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Attending the Life Ball in Vienna: "Love is a bloom growing anywhere".

Danny Resnic, CEO, ORIGAMI Healthcare Products, Inc. USA

APRIL 16, 2014 - Danny Resnic, Los Angeles entrepreneur and inventor of the radical new ORIGAMI condoms, will be one of 250 VIP guests at The AIDS Solidarity Gala at the Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna, Austria, Saturday, 31 May - 01 June 2014. The Gala is followed by the renowned spectacle, the Life Ball. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXdZgKKkqPI&feature=em).

Resnic is the CEO and Director of New Product Development at ORIGAMI Healthcare Products, Inc., in Los Angeles, CA. His company developed the first structural design change to the old rolled condom in over 100 years. ORIGAMI has also developed a clinically tested alternative to the female condom (FC2). Resnic, a native of Boston, began his design career in New Orleans. He is the Principle Investigator of several clinical trials around the world.

Renowned representatives of AIDS LIFE's inter-national partner organizations, Goodwill Ambassadors as well as opinion leaders in politics, economy and the arts unite each year to form prominent international platform under the sign of the Red Ribbon. Other guests at the Life Ball last year included Elton John, President Bill Clinton, Sharon Stone, Brooke Shields, Katy Perry, Donatella Versace, Diane von Furstenburg, and a long list of political and entertainment luminaries. Thus, the AIDS Solidarity Gala enables an international exchange on progress made and remaining challenges in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

In the run-up to the Life Ball opening ceremony UNAIDS and AIDS LIFE organized for the fourth time the exclusive gala banquet traditionally held under the auspices of Federal President Heinz Fischer and receives global political support at the highest levels.

The evening starts with a champagne reception followed by an exclusive gala dinner with live entertainment and top musical performances. The auction of selected, unique pieces is the highlight of the evening. The AIDS Solidarity Gala's profit becomes part of the net proceeds of the Life Ball 2014 and will go to help projects in the areas most affected by the AIDS epidemic.

The presenting partner of the gala is the house Chopard. The world-famous manufacturer of watches and jewelry has always embraced the good cause in areas like culture, medicine and ecology and it also sponsors various charities for the benefit of people living with HIV or AIDS. "The AIDS Solidarity Gala not only generates financial means that are urgently needed for HIV/AIDS projects, but it also enables the dialogue between the most important national and international players. It is a great pleasure for us to devote our creativity and popularity to the good cause.", says Mag. Thomas Koblmüller, CEO of Chopard Austria and Eastern Europe, about the cooperation.

The evening starts with a champagne reception followed by an exclusive gala dinner with live entertainment and high-profile musical performances. The auction of selected, unique pieces is the highlight of the evening. The AIDS Solidarity Gala's profit becomes part of the net proceeds of the Life Ball 2014 and will go to help projects in the areas most affected by the AIDS epidemic.

A big event with a serious background: Celebrating the joy of life and the diversity of cultures, Life Ball unites the social tradition of the Viennese ball culture with opulence, extravagance, glamour, fancy performances, committed speeches as well as emotional moments.

Life Ball guests have always been encouraged to wear fancy, unusual outfits as the creativity of the styles and costumes is part of the concept and contributes to the unique flair of the event. The Life Ball Style Bible is an inspiration for ball guests to feature their own Life Ball-adequate look according to the annual changing motto.

The Life Ball can be divided into two major events: Red Carpet & Opening Ceremony with the Fashion Show at the City Hall Square

Each year, the opening ceremony attracts tens of thousands of visitors as well as 500 national and international media representatives to Vienna´s City Hall Square, where everybody can experience the 2-hour show on the Red Ribbon stage live and for free.

Following the Opening Ceremony, the jamboree starts inside the city hall for 3,780 holders of Life Ball tickets.

Many halls and yards of this historical building open up for guests, indulging them with an iridescent show comprising live concerts of national and international stars, DJ sets, exciting performances and culinary surprises until the early morning.

The Life Ball turns into a "Garden of Earthly Delights" in 2014.

The Life Ball 2014 (http://www.lifeball.org):
The Vienna City Hall will present itself passionately and flourishingly on May 31, 2014, as the 22nd Life Ball will be dedicated to the topic "The Garden of Earthly Delights" (http://www.stylebible.org/english/#1). Lust as something that links people is displayed in all its diversity and brought to life in highly imaginative garden settings, worlds of insects and flowery sceneries. The Life Ball's aim - to raise further funds for the fight against HIV/AIDS and to hoist a flag for living in solidarity – is also reflected in 2014’s slogan: “Love is a bloom growing

The basic inspiration for the Life Ball 2014 was Hieronymus Bosch's "Garden of Earthly Delights" - interpreted as the idea of a diverse society, living together passionately and peacefully, as if the Fall of Man had never happened and people had never been expelled from Paradise.

"The idea behind this interpretation is very inspiring for the Life Ball, of course. What is less inspiring, however, is the time during which Mr. Bosch lived when the afterlife was more important than living here and now.", says Life Ball organizer Gery Keszler.

The Life Ball's opening ceremony on the City Hall Square as well as the party inside the City Hall thus invite you to take a stroll in baroque pleasure gardens and explore the Garden of Eden as well as enchanted parks, where the proportions of humans, flowers, animals and other, mystic creatures are newly defined and not everything is what it appears to be.

Event content is centered around one topic: lust. It unites people worldwide, because we were all created form lust - and we all feel lust at times. Lust is a lifelong companion. It can be associated with sexual or culinary delights; with self-fulfillment, creativity and freedom; or it can be visible as lust for life. And just like the Ball has to achieve a balance between "Fighting AIDS and Celebrating Life", lust has two sides to it, as well: It can be destructive, but it can give you wings to go beyond your limits. It can serve only the individual or be profitable for many. In whichever form it may present itself it is the strongest motivation there is for human behavior.

The Life Ball wants to use lust in its life-affirming form for overcoming the current challenges in the fight against HIV/AIDS. These challenges are bigger than ever when it comes to reaching the goal of the United Nations: Stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015 and reversing the trend. Many countries, for example in sub-Saharan Africa or in the Pacific region, are on a good course thanks to effective programs for therapy and prevention. There, the rate of new infections is going down. In other regions, however, AIDS is advancing again, e.g. in Eastern Europe, where the virus is spreading further because the topic is a taboo and people with HIV/AIDS are excluded. With this in mind, the Life Ball's slogan 2014 "Love is a bloom growing anywhere" promotes empathy and the willingness to help people on the periphery of society. Because only if every person affected - no matter what their gender, sexual orientation or social status may be - has an equal chance to receive help, we can bring an end to the AIDS epidemic.

For further information and booking please contact Life Ball Officer, Magdalena Schuster, Tel. +43-1-595 5600 - 24, magdalena.schuster@lifeball.org

For further information about Danny Resnic and ORIGAMI Condoms, contact Media Liaison, Tricia Evenson, at EDG: tevenson@evensondesign.com



"Reproduced with permission - ORIGAMI Condoms"


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