
Positively Positive
- Living with HIV
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HIV/AIDS News Bradford McIntyre


December 9, 2010 - Canton, MI - Who says channeling ancient wisdom and life experiences into gifts of inspiration, cannot propel an independent publisher towards success?

Interestingly, critically-acclaimed author, LaShawn Fowler thought writing books about life with HIV was the best way to encourage others living with the virus to begin talking about being positive and sharing their diagnosis with sexual partners. However, his search to attain a traditional publisher to help him introduce his message to the world wasn't as appreciated as he thought. As a result, he received many rejection letters. Yet instead of waddling in self-pity, he elected to self-publish his first book titled How to Share Your HIV Diagnosis with Family, Friends and Sexual Partners.

Immediately after doing so, LaShawn began disseminating press releases to three of the world's leading HIV/AIDS publications. Luckily, each magazine editor welcomed his tenacity and desire to educate the world as well as encourage everyone living with HIV or AIDS about disclosing their status, with open arms. Perhaps this is why globally distributed POZ magazine rated his self-published book a "must read", in its September 2010 issue.

But, LaShawn didn't stop there. After just weeks of releasing his first book, he began penning the second, which not only envelopes thought-provoking concepts about disclosure, but each essay is poignantly written with sincere compassion.

Soon after, he was asked to join this community based clinic and started working full-time as their HIV educator and Out-Reach Worker, which allotted him the power to begin working with the New Jersey HIV/AIDS Objective Review Committee, and later received additional training with POZ Life Forums; where he acquired knowledge about HIV 101, PK & YOU and HIV Drug Resistance.

Then, he began working with Agouron Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s Navigator to Pilot Series I Peer Educator program. Afterwards, LaShawn returned to the Detroit Health Department and acquired more training in the HIV/AIDS field, as a Community Presenter.

However, he felt his best avenue of reaching people living with HIV or AIDS would be most appreciated through the medium of writing, and thus, his publishing career erected.

Today, LaShawn operates Positive Light for Positive Living Books, which sells both fiction and non-fiction novels. In fact, his recent fiction novel: Officially Winning the Fight for A Cure: extricating the pandemic controlling our world. is riveting!

So much, this story-line encompasses the passion rooted by Pharmaceutical Research Science student- Brad Hanson, who wants to commemorate his uncle's death to AIDS, by channeling his grief towards developing a cure for HIV. While doing so, he meets Janice, who is studying to become a Veterinarian. However, the only way she can afford to pay for college is by nude dancing.

Meanwhile, her sister, Claudia contracts HIV from her boyfriend, who is adamant about keeping his sexual orientation on the down-low. Nevertheless, this story has a rewarding conclusion because Claudia possesses the hosting cells to wipe-out the HIV epidemic globally.

Additionally, LaShawn authored another fiction novel titled: Love is God's Ultimate Message, which is about a college professor who is adamant that God loves everybody, even homosexuals. As a result, he sets out on a quest to unlock the historical wisdom enveloped in the bible, and eventually discovers there's more to the good book than what he thought. Yet shockingly, as he strives to educate his students and friends about biblical revision; Professor Bastian Tanley learns that God has sent Archangel Michael into his life- to reveal that there is more to faith and spirituality than reading and studying the Scriptures.

And surprisingly when you ask LaShawn what inspires him to write, he replies, "I enjoy it because it helps me engage my mind with creative energy; instead of being consumed by thoughts of living with HIV, and countless other day-to-day stressors that seeks to consume my mind and diminish my happiness."

Humbled, LaShawn conveys a unique way of expressing his thoughts by crafting the English language with emotions and words he says he's kept buried deep within for more than twenty years.

In fact, he's already one hundred pages into drafting his fifth book, which he refuses to give one detail about. But, if it's anything like these four he's already written, LaShawn has definitely found a way of sharing his gift of expression and the measure of love.

To find out more about these one-of-a-kind treasures, which requires you to curl up with a warm blanket, log on to Positive Light for Positive Living Books at: http://positivelightbooks.blogspot.com

Meanwhile, you can read several Blogs, LaShawn operates at: http://afraidtotellthetruth.blogspot.com and http://positivelight4lgbt.blogspot.com


About the Author:

Formally, a Florida Technical University student; LaShawn began his writing education at Oakland, Washtenaw, and Jackson Community Colleges. He then transferred to Penn Foster College where he briefly studied Paralegal, and soon after joined the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writer's Guild.

Afterwards, he completed additional studies with the Church of God and Christ Bible Correspondence program, and attained his Ordain Ministry certification at the Universal Life Church Monastery.

Additionally, LaShawn is a member of I Stand with Magic HIV/AIDS organization, the Human Rights Campaign, and the Michigan Literary Network. Plus, he has written freelance articles for the Michigan Front Page Newspaper, Divine Caroline.com, Faith Writers.com, as well as The Content Authority and Demand Media Studios. And recently, he was accepted into Cappella University, where he will be pursuing a degree in Marketing.


Press Contact :

C/O LaShawn Fowler, Sole Proprietor
P.O. Box 871362
Canton, MI 48187
Email: 2010bookstoread@gmail.com
Blog: http://positivelightbooks.blogspot.com

...positive attitudes are not simply 'moods'

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