AccolAIDS 2010
Nominees & Recipients
An awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC AIDS movement.

AccolAIDS 2010 Nominees & *Recipients
*Dr. Richard Harrigan
Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award
*Monique Desroches
Bradford McIntyre
Carey Bridgman
John Pedersen
*The Printing House
Innovative Programs and Services
A Loving Spoonful
*Chee mamuk Aboriginal Program
Irene Goldstone
Diana Johansen
Jennifer Evin Jones
Rev Tim Stevenson
Dr. Mark Tyndall
Despina Tzemis
Social/Political/Community Action
Chris Bearchell (posthumous)
Carey Bridgman
Diana Johansen
*Jennifer Evin Jones
Dr. Thomas Kerr & Dr. Evan Wood
Mennonite Central Committee BC
Bradford McIntyre
ORCHID Project
Martin Rooney
Stephen Smith
*Micheal Vonn
Health Promotion and Harm Reduction
Chris Bearchell (posthumous)
Bill Coleman
Irene Goldstone
*Dr. Silvia Guillemi
Diana Johansen
Mona Kwong
Dr. Neil McDonald
ORCHID Project
Rain City Housing and Support Society
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Thomas Kerr & Dr. Evan Wood
Dr. Neil McDonald
Bradford McIntyre
John Pedersen
*Irene Goldstone
Micheal Vonn
*Diana johansen
See: AccolAIDS Past Nominees & Winners
The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society (now Positive Living Society of British Columbia) is dedicated to empowering persons living with HIV disease and AIDS through mutual support and collective action. Unique among major HIV/AIDS agencies in Canada, the Society's Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV+ members. The organization provides support and advocacy services, treatment information, and volunteer opportunities for members province-wide.