A look back at the 4th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum

The 4th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum was a delicious success, raising nearly
$16,000 to benefit AIDS Vancouver's Asian Community Outreach Project!
Emceed by Fred Lee and Sophie Lui, the event included 18 local celebrities serving Dim Sum
to a sold out crowd of 250 people. This delicious event was made possible by the leadership
of Fred Lee, Sophie Lui and Food, Travel & Culture Journalist Stephanie Yuen. A special
thank you goes out to Chef Wu and the staff of Sun Sui Wah Seafood Restaurant who
provided the best 12 course meal in town!
The event boasted an impressive selection of silent auction items and a spirited 50/50 draw
hosted by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. The tasty affair was kicked off with a
beautiful musical selection performed by the Renowned Chinese Instrumental group
The Pentatonics! The Asian Community Outreach Project spoke to the history of
the project and the work the importance of their ongoing work. Building on
this, Fred Lee led the Dim Sum into a competitive and Fun Live Auction
boasting priceless packages and serious competition. This special
event would not have been complete without Sophie Lui bestowing
a unique trophy for this year's winner of the Chicken Feet
Eating Contest, which brought everyone to their feet
before all agreeing to come back next time.
This event, made possible by an army of staff, volunteers and a supportive community has
quickly become Vancouver's hottest morning event! We thank everyone for their generous
donations, time and all the energy that continues to support this worthy cause. Be
sure to check out our photos and make a plan to attend next year!

About AIDS Vancouver
The first AIDS service organization in Canada. AIDS Vancouver was founded in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada. The agency was
formed in response to an emerging disease that was starting to infect and affect local communities in Vancouver, specifically gay men. From our
beginning, AIDS Vancouver evolved with the progression of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This evolution has made our service delivery and program
development relevant and innovative today.
While setting standards for excellence in program and service delivery, we work with policy makers to address complex legal, ethical and socioeconomic
issues. The principles of Health Promotion, Harm Reduction, Community Based Research, Community Development and Volunteerism guide and direct us.
Mission and Mandate of AIDS Vancouver
For the past 25 years, AIDS Vancouver has been at the forefront of community response to the epidemic here in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.
Over 25 paid staff and 200 volunteers strive to provide a comprehensive and integrated range of health promotion, education, and support
services. www.aidsvancouver.org
"Reproduced with permission - AIDS Vancouver "
AIDS Vancouver