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HIV/AIDS News Bradford McIntyre

Kisumu, Kenya

September 13, 2012 - The Richard M. Brodsky Foundation, a 501(c) 3 public charity and the Kisumu World AIDS Marathon Group will be co-sponsoring the 7th annual 2012 World AIDS Marathon, half-marathon, various relays and children's walk with the Kisumu World AIDS Marathon group. To Register, visit www.worldaidsmarathon.com and click REGISTER NOW . I'm surviving HIV and brain cancer and this year I ran my 4 fastest marathons since my cancer diagnosis in 2002. Others living with HIV and cancer could also live productive lives and reverse the effects of their disease(s) if they have access to medicine and follow-up health care Why just me? In Africa, the following problems must be addressed: clean drinking water, free education, poverty, hunger, malaria and tuberculosis.

For 2012, The Brodsky Foundation will be sponsoring 3 orphan dinner dances on Nov. 28, 29 & 30 for 1,100+ orphans. Dr. Sartori of Garden City Pediatrics, Dr. Bonyo of Bonyo's Kenya Mission and a team of doctors associated with Dr. Bonyo will be examining & treating the orphans at these dinner dances. If you are a doctor and would like to help, please contact me.

We are seeking $1,000 per dinner dance or $500 to co-sponsor each dinner dance; $1,000 for medicine and a modest prize package of $1,000 for the World AIDS Marathoners, half marathoners and disabled wheelchair athletes. In 2010, Mama Sarah, President Obama's grandmother, presented the prize money which the Brodsky Foundation donated.

The Standard, a leading newspaper of Kenya covered the World AIDS Marathon on December 1, 2010. Here is the link: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/archives/news/InsidePage.php?id =2000023771&cid=159&story=Unbowed%20by%20illness,%20 his%20life%20is%20a%20marathon .

The 2011 World AIDS Marathon + related Events were attended by over 2,450 people and my marathon-running wife Jodi.

  • 735+ people including 20 wheelchair athletes registered for the Half/Full Marathon and relay races.
  • 650+ orphans and caretakers were served dinner at two orphan dinner dances.
  • 154 children participated in the Children's Walk.
  • 314 people tested for the AIDS virus.
  • 500+ volunteers served water, provided medical assistance, organized and served food, directed traffic, registered participants and assisted with timing.
  • 46 men were circumcised which reduces the spread of HIV.
  • 56 orphans were examined by Dr. Sartori on November 29 and 30 at two orphan dinner dances.
  • The Foundation seeks to raise awareness that 1,800,000 people need not die from AIDS every year. The AIDS medicine and follow-up medical care must be accessible to all people living with HIV. All the AIDS medicine in the world will not help unless clean drinking water and adequate nutritious food is available. Educating people about safe sex, advising people living with HIV not to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, and to get some daily exercise-these are messages that need to reach HIV+ people. It is essential that the media broadcast stories about the 16,000,000 orphans living in sub-Saharan Africa who have lost one or both parents to AIDS. These children could have been our children if we were born in Africa.

    The Foundation through its annual World AIDS Marathon donates money to homes for orphans in Kenya, AIDS & cancer research, and to organizations providing aid to people living with HIV or cancer. For the following donations you will receive:

  • $50, you will receive my book, 'A Journey of Hope' + name of your departed friend or relative in book, visit www.richardmbrodsky.org, scroll down, click on A Journey of Hope, & click on orange book cover
  • $100, a personalized post-Event t-shirts; $200, 2 shirts plus a link to your website plus book
  • $500 or $1,000, you will receive 3 post-Event t-shirts. You will be noted on the shirts as (1) having co-sponsored an orphan dinner dance or (2) provided prize money or medicine plus website link + 2 books.
  • Donors contributing $200+ will be noted on the websites www.worldaidsmarathon.com and www.5kaidscancer.com . If you do a google search for 5K AIDS the Richard M. Brodsky Foundation's 5K Events in America generally comes up 1st. For a $500 or $1,000 donation you will also receive an 18 X 24" poster acknowledging your donation with photos of the orphan dinner dance / World AIDS Marathon and other charitable work related to the World AIDS Marathon.

    To make your donation you can:

  • mail a check to the Foundation, Richard M. Brodsky Fdn, 1247 Mara Court, Atlantic Beach, NY 11509
  • visit the Foundation's website, www.richardmbrodsky.org , click on Donate
  • visit the World AIDS Marathon website, www.worldaidsmarathon.com, click on Donate link
  • Prominent Groups and Individuals Who Have Expressed Support of the Foundation

    President Barack Obama
    - AIDS is the worst public health crisis in human history, and finding a cure is a priority of mine. But government cannot fight AIDS alone. People like you are invaluable working at the grass roots to show the human face and spirit that I believe will ultimately defeat AIDS. I wish you all the best for a successful race.

    President Bill Clinton
    - The HIV/AIDS epidemic is one of the most urgent problems of our time and it needs the voices, energy, and involvement of people like you.

    United States Senator Ted Kennedy
    - I wish you all the best in your continuing battle against HIV/AIDS and I commend you for all you're doing to raise money for a cure.

    Former United Nations Special Envoy to HIV/ AIDS in Africa , Stephen H. Lewis
    - I wish you every triumphant success. There can be no objective on this planet more worthy than to overcome the pandemic of HIV/AIDS.

    Archbishop Desmond Tutu / Lavonia Brown, Personal Assistant
    - Archbishop Desmond Tutu is delighted to hear of the 2004 AIDS Africa Marathon. He sends his warm wishes for the success of this exciting and challenging event.

    Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy
    - The Foundation's determination and altruism has made a positive and lasting impact on so many lives in an effort to make their hopes a reality.

    New York Senator Republican Leader Dean G. Skelos - By sponsoring events that highlight the need for additional funding of research, testing and treatment for AIDS and Cancer, the Richard M. Brodsky Foundation has helped to raise regional awareness.

    Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray
    - Our township salutes you and we offer our hearts, minds and hands to assist in all of your noble endeavors.

    Nassau Herald
    - The Richard M. Brodsky Foundation donated $10,000 in toiletry gift items to people living with HIV and breast cancer on October 24, 2008.

    Schneider Children's Hospital, AnnMarie DiFrancesca, MS, CCLS
    - Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your wonderful toy donation to the Child Life Program.

    Harvard Medical School , Dr. Bruce Dezube
    - Yours is a beautiful message of hope.

    Mike Polansky (President of the Greater Long Island Running Club) <
    - There is no harder working team of race directors on Long Island than Richard and Jodi Brodsky.

    Rabbi Gershom Sizomu of Uganda
    - I'm very inspired by the way you have chosen to spend your time on earth. What you are doing are undoubtedly deeds of righteousness, loving kindness and holiness.

    Reverend Wanda Meyers, Living Hope Fellowship of Massapequa
    - I pray God's richest blessings upon you as you continue to make a difference in the lives of others. You have certainly made a difference in mine.

    Dr. Bruce Hirsch, North Shore University Hospital
    - Your marathoning is a living inspiration. When I see you run, I smile and start to jog myself.

    AMSA (American Medical Student Association)
    - AMSA chapters or similar organizations that are interested in initiating Richard M. Brodsky Foundation events or similar projects can visit http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=11942424961&ref=mf&_fb

    Former Nassau County Executive Thomas R. Suozzi
    - Our world needs more people like you to make a difference in the lives of the millions of people suffering from HIV/AIDS, and brain cancer.


    "Reproduced with permission - Richard M. Brodsky Foundation "

    Richard M. Brodsky Foundation

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