2011 CAHR Special Scholarship to Master's Students, Canada
Master's Scholarship for students pursuing degree in health related fields in Canada
September 9, 2010 - The Canadian Association of HIV Research (CAHR) is dedicated
to the development of HIV researchers across Canada .The CAHR Special Scholarship to Master's Students will support the training of Canadian students
who are committed to pursuing a career in HIV research.
Applicants must be enrolled in a Master's degree program and planning to conduct research that is relevant to CAHR's mission.
The mission of CAHR is to: promote excellence in HIV research;
foster collaboration and cooperation among HIV research communities, including basic science, clinical science, epidemiology & public health, and social
promote education and the development of new researchers;
provide a unified voice for Canadian HIV researchers and engage diverse stakeholders (community, industry, Government, NGO's etc.) in ongoing dialogue
and knowledge exchange to ensure that HIV research remains responsive to their needs. (More information about CAHR can be found
at: www.cahr-acrv.ca )
Amount:The value of this award will be $15,000 (CAD). The trainee must devote at least 75 percent of his/her
time to the designated research and course work and must not simultaneously hold a second major scholarship.
Award period: The successful applicant will be notified of his/her award in Early December, 2010. The award
is one year and is expected to begin January 1, 2011. However, it may be postponed for up to six months at the request of the recipient. Upon submitting
an End of Award report, the applicant may request renewal of the award for a second year. Such renewal will be contingent on:
receipt of an acceptable report,
the applicant's continued enrollment in the academic program, and
the availability of CAHR funds.
End of Award report: Recipients will be asked to provide an End of Award report within two months of
termination of the award. Details regarding this report will be communicated to the recipients when the funds are released.
Eligibility: At the time of the application, the applicants must have completed or be in the final
year of a Bachelor's degree and intending to pursue, or already registered in, a full-time Master's degree program. Persons with a health
professional degree who are seeking support for Master's research training are also eligible.
(Note: The award will not take effect until proof of registration in a Master's level degree program is received.)
Supervisor : The supervisor must be an experienced academic with an appointment at a Canadian university,
who is able to provide a supportive research environment for the trainee.
The application A complete application must include:
A letter from the applicant summarizing his/her relevant experience and training todate and describing how the proposed scholarship will fit into
his/her career plans;
A cover letter signed by the applicant's supervisor, discussing (i) the applicant's suitability for this award (ii) how the training and career
aspirations relate to CAHR's mission, and (iii) a summary of the supervisor's current position, research
background (emphasizing any HIV experience) and relevant supervisory experience;
The applicant's CV and a copy of transcripts;
A description (at least one full page) of the proposed program of training and/or research to be conducted under the scholarship, plus any pertinent
A letter from the institution where the training will take place, confirming that it is prepared to sponsor this studentship and provide the
applicant with suitable space and research facilities;
Any other documents that the applicant feels are pertinent to the application. Adjudication
A CAHR review committee will adjudicate the full applications. The adjudication will favour applicants with high potential for developing into future
HIV research leaders in one of CAHR's four research streams (i.e., basic, clinical, social or epidemiological research). The priority areas for
adjudication are: (i) the achievements, characteristics
and abilities of the applicant, (ii) the quality and potential impact of the proposed research project, and (iii) the strength of the proposed training
environment (including the program and supervisor).
How to apply: The deadline for receipt of applications is October 29, 2010. Late or incomplete
applications cannot be considered. The results of the competition will be announced on December 1.
Applications may be couriered or emailed to the attention of Ms. Jeannine Richard at:
Canadian Association of HIV Research
1 Nicholas Street, Suite 1105, Ottawa, ON, K1N 7B7
or by email to: jeanninerichardcahr@yahoo.ca
For more information, please contact Ms. Richard at the above address or by phoning the
CAHR office:
(613) 241-5785
For more information, please contact Bob O'Neill (Exec Director),
CAHR office: (613) 241-5785.
"Reproduced with permission - "Canadian Association for HIV Research"