ+ community
Presented in partnership with the LOUD Business, LOUD Scholarship Foundation, come join the Vancouver Pride Society 2015 Legacy Awards Recipients at the Legacy Lunch at Forage Restaurant. The space has been courteously provided by the Listel Hotel. Come enjoy some culinary canapes and mingle with this year’s Awards Recipients as they receive their engraved Legacy Award. This is an opportunity to network with leaders in the LGBTQ2+ Community.
The Logistics of Staying Alive
June 28, 2015 - We can’t improve a woman’s standard of living if we can’t improve a woman’s chance of living.
That conclusion leads us back to HIV/AIDS, the leading cause of women’s deaths around the world. For women aged 15-44 years, who are in their peak earning years, HIV/AIDS infects 1,000 young women every day.
HIV, addiction epidemics highlight need to lift syringe ban
June 27, 2015 - Syringe exchange programs should be widely available in communities everywhere to prevent more public health crises. Lifting the
federal ban on syringe exchange, fully and proactively, will prevent new infections, help link people who inject drugs to health and social services, and reduce risks to others. Lifting
the ban would help us achieve new success by next year’s National HIV Testing Day by helping to turn the trajectory of the HIV epidemic at home.
Pride flag creator Gilbert Baker on the rainbow's real meaning
June 26, 2015 - Rainbow flags will soar all over North America this weekend as the LGBT community and its allies celebrate Pride and the aptly-timed U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favour of gay marriage. The colourful
banner has become an eye-catching international symbol for sexual diversity and pride — but how many flag-wavers know its history?
The man behind the icon, Gilbert Baker, joined q guest host Talia Schlanger on Friday to share six things you may not know about the six-colour flag.
'Larry Kramer in Love & Anger': At 80, the film's subject reveals a complex heart
June 26, 2015 - How does it feel seeing your life pass before your eyes in a documentary?
"Very strange," admitted Larry Kramer, his plaintive voice a shadow of the nasal bullhorn that excoriated New York Mayor Ed Koch and President Ronald Reagan in the terrifying early days of the AIDS epidemic.
Many Americans with HIV don't know they're infected
June 26, 2015 - Twenty years ago, Maria Davis got tested for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as part of an application for a life insurance policy. She thought nothing of it until week and a half later, when she received a letter in the mail telling her she'd tested positive.

OraSure Supports Rapid HIV Testing Initiatives in Recognition of National HIV Testing Day
BETHLEHEM, Pa., June 26, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - OraSure Technologies, Inc. a leader in point of care diagnostic tests and specimen collection devices, today announced its support of various rapid HIV testing initiatives and
events taking place this week in recognition of the 20th Anniversary of National HIV Testing Day, held each year on June 27th. These testing initiatives, happening across the country, will help encourage thousands of people across the U.S. to get tested for HIV with the OraQuick ADVANCE® Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody test.
Homophobia Linked to Gay, Bisexual Men Bypassing HIV Prevention, Treatment
Jun 26 2015 - A Yale University study of 38 European countries’ attitudes about homosexuality has uncovered homophobia was associated with gay and bisexual men not seeking HIV-prevention services, HIV testing, and disclosing their orientation to doctors.
Tony-nominated actress teams up with AID Atlanta for HIV Testing Week
26 June 2015 - Tony Award-nominated actress Sheryl Lee Ralph, who originated the role of Deena Jones in the popular Broadway musical “Dreamgirls,” has another passion she’s nurtured for nearly as long as her successful acting career.
Ralph, a longtime AIDS awareness activist, is in town for National HIV Testing Week. During an AID Atlanta prayer breakfast Friday, she encouraged faith leaders to put aside the stigmas and labels we sometimes attach to people with AIDS and show love, not hate.

Liver transplants in HIV/HCV co-infection: study underlines importance of hepatitis C treatment
26 June 2015 - People with HIV and hepatitis C co-infection were significantly more likely to experience organ rejection than people with hepatitis C alone or HIV alone after undergoing a liver transplant, according to a review of 11 years' experience of liver transplantation
in people with HIV and with hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the United States, published in advance online in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Pride AIDS contingent regroups 25 years later
June 25, 2015 - The long-term survivors of the AIDS epidemic, said Cassin, "need to be brought together and need to join as a community. We need to break the isolation. So many guys feel like they won the booby prize because they lived but all of their friends died."

HIV: The Goal of Undetectable
Published on Jun 25, 2015 - “Undetectable” means that there is so little HIV in your blood it can’t be measured by a test. See how getting to undetectable can help you protect your health and the people you care about.

Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General, encourages HIV Testing
Published on Jun 25, 2015 - The U.S. Surgeon General encourages us to stay healthy. Staying healthy means knowing your HIV status.

Online Connec+: New Group for People Living with HIV Reaches Residents across BC
June 25, 2015 - Vancouver, BC: - “How are you doing?” For people living with HIV (PLHIV), feeling lonely and isolated is common due to the stigma surrounding the virus—so a simple question like
this, asked by someone who knows what you are going through and how to help, can mean a lot. It can also start a connection—to peers who can give emotional support, or to a healthcare provider. To help PLHIV establish this vital link, Positive Living BC has launched a
new online peer support group, Online Connec+. The group, the first of its type in BC to be affiliated with an HIV/AIDS service organization, will provide HIV education, support and community referrals to people throughout BC, who might otherwise be unable to access these key services.
CDC: More than 1 in 8 Americans infected with HIV don't know it
June 25, 2015 - More than 1.2 million Americans are living with HIV – including about 156,300 who don’t realize it, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
That means 13% of those who are infected with the virus that causes AIDS aren’t in a position to protect their health, or the health of others.
Prominent B.C. health researcher backs Vancouver’s regulation of marijuana dispensaries
June 25, 2015 - One of B.C.’s most renowned health researchers is backing Vancouver’s move to regulate marijuana dispensaries.
Dr. Julio Montaner is recognized globally for his work combating HIV/AIDS — something he says came with no help from the Conservative government’s policies.

