Bio-Alcamid: Letter to Dentists
Re: Patient has had Bio-Alcamid injections into cheeks
August 5, 2009
Dear Dentist,
This note is to inform you that this patient has
Bio-Alcamid cheek implants. This will require your attention when giving anasthetic injections to this patient; he/she should not receive injections into the upper gums leading into the cheek area as it can puncture the intact capsule and put the prosthetic at risk of infection.
Also, we are recommending antibiotic prophylaxis before dental work, particularly more involved dental work. We recommend keflex 500 mg X 1 dose 1 hour before the procedure. If patient is allergic to keflex, clindamycin 600 mg can be used.
Note, the patient should not have facial Xrays of the cheek area as it can degrade the capsule. Xrays of the teeth are fine.
Kindest regards,
Mona Loutfy, MD FRCPC MPH
Mona Loutfy, MD FRCPC MPH
70 Carlton St., Upper Level
Toronto, On M5B 1L6
(T) 416-465-0856
(F) 416-465-8433
Mona Loutfy - Bioalcamid Letter for dentists
Reproduced with permission - "Maple Leaf Medical Clinic "
Maple Leaf Medical Clinic