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- Living with HIV
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Stigma and Safer Sex Practices - We Care RED RIBBON Campaign

Stigma and Safer Sex Practices - We Care RED RIBBON Campaign
AIDS Vancouver Director, Bradford McIntyre, living infected with HIV since 1984, presents the AIDS Vancouver We Care RED RIBBON Campaign Public Service Announcements: Stigma: The Silent Epidemic. Breaking Down the Silence and Safer Sex Practices.

AIDS Vancouver presents We Care RED RIBBON Campaign to Vancouver City Council

November 2, 2010 - Vancouver, BC. (City Hall) - The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign was officially recognized by Vancouver City Council.
Mayor Gregor Robertson introduced and read the November RED RIBBON Month proclamation to the council. Brian Chittock, Executive Director, AIDS Vancouver. addressed council about the campaign. AIDS Vancouver Director Bradford McIntyre, living infected with HIV since 1984, presented the AIDS Vancouver We Care RED RIBBON Campaign Public Service Announcements, Stigma: The Silent Epidemic. Breaking Down the Silence and Safer Sex Practices.

"Mayor Robertson, So nice to see you again so soon after our Launch yesterday . Thank you for that and thank you for inviting us today.

Councellors, thank you for agreeing to our presentation today and to hear about our campaign. Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and supporters. I am pleased to be here today with our delegation that includes Ms. Elizabeth Sorbo, Secretary, Board of Directors, Mr. Bradford McIntyre, Board of Directors and Ms. Fleur Cooper, our Fund Development & Communications Manager.

It has been nearly 30 years since HIV first emerged and AIDS has become synonomous with Stigma and misconceptions. The same fear and discrimination that characterized the epidemic then is still with us today.

Many people today believe that, because HIV AIDS is a chronic, manageable disease and not the guaranteed death sentence it once was, it is no longer a matter for public concern.

Medical Research has made many major strides yet there is still no cure and there continues to be no vaccine to protect against HIV.

Yet we, as a society, remain silent. This silence leads to further stigma. This silence leads to fear of tewsting and treatment. This silence leads people to believe that it will not happen to them. This silence leads to new infections going unnoticed.

AIDS Vancouver wants to change that and we want your help to SPREAD THE LOVE AND STOP THE VIRUS because together we can protect each other.

We have chosen to use the RED RIBBON as our rallying symbol, A symbol of the AIDS movement that continues to represent solidarity and hope. Our intent is to enhance and revive this traditional symbol through our "We Care RED RIBBON Campaign" aimed at recapturing the fading awareness and combating the public silence around HIV. I now wish to call upon Bradford McIntyre who will introduce our two Public Service Announcements.

Bradford is a new Board Member of our Board and is someone who has been living with HIV since 1984".

Stigma and Safer Sex Practices PSA's

HIV/AIDS PSA: Stigma: The Silent Epidemic - Breaking Down The Silence

"It has been nearly thirty years since the first reported case of HIV and silence still plagues the HIV/AIDS movement.

Within this shroud of silence, ignorance and fear has been able to flourish throughout the community.

One of our best defenses in the fight against HIV/AIDS is education and communication.

It is our hope that this new decade will allow for a more open discussion of the issues associated with HIV/AIDS by the entire community.

This PSA - Stigma: The Silent Epidemic. Breaking Down the Silence has used Freeflow, a local Vancouver band, to help break the silence.
Freeflow has been performing and touring nationally and internationally for the last ten years. Freeflow uses their music and talent to support many worthwhile causes.

We are extremely grateful to Freeflow for lending their talent and time to this PSA.

AIDS Vancouver and the WE Care RED RIBBON Campaign would also like to thank Vancouver Film Institute Graduate, Jay MacMillan, for donating his time and talent to this campaign in creating these Public Service Announcesments,"
said Bradford McIntyre.

Safer Sex Practices

HIV/AIDS PSA: Safe Sex Just Use It

Since the first cases of HIV, two concepts have remained front and center in the fight to stop HIV/AIDS.
There is no known cure for HIV and safe sex practices are our best chance to stop the spread of HIV.
Males between 25 and 29 years of age continue to have the highest rates of new HIV infection in Vancouver.
With this in mind AIDS Vancouver and the We Care RED RIBBON Campaign developed this PSA that would speak directly to youth.
By incorporating local musicians and their music we wanted a PSA that could showcase BC's musical talent as well as incourage safer sex practices in a dynamic and inovative way.
We are very lucky to have the band Pigeon Hole involved in this PSA. Pigeon Hole is a Hip Hop dual from Vancouver Island and integral members of two-time Juno nominated Sweat Shop Union, one of Canada's most successful independent Hip Hop groups. Known for speaking out for social justice, they were the perfect fit for this public service announcement.
We wish to thank Pigeon Hole for lending their time and talent to this PSA,"
said Bradford McIntyre.

Who: Mayor Gregor Robertson.
City Council.
Brian Chittock, Executive Director, AIDS Vancouver.
Bradford McIntyre, Director, AIDS Vancouver
Fleur Copper, Development and Communications Manager, AIDS Vancouver.
Elizabeth Storbo, Secretary, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver.

When: November 2 st , 2010. 2:00pm
Where: City Council Chambers, Vancouver City Hall. 453 West 12th Avenue , Vancouver, BC.

Description: We Care Red Ribbon Campaign

Watch the entire AIDS Vancouver We Care RED RIBBON Campaign presentation to Vancouver City Council here... RED RIBBON Month - We Care RED RIBBON Campaign Launch - Video

Click on Photographs to see larger

RED RIBBON Month - We Care RED RIBBON Campaign - Video

HIV/AIDS PSA: Stigma: The Silent Epidemic - Breaking Down The Silence

HIV/AIDS PSA Safe Sex Just Use It

We Care RED RIBBON Campaign:

Stigma: The Silent Epidemic:

HIV/AIDS PSA: Stigma: The Silent Epidemic - Breaking Down The Silence

HIV/AIDS PSA Safe Sex Just Use It

We Care RED RIBBON Campaign:

Stigma: The Silent Epidemic: Breaking Down the Silence

The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign

The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign will run from November 1st to December 1st 2010 leading up to the AIDS Vancouver's We Care Red Ribbon Cocktail Reception at the Museum Of Vancouver on November 30th, the eve of World AIDS Day.

November 2010 has officially been proclaimed Red Ribbon Month throughout the City of Vancouver by Mayor Gregor Robertson and City Council! With weekly events and public outreach throughout the month of November, AIDS Vancouver will inspire the Vancouver community to Spread The Love, Stop The Virus. The Red Ribbon Campaign will focus on two important themes throughout the month of November: Stigma: The Silent Epidemic. Breaking down the silence Safer Sex Vancouver prides itself on being an empathetic community; together we all have a stake in caring for ourselves and our community. HIV/AIDS : Together We Can Protect Each Other. Spread The Love. Stop The Virus.

...positive attitudes are not simply 'moods'

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