D.A.P. applauds Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act
PALM SPRINGS, CA, June 25, 2015 - 6-3 decision in King v. Burwell declares health insurance subsidies are available to residents of all states
Today’s ruling upheld a key provision of the Affordable Care Act that those government subsidies that make health insurance affordable for millions of Americans should be available to all who qualify. This availability extends to all low and moderate income Americans wherever they live, not just in states that have set up their own health insurance exchanges.

New report confirms that more of the same in the AIDS response will escalate the epidemic
25 June 2015 - GNP+ calls on high level political commitment to reverse current downward financing trends
The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) applauds the conclusions of the UNAIDS-Lancet Commission report, Defeating AIDS—Advancing global health, released today.

World must drastically accelerate AIDS efforts or face more HIV infections and deaths than five years ago—says UNAIDS and Lancet Commission
LONDON, 25 June 2015 - “We must face hard truths—if the current rate of new HIV infections continues, merely sustaining the major efforts we already have
in place will not be enough to stop deaths from AIDS increasing within five years in many countries,” said Professor Peter Piot, Director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Co-Chair of the Commission, and lead author of the report.
HIV/AIDS and Addiction Research Centre Opens in Vancouver
June 25, 2015 - A new world class health care centre has opened in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and it will offer valuable research in HIV/AIDS, addiction, and viral hepatitis.
"The Hope to Health Research Clinic will not only help address addictions and HIV needs of the most vulnerable populations in the Downtown Eastside but the research developed here will inform addictions, HIV and hepatitis strategies throughout
the province and beyond," said Health Minister Terry Lake.

Four in ten people diagnosed with HIV in Europe are migrants
24 June 2015 - More gay men and fewer African women diagnosed in last few years
Nearly four out of every ten people with HIV in the European Economic Area (EEA) is a migrant to the country in which they are diagnosed, a recent report by the Spanish Centre for Epidemiology shows. The EEA comprises the countries of the EU plus Norway and Iceland.
Gay-rights pioneer, playwright Kramer subject of new HBO doc
06/24/2015 - In the documentary “Larry Kramer in Love & Anger,” which screened at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year and premieres June 29 on HBO, filmmaker Jean Carlomusto weaves together interviews with Kramer and other gay- rights leaders, shot over more than three decades with footage of street protests and tense activist meetings, to uncover the complex man at the heart of the story.
Couples Are Getting Paid To Have Sex To Try And Curb Spread Of HIV
06/24/2015 - The testing is connected to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s challenge, announced about a year and a half ago, for scientists and designers to come together to create a "next generation condom." The hope is that more people
would want to wear a new, better condom, which could lead to a reduction in the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

bioLytical Partners with Walgreens and Donates HIV Tests for National HIV Testing Day
RICHMOND, B.C., June 24, 2015 - Free 60 second INSTI HIV tests are available at select Walgreens locations nationwide.
bioLytical Laboratories Inc., today announced its support of various HIV testing initiatives and events taking place this week in recognition of National HIV Testing Day on June 27th.
The Company has teamed up with Walgreens and Greater Than AIDS to provide free HIV testing and training to local AIDS service organizations and health departments across 150 cities in the United States.
Needle exchanges can prevent more HIV outbreaks like one in Indiana
24-Jun-2015 - In New England Journal of Medicine, two experts make case for lifting federal funding bans for such programs to protect health of IV drug users
Congress needs to immediately lift the ban on federal funding for needle exchange programs to counter the threat of HIV outbreaks among injection drug users like the one that has seen an alarming number of new cases erupt in a single rural Indiana county.

Africa making strides in tackling HIV/AIDS
Published on Jun 24, 2015 - Zimbabwe has made significant strides in combating the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and in meeting the United Nations Health Millenium Development Goals.

Doctors and HIV/AIDS activists urge Ontario to provide HPV vaccine for boys and men
June 24, 2015 - A group of Ontario physicians, academics, researchers and community groups are calling on Dr. Eric Hoskins, Ontario’s Minister of Health, to implement the recommendations provided by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and its own Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee – Immunization (PIDAC-I) to immunize males to prevent HPV-associated cancers.
On June 25th, in the spirit of Pride Week, several young gay men will show their support for the Protect Men & Boys from HPV ( Facebook , Twitter ) campaign, including Mathieu Chantelois, the Executive Director of Pride Toronto, and Aaron GlynWilliams, Co-Chair of the Board of Directors for Pride Toronto and Senior Manager, External Partnerships for the Toronto 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games, by receiving vaccinations at Toronto's Hassle Free Clinic.
Life as an Elite HIV Controller
Jun 23, 2015 - Did you know that—at the highest estimate—about 5% of people with HIV maintain a normal CD4 count (over 500 cells/mm3) for eight years or more, even in the absence of antiretroviral therapy? Researchers call these people “long-term nonprogressors” since they remain asymptomatic or have a very delayed disease
progression over the course of HIV infection. A smaller subset of people with HIV—about 1%—successfully suppress viral replication in addition to maintaining higher-than-expected CD4 counts. Elite controllers, as we’re termed, maintain undetectable viral loads even when we don’t take antiretroviral drugs, although some minor viral “blips” have been documented in some individuals.
HIV-Positive Transgender Women Going Without Medications, Basic Needs -
Jun 23, 2015 - A recent article in LGBT Health revealed transgender women living with HIV are less likely to adhere to anti-HIV medication regimens and achieve viral suppression rates, and are more likely than non-transgender men to be deprived of basic needs.
HIV cases on the rise in Playa del Carmen
Jun 23, 2015 - Playa del Carmen, Q.R. - Since 2008, the number of people testing HIV positive in Playa del Carmen has grown by 670 percent, according to the National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS (Censida). The civil association, Vida Positiva (Positive Life), is
explaining the importance of using condoms and getting regular testing.

