International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2015
February 27, 2015
The poster for the 2015 International AIDS Candlelight Memorial on 17 May 2015 is now available.

The theme ‘Supporting the future’ calls on people from communities around the world to unite and demand a sustainable AIDS
response. Currently, we are not meeting the needs of people living with HIV, with many facing lack of access to treatment, care and
support. Many are also facing discrimination and criminalization. The AIDS response needs to be fully inclusive.
The poster can be downloaded in high resolution - suitable for printing up to A2 format, as well as low resolution - suitable for
printing on A4 format or smaller. The posters are available for download in English, French, Spanish and Russian.
In addition, we added a white box to the poster into which Community Coordinators can add the time and place of their own
Candlelight Memorial.
The poster will only be available as a digital file.
Download the posters here:
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