
Positively Positive
- Living with HIV
Curriculum Vitae:
HIV / AIDS Involvements
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A Youth Prevention & Sexuality Education Initiative


A play inspired by the FULL CIRCLE Project,
A Youth Prevention & Sexuality Education Initiative

"As many nights endure without a moon or star,
so will we endure when one is gone and far.."

- Leonard Cohen.

Balderdash is a one act play that was presented in four installments over the month of May, 2002, to eight classes in three Victoria high schools.

  We follow eight characters through their high school years.

                   ACT ONE: GRADE 8          ACT THREE: Grade 11
                   ACT TWO: GRADE 9         ACT FOUR: GRADE 12


    Ashley Dryburgh..........................Angela
    Liz Dunsmore...............................the Teacher
    Aubrie Karangianis......................Lori
    Dane Loucks.................................Dave
    Katherine Mackey .......................Lori
    Ryan Morley ................................Adam
    Jen Quinn .....................................Linda
    Dave Stansfield ...........................Kevin
    Tabetha Telford............................Mona
    Tony Yip .......................................Tony


    Written, edited and revised by all the Cast

    Coordinator/Principal INvestigator.......Josephine MacIntosh
    Director....................................................Lidia D'Angelo
    Stage Manager .......................................Lidia D'Angelo
    Lighting....................................................Lidia D'Angelo
    Sound Tech ............................................Dan Fehr
    Videographer .........................................Dan Rubin

    The FULL CIRCLE PROJECT was developed as a repeat intervention to reduce high risk sexual behaviour (HRSB) among in-school youth. Designed by Josephine MacIntosh, an interdisciplinary school sciences PH.D. student at the University of Victoria, in co-operation with the Rock Solid Foundation and Esquimalt Community School, the project is funded by a 2001 Community Fund Grant from the Vancouver Island Health Authority.

    This proactive intervention written by youth, for youth, uses youth culture as the framework for education concerning such urgent issues as abstinence, HIV and STD prevention and treatment, pregnancy prevention, decision-making, peer-pressure, negotiation for safer sex, and alternative safe behaviours.

    The seed idea for this project comes from the award-winning NiteStar Program/Star Theatre based in New York City. An evaluation of FULL CIRCLE is being funded by a doctoral trainee award from the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research/BC Medical Services Foundation (population health).

    Director’s Notes:

    It is an honour to direct the stories that came from a talented group of dedicated youth. I watched a family of friends work hard to make an issue their cause. The youth are recognized for their empathy, commitment and passion for sharing stories from different experience, fears, and truths. On stage we honour the stories, the people and especially Bradford McIntyre, who “is living positively with HIV”

    Drama in education enables students to learn in a safe and non-threatening environment. I thank Josephine MacIntosh for recognizing the power of theatre as a medium for HIV/STD awareness.
    The FULL CIRCLE Project has truly been a journey for alll of us involved and we are grateful to share it with everyone. A collective creation can go beyond the classroom. Thanks to everyone for helping us hold it together.

Lidia D’Angelo

- End -

Play promises harsh language and hard facts
Local youth write and perform play on HIV and STD prevention
by Patty Pitts
A play recently staged for students at three Victoria-area schools about sexuality and HIV prevention will be presented at two public performances in June.
Read more... The Ring – University of Victoria – ring.uvic.ca

An evaluation of the Full Circle Project: The effects of a peer-driven theatre-based HIV prevention intervention on audience and actor/educator learning.
J M MacIntosh
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada
The XIV International AIDS Conference
Abstract no. F12170

ISSUES: High-risk sexual behaviour (HRSB) persists among Canadian youth and is reflected in rising incidence of HIV and other STIs among this group. Many youth are engaging in HRSB and a recent report on chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis infections in Canada indicated that rates have risen by more than one-third in the past three years, especially within the 15–19 age group.
Read more... International AIDS Society – Abstract – iasociety.org

Drama, Discussion Part of HIV Prevention Initiative
A new four-part play where actors and their young audience members engage in frank discussions about sexuality and HIV prevention will be offered in four Victoria schools in May. The &Ldquo;Full Circle” project is an education initiative coordinated by UVic social sciences PhD student Josephine MacIntosh in collaboration with the Esquimalt Community School and the Rock Solid Foundation. MacIntosh will evaluate the projec’'s effectiveness in communicating its messages to young people as part of her doctoral dissertation.
Read more... University of Victoria | UVic Communications | communications.uvic.ca

...positive attitudes are not simply 'moods'

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