Tesamorelin (Egrifta) comes to Canada—what you need to know
22 June 2015 - This week, Theratechnologies Inc. began marketing a new medicine called tesamorelin (Egrifta)—licensed for the treatment of excess belly fat in some HIV-positive people. Tesamorelin causes the body to produce growth hormone and, as a result, most tesamorelin users can lose some degree of belly fat.
As people with HIV live longer, aging presents challenges
Jun 22, 2015 - As these long-term survivors get older, though, some are finding their bodies wearing out, their internal organs battered by potent and sometimes toxic medications, the devastatingly permanent conditions that come with aging leaving their mark a lot faster.

I'm HIV positive, do you dare to touch me?
Published on Jun 22, 2015 - Finnish guy Janne wanted to show what it is like to live with HIV-related stigma and at the same time raise awareness of HIV. Would you have touched?

Broadway Bares 2015 Highlights
Published on Jun 22, 2015 - The 25th epic edition of Broadway Bares celebrated the golden age of Broadway with an evening of ripped dancers, cheeky choreographers and sumptuous showgirls on Sunday, June 21, 2015, for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS is one of the nation’s leading industry-based, nonprofit AIDS fundraising and grant-making organizations. By drawing upon the talents, resources and generosity of the American theatre community, since 1988 BC/EFA has raised more than $250 million for essential services for people with AIDS and other critical illnesses across the United States.

Suits - Poz Gay Working Men's Dinner Group
- Monday, June 29th, 2015
- Keg Yaletown
Suits - Poz Gay Working Men's Dinner Group
- Monday, June 29th, 2015
- Keg Yaletown
5:30pm - 8:30PM
Yaletown Keg 1011 Mainland St. Vancouver, BC.
RSVP Brentsawlor@gmail.com
Join us on the roof of the Yaletown Keg at 1011 Mainland St. (corner of Mainland and Nelson St.) for one of our most popular dinners. They have a beautifully landscaped rooftop patio with views of the city and stadium roof!
Come and enjoy one of the best patio experiences in Vancouver with your host Brent!

A National HIV/AIDS Testing Day Message from Dr. Ron Valdiserri
Published on Jun 19, 2015 - In recognition of National HIV Testing Day—June 27, 2015, Dr. Ronald O. Valdiserri, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Infectious Diseases, reminds us of the importance of HIV testing.
HIV hospice to open in Saskatoon in October
Jun 19, 2015 - Health region commits $850,000 to community based treatment
Saskatoon is about to get its first HIV hospice and therapy home. It will be located at the former Grey Nuns' Residence on Avenue O. It's expected to open in October.
The Saskatoon Health Region is partnering with Sanctum Care Group, a community based organization involved with the treatment of HIV patients.

Canada Commits Nearly C$400,000; Hosts 8th Biennial IAS Conference on Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention
19 June 2015 - (Geneva, Switzerland) - The International AIDS Society (IAS) announced June 10, 2015, that the Government of Canada, through the Department of Foreign Affairs,
Trade and Development (DFATD) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), has committed almost C$400,000 in funding for the 8th biennial IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2015) that will be held in Vancouver, Canada from 19-22 July 2015. This year’s conference, hosted in partnership with the University of British Columbia-Division of AIDS, is expected to bring together more than 6,000 scientists, researchers and advocates from over 125 countries, and will focus on moving scientific advances into practice.
Many get HIV diagnosis only after developing AIDS?
June 19, 2015 - The press release from Fulton County Health and Wellness promoting the week of testing for HIV states that almost 40 percent of people with the virus are not diagnosed until they already have developed AIDS. And that can be up to 10 years after they first are infected.
Sequential immunizations could be the key to HIV vaccine
June 18, 2015 - The secret to preventing HIV infection lies within the human immune system, but the more-than-25-year search has so far failed to yield a vaccine capable of training the body to neutralize the ever-changing virus. New research from The Rockefeller University, and
collaborating institutions, suggests no single shot will ever do the trick. Instead, the scientists find, a sequence of immunizations might be the most promising route to an HIV vaccine.
After 30 Years, Why Don’t We Have An HIV Vaccine?
June 18, 2015 - Three studies published Thursday make modest advances toward finally developing a vaccine against HIV. Despite billions of dollars in funding, researchers say they’re still far from solving one of the hardest scientific problems of our time.
AIDS has claimed nearly 39 million lives to date, and HIV infects more than 2 million people each year. For people with access to antiretroviral drugs, the virus is no longer the death sentence it used to be. But to actually end the global epidemic, experts say, we need a vaccine.
New model to study HIV latency in brain cells
18-Jun-2015 -
Over 35 million people worldwide are currently infected by HIV. Antiviral therapies can keep the virus from multiplying. However, no drug can cure infection so far,
because various cell types continue to carry the virus in a latent, i.e. quiescent, state. Scientists of Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen have now established a model for latent HIV
infection of brain cells. The researchers used this model to identify various compounds that affect latency of the virus in the brain. This study was published in the journal AIDS.
Scientists shows AIDS vaccine candidate successfully 'primes' immune system
LA JOLLA, CA - June 18, 2015 - HIV Testing Events Scheduled at Select Walgreens Locations Over Three Days in the Lead Up to National HIV Testing Day, June 27
New research led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and The Rockefeller University shows in mice that an experimental vaccine candidate designed at TSRI can stimulate the immune system activity necessary to stop HIV infection. The findings could provide key information for the development of an effective AIDS vaccine.

