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- Living with HIV
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CAHR2021 - Symposium- Together We Can Stop The Virus/Ensemble, nous pouvons stopper le virus

CAHR2021 - Symposium- Together We Can Stop The Virus/Ensemble, nous pouvons stopper le virus

May 13, 2021

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Co-developed by Gilead

A collaborative panel discussion on the efforts being made in Canada to stop the spread of HIV. With topics focussing on prevention, treatment, social determinants of health, and the future, the panel will discuss and debate what is working, what is not and how we can jointly work together towards our shared goal of eliminating HIV. The panel, which will consist of health care professionals and a community representative, will provide different perspectives about working towards elimination in Canada.

Learning Objectives:
• Identify social and clinical challenges of specific communities and vulnerable populations that hinder them from reaching the 90-90-90-90 goals
• Evaluate strategies being employed to address barriers and challenges to HIV prevention and treatment
• Analyze strategies on how we can effectively work together towards our shared goal of ending HIV

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 Co-developed by Gilead

A collaborative panel discussion on the efforts being made in Canada to stop the spread of HIV. With topics focussing on prevention, treatment, social determinants of health, and the future, the panel will discuss and debate what is working, what is not and how we can jointly work together towards our shared goal of eliminating HIV. The panel, which will consist of health care professionals and a community representative, will provide different perspectives about working towards elimination in Canada.

Learning Objectives:
• Identify social and clinical challenges of specific communities and vulnerable populations that hinder them from reaching the 90-90-90-90 goals
• Evaluate strategies being employed to address barriers and challenges to HIV prevention and treatment
• Analyze strategies on how we can effectively work together towards our shared goal of ending HIV

• Mona Loutfy, MD, FRCPC, MPH, Professor, Infectious Diseases Specialist & Clinical Researcher, Women’s College Research Institute, Women’s College Hospital, University of Toronto & Maple Leaf Medical Clinic
• Chris Fraser, MD, MCFPC , Medical Director, CoolAid Community Health Centre, Clinical Faculty, UBC Faculty of Medicine
• Benoît Trottier, MD, Medical Director of Research, CMUQL , Clinical Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montéal
• Christian Hui, MSW, RSW, PhD Student , CIHR Vanier Graduate Scholar

Version française

Préparé en collaboration avec Gilead

Tribune-discussion coopérative sur les efforts consentis au Canada pour stopper la propagation du VIH. Par des thèmes axés sur la prévention, le traitement, les déterminants sociaux de la santé et l’avenir, les intervenants discuteront et débattront de ce qui fonctionne, de ce qui ne fonctionne pas et comment nous pouvons travailler ensemble vers notre objectif commun, à savoir éliminer le VIH. Le panel-discussion qui se composera de professionnels de la santé et d’un représentant de la collectivité, offrira des points de vue différents sur les efforts visant à éliminer le VIH au Canada.

Objectifs d’apprentissage :
• Dégager les difficultés sociales et cliniques de certaines collectivités et populations vulnérables et qui les empêchent d’atteindre les objectifs 90-90-90-90.
• Évaluer les stratégies mises à profit pour surmonter les obstacles et les difficultés concernant la prévention et le traitement du VIH.
• Analyser les stratégies et moyens nous permettant de travailler efficacement de concert vers notre objectif commun, éliminer le VIH.

Panélistes :
• Mona Loutfy, MD, FRCPC, MPH, Professeure, spécialiste des maladies infectieuses et chercheure clinicienne, Institut de recherche du Women’s College, Hôpital Women’s College, Université de Toronto et Clinique médicale Maple Leaf
• Chris Fraser, MD, MCFPC , Directrice médicale, Centre de santé communautaire CoolAid, Membre du personnel enseignant, faculté de médecine de l’UBC
• Benoît Trottier, MD, Directeur médical de la recherche, CMUQL , Professeur clinicien agrégé, faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal
• Christian Hui, MSW, RSW, étudiant au doctorat , Boursier aux études supérieures Vanier des IRSC


Source: https://youtu.be/R0lA_mMgBgI

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