Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation
LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS
by Michelle Valberg
Book Cover: LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS
By Michelle Valberg
November 28, 1996
Michelle Valberg has dedicated the past two years to fulfilling a vision: capturing on film people across Canada living positively with HIV/AIDS and recording their intimate reflections on life and love. The Photographs beautifully presented in LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS will bring a smile to your face and tears to your eyes; they will fill you with warmth and give you hope for the future.
Michelle’s purpose for LOOK BEYOND is to teach you and show you, by way of her photography, that HIV/AIDS is a concern to all Canadians, especially to our children and their future. These powerful photographs reveal the harsh reality of this disease, those who are living with HIV and those it touches.
Photographs: A selection of photographs in
LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS
By Michelle Valberg
There are many faces of AIDS… this is what this book is about.
LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS is both a fund raising and educational book; proceeds will go to the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation.

Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation
The goal of the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation is to establish, build and maintain a finacial resource available to organizations dedicated to AIDS educations, prevention and direct support services. The funds administered by the Foundation are used to create, expand and enhance HIV/AIDS programs offered by exisiting charitable organizations, in helping people touched by this disease.
The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation is a fully recognized charitable foundation established in memory of Louis Turpin. On the day of Louis’s death, as family and friends were gathered to share in his passing, an enormous snowy owl appeared just outside the window of Louis’s room. For those present, that magnificent bird signified comfort and hope and became a living representation of the love, compassion and beuaty of the human spirit which is seen every day in the fight against HIV adn AIDS.
Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation
1666 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K2A 1C5
You can reach us by e-mail at:
"Reproduced with permission - Snowy Owl Foundation"
Snowy Owl Foundation
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