Walgreens and Greater Than AIDS Team with Health Departments and Local AIDS Service Organizations to Offer Free HIV Testing in More Than 150 Cities
DEERFIELD, Ill. & MENLO PARK, Calif., June 18, 2015 - HIV Testing Events Scheduled at Select Walgreens Locations Over Three Days in the Lead Up to National HIV Testing Day, June 27
In the lead up to National HIV Testing Day on June 27, Walgreens and Greater Than AIDS, a leading national public information response to the domestic HIV/AIDS epidemic, are teaming with more than 180 health departments and local AIDS service organizations (ASOs) in 150 cities
across the country to offer free HIV testing. National organizations including NAACP and Black AIDS Institute will support the events by encouraging community members to know their HIV status and take advantage of free HIV testing.
New approach to women’s HIV prevention being studied in U.S. teens
June 17, 2015 - Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham continue efforts to find safe and effective HIV-prevention methods with a new study in female U.S. teens.
HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death worldwide for women ages 15-44 years, and young women ages 15-24 years are twice as likely to be at risk of HIV infection compared to young men in the same age group, according to the World Health Organization.
Toronto introduces sports-inspired condoms in time for Pan Am Games
June 17, 2015 - City's health department hopes campaign will help 'reinvigorate condom use'
"As we welcome thousands of visitors and athletes to the city this summer, we want to encourage healthy and safer sex," said Councillor Joe Mihevc, who launched the condomTO campaign at Yonge-Dundas Square.
Changes in HIV genetic code determine severity of disease
17-Jun-2015 - Researchers identify two new locations that render specific anti-HIV drugs less effective
In a finding that furthers the understanding of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), researchers from Children's Hospital Los Angeles discovered two locations where a single difference in HIV's genetic code altered the way the virus infected the cell, thereby influencing the progression of the disease.
The results of this study will be published in PLOS ONE on June 17.

Long-time Vancouver medical-marijuana user defends edibles
by Travis Lupick on June 17th, 2015 - Medical-marijuana user Bradford McIntyre feels the City of Vancouver is "out of touch" when it comes to edibles.
“Edible medicinal-marijuana products have been available in British Columbia for decades,” McIntyre told the Straight. “The city is out of touch.”
McIntyre has lived with HIV/AIDS for 31 years. He said he takes medicinal marijuana to ease pain he experiences as a result of nerve damage caused by a treatment called AZT that he received in the 1990s.
Seasonal vitamin D deficiency and HIV progression
16-Jun-2015 - The results suggest that vitamin D supplementation may prevent winter anemia and boost white blood cell count, possibly serving as a cost-effective intervention to reduce risk of HIV
infection and slow HIV progression, according to the authors.

AHF President Calls Attention to “The War Against Prevention” In a New Editorial Ad Campaign
LOS ANGELES (June 16, 2015) - Message that “protecting the public health is a sacred trust based on scientific data, not emotions or personal desires,” will run in LGBT publications nationwide
“The question is: What will become of the condom culture that has been so hard fought since the beginning of AIDS?” Weinstein asks in the article. “No one can argue that men would prefer to have sex without condoms, but there are compromises we must make
for the benefit of ourselves and society. While we cannot tell consenting adults that they must use condoms, we can tell them the truth. If you have multiple partners or your partner has multiple partners, the most effective protection for yourself, your partners and your
community is a condom. Mass PrEP administration is a dangerous experiment that is not supported by medical science and is currently resisted by doctors and patients alike.”
Teens living with HIV/AIDS on the rise
June 16, 2015 - “Each month an average of three to four teenagers are infected with HIV/AIDS,” said Muhammad Zaenal Abidin, head of the Edelweis Polyclinic for HIV/AIDS patients at the Dr. Sardjito General Hospital in Yogyakarta on Monday.

Geriatric HIV: living with multiple medical conditions will become the norm as population ages
16 June 2015 - Three-quarters will be over the age of 50 and will need more complex clinical care
In fifteen years time, the clinical needs of Dutch people living with HIV will have changed substantially due to three quarters of them being over the age of 50. Overall, 84% will have at least one medical condition such as cardiovascular disease or cancer on top of their HIV, 28% will have three or more
additional medical conditions and 53% will have problems with drug interactions or contraindications.
5 Health Supplements Proven to Work
June 16, 2015 - When used in conjunction with antiretrovirals, some supplements are good, some aren't. Here are five with our stamp of approval.
It is this fear of rejection that has led to a category of HIV cases that doctors are making a top priority to address: those who are aware they are infected but do not adhere to treatment. According to a 2013
report by the LA County Health Department (LACHD), there are an estimated 1,700 people between ages 13-24 in this category, along with another estimated 350 teens who are HIV positive but do not know it.
Vitamin D status related to immune response to HIV-1
June 15, 2015 - Vitamin D plays an important part in the human immune response and deficiency can leave individuals less able to fight infections like HIV-1. Now an international team of researchers has
found that high-dose vitamin D supplementation can reverse the deficiency and also improve immune response.

HIVnow Will Change the Conversation During Toronto Pride
June 15, 2015 - HIVnow is launching with its own website ( HIVnow.ca ), in addition to striking posters in major downtown Toronto subway stations and unique wall murals throughout the
Church-Wellesley neighbourhood. Trained ACT volunteers will be conducting outreach during the Pride celebrations, distributing HIVnow condom packs, information, and an assortment of swag.
Cross-Canada cyclists ride through Sault
June 15, 2015 - Cyclists for the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research rode through the Sault on Friday to spread awareness.
Four young men are on a cross-Canada mission to raise money and awareness for HIV/AIDS research.
As HIV Proliferates, Will the Public Good Be Placed Before Politics?
June 15, 2015 - Public health vs. politics vs. personal choice: How the latest HIV outbreak illustrates a national dilemma.
The HIV epidemic has been a fascinating journey. In a short time, we have made many scientific discoveries with regard to diagnosis, transmission and treatment. But in 30 years, we have failed to control the
spread of this disease without a cure despite knowing all the ways it is passed from person to person. Efforts to implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, initiated nearly five years ago, have stalled, mainly due to the same tug of war between public health, politics and personal choice.

