Surrey BC Red Ribbons 4 Life 6 - THE EVENT
Sunday, December 1, 2013
6:00pm until 10:30pm
Columbia Theatre, 530 Columbia Street
New Westminster, Britich Columbia
Doors 6pm Vigil at 7pm
Entertainment 7.15pm - Raffles, Auctions
Proceedsto benefit Surray HIV AIDS Foodbank
Emcees - Kim Rose & Martin Rooney
World renowned
Live Female Impersonator
Bobby Drake
Featuring preformances by
Jennifer Geddes, Adrien, St Asia Ryan-Jive, Lawrence Lacandula, Kiki Lawhore &
Myria Le Noir
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Brian Conway, M.D., F.R.C.P.C.
Tickets $30 (before November 23rd)
Cash Bar and food menu available
$40 at door
To buy tickets or to donate www.redribbons4life.com/
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