Canadian MD Jane Philpott leads efforts to raise funds for AIDS treatment in Africa
TORONTO, Nov. 28, 2007 - A local doctor and mother of four who spent a decade working in Africa, is raising funds for AIDS care and treatment in Africa through a made-in-Canada grassroots campaign that makes it compelling
and easy for anyone to respond to the AIDS pandemic. Jane Philpott will challenge anyone she can - from corporate lawyers to kids working a paper route - to contribute a day's pay to help those affected by AIDS in Africa. "For me, the Give a Day Campaign is more than a means to mitigate the plight of communities affected by AIDS - it's a powerful symbol of the determination of everyday Canadians willing to dig into our own pockets to be part of the solution." - Dr. Jane Philpott
"For me, the Give a Day Campaign is more than a means to mitigate the plight of communities affected by AIDS - it's a powerful symbol of the determination of everyday Canadians willing to dig into our own pockets to be part of the solution." - Dr. Jane Philpott
WHAT: The Give a Day Campaign
In 2004, Jane organized her colleagues at Markham Stouffville Hospital to donate a day of their income to help fight the AIDS pandemic. That year $33,000 was raised. The Give a Day movement has exploded to include more than 15 leading law firms, 14 hospitals, and a wide variety of businesses, faith groups, and individuals from Campbell River, British Columbia to Halifax, Nova
Scotia. In 2006, the Give a Day Campaign raised more than $500,000 to help those affected by AIDS in Africa. For 2007, the Give a Day campaign is looking to raise even more needed dollars.
While individuals can contribute at any time, Philpott urges Canadians to recognize December 1 - World AIDS Day as the day to make their donation. Giving details: (giveaday.ca).
Funds raised go directly to the Stephen Lewis Foundation and Dignitas International, Canadian organizations chosen because of their impact at the community level in Africa.
"Give a Day is an intensely individual response to the AIDS pandemic. You can't imagine what a few dollars will do to transform human life amongst sophisticated and resilient people who are struggling for survival each day." Stephen Lewis, Chair, Stephen Lewis Foundation www.stephenlewisfoundation.org.
"To see first hand, the impact of AIDS on African communities inspires you, as an individual, to try to do something to help. Dr. Philpott has taken this further - she has inspired other individuals to join her in her fight against AIDS." Dr. James Orbinski, Co-Founder & Chair, Dignitas International www.dignitasinternational.org
NOTE TO MEDIA: Dr Jane Philpott is available for media interviews as are individual Give a Day contributors and participants.
For further information: Claire M. Tallarico, Give a Day 2007, (416)