Consider cannabis use when assessing middle-aged and older patients with HIV, say US investigators
15 June 2015 - Medicinal use of cannabis was legalised in the US state of Colorado in 2000. Investigators from the University of Colorado wished to determine the impact of cannabis use by middle-aged HIV-positive patients (45 to 65 years) on
disease burden, physical and mental functioning and quality of life and social engagement.
Poet-Rapper-Artist Mykki Blanco: I’m Living With HIV
14 June 2015 - He's been positive since 2011
Mykki Blanco, the poet-rapper-performance-artist hyphenate, who alternately identifies as transgender and multigendered, revealed Saturday that he is living with HIV.
London: Hep C infections found among HIV negative men
June 14, 2015 - Hepatitis C virus infections are occurring among HIV-negative gay men in London, according to a report.
Malawi gets over US 600 million for HIV/AIDS fight
14 June 2015 - United Nations AIDS agency (UNAIDS) has said Malawi is a model in the fight against AIDS whose credible efforts and successes prompted the Global Fund to release a total of over US$611 million which is US$37 million more than what the country applied for.

Trial demonstrates that a human rights perspective to treatment for all people living with HIV is now necessary
12 Jun 2015 - As the World Health Organisation (WHO) gathers to discuss the 2015 guidelines for antiretroviral medicines, the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) hails the results of the START (Strategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment) trial,
which has indicated that a new epoch for approaches to HIV treatment has dawned.“
The results show unequivocally that universal access to treatment for all people living with HIV at diagnosis who want it, regardless of their CD4 count, is a right to health. There is no ethical reason now not to make treatment accessible to all,” said Suzette Moses-Burton, Executive Director of GNP+.
Many students dislike condoms - survey
June 12, 2015 - One in five college students and staff members believes that a woman loses a man’s respect if she asks him to use a condom, and one in three believes that asking their partner to get tested for a sexually transmitted infection would make him or her suspect them of cheating.

95% of HIV Doctors Worry About Adherence to PrEP; Only 5,200 RXs from 2012 to 2014
LOS ANGELES (June 11, 2015) - American Academy of HIV Medicine study in its April ‘15 HIV Specialist magazine reports 95% of medical providers surveyed were concerned about adherence when deciding whether or not to prescribe PrEP.
According to the survey ( April 2015 HIV Specialist Magazine, p#20 ), published by AAHIVM, the following issues most concerned HIV/AIDS medical providers. “When measured by the proportion of providers who selected the factor as ‘Very Important,' concerns about adherence (95%), regular follow-up care for
monitoring and counseling (93%), and the effectiveness of PrEP in preventing HIV (82%) emerged as the top three considerations in providers' decision to prescribe PrEP across all four regions.” The survey, which included 53 questions, was sent via Survey Monkey to 3,484 HIV/AIDS physicians and providers and includes responses from 324 individuals.
Biggest Obstacles To HIV Treatment Aren’t Medical, Doctor Says
June 11, 2015 - LOS ANGELES - It is this fear of rejection that has led to a category of HIV cases that doctors are making a top priority to address: those who are aware they are infected but do not adhere to treatment. According to a 2013 report by the LA County Health Department (LACHD),
there are an estimated 1,700 people between ages 13-24 in this category, along with another estimated 350 teens who are HIV positive but do not know it.
Dendritic cells may hold key to elite controllers' immune response
June 11, 2015 - Dendritic cells, part of the innate human immune system, are better able to recognize HIV-1 infection in elite controllers, which may help this special patient population to control the virus without drug treatment, according to recent findings published in PLoS Pathogens.
Preventing HIV: Sharing the voices of young Native Women
Date and Time:
June 30, 2015
Presented by National Native Youth Council-HIV and National Native American AIDS Prevention Center
Webinar Description
The National Native Youth Council -HIV (NNYC-HIV) and the National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC) recently conducted informal assessments with young Native
women to gain insight on prevalent attitudes, perceptions and beliefs about HIV risk. This is an effort to understand and gain insight on how we can move forward with current, specialized prevention efforts and messaging.

