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International AIDS Society (IAS) - www.iasociety.org

International AIDS Society and partners recognize outstanding researchers from around the world at the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) in Rome

Women, Girls and HIV Investigator Prize - supported by UNAIDS and ILF -; IAS TB/HIV Research Prize; and IAS/ANRS Young Investigator Awards to be presented to pioneering researchers from Uganda, Kenya, The Netherlands, China, United Kingdom and United States

Monday, 11 July, 2011 (Geneva, Switzerland) - The International AIDS Society (IAS) announced today the six winners of three prestigious scientific awards, to be presented at plenary sessions during the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) to be held in Rome July 17-20, 2011.

Presented by the IAS and partners, these awards recognize scientists involved in innovative HIV and AIDS research throughout the world.

"The quality of work represented by the 2011 awardees is remarkable," said IAS President Elly Katabira. "The IAS hopes to draw the world's attention to these individuals and to their significant scientific accomplishments, as well as to the continued need for innovation in all of the major areas of HIV and AIDS research, represented by the conference programme tracks."

Click here for complete information on award recipients and winning abstracts.

Award winners will be available for interview before and during the conference.

About the Awards

Women, Girls and HIV Investigator Prize
Supported by UNAIDS, ILF, ICRW and ICW
Date: Monday, 18 July, Session Room 1, 08:55 (before Plenary)
Presented by Elly Katabira, IAS President and Catherine Hankins, Chief Scientific Adviser, UNAIDS

The Women, Girls and HIV Investigator Prize is offered jointly by the IAS-Industry Liaison Forum and UNAIDS, and supported by the International Center for Research on Women and the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS. The US$2,000 prize is awarded to an investigator from a low-income or middle-income country whose abstract demonstrates excellence in research and/or practice that addresses women, girls and gender issues related to HIV. This prize serves to highlight the challenges faced by women and girls in this epidemic and to encourage investigators from low- and middle-income countries to pursue research in this field of scientific endeavour.

The winner of the Women, Girls and HIV Investigator Prize is: Milly Kaggwa Nanyombi (Uganda)

Abstract Title: Preventing HIV Infection among adolescents by addressing Cross Generational Sex (CGS) in Secondary Schools in Uganda

IAS TB/HIV Research Prize
Monday, 18 July, Session Room 1, 14:25
Presented by Elly Katabira, IAS President and Papa Salif Sow, IAS Governing Council member.

The aim of the US$2,000 IAS prize on TB/HIV research is to generate interest and stimulate research on basic, clinical and operations research in TB/HIV prevention, care and treatment. The IAS TB/HIV Research Prize is an incentive for researchers to investigate pertinent research questions that affect TB/HIV co-infection and operational effectiveness of core TB/HIV collaborative services.

The winner of the IAS TB/HIV Research Prize is: Sabine Margot Hermans, The Netherlands

Abstract Title: Integration of HIV and TB services results in earlier and more prioritised ART initiation in Uganda

IAS/ANRS Young Investigator Award
Tuesday, 19 July, Session Room 1, 08:55 (before Plenary)
Presented by Elly Katabira, IAS President and Jean-François Delfraissy, Director, French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS).

The US$2,000 IAS/ANRS Young Investigator Award is jointly funded by the IAS and the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS) to support young researchers who demonstrate innovation, originality and quality in the field of HIV and AIDS research. To be eligible, the presenting author of an abstract accepted for presentation must be under 35 years of age. One prize is awarded in each of the four conference tracks.

The recipients by track are:

Track A: Basic Sciences
Winner: Xu Yu, China
Abstract Title : Unique mechanisms of CD4 T cell homeostasis in HIV-1 elite controllers

Track B: Clinical Sciences
Winner: Musa Ngayo, Kenya
Abstract Title: Association of abnormal vaginal flora with male-to-female HIV-1 transmission among HIV-1 discordant couples in sub-Saharan Africa

Track C: Prevention Science
Winner: Anandi Sheth, USA
Abstract Title: Genital secretions of HIV-1 infected women on effective antiretroviral therapy contain high drug concentrations and low amounts of cell-free virus

Track D: Operations and Implementation Research
Winner. Lilanganee Telisinghe, UK
Abstract title: Antiretroviral therapy roll-out in an African prison: It can be done


About the IAS
The International AIDS Society (IAS) is the world's leading independent association of HIV professionals, with 14,000 members from 190 countries working at all levels of the global response to AIDS. Our members include researchers from all disciplines, clinicians, public health and community practitioners on the frontlines of the epidemic, as well as policy and programme planners. The IAS is the host of the IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention to be held in Rome July 17-20, 2011. The IAS is also the custodian of the biennial International AIDS Conference, which will be held in Washington, USA, from 22 to 27 July 2012.
www.iasociety.org | www.ias2011.org

Further information:
Sian Bowen (Geneva, Switzerland)
Senior Manager, AIDS 2012 Senior Communications Manager
Email: Sian.Bowen@iasociety.org
Tel: +41 22 710 0864

Lindsey Rodger (Geneva, Switzerland)
AIDS 2012 Communications and Media Officer
Email: Lindsey.Rodger@iasociety.org
Tel: +41 22 710 0822

"Reproduced with permission - International AIDS Society"

International AIDS Society

...positive attitudes are not simply 'moods'

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