
Positively Positive
- Living with HIV
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HIV/AIDS News Bradford McIntyre
We Care RED RIBBON CAMPAIGN - www.aidsvancouver.org


AIDS Vancouver - www.aidsvancouver.org
AIDS Vancouver presents month-long,
public awareness campaign

November 1st - December 1st 2010

November 2010 has been officially proclaimed Red Ribbon Month throughout the City of Vancouver by Mayor Gregor Robertson.

Spread The Love.
Stop The Virus.

HIV/AIDS: Together we can protect each other.

The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign Calendar

Week 1: November 1st - 5th 

Event: The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign Launch
When: November 1st, 1pm
Location: Vancouver City Hall
Description: Mayor Gregor Robertson and AIDS Vancouver board members announce November 2010 to be Red Ribbon Month and we will unveil the Campaign PSA's.

November 2 nd The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign : City Hall, 2pm, The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign will be officially recognized by Vancouver City Council. Mayor Robertson will proclaim November Red Ribbon Month to the council. AIDS Vancouver will address council about the campaign. Representatives from AIDS Vancouver will pin red ribbons on to city council members.

FREE Noon-hour Series--HIV/AIDS: The Current Reality
A series of presentations exploring the current reality of HIV/AIDS around the world and how those living with or affected by the virus have joined together to promote awareness, understanding and social change.
Presented by AIDS Vancouver/CIHR (Canadian Institute for Health Research) and UBC Continuing Studies.
HIV Around the World Tue, Nov 2, 12noon-1pm; UBC Robson Square
The World Health Organization estimates that over 33.4 million people around the world are living with HIV. In this talk, we look at how Canada, China, India, Iran, South Africa and Russia have been affected by the HIV virus, how these countries have responded to the HIV epidemic and how this response has shifted over time. Interviews, readings and documentaries from around the world are introduced as well as a list of contacts and resources for more information.

Week 2 : November 8th - 12th

Event: The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign in partnership with Pacific Cinematheque presents:

Parting Glances.
Location: 1131 HOWE ST Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2K8
When: Friday November 12th. Doors 6pm. Movie 7pm

AIDS Vancouver Board Member, Bradford McIntyre, a long term survivor living with HIV since 1984, will discuss the film Parting Glances and share his own experience living with HIV.

Tickets: $10.50 Adult with Pacific Cinematheque membership.
$13.50 Adult without Pacific Cinematheque membership
$9.00 Students & Seniors
This is an 18+ event.

Description: The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign is proud to present a restored print of Parting Glances: A brilliant story and one of Steve Buscemi's first films. Directed and Written by Bill Sherwood who died of AIDS just after the film was made.
Movie Synopsis: As Michael and Robert, a gay couple in New York, prepare for Robert's departure for a two-year work assignment in Africa, Michael must face Robert's true motives for leaving while dealing with their circle of eccentric friends, including Nick, who is living with AIDS

Labels are for Cans: HIV, Stigma and Stereotyping Tue, Nov 9, 12noon-1pm;
This session tracks some of more widely publicized cases of HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination in North America and around the world since the early 1980s. The impact of such events is considered, and how individuals and communities living with or affected by the virus have joined together to counteract the ignorance that still exists today.
To register for this free lecture please go to http://cstudies.ubc.ca/community/courses.html#HIV_AIDS

Week 3 : November 15th -19th

Event: We Care Red Ribbon Campaign: Spread The Love Stop The Virus

Date: Wednesday, November 17th, 4-7pm.
Locations: Downtown Sky Train Stations around Vancouver
Description: Free Hugs From AIDS Vancouver! Look out for AIDS Vancouver volunteers located around main Skytrain stations handing out safe sex postcards and Free Hugs. Who doesn't want a hug at the end of a long work day!

Client: AIDS Vancouver - Free Hugs at Vancouver SkyTrain

Mapping the Body: Exploring HIV through Art Tue, Nov 16, 12 noon-1pm
This talk focuses on two movements that have explored HIV through art: the NAMES Project Foundation AIDS Memorial Quilt and Body Mapping. Launched in San Francisco in June 1987, the NAMES Project Foundation AIDS Memorial Quilt now has more than 44,000 3" x 6" panels and is the largest standing memorial of HIV/AIDS in the world. Body Mapping originated in South Africa as a way for individuals to trace the personal, social, geographical, political and emotional experience of living with HIV. Activists have since organized Body Mapping workshops around the world as a way to counteract the stigma and discrimination all too often associated with HIV. These two movements demonstrate how art can promote awareness and political action, and the evocative role art can play when it comes to understanding HIV/AIDS.

Week 4: November 22nd - 26th
Event: The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence:
The mission of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence is to promulgate universal joy, expiate stigmatic guilt and serve the community. On the weekend of November 26th they will be hitting the bars on Davie St. to Spread the Love. Stop The Virus for the We Care Red Ribbon Campaign.

Week 5 : November 29th - Dec 3rd

The We Care Red Ribbon Gala
Location: Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3J9
When: November 30, 2010. 6-9pm
Event: A Cocktail Reception at the Museum of Vancouver celebrating the close of the 2010 We Care Red Ribbon Campaign.

Emceed by CBC's own Fred Lee. Live music by:PK3 Jazz Trio
Fantastic Silent Auction and more.
Tickets: $60

Tickets include:

Appetizers by Lazy Gourmet

Granville Island Beer

Rigamarole Wines

About AIDS Vancouver
The first AIDS service organization in Canada. AIDS Vancouver was founded in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada. The agency was formed in response to an emerging disease that was starting to infect and affect local communities in Vancouver, specifically gay men. From our beginning, AIDS Vancouver evolved with the progression of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This evolution has made our service delivery and program development relevant and innovative today.

While setting standards for excellence in program and service delivery, we work with policy makers to address complex legal, ethical and socioeconomic issues. The principles of Health Promotion, Harm Reduction, Community Based Research, Community Development and Volunteerism guide and direct us.

Mission and Mandate of AIDS Vancouver

For the past 25 years, AIDS Vancouver has been at the forefront of community response to the epidemic here in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Over 25 paid staff and 200 volunteers strive to provide a comprehensive and integrated range of health promotion, education, and support services. www.aidsvancouver.org

...positive attitudes are not simply 'moods'

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