Anti-gay countries ‘paving the way’ to rise in HIV cases
10th June 2015 - A surge in cases of HIV could be on the way to countries that lag behind on gay rights, according to a study.
A team of researchers from a number of universities looked at the behaviours of 175,000 gay or bisexual men across 38 European countries, with varying levels of cultural homophobia.
The study found that men in countries where homophobia is more prevalent are less educated about HIV, and were less likely to use condoms.
Stonehill Graduate Wins International Logo Design Award For 2016 International AIDS Conference
June 10, 2015 - “When people with AIDS are under attack, what do we do? ACT UP! Fight back!”
Twenty five years ago, the principal rallying cry of the AIDS virus protesters known as ACT UP rocked the sixth annual AIDS Conference in San Francisco. The protesters chanted, sang songs and engaged in civil disobedience for a week straight.
ACT UP protesters reflect on AIDS demonstrations 25 years ago
June 10, 2015 - “When people with AIDS are under attack, what do we do? ACT UP! Fight back!”
Twenty five years ago, the principal rallying cry of the AIDS virus protesters known as ACT UP rocked the sixth annual AIDS Conference in San Francisco. The protesters chanted, sang songs and engaged in civil disobedience for a week straight.
VIEWS: POSITIVE THOUGHTS Surviving with pride
June 10, 2015 - For those like me who are long-term survivors of HIV/AIDS, there is even more to celebrate—the fact that we have survived long enough to be able to continue to achieve our own personal goals, have a career, or even start a family.
AIDS Research Stalled, Larry Kramer Reports
June 10, 2015 - The public perception is that the AIDS crisis, as horrible as it was, is somehow over, even though all the data show rates of infection are on the rise, especially in African nations, in inner-city ghettos of U.S. urban centers, and among gay men, generally.
Europe's most homophobic countries may be paving the way for a rise in HIV cases
10 June 2015- Men who already suffer the most stigma are also facing an increasing risk of getting HIV
They found that men in homophobic countries had fewer sexual partners and were less likely to be diagnosed with HIV. However, they also found those men knew less about HIV, were less likely to use condoms and are at greater potential risk of getting HIV when they do have sex.
One Woman Says to Black Churches: "Stop Homophobia and Start Fighting HIV in the Black Community"
June 10, 2015 - Pastors of black churches, and the black community in general, need to stop shaming those with HIV, Ellis-Byrd says. They also need to join those on the frontlines fighting against the disease.
Stigma horror: 7 with HIV ‘sacked unfairly’
June 10, 2015 - RIYADH: Seven people who have tested positive for HIV have been fired unfairly from their jobs at private companies, a local charity announced on Tuesday.
Abdullah Al-Huqail, deputy board chairman of the Charitable Society for the Care of AIDS Patients (Mana’a) in Riyadh and head of the infectious diseases department at King Faisal Specialist Hospital, said that he had assured them they could get their jobs back, but they refused to return because of the stigma attached to having the virus, the report in a local daily stated.
HIV treatment: pre-empting infection or encouraging risk?
June 10, 2015 - Truvada is taken by healthy but high-risk people on a pre-exposure basis and can prevent the virus taking hold
The evidence is in, and it’s conclusive. Trials from the UK, US, France and Thailand show that PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) dramatically reduces HIV infection in high-risk categories, including men who have sex with men, sex workers and intravenous drug users.
The Casey Award 2015: Ron Rosenes
June 9, 2015 - Created in tribute to June Callwood, The Casey Award annually celebrates individuals and organizations across Canada that demonstrate leadership in the fields of HIV/AIDS and social justice.
This year, the recipient of The Casey Award 2015 is Ron Rosenes, a long time HIV/AIDS activist who has devoted significant time, wisdom and energy into advancing the Canadian and global response to HIV/AIDS since the early 1990’s.
L.A. County planning to distribute controversial HIV-prevention drug
June 9, 2015 - Los Angeles County supervisors voted Tuesday to develop a plan to distribute a controversial HIV-prevention drug to county residents at high risk of contracting the virus.
Truvada combines two drugs that have been part of the anti-retroviral cocktail taken by HIV-positive patients for years.
Op-Ed: The new AIDS denialism
June 9, 2015 - Honourable Deputy President, ladies and gentlemen, I am here today to tell you that the days of good news are unfortunately over.
I am here to tell you that what we see on the ground is a healthcare system that is plagued with dysfunction. What we see in many of our communities are long queues, understaffed clinics, and stock-outs of medicines. What we see are people dying of TB – a disease that
is curable; recently we have learnt that HIV is the third highest killer of South Africans through disease. This is unprecedented considering that we have the biggest antiretroviral programme in the world.
More medical issues for HIV patients
June 09, 2015 - A growing number of HIV/AIDS patients undergoing treatment are suffering from metabolic problems such as high cholesterol and diabetes, an expert said.
'Generations HIV,' an HIV story project
08 June 2015 - The first documented case of AIDS in the U.S. was 34 years ago last Friday, according to ABC 7 News. As a result, filmmaker Marc Smolowitz created a small, quiet booth where those touched by HIV and Aids can share their thoughts on the disease via documentation.
UBC researcher gets $1-million grant to study link between pot, HIV/AIDS
Jun. 08, 2015 - A University of B.C. researcher who recently found that daily pot use might help fight HIV/AIDS is getting a $1-million grant from a commercial cannabis grower, which could lead
to more clinical evidence for doctors skeptical of a drug still outlawed in Canada.
Innovative pediatric HIV treatment formulation gives more children access to medications
Washington, D.C.- June 8, 2015 - The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) applauds the announcement of tentative approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
of a new antiretroviral treatment (ART) formulation that will make it easier for children living with HIV to ingest their medication. The oral pellets, manufactured by Indian generic medicines manufacturer CIPLA, contain an antiretroviral formulation of lopinavir and ritonavir (LPV/r) that can be mixed into a child's food.

Political fight brewing with feds over Montreal safe injection sites
Jun 08 2015 - The city needs a federal exemption to offer safe injection services to the city’s drug addicts. But Ottawa is opposed and mayor Denis Coderre has vowed to proceed anyway.
“(The federal government) is treating the question as if it's an ideological and moral question, while we're talking about respecting the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and access to an essential health service.”
Region adopts roadmap to end AIDS epidemic by 2030
June 8, 2015 - The regional framework for action on HIV and AIDS beyond 2015 was endorsed at a recent session of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific or ESCAP.
The plan involves addressing legal and policy barriers around HIV prevention and care, ensuring access to affordable medicine and the sustainable financing of the AIDS response.
The UN agency fighting the disease, UNAIDS, wants to see new HIV infections in the region reduced from 350-thousand in 2013 to 79-thousand by 2020.

Vancouver HIV Pioneer Addresses World Congress of Dermatology
June 8, 2015, Vancouver - Dr. Julio Montaner, a Vancouver physician who is internationally recognized for his pioneering work in HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention, is today speaking to the World Congress of Dermatology (WCD)
on the breakthrough therapeutic approach known as Treatment as Prevention (TasP).
Survey: Most HIV carriers hide their condition from parents and employers
June 7, 2015 - Seventy percent of HIV carriers do not tell their parents that they were infected with the AIDS virus, according to a survey of the homosexual committee carried out by the Israel Aids Task Force.
Seventy percent of HIV carriers do not tell their parents that they were infected with the AIDS virus, according to a survey of the homosexual committee carried out by the Israel Aids Task Force.
START Study Supports Early HIV Treatment
June 7, 2015 - Long-awaited results from the START study, released ahead of schedule, show that people with HIV who start treatment early have a significantly lower risk of illness and death than those who wait.

GMHC Relaunches Historic Buddy Program in Commemoration of National HIV/AIDS Long-Term Survivor Awareness Day
June 5, 2015 - New York, NY - New Committee of Long-Term Survivors to Advise on Expanded Support and Services
In commemoration of National HIV/AIDS Long-Term Survivor Awareness Day, Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) is relaunching its historic Buddy Program to meet the unmet needs of HIV and AIDS veterans. The agency also launched a new page on its website dedicated
to services for long-term survivors, defined as those who contracted the virus before the advent of anti-retroviral therapies (ART) or who have been living with HIV or AIDS for ten or more years.

