The 30 30 Campaign was created in 2013 to celebrate AIDS Vancouver's 30th anniversary. The campaign pieces together the dynamic history of HIV in Vancouver, told by and for those who were there.
The year was 1996. For the first time Vancouver was on the world stage in the fight against AIDS and we did not disappoint. This is the story of the XI International AIDS Conference in Vancouver.
Many people refer to before 1996 and after 1996 in the AIDS Epidemic because of our very own British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS that announced the results of the new triple combination therapy. Thank-you to all who brought it here and all who worked hard to make it the success it was, including the amazing former ED of AIDS Vancouver, Andrew Johnston who died in 2008.
The 30 30 Campaign
The 30 30 campaign was created in 2013 to celebrate AIDS Vancouver's 30th anniversary. The campaign pieces together the dynamic history of HIV in Vancouver, told by and for those who where there.
About AIDS Vancouver
The first AIDS service organization in Canada. AIDS Vancouver was founded in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada.