11th Annual Harm Reduction Conference
May 31st (CATIE Pre-Conference Day),
June 1st, & June 2nd, 2011
VENUE: The Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel
The annual Alberta Harm Reduction Conference is one of a
kind in Canada. The goal of the Conference each year is to raise awareness in Alberta about the application of Harm Reduction principles
amongst Alberta service providers who deal with populations vulnerable to Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS, and to build capacities within those
vulnerable communities.
Each year the Conference attracts individuals from many different backgrounds such as social workers, physicians, nurses, community
outreach workers, addictions workers, and students from various faculties. We are particularly proud of hosting a large number of
people who use or used to use drugs, and people involved in the sex trade. Presentations, workshops, and engaging panel
discussions are at the center of each Conference, providing registrants with the most current and captivating
information within the world of Harm Reduction.
This year, the 11th Annual Harm Reduction Conference is being
held in Edmonton, Alberta at the Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel. This event will continue to lead some of the most progressive harm reduction
education and skill transfer opportunities in the country. The Conference will be held over a day and a half day and organizers are
expecting approximately 300 to 350 registrants from Alberta and beyond.
The theme for the 2011 conference is Courage, Evidence, Compassion. Throughout the past eleven years, Alberta service
providers have handed the baton of hosting the conference each year in different locations throughout the province. Since 2000, the
Alberta Harm Reduction Conference has been a one of a kind event in Canada. Each year, agencies, programs, individuals, groups,
community members, and advocates throughout the world have joined together for this special conference and all participants
leave with a new set of skills, knowledge and resources to bring home and share.
"Reproduced with permission - Alberta Harm Reduction Conference"
Alberta Harm Reduction Conference