The HIV Story Project Launches Generations HIV Online Video Archive
SAN FRANCISCO, June 5, 2015 - GenerationsHIV.org -- a Digital Media AIDS Quilt for the 21st Century
The HIV Story Project, a San Francisco -based non-profit organization focused on bridging HIV/AIDS with film, media and storytelling to fight global stigma associated with the disease, today launched GenerationsHIV.org -- a new
online video archive that will feature 1,000+ testimonials about HIV/AIDS by people from all walks of life.
Queen Elizabeth knights Prince Harry at Buckingham Palace
June 5, 2015 - His Royal Highness Prince Henry Charles David of Wales -- a.k.a. Prince Harry -- is now officially Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, and unofficially, Sir Harry.
Later in June, Harry will conclude 10 years of service in the British Army, which included two tours of duty in Afghanistan. In addition to his military service Harry has supported several charities including Help for Heroes, the ABF the Soldiers'
Charity and helped establish a charity in Lesotho to help children affected by HIV/AIDS.

U.N. Challenges Asia-Pacific to Be World’s First Region to End AIDS Epidemic
UNITED NATIONS, Jun 5 2015 (IPS) - The United Nations has expressed confidence that the Asia-Pacific region, with almost five million people living with HIV, is politically committed towards the elimination of the deadly disease AIDS.
Michel Sidibé, executive director of UNAIDS, said the Asia-Pacific region is moving the world forward into new frontiers of development.
Study finds new path to HIV vaccines
June 4, 2015 - Sanford-Burnham researchers find how to more fully activate immune system against HIV
A newly discovered response that alerts the immune system to HIV infection has been reported by a team led by Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute scientists.
HIV vaccines could be improved by incorporating this previously unknown molecular trigger, the scientists said in the study. It was published Thursday in the journal Cell.
Some opportunistic illnesses still problematic for HIV patients
June 4, 2015 - “Early diagnosis, rapid entry into care and initiation of antiretroviral therapy and prophylaxis against opportunistic illnesses (if clinically indicated) are essential to reduce
HIV-associated morbidity and mortality,” study researcher Sandra Schwarcz, MD, MPH,
associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at
the University of California, San Francisco, told Infectious Disease News. “Clinicians should counsel patients on the importance of medication adherence, monitor their patients for response to therapy, and be vigilant in diagnosis and treatment of HIV-related and non-HIV-related comorbidities.”
Thirty years of AIDS data highlight survival gains, room for improvement
4-Jun-2015 - Better treatment and prevention strategies still needed for opportunistic infections
Although treatment advances have dramatically reduced deaths from opportunistic infections related to AIDS, a new study drawing on 30 years of data from more than 20,000 patients in
San Francisco suggests there is still ample room to improve. About a third--35 percent--of AIDS patients diagnosed with their first opportunistic infection from 1997 to 2012 in that city died within five years, according to the study, published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Worrying figures reveal rise in gay Kiwi men infected with HIV
June 4, 2015 - Health officials are concerned with news that more than 200 New Zealanders were diagnosed with HIV last year.
217 people were newly reported with HIV - higher than any year since 2008.
HIV advocate says Saskatchewan is decades behind
Jun 03, 2015 - Plenty of blame to share, she says, for troubling HIV rates on First Nations
Thompson suggested that Saskatchewan is decades behind other parts of the world in HIV treatment and that it amounts to a shorter life for sufferers here. She recalls one year where almost 200 of her friends died
of HIV related illnesses.

HIV Criminalization Laws Are Judgmental, Not Justice
LOS ANGELES (June 3, 2015) - Twenty-three year-old HIV-positive man Michael L. Johnson facing decades in prison underscores danger of fear-based laws
Today the AHF Black AIDS Crisis Taskforce (ABACT) issued the following statement on a Missouri jury convicting 23-year-old HIV-positive college wrestler Michael L. Johnson on felony charges that he knowingly exposed four male sexual partners
to the virus and infected a fifth man with HIV. The mostly white St. Charles jury convicted Johnson on 5 of 6 counts against him and recommended that he serve more than 60 years in prison at his sentencing scheduled for July 23. According to the St. Charles County prosecutor’s office,
a judge will conduct a sentencing assessment report and decide whether to accept, reject, or modify the jury’s sentence:

Sofosbuvir plus daclatasvir for 12 weeks cures most HIV/HCV coinfected patients
03 June 2015 - Nearly all HIV/HCV coinfected patients treated for 12 weeks with an interferon- and ribavirin-free regimen of sofosbuvir (Sovaldi) and daclatasvir (Daklinza) achieved
sustained virological response, but the cure rate fell to 76% for those treated for only 8 weeks, according to results from the ALLY-2 trial presented at Digestive Disease Week 2015 last month in Washington, DC.
New focus on long-term HIV survivors in Palm Springs area
June 03, 2015 - Doctors are hoping that the large number of older adults living with HIV in the Coachella Valley can help advance research on the disease and its affects on long-term survivors.
Expert: New HIV/AIDS cases increased 70 percent in 2014
June 03, 2015 - According to data provided by Tabak, there were 9,300 people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in Turkey at the end of 2014.
According to data provided by Tabak, there were 9,300 people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in Turkey at the end of 2014.
HIV rates on Sask. reserves higher than some African nations
Jun 03, 2015 - Saskatchewan on-reserve HIV epidemic 'a real Canadian crisis,' says expert
Virologists at An infectious disease specialist says the soaring rates of HIV on Saskatchewan First Nations are "shocking" and "a real Canadian crisis."
CBC's iTeam has learned the rate of new HIV infections on Saskatchewan reserves is 11 times higher than the national rate.
HIV cases in Prince Albert 3.5 times the national rate
Jun 03, 2015 - Doctors worried some patients falling through the cracks
CBC's iTeam has learned it's not just reserves that are facing an HIV epidemic in Saskatchewan.
The most recent publicly-released data shows Prince Albert (PA) had a new infection rate of 20.9 per 100,000 people in 2013. That's 3.5 times higher than the national rate of 5.9.
Chicago Department of Public Health Urges Men Who Have Sex With Men to Get Vaccinated for Invasive Meningococcal Disease
June 3, 2015 - Small Outbreak of Serious Disease Identified
The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) urges sexually active men who have sex with men (MSM) living with HIV and MSM who have anonymous sex partners or use ‘hook up’ apps to identify sexual partners to get
vaccinated to prevent Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD). CDPH and the CDC have recently identified a small outbreak of the rare but severe infection among MSM in Chicago, which can be deadly if left untreated.

