Bradford McIntyre has No Shame About Being HIV Positive!
February 1, 2013 - A long time survivor living with HIV since 1984, I announced publicly on national TV (Canada), on World AIDS Day, December 1, 1994, that I was living with HIV. For over 18 years, I have been out publically about my living infected with HIV; locally, nationally and internationally. and volunteering my time and energy participating in HIV/AIDS causes through all venues: events, media, conferences, seminars, documentaries and speaking engagements. I am Founder of Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS www.PositivelyPositive.ca an internationally recognized HIV and AIDS information and resource website designed to create HIV and AIDS awareness.
For me, there is more power in people knowing the truth than there ever was in the fear and hiding. I did not experience any negative repercussions following my coming out publicly about being infected with HIV. This freed me from the burden of hiding that I'm HIV positive, giving me the freedom to truly be myself. My coming out publicly evolved and grew, which has been an extremely rewarding and liberating experience.
On November 27, 2012, I was awarded The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada.
I have no shame about being HIV Positive! - Bradford McIntyre .

Rise Up to HIV No Shame About Being HIV Poz Campaign
How to join the campaign:
On Facebook: Simply tag Rise Up to HIV or send a message to Rise Up to HIV containing your photo and a sentence or two about yourself, or a longer bio if you have one, or links to any of your blogs, videos, etc., that you would like for us to feature. Visit the event page to see who else is participating, and you may visit the Facebook album of folks who have already submitted their photos.
On Twitter: You can tweet an image and a sentence to @RiseUpToHIV, and use the hashtag #TeamNoShame.
If you are not on Facebook or Twitter, you can email your photo to noshame@riseuptohiv.org, and I will be sure to place it in the album on Facebook.
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