Empowering those at risk for HIV to make positive changes
June 25, 2014
Psychology professor Trevor Hart's research on HIV prevention and sexual health promotion shows that a positive sense of well-being is associated with a
decreased likelihood of engaging in unprotected sex.
Researcher Trevor Hart has noticed something about conventional support programs for those at high risk of contracting
HIV and people who are HIV-positive: they typically only focus on risk factors and how to cope with the virus from a medical
standpoint. But this limited view, says Hart, overlooks other variables that may prevent the spread of HIV and personal
issues that put those who are HIV-negative at increased risk of contracting HIV.
Read Full Article... http://www.ryerson.ca/news/news/Research_News/20140624-empowering-those-at-risk-for-hiv-to-make-healthy-choices.html
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