HIV Physicians Association Changes Name, Expands Membership
IAPAC now known as International Association of Providers of AIDS Care
(Washington, DC - 3 December 2012)- In a move designed to formally acknowledge the contributions of various
cadres of professional and paraprofessional providers of HIV/AIDS care, an international association that represents more than 17,000
members, primarily HIV-treating physicians, today announced it has changed its name to
the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC).
"Throughout our history, IAPAC has recognized, supported, and facilitated the delivery of HIV prevention, care, and treatment
via multidisciplinary approaches that take into account a 'team dynamic' involving clinicians and lay-providers as well as people living
with HIV/AIDS," said IAPAC President Dr. José M. Zuniga. "Our new name reflects a more formal recognition of that dynamic and will
allow us to support and facilitate its enhanced implementation across the HIV prevention and clinical management continuum."
Since 1987 the Physicians Association for AIDS Care (PAAC) and its successor, the International Association of Physicians
in AIDS Care (IAPAC), have advanced medical- and patient-oriented education, technical assistance, and global health initiatives
worldwide. In addition, both played critical roles in advocating the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as the
expansion of access to quality HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, and viral hepatitis prevention, care, and treatment.
"IAPAC-past and IAPAC-future has at its core a mission to improve the quality of services provided to people at risk for and living with
HIV/AIDS and co-morbid conditions," explained IAPAC Founding Chair Rabbi Allen I. Freehling. "We will continue to do so, on behalf of
our members and the millions of individuals to whom they deliver services, by battling complacency and advancing commitment almost
three decades into the global HIV pandemic."
While its various initiatives were designed for a variety of clinical and lay providers, moving forward the re-named IAPAC will
officially represent a broader range of healthcare providers. Advising the IAPAC Board of Trustees and its Senior Management
Team on future directions will be a Health Professions Advisory Council (HPCA). The HCPA will be comprised of physician-,
nurse-, pharmacist-, psychologist-, peer educator-, and other IAPAC members, and will be co-chaired by two IAPAC
Trustees: Dr. Julie Barroso, a nurse-practitioner and Professor of Nursing at the Duke University School of
Nursing in Durham, North Carolina, USA; and Dr. Chinkholal Thangsing, a physician who serves as
CEO/President of the Touch of Hope Foundation in New Delhi, India.
International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC)
IAPAC envisions a world in which people at risk for and those living with HIV/AIDS may access the best prevention, care, and treatment
services delivered by clinicians and allied health workers armed with cutting-edge knowledge and
expertise. www.iapac.org
Source: International Association of Providers of AIDS Care
Reproduced with permission -
"International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC)"
International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC)
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