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International AIDS Society - www.iasociety.org

Conference Programme Committees selected for the 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014), Melbourne, Australia, 20-25 July 2014

1st February 2012 - Geneva, Switzerland- Preparation is under way for the 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014) which will take place in Melbourne, Australia, from 20 to 25 July 2014. Held every two years, the International AIDS Conference is the premiere gathering where all stakeholders in the global response to HIV meet to discuss progress and future priorities. The twentieth International AIDS Conference will have a strong focus on the epidemic in the Asia and the Pacific region and is expected to convene some 18,000 delegates from all over the world.

The AIDS 2014 conference organizers are excited to announce the members of the three Programme Committees who are key to the development of a robust conference programme: the Community Programme Committee; the Leadership & Accountability Programme Committee; and the Scientific Programme Committee:

Community Programme Committee
Committee Co-Chairs
Brent Allan, Australia
Khartini Slamah, Malaysia
Yolanda Simon, Trinidad
Committee Members
Claire Tuyishime Gasamagera, Rwanda
Marama Pala, New Zealand
Kate Thomson, UNAIDS
Tony Di Pede, Canada

Leadership & Accountability Programme Committee
Committee Co-Chairs
Annmaree O’Keeffe, Australia
Louise Binder, Canada
Sunil Pant, Nepal
Committee Members
Bill Bowtell, Australia
Mabel Bianco, Argentina
Sheila Tlou, UNAIDS
Svitlana Moroz, Ukraine

Scientific Programme Committee
Committee Co-Chairs
Gita Ramjee, South Africa
Joel Gallant, United States
Marian Pitts, Australia

Track A: Basic and Translational Research
Anthony Kelleher, Australia
Brigitte Autran, France

Track B: Clinical Research
Jenny Hoy, Australia
Stefano Vella, Italy

Track C: Epidemiology and Prevention Research
Andrew Grulich, Australia
Peter Godfrey-Faussett, UNAIDS

Track D: Social and Political Research, Law, Policy and Human Rights
John de Wit, Australia
Justine Sass, UNESCO

Track E: Implementation Research, Economics, Systems and Synergies with other Health and Development Sectors
Ashok Alexander, India
Naomi Rutenberg, United States

"Our committee members are leaders in the HIV response drawn from 14 countries. With such a wide array of expertise we are confident that AIDS 2014 will offer a conference programme covering the most pressing topics across the five different scientific tracks," said Sharon Lewin, AIDS 2014 Local Co-Chair, Director of the Infectious Diseases Unit, Alfred Hospital, and Professor of Medicine, Monash University. "Women represent 59% of the committees' members to ensure that topics specifically linked to the advancement of women's leadership and participation will be extensively covered by the AIDS 2014 Conference Programme".

In 2013 the Conference Coordinating Committee will regularly meet to develop the AIDS 2014 Conference Programme under the leadership of the two Co-Chairs, Professor Sharon Lewin and Professor Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, AIDS 2014 International Chair, International AIDS Society (IAS) President and Director of the Regulation of Retroviral Infections Unit at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. Conference updates will be regularly communicated in the upcoming months.

AIDS 2014 Conference Organization
AIDS 2014 is convened by the IAS and permanent partners the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+); the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO); the International Community of Women with HIV/AIDS (ICW), and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

Non-permanent partners are the Positive Women's Network and Sidaction.

The Australian based partners are: AusAID; the Australasian Society for HIV medicine (ASHM); and the National Association of people living with HIV (NAPWA).

The Asia Pacific Partners are: The Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW); the National AIDS Research of India (NARI); and the AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific (ASAP).


About the IAS:
The International AIDS Society (IAS) is the world's leading independent association of HIV professionals, with over 16,000 members from more than 196 countries working at all levels of the global response to AIDS. The IAS members include researchers from all disciplines, clinicians, public health and community practitioners on the frontlines of the epidemic, as well as policy and programme planners.

The IAS is lead organizer of the IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 30 June – 3 July 2013 and custodian of the biennial International AIDS Conference, which will be held in Melbourne, Australia, 20-25 July 2014. www.iasociety.org | www.ias2013.org | www.aids2014.org

For more information:

Siân Bowen (Geneva, Switzerland)
Senior Manager, Communications
Email: Sian.Bowen@iasociety.org
Tel: +41 22 710 0864
US Mob (July 16-28): +1 202 997 6935

Francesca Da Ros (Geneva, Switzerland)
Communications and Media Officer
Email: Francesca.Daros@iasociety.org
Tel: +41 22 710 0822
Mob: +41 796 109679
US Mob (July 16-28): +1 202 997 6917

Source: International AIDS Society

"Reproduced with permission - International AIDS Society"

International AIDS Society

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