The Positive Side
Health and Wellness Magazine for People Living with HIV
spring/summer 2010
Spring/Summer 2010 - The current issue of The Positive Side is fresh from the CATIE garden and contains a bounty of crisp, useful info and delicious summer reading. We look at the latest research into HIV and inflammation, and what it means for your heart. We explore the growing evidence that hepatitis C can be transmitted by sex, and what you can do to stay safe. And we share the powerful, poignant and funny stories of several people living with HIV who are working to make a difference, from East-coaster Robyn Pardy's power volunteering to Samuel Lopez's visual crusade to help Latino PHAs find help in their new Canadian home. So this summer, sit back, grab a (healthy) snack and enjoy a few moments with Canada's magazine for and by people living with HIV.
This information was provided by the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE). For more information, contact CATIE at 1-800-263-1638. |