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Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) - www.ejaf.org

In Memory of Frankie Knuckles: the Frankie Knuckles Fund

THE FRANKIE KNUCKLES FUND - http://newyork.ejaf.orgApril 22, 2014 - The Elton John AIDS Foundation, in collaboration with Judy Weinstein and Defmix Productions, has established the Frankie Knuckles Fund to support HIV information, testing and treatment.

Following the tragic death of the man known to millions as the "Godfather of House" on March 31, 2014, the Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) has been chosen to establish the Frankie Knuckles Fund in Knuckles' memory, receiving donations for the charity's work with men at high risk of HIV in Africa as well as African communities in the UK, and African American communities in the U.S.A.

You can make a secure online donation to the Frankie Knuckles Fund here.

"Frankie was such a lovely man and a great talent," commented EJAF Founder Sir Elton John, "and his legacy provides a powerful voice to reach out to people, particularly men of color, about their essential role in helping to create an AIDS-free future."

Black men remain at very high risk of HIV. They are 40% are more likely than white men to be diagnosed with HIV late. This is particularly dangerous as people who are diagnosed late with HIV are 10 times more likely to die of AIDS.

"Through the creation of this Fund, Frankie Knuckles' music industry legacy will be transformed into a movement for health and empowerment in the Black community," said EJAF-US Executive Director Scott Campbell. "In the United States, Black Americans represent only 13% of the population, but account for 46% of people living with HIV. Frankie's name and image can help us reach into Black communities with urgently needed information and services."

Two memorial services are taking place on April 21 in Chicago and April 22 in New York City. A string of tribute events are being organized throughout 2014. Frankie was loved in his native U.S., but his reach captured millions of fans in Europe, Australia, Asia and beyond. It would have meant the world to him to know that this work would be done in his memory.

At the Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) we believe that AIDS can be beaten.  We act on that belief by raising funds for effective programs and policies, and also by speaking out with honesty and compassion about the realities of people's lives. Sir Elton John created EJAF over twenty years ago, first in the United States in 1992 and then in the United Kingdom in 1993. Through hard work and with the help of our network of kind, amazing, creative, and generous friends and supporters, the two foundations together have raised more than $300 million over the past two decades to combat stigma, prevent infections, provide treatment and services, and motivate governments to end AIDS. The U.S. foundation focuses its efforts on programs in the United States, the Americas, and the Caribbean, while the U.K. foundation funds HIV-related work in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Join us in speaking out, taking action, and contributing to our efforts to achieve a world without AIDS. For more information www.ejaf.org


Source: http://newyork.ejaf.org/in-memory-of-frankie-knuckles/

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