ORIGAMI Condom Revolution Announced at the Life Ball in Vienna, Austria
June 11, 2014 - Los Angeles, CA - Danny Resnic, inventor of the ORIGAMI condoms, attended the Life Ball in
Vienna, Austria on May 30, 2014. Resnic delivered a TED Talk announcing his global condom
revolution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwD38uNeLfM&feature=youtu.be. Resnic
was a guest at the AIDS Solidarity Gala with President Bill Clinton, at the star studded event
that preceded the annual Life Ball in Vienna.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXdZgKKkqPI&feature=em-share_video_user
About ORIGAMI Healthcare Products, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Danny Resnic, a native of Boston, founded his public benefits company, ORIGAMI Healthcare Products, Inc.,
in Los Angeles, CA, to commercialize the next generation of condoms designed around pleasure but supported
with real world safety data. Building upon earlier clinical research and development supported by the National
Institutes of Health, the inventor continues his long-term commitment to introduce a condom revolution with a
new brand of condom innovations. Resnic studied design at the renowned Art Center College of Design in CA.
Resnic was infected with HIV in 1993, following an experience when a condom he used broke. That life
changing milestone forged his commitment to understand how rolled condoms could have survived in the
market unchanged and unchallenged for nearly 100 years.
Resnic observed that the old rolled condom had not made an significant design innovation since
it was first industrialized in 1920. As a result, he developed a new, engineered approach that
could provide a wide range of structural design options that were previously never
considered. Resnic holds several international patents, has served as the Principal Investigator
for four NIH-funded clinical trials to develop and commercialize the ORIGAMI condoms, and
continues to innovate the condom industry.
On June 3, 2014, Resnic was awarded the $100,000. Bill & Melinda Gates GCE Award to
develop a ‘Next Generation Condom’. The company plans a product launch by the end of 2015.
Source: Press_Release-TED_Talk_Life_Ball_Vienna.pdf
"Reproduced with permission - ORIGAMI Condoms"
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