
Positively Positive
- Living with HIV
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HIV/AIDS Articles Bradford McIntyre Positivly Positive Living with HIV/AIDS

West End TIMES


AIDS care

by Bradford D. McIntyre

Published in: West End TIMES, February 28, 1997.

Dear Editor:
    The decision for both Shedule F Requests and the deduction of CPP by the B.C. Benefits Appeal Board of British Columbia denied the appellants and led some cases before the Supreme Court on January 14th, 1997. A decision was made denying those individuals.

Unfortunately it was reported in the Vancouver Sun Tuesday, February 11th stating “eight homosexual men lose up to 48% of their monthly income as a result of the court ruling”.

Why there was mention at all that these individuals are homosexual, is beyond me! 70% of the world's population infected with HIV virus are heterosexual and heterosexual sex the major route of transmission. This article continues to promote false stereotype that those suffereing from AIDS are homosexual by its sensationalizing sexual orientation.

These eight individuals were those cases that painstakingly went through a battery of Appeals and Tribunals that took years of time and energy while dealing with the many complications of HIV/AIDS. They are to be commended for thier forefront efforts.

What does sexual orientation have to do with the situation many on disabilities are dealing with? Article heading… “AIDS Sufferer's lose benefits in court battle.” These individuals are those cases that went before the Supreme Court, but there are hundreds of others whose lives and financial situation depended on this ruling who are in the very same situation. They are men and women who are suffering with HIV/AIDS and many other diabilities who will be and are affected. The fact that there are so many in this situation was not addressed, but sexial orientation was!

We need to get rid of the false perceptions and judgement. Like Doreen Millman said at the AIDS conference in reference to how a 63 year old grandmother got AIDS… she said “It just doesn’t matter!” We need not look for differences but how we can help one another.

18% of the population of British Columbia are living with a disability.

Men, women, children are sufferingg with HIV/AIDS, cancer and many other disabilities. We need to insure that these people are cared for, not discriminated against! We must provide funds for proper nutrition, susidized housing and health care for these individuals to aid and contibute to their well being.

12.1 million men, 8.8 million women and 1 million children are now estimated to be living with HIV worldwide. 8,500 people become infected with HIV every day!

Bradford D. McIntyre


"Reproduced with permission - West End TIMES"

...positive attitudes are not simply 'moods'

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