Unacceptable. Reprehensible. Strong words on Canada's approach to HIV prevention from one of its own.
Bob Leahy with Part One of his exclusive interview with British Columbia's most famous scientist, Dr Julio
Montaner. Treatment as prevention is Montaner's passion and the world is listening - and acting. But not Canada, he
says - and he's angry!
January 18, 2012 - Dr Julio Montaner, head of the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS is
proud of what he and his Province have achieved in reducing HIV transmission rates through treatment as prevention strategies.
It's a trend he doesn't see elsewhere in Canada, not that he hasn't tried to make it happen.
"The public needs to get incensed" he said to me last week. "I've been in the White House three
times in the last three years. I've seen Obama, I've seen Clinton. On December 1 last year the US said treatment as
prevention is the way forward and they are going to be doing it domestically and internationally. And you know,
I'm honoured by it. But I'm frustrated that my own country keeps on telling me - well, we are not so sure
that we agree. Every time that I write to them I get a form letter saying thank you, we acknowledge we
have received your correspondence. The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq (Minister of Health) doesn't have
time on her calendar, I wrote to Michaelle Jean, when she was the Governor-General she didn't
answer, I wrote to the Prime Minister - same answer."
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