HIV & ageing – can we have your input?
03 June 2015 - Following feedback in our recent clinic survey, we are pleased to announce we will be working on a project around HIV and ageing.
Our aim is to develop a new resource which will cover the specific concerns and considerations people living with HIV face when approaching their 50s and beyond. A starting point will be JUSTRI’s acclaimed Coming of age book.
Why HIV's cloak has a long tail
June 2, 2015 - Virologists at Emory University School of Medicine, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta have uncovered a critical detail explaining how HIV assembles its
infectious yet stealthy clothing.

Results from the START Trial: A conversation with Dr. Anthony Fauci
Published on Jun 2, 2015 - Last week, NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) released the exciting results of the Strategic Timing of Antiretroviral Treatment (START) study, a randomized,
controlled clinical trial to more clearly define the optimal time and benefits for people with HIV to begin antiretroviral therapy (ART).

Digital Communication and National HIV/AIDS Long Term Survivor Awareness Day
June 2, 2015 - National HIV/AIDS Long Term Survivor Awareness Day (NHALTSAD) will be observed on June 5, 2015 – the day in 1981 when the first report of what would come to be known as “AIDS” appeared in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
The AIDS.gov team talked with the NHALTSAD lead organizer, Tez Anderson, about how he is incorporating social media into this year’s observance.
1 in 5 younger Americans tested for HIV
June 2, 2015 (HealthDay News) - Nearly one-fifth of teens and younger adults in the United States have been tested recently for HIV, federal health officials reported Tuesday.
In 2011, more than 1 million Americans 13 and older had HIV, but one in seven did not know their infection status. Routine, voluntary testing is known to reduce transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
B.C. steps up in HIV treatment
June 2, 2015 - B.C. spends more than $100 million a year providing anti-HIV drugs free to eligible patients, helping boost the uptake to 85 per cent of those with HIV on Vancouver Island.
Community encouraged to be educated about HIV/AIDs, get tested
June 2, 2015 - A lack of education is a key reason behind the growing number of new cases each year, Howard said. The issue is not taught in most schools, and community leaders largely avoid talking about it, she said. “You just don’t see and
hear people discussing AIDS and HIV like they once did. It has lost that news-making allure, so to speak,” Howard said.

UNAIDS: 95% of African Children With AIDS Lack Access to Treatment
June 2, 2015 - YAOUNDE, CAMEROON -
Nearly 95 percent of African children living with AIDS do not have access to treatment, the executive director of UNAIDS said during a visit to Cameroon Tuesday.
Donated laptops helps HIV-positive teens in Africa transition to adulthood
June 1, 2015 - Small Outbreak of Serious Disease Identified
A simple donation of a used laptop could make a huge difference in the life of an HIV-positive Malawian teenager's transition to adulthood, helping them cultivate important computer literacy skills that could result in better job opportunities.
A pilot program in the Baylor College of Medicine International Pediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI) at Texas Children's Hospital's Malawi Children's Center of Excellence has already proved successful and is looking to
expand within BIPAI's network of pediatric HIV/AIDS and primary care centers throughout Africa – with the help of donated laptop computers.
HIV/AIDS an unrecognised enemy
June 01 2015 - LAHORE - United Nations reports up to 120,000 patients in Pakistan, only 7,000 of them confirmed
HIV/AIDS epidemic is taking hold in Pakistan, mostly among drug addicts, male/female sex workers and repatriated migrants. Though the number of confirmed HIV patients are not that high, really alarming situation is that majority of
these are unidentified either due to lack of awareness about the condition or social stigma attached to the disease.
Tributes paid to Samoan HIV/AIDS awareness advocate
1 June 2015 - People in Samoa are paying tribute to Peati Iupeli, a woman they credit with educating the nation on HIV/AIDS awarenss, and changing the way people view those living with HIV.
Four friends crossing Canada for HIV research
June 1, 2015 - Four friends are on a journey cycling across the country to raise funds and awareness for the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR) and spent a couple of days in Portage la Prairie to talk about their journey.
Beginning on May 9 in Vancouver, B.C., the group plans to spend 56 days cycling before arriving in Sydney, Nova Scotia by July 3. With an original fundraising goal of $10,000, the group bumped it up to $15,000 after reaching their original mark on May 28, less than three weeks into their journey.
Remembering and Honoring Mario Cooper
June 1, 2015 - Last week, the world lost a great champion for the LGBT and HIV and AIDS advocacy communities, Mario Cooper.
Cooper, a trailblazer in the LGBT African American community, was an accomplished lawyer, strategist and advocate in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
HIV Then and Now – We’ve come a long way
June 1, 2015 - Interior Health has launched a new campaign to show how advances in HIV treatment and care have improved the lives of those living with the disease.
The campaign aims to break down stereotypes that prevent people from being tested and accessing life-saving treatment.
'Don't let HIV stop you becoming a parent,' says leading charity: Mothers only have 1% chance of passing virus to their babies
June 1, 2015 - People living with HIV should not rule out becoming a parent, a leading charity has said today.
Many people are unaware that it is completely possible for a mother with HIV to give birth to a baby that is free of the condition, the Terrence Higgins Trust said.

Let’s Get Ready: 6th Symposium on HIV, Law and Human Rights
6th Symposium on HIV, Law and Human Rights
Friday June 19, 2015
The 519 Community Centre
519 Church St, Toronto
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.