U.S. Interferes with HIV and AIDS Prevention
by Bradford McIntyre
The United States government would have the world believe it has been a major contributor in the fight against AIDS but many are unaware of the harmful tactics and funding shortfalls.
Throughout the world people affected by and infected with HIV, as well as the many people and organizations involved in HIV and AIDS prevention; they are aware of the often detrimental effects the United States government's interference has and continues to have on HIV and AIDS prevention efforts.
The constant bullying by the U.S. government can be seen in far too many areas; leaving the world way behind of where it should and could be in preventing the spread of HIV and AIDS!
Now the Bush government takes aim at needle exchange programs with a ban on the use of federal funds for needle exchange and is bullying the United Nations into withdrawing support for needle exchange programs.
“Silencing the United Nations on needle exchange is deadly diplomacy. The United States should be encouraging proven HIV prevention strategies, not attacking them.” Jonathan Cohen of Human Rights Watch’s HIV/AIDS Program.
HIV and AIDS Prevention programs in the United States and around the world have been negatively affected and HIV/AIDS organizations know only to well the repercussions of bullying when the U.S. government cut funding to those promoting and providing access to condoms!
“Whether it’s sex or drugs, the United States is exporting an abstinence-only agenda to countries hard hit by HIV/AIDS,” said Joanne Csete, executive director of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. “If governments do not stand up to this bullying, millions will pay the price.”
What is necessary; is to have the United States government start contributing the actual funding it says it will provide and follow a worldwide view of how best to stop the spread of HIV and AIDS. And stop the bullying!
Then we can all move forward and really tackle this epidemic. United; all working together!
Bradford McInytre
Vancouver, BC, Canada
copyright © Bradford McIntyre
For more information:
Human Rights News:
An Open Letter to the delegates of the Forty-eighth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND)