International Condom Day' 2012: AHF & partners to distribute over one million free condoms worldwide
Events in over 30 cities in 15 countries around the world set stage for free condom distribution, HIV testing and safer sex awareness events by AIDS Healthcare Foundation and global partners; groups to distribute over one million of AHF's 'LOVE Condoms' as well as locally-sourced condoms during events starting February 13th--International Condom Day
By: AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Feb 10, 2012 - LOS ANGELES - AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the
largest global AIDS organization which currently provides medical care and services to more than 125,000 individuals in 26 countries
worldwide, will mark International Condom Day (ICD)--an informal holiday observed on February 13th in conjunction with Valentine's
Day--with free condom distribution events and innovative safer sex awareness events set for over 30 cities in 15 countries
around the world as well as HIV prevention media campaigns and free HIV testing events in some locations that will be
taking place over the days, nights--and week--surrounding the holiday. Together, AHF and its global partners plan to
distribute over one million free condoms and conduct as many as 10,000 free HIV tests in conjunction with worldwide
events planned for the 2012 International Condom Day effort.
AHF's International Condom Day events include the launch of AHF's 'Condom Nation' tour from the famed
Venice Beach Boardwalk in California in the United States--a 20-state, six-month nationwide tour of AHF's
specially-outfitted 53-foot long, 18 wheel big rig truck which will stop in select cities, towns and
states to hand out free condoms and safer sex information in conjunction with local partners along
the way. Some of the other International Condom Day events include:
MEXICO - Puerto de Veracruz and Merida, Yucatan: Across the country, AHF Mexico celebrates the 'Condom
Carnaval,' which includes large scale events in Veracruz and Merida in conjunction with those cities' pre-Lenten
Carnavals. AHF's 'Condom Carnaval' will offer free HIV testing events with as many as 70,000 free condoms
expected to be given out in the two cities (as the date is so close to Carnaval, a popular annual event
throughout Mexico, the testing and condom distributions events will draw the public and media). In
addition, ten other Mexican cities and locations will distribute as many as 75,000 additional
free condoms and provide over 2,000 free HIV tests via mass testing events at many of the 12
AHF Mexico 'Condom Carnaval' locations.
INDIA - New Delhi: AHF and partners in India will target sex workers at brothels in New
Delhi with condom distribution and free HIV testing with goals of handing out 3,000 condoms and providing 100 free HIV tests.
KENYA - Mombasa and Kithituni: In Kithituni, ICD will be marked on Feb. 10th at Emali,
during its market day. Major activities for the day are: 1) A short public procession to capture audience attention on
the events of the day, and at the same time, educate the general population. A motorbike, van and acrobats will lead
the Kithituni procession. The Mombasa procession will be lead by Simba Ropa (local dancers), puppeteers and
skaters. 2) Education on condom use and clarification of misconceptions or myths on condom use--the target
is to have an education session with the peer educators for groups of 5-10. This will be a mobile
activity targeting youth at pool sites and bars, as well as market vendors. 3) 80,000 condoms
will be distributed, with a concentration on education for using condoms and their role in prevention.
NIGERIA - Abuja; and Benue and Kogi states: AHF partners coordinating International Condom Day
events in Abuja, the capital city, and in the states of Kogi and Benue, plan to target 3,000 people for free HIV testing and
distribute over 23,000 condoms.
SOUTH AFRICA - Umlazi: The ICD plan for South Africa this year is to have road shows in
different venues around Umlazi from the 13th-17th of February. Road shows are mini events that take place within
communities to raise awareness on different issues. The road shows in this particular week will reinforce the
importance of using condoms as HIV and STD prevention measures and also encourage communities to get tested
early and be linked to treatment and care, if necessary. There will be educational talks during the road
shows, HIV testing as well as free condom distribution. In addition, the top 5 groups that took part
in the AHF-sponsored 'Superstar Hip Hop Competition' last year will help attract attention and
retain the crowds. Organizers of the South Africa ICD events aim to distribute 72 000 condoms
during those events.
SWAZILAND - Manzini: At the Manzini Bus Rank (main terminal), AHF will partner with
PSI-Swaziland to promote the use of condoms. PSI has identified bus drivers and conductors under its
most-at-risk-population (MARPS) program, and the group will be targeting them to teach them about
condom use on the day. AHF will also target commuters and vendors in the market area surrounding
the bus rank. This will be ideal, as it happens to be the busiest commercial area in the
country. A dance competition will also be part of the entertainment as eight groups
compete for cash prizes. Other local drama and singing groups will join in to
capture the crowd's attention on the day. HIV testing will also be part of
the day, with a goal of 400 free tests undertaken, with necessary
eferrals for ART or support groups for those who are eligible.
Over 36,000 LOVE condoms are expected be distributed to people who participate in the promotion including transport operators.
A further 100,000 condoms will be distributed in the local newspaper.
ZAMBIA - Lusaka: A formal ceremony with local partners including the Ministry of Health will
take place in Lusaka, including a mobile HIV testing set up. The plan is to target 1,000 individuals for free HIV testing;
the partners also intend to distribute 100,000 free condoms.
ESTONIA: International Condom Day partners in Estonia plan to distribute over 10,000 free
LITHUANIA--Vilnius: A manifest calling for lower prices and increased access to condoms, with information on
the use of condoms in sexual educational programs will be sent to members of Parliament, NGOs, and journalists. AHF's local
partners intend to conduct 500 free HIV tests and distribute 6,000 free condoms. In addition, the company FORUMCINEMA
will show a specially-produced HIV prevention message video clip--and distribute free condoms and flyers--at the
beginning of each film screening in seven movie theatres from February 14th--17th.
UKRAINE--Kiev and Odessa: Over 7,000 free condoms will be distributed in Ukraine. Billboards promoting condom
use will be posted in Kiev, and several Fashion AID Condom Promotion events will take place at colleges and universities in
conjunction with Fashion AID and the Olena Pinchuk Foundation. In Odessa, a person dressed up as the 'Love Condom Man'
mascot will attract attention as he and others distribute free 'Love Condoms' and leaflets in the downtown area.
Posters will also be distributed at health institutions, universities, several bars, shops, and over 3,000
condoms will be distributed at hospitals, institutions, on the streets and in shops.
"We know that condoms are a simple, low-cost prevention method that works," said Terri Ford, AIDS Healthcare
Foundation's Senior Director of Global Policy and Advocacy. "With a new focus on treatment as prevention and other recently
embraced prevention strategies, there is a worry that the relevance of 'the condom' will be forgotten or diminished in the
equation of global AIDS control. That would be a big mistake, as condoms remain both the most effective and
cost-effective weapon against HIV/AIDS. Yet, remarkably, we see continual shortages and stock-outs on the
ground through the world. That is unacceptable and must be remedied sooner than later. With our Love
Condom campaign on Valentine's Day, we look to spark a revitalized commitment to accessible and
quality condom supply and distribution around the world. Condoms save lives -- we simply cannot forget that."
Michael Weinstein, AIDS Healthcare Foundation President said, "While awareness of condoms may be high, availability
and easy access continues to be a barrier to consistent condom use around the world. We continue to advocate for condoms to be
made more available to the public, as condom use is the best strategy for reducing the transmission of HIV and other
sexually transmitted infections. AHF is pleased to once again mark International Condom Day with worldwide events
to encourage the public to put knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevention and condom use into action, and embrace condom
use as one of the primary strategies to reduce HIV transmission."
For more information, please visit www.aidshealth.org or
Participating Countries/Cities in AHF's International Condom Day 2012 Celebration
- Venice Beach, CA 2,000 condoms
- Oakland, CA 700 condoms
- Ft. Lauderdale, Wilton Manors, South Beach & Miami/Biscayne FL 5,000 condoms
- Washington, DC
- MEXICO (145,000 condoms TOTAL)
- Cancun & Tulum, Quintana Roo 10,000
- Mérida, Yucatan 20,000
- Mexico City, Tecamac & Clinica Condesa, DF 25,000
- Navajoa, Sonora 5,000
- Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco 10,000
- Saltillo, Coahuila 5,000
- Tijuana & Ensenada, B.C 10,000
- Puerto de Veracruz 50,000
- Villahermosa, Tabasco 10,000
- ETHIOPIA -Addis Ababa (Yeka & Bole Subcity)
324,000 condoms
- KENYA -Mombasa & Kithutuni 80,000 condoms
- NIGERIA -Abuja, Benue & Kogo 23,000 condoms
- RWANDA -Kigali
- ZAMBIA -Lusaka 100,000 condoms
- SOUTH AFRICA -Umlazi 72,000 condoms
- SWAZILAND -Manzini 36,000 condoms
- CAMBODIA -Phnom Penh 50,000 condoms
- INDIA -New Delhi 3,000 condoms
- UKRAINE 7,000 condoms
- Events in cities including Kiev & Odessa
- NOTE: Russian Int'l Condom Day events will take place in April 2012
SOURCE: AIDS Healthcare Foundation
About AHF
Los Angeles-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is a global organization providing cutting-edge medicine and advocacy to over 100,000 people in 22 countries. We are the largest provider of HIV/AIDS medical care in the U.S. www.aidshealth.org
United States
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Ged Kenslea, Communications Director
+1-323-308-1833 [work]
+1-323-791-5526 [cell]
Lori Yeghiayan, Associate Director of Communications
Los Angeles, CA, USA
+1-323-308-1834 [work]
+1-323-377-4312 [cell]