AccolAIDS 2007
Nominees & Recipients
An awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC AIDS movement.
AccolAIDS 2007 Nominees & *Recipients
Health Promotion and Harm Reduction
Jeff Anderson
Dr. Katherine Czudyjowycz
Gary Dalton
Irene Goldstone
May McQueen
Robert Nickerson
Mary Petty & Wallace Robinson
*Carol Romanow
Rebekka Valian
COBS Bread
Ken Coolen & Carey Bridgeman
*Nathan Fong
Henry Blake Hiebert
Lorne Mayencourt
BC Association of Broadcasters
CBC Television
Cossette Communication Group
Kathryn Gretsinger
Matt Mills
*Nicholas Read
Science Research and Technology
Dr. Brian Conway
*Caitlin Johston and Staff at the Vancouver Injection Drug User Study
Dr. Philip Sestak
IDC Research Nurses Monica Valyi and Gerene Larsen
Social Political Community Action
Ken Coolen & Carey Bridgeman
Gary Dalton
Irene Goldstone
Henry Blake Hiebert
Michael Linhart (posthumous)
Lorne Mayencourt
Bradford McIntyre
May McQueen
Dr. Julio Montaner
*Pivot Legal Society
Sisters of Providence
Tim Stevenson
Innovative Programs & Services
A Loving Spoonful
Cossette Communication Group
Drug Treatment Staff at the BC Centre for Excellence
Marlene Dutton
Irene Goldstone
John Ruedy Immunodeficiency Clinic
Mary Petty & Wallace Robinson
*Positive Women's Network
Tim Stevenson
Rebekka Valian
IDC Research Nurses Monica Valyi and Gerene Larsen
Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award
Tom McAulay
Jeff Anderson
Myrna Cramer
Henry Blake Hiebert
Michael Linhart (posthumous)
Bradford McIntyre
*John Spencer (posthumous)
Colin Stewart
Rebekka Valian
Unsung Heroes Award
Tom McAulay
Michael Linhart (posthumous)
Lorne Mayencourt
Bradford McIntyre
Dianne Simpson
*Sisters of Providence
John Spencer (posthumous)
Colin Stewart
See: AccolAIDS Past Nominees & Winners
The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society (now Positive Living Society of British Columbia) is dedicated to empowering persons living with HIV disease and AIDS through mutual support and collective action. Unique among major HIV/AIDS agencies in Canada, the Society's Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV+ members. The organization provides support and advocacy services, treatment information, and volunteer opportunities for members province-wide.