Get in the picture.
Everyday moments in the extraordinary lives of people affected by HIV
September. 21, 2023
A Day with HIV is a social media-driven campaign that portrays 24 hours in the lives of people all over the world affected by HIV—that’s all of us, regardless of status. On Saturday, September 23, photograph a moment of your day—it can be a selfie, an action photo or an artful image. Post the picture to your social media with the hashtag #adaywithhiv; add a caption that includes the TIME and LOCATION of your photo and what INSPIRED you to take it.
You can also email your photo and caption to photo@adaywithhiv.com or upload them at www.adaywithhiv.com, where it will be added to the online gallery. A selection of HIGH-RES, picture quality photos will appear in the NOV+DEC issue of Positively Aware magazine—four pictures will be chosen for different versions of the cover.
Every year, A Day with HIV coincides with the autumnal equinox—one of only two days of the year when day and night are the same length. It signifies balance; in some ancient cultures, the equinox also signaled a time for change. What better day to take your best shot against stigma?
On Saturday 23 September, take a photo of whatever your're doing. Use your smartphone or digital camera; it can be a smile, candid shot or artful image. Photograph a moment of your day; take a picture of whatever you’re doing. Use your smartphone or digital camera.
Post the picture to your social media with a caption that includes:
- the time and location of your photo
- what inspired you to take it
- the hashtag #adaywithhiv.
Go to adaywithhiv.com. Upload your photo and caption, or email them toat A Day with HIV, or email them to photo@adaywithhiv.com.
Remember, photos must be taken on Saturday 23 September.
You could appear in the magazine – or on the cover of Positively Aware.
A selection of high-resolution pictures from the online gallery will appear in a special section of the NOV+DEC issue of Positively Aware magazine. Four picture-quality photos will be chosen for different versions of the magazine cover.
Last year, more than 250 photos were submitted, representing 25 counties around the world.
For more information, email editor@positivelyaware.com
A Day with HIV is produced by POSITIVELY AWARE, the HIV treatment magazine published by TPAN, a Chicago non-profit AIDS service organization.

About Positively Aware
Positively Aware is a magazine devoted to HIV treatment and wellness. With a
circulation of more than 100,000, it is published bi-monthly by Test Positive Aware
Network (TPAN) in Chicago and is the only publication of its kind to be produced by a
non-profit AIDS agency. Founded in 1987, TPAN is Chicago's oldest peer-led AIDS
service organization and specializes in treatment information, support services and
prevention. For more information, please visit www.positivelyaware.com or www.tpan.com .

About TPAN
TPAN empowers everyone living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS to live open, healthy, and productive lives. TPAN innovates to deliver peer-led support programs and collaborative wellness services and to communicate comprehensive information. TPAN will do so until HIV/AIDS is eradicated.For more information, please visit www.tpan.com.
Source: www.adaywithhiv.com
"Reproduced with permission - Positively Aware"
Positively Aware
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