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Nutrition Support for PLWHA (10)

by Bradford McIntyre

1 Nov 2004

    Although it would appear, due to the fact many people are not OUT about their HIV infection or reporting how they are treating their HIV infection; on the contrary, there are large numbers of people around the world who are living with HIV! With or without medications! Due to the fact that there is relatively no time given by the media as to how people are living with HIV other than with pharmaceuticals, there is however a vast amount of information on the internet. Including countless testimonials to support there are more than just a few of us!

The difference I see between where I live and that of some of the poorer countries is this: Here in Canada where I live, we have clean drinking water and sanitation, a plentiful supply of food and Vitamin supplements are also available and plentiful here. How can anyone be expected to survive without these? How can anyone be expected to tolerate the drugs without these? We have access to healthcare which includes anti retro viral thera-pies and protease inhibitors.

There was a time when individuals were put on HIV/AIDS drugsjust for having tested positive for the virus. There was a period of years, where it was believed the best way to treat an infected person was to "hit them early, hit them hard" with medications. This practice has long since been recognized by science, the medical profession and individuals infected, as the wrong way to treat HIV and it was stopped for the most part. But, depending on where you live this still is going on today!

In place routinely now; there are guidelines where the level of CD4 count and the amount of viral load determines the appropri- ate time for when to start treatment. With that said we must also be reminded that HIV reacts differently in each person! Individuals have been very successful using nutrition, exercise, vitamin supplements and alternative and complementary therapies which enabled them to stay healthy and avoid the need for pharmaceuticals. As well, many people are including all of these along with the HIV/AIDS medications with great success. I am deeply concerned that in many places in the world that people are being put on antiretroviral therapy just because they have tested positive for HIV. A positive test does not determine disease of progression to disease. It is important to have regular blood work. The only way to know how HIV is reacting in an individual; is through regular blood work. Unfortunately, there are places around the world where access to medical treatment is limited or worse, does not exist.

There are obviously many strains of HIV and along with being infected with HIV, many are not aware that they are also at risk of being infected with multiple strains of HIV. An HIV infection can also mean an infection of any number of STD's. Often includ- ing, Hepatitis C of which there are four times the number infected than those infected with HIV. Lastly, I am taking HIV/AIDS medications and I have been taking the HIV/AIDS drugs since 1998, so I know the importance of providing there use and there benefits. There is no doubt that I would not be alive today if it were not for HIV/AIDS medications. Equally, I would not be here today had I not included and incorporated the many uses of vitamins supplements and alternative and complementary therapies throughout all these twenty years infected with HIV! I could not have gone without HIV/AIDS medications for 13 years without the aid of vitamin supplements and CAM. And, I could not have nor could I continue to deal with the side effects of the drugs or increased the efficacy of the drugs, without all that I have incorporated along with the drugs. The same can be said for a great number of people!

Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ 20years
Vancouver, Canada


From: Bradford McIntyre bradford@positivelypositive.ca
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 12:47:58 -0800
Nutrition Support for PLWHA (10)

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