
Positively Positive
- Living with HIV
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Media Action on HIV and AIDS

Comments made by Bradford McIntyre in Mexico City at the THE MASCULINE SEXUALITY: NEW PERSPECTIVE Conference provided by Enkidu Magazine, Web Edition

Conferencia: Lunes 28 de Junio 2004 a las 10:00 Hrs. Monday June 28th, at 10:00am in Bgay Bproud at Amberes 12-B,
Zona rosa, in MEXICO CITY.

     People infected with HIV are no different from anyone else, only that they have been infected with a virus! Recognizing this can end judgment! Or, are we to become a society which stigmatizes, discriminates and ignores the sick?

How foolish it is to judge what should instead be the need to recognize those who are in need of help and our need to give help.

This stigma and discrimination created around HIV and AIDS is the insane idea people have that they are separate from those infected. This is the insane idea that threatens society! And anything that threatens society should not be neglected. It should be given priority!

We must stop the interference caused by discrimination and what will happen if we simply refuse to recognize again and again, the needs of those suffering from illness and disease!

Only then is it possible to look and see what must be done!

I urge the media/reporters, to make HIV in the news a priority! It is the responsibility of each of you (I feel the need to say demand, but I will use the word convince) to convince the owners and publishers of news programming, newspapers and magazines to meet the world needs for HIV education.

If you accept this challenge and accept the idea of making room for change in the number of articles published on HIV and AIDS, we will all experience its affects!

I am counting on your persistence and the change it will inevitably bring! The power of change is never recognized if it is not in place!”

By Bradford McIntyre

Vancouver, BC, Canada


Conference Flyer - SEXUALIDAD MASULINA: NUEVAS PERSPECTIVAS CONFERENCIA: Lunes 28 de Junio 2004. Speakers: Jose F. Colon (Puerto Rico), Bradford McIntyre (Canada), Alonso Hernandez (Mexico) and Yuri Herberg Tovar (Canada|Mexico).Correspondents included:
Jose F. Colón
(Puerto Rico), Coordinator of Patients of AIDS Healthy Political pro, organization who pleads for the rights of the PVVIH/SIDA in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Bradford McIntyre (Canada), A long time survivor living with HIV since 1984, Canadian Bradford McIntyre announced publicly in 1994 that he was living with HIV. He is a dynamic promoter in subjects of health and well-being of the people who live with HIV and AIDS.
Alonso Hernandez (Mexico) historian and activist in groups against the VIH-SIDA, human pro-right, pro-liberation of the sexualities and loving proto-diva of the Mexican chacales.
Yuri Herzberg Tovar (Canada/México), geographer and student of the masters in politicas sciences in the UNAM. At the moment Yuri Herzberg Tovas is leading an investigation on subjects to queer in Mexico. THE MASCULINE SEXUALITY: NEW PERSPECTIVE Conference: Monday 28 of June 2004 to the 10:00 Hrs.

Media Action on HIV and AIDS
Published in Enkidu Magazine-Eye Opening International News (Mexico) Special Report by our Correspondent in Canada Bradford McIntyre.
Other articles by Bradford McIntyre

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...positive attitudes are not simply 'moods'

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