Call for Presentations
for Canada Exhibit
at AIDS 2012
June 27, 2012
CANADA Exhibit - Call for Presentations
The XIX International AIDS conference in Washington, D.C. presents an opportunity for
Canadians working in many areas of HIV/AIDS to network and share with their peers from around the globe. This year, the Canada Exhibit
will once again have a prominent placement in the exhibit area at the conference and will be visited by many of the 20,000+ delegates.
As in past years a USB of Canadian HIV/AIDS Resources will be compiled for delegates to take away and we are producing a video that
shares the milestones made by Canadians from the past 30 years. The video runs for approximately 5 - 6 minutes and will loop
constantly. The exhibit is an interactive stage for Canadians allowing presentations, meetings and delegate interaction.
To take advantage of the time and to optimize on the fact that many Canadians will be in Washington to share with their
colleagues, we have decided to build an interactive presentation opportunity into the schedule of the exhibit. These presentations
will be from civil society and government - the partners in the Canada Exhibit. Presentations will be a combination of
PowerPoint presentations, discussion and question/answer period. This was a very successful activity in Vienna and
there was a request to do presentations once again. Presenters for these sessions are "recruited" from the Canadian pool of delegates attending the conference.
The presentations are aimed at promoting a dialogue and sharing experiences; telling the Canadian story around a theme and opening that story up for questions. It is not about "telling" people how to do something; it is about sharing our experience.
This call is targeted to individuals who are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity to engage in an exercise of sharing their Canadian experience, discussing their approaches or successes and identifying on-going challenges to HIV/AIDS work in Canada.
It is hoped that through this sharing process, an opportunity will be created whereby delegates have an opportunity for a richer and more wholesome discussion around a specific area of work.
Presentation Agenda:
Presentations will be tightly monitored for time and will not exceed 35 - 45 minutes in length. Once an indication of interest has been expressed, the Canada Exhibit Advisory Group will work
with the Project Manager to identify those presentations that highlight the variety and quality of HIV/AIDS work being undertaken by
Canadians. The following is an outline of the presentation agenda:
Read more... CANADA_Exhibit_presentations_2012.pdf
Appel d'exposés pour l'Exposition du Canada à la Conférence internationale sur le sida 2012
L'exposition du Canada - Appel d'exposés
Aperçu:La XIXe Conférence internationale sur le sida à Washington, D.C. offre une possibilité aux Canadiennes et aux Canadiens qui travaillent dans
de nombreux domaines connexes au sida de réseauter et de partager leurs expériences avec leurs pairs du monde entier. Cette année,
L'exposition du Canada sera de nouveau très bien placée dans l'espace d'exposition et accueillera un grand nombre de visiteurs
parmi les quelque 20 000 délégués assistant à la Conférence.
Comme par le passé, des ressources canadiennes dans le domaine du VIH et du sida seront compilées à l'intention des délégués qui pourront
les emporter sur une clé USB. Nous produisons une vidéo qui présente les temps forts pour les Canadiens au cours des 30 dernières années.
La vidéo dure environ 5 à 6 minutes et sera diffusée en boucle. L'exposition est une scène interactive pour les représentants du
Canada avec des exposés, des réunions et qui permet des interactions entre les délégués.
Lisez plus... CANADA_Exhibit_Presentations_2012_FR.pdf
"Reproduced with permission - "Canadian AIDS Society | Société canadienne du sida "
Canadian AIDS Society | Société canadienne du sida
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