World AIDS Day 1996
Bradford McIntyre - Guest Speaker
December 1st 1996
Parliament Hill,
Major Hills Park, Ottawa, Canada
Bradford McIntyre gives World AIDS Day address to the crowd on Parliament Hill / Major Hills Park, in Ottawa, and following he leads “Hands across the Bridge” from the Ottawa, Ontario side of the Royal Alexandra Interprovincial Bridge to the Hull, Quebec side. Participants on both sides walk hand-in-hand across the bridge and meet in the middle of the bridge where they form a human chain, linking the two shores of the Ottawa River in a gesture of solidarity and hope
for ALL victims of HIV and AIDS.
Video: World AIDS Day 1996
My Name is Bradford McIntyre,
I am Positively Positive; I have been living infected with HIV since 1984.
On November 28th 1985, I was told I had six months to live! After four years of living in fear, my life took a dramatic turn and I embarked on a journey away from fear! Healing doesn't necessarily mean cure of disease. but healing our mind and transforming our body to realize its full potential, joy and purpose. Learning about the influence that our thoughts have on our life and health. Living today as healthy and as fully as you can, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritiually!
We don’t have to carry the fears that were created around HIV! Fear is like putting up a stop sign for living! While dealing with HIV and AIDS, dedicated people have worked tirelessly, creating awareness in the many areas related to HIV and AIDS. Individuals spoke out, ignored the HIV stigma, and they broke down the barriers of fear and discrimination in their own lives, as well as for the sake of others.
Most of what caused the fear and stigma originally, does not exisit today!
We have treatment options and people are living long and productive lives.
In the earlier years I hid away and felt alone, but since going public and disclosing my HIV status in 1994, I have a freedom I did not have before! With this freedom I am committed to breaking down barriers of fear and discrimination.
The Abundance of Life does not come from what one can provide for oneself, but it is provided in our connectedness. I would not be here today if it were not for all the many people in my life.
I would like you to take a moment… and look around, see each other, see We are ALL connected! Whether You are affected by, or infected with HIV, we must cross those boundaries of Fear and Discrimination. To join Our Hearts and Our Hands, in the realization we are ALL here to Love one another.
I join with you that we create a shift in thinking around HIV/AIDS, and All disease!
Love is the way!
I am Positively Positive!
Bradford McIntyre
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Video: World AIDS Day 1996
CJOH TV - National News - Ottawa
- Broadcast Date: Nov 28, 1996
“Today is World AIDS Day and around the world people are observing it in memory of those lives affected by HIV and AIDS but today is also meant to draw strength from hope. Bradford McIntyre is HIV positive, doctors said he had six months to live, that was 11 years ago.”
Vivian Lee, CTV - National News - Ottawa - Broadcast Date: Dec. 1, 1996
“People are able to deal with HIV more like a chronic disease than a death sentence.” Bradford McIntyre, Living with HIVAIDS.
“The fight for millions more suffering from HIV or AIDS is far from over. People from the Ottawa side and the Quebec side of the river marked World AIDS Day on the Interprovicial Bridge.”
Vivian Lee, CTV - National News – Ottawa.