- A Grandmother's Tribe Documentary Film

After a most wonderful process of making this film a reality, we are pleased to announce the WORLD PREMIERE of 'A Grandmother's Tribe' Documentary Film at the DOCNZ International Documentary Festival 2007.
Time / Date: 12:15pm, Saturday 29th September 2007 (Q&A will follow)
Venue: Academy Cinemas in Auckland, New Zealand.
We recommend you book your tickets in advance from the Academy Cinema, phone 373 2761.
All attending the screening are invited after the Premiere: for celebratory afternoon tea
Venue: Rooftop Garden, Chancery Chambers (Corner Chancery & O'Connell Streets)
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
RSVP: qiujing@borderlessproductions.com by 25th September 2007.
Further screenings will be held in Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. For showtimes in these locations, please visit our facebook page
or the film's website.
MORE EXCITING NEWS: 'A Grandmother's Tribe' has been selected as one of eleven finalists in the New Zealand Competition for DOCNZ 2007. The eleven selected films will compete for cash prizes and top honours in the categories of Best New Zealand Feature, Best New Zealand Medium and Best New Zealand Short. The winners of the New Zealand Competition will be announced at the Awards Night in Auckland on the 1st of October 2007.
For more information, please refer to the DOCNZ website for details regarding the 2007 DOCNZ Festival, including a downloadable programme and festival schedule.
NORTH AMERICAN PREMIERE: Plans are under way for The North American Gala Premiere and Further Special Screenings in Vancouver, Canada, so please keep your diaries open for celebrations on 31st October and 2nd November, 2007.
Creator / Producer (on behalf of the AGT team)
P +64 9 302 3103
C +64 21 620 348 or
email qiujing@borderlessproductions.com