
Positively Positive
- Living with HIV
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HIV/AIDS News Bradford McIntyre

We Care Red Ribbon Campaign - www.aidsvancouver.org

We Care Red Ribbon Campaign: Spread the Love Stop the Virus.

HIV/AIDS: Together We Can Protect Each Other.

November 1st, 2010 - VANCOUVER, BC: The launch of the We Care Red Ribbon Campaign was announced at Vancouver City Hall this afternoon when Mayor Gregor Robertson was joined by representatives from AIDS Vancouver to declare November as Red Ribbon Month in Vancouver.

November 1 to December 1, 2010 AIDS Vancouver will promote a month long public awareness campaign called the We Care Red Ribbon Campaign. The Red Ribbon is the symbol of solidarity and hope for those affected by HIV/AIDS. The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign will focus on this integral symbol to promote the two main themes of the campaign: Stigma and Safer Sex Practices.

With weekly public outreach events, the We Care Red Ribbon Campaign will inspire the Vancouver community to "Spread the Love, Stop the Virus." Since the first cases of HIV, two concepts have remained front and centre in the fight to stop HIV/AIDS: there is no known cure for HIV and prevention/safe sex practices are our best chance to stop the spread of HIV.

HIV/AIDS is a silent epidemic as those affected are silenced by stigma and discrimination. The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign aims to end this silence and promote safer sex practices.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, between 2002 and 2008 there were approximately 13,365 people who had tested positive for HIV infection in British Columbia with approximately half of those people living with HIV in Vancouver.

"There is a misconception that HIV/AIDS is a chronic but manageable illness and people think they won't get it! Yet in Vancouver, we continue to see the highest rates of new infections with people still dying from HIV/AIDS. We need to work together to promote prevention, education and support for those living with and affected by HIV" explained Daniel Dex, Chair, Board of Directors AIDS Vancouver.

Watch: RED RIBBON Month - We Care RED RIBBON Campaign - Video

Watch: Stigma: The Silent Epidemic. Breaking Down the Silence

Watch: HIV/AIDS PSA: Stigma: The Silent Epidemic. Breaking Down the Silence

Watch: HIV/AIDS PSA Safe Sex Just Use It

For Media Enquiries or Interviews
Fleur Cooper
Development and Communications Manager
Direct: 604 696 4657

City Of Vancouver
Corporate Communications
604 871 6336

About AIDS Vancouver

The first AIDS service organization in Canada. AIDS Vancouver was founded in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada. The agency was formed in response to an emerging disease that was starting to infect and affect local communities in Vancouver, specifically gay men. From our beginning, AIDS Vancouver evolved with the progression of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This evolution has made our service delivery and program development relevant and innovative today.

While setting standards for excellence in program and service delivery, we work with policy makers to address complex legal, ethical and socioeconomic issues. The principles of Health Promotion, Harm Reduction, Community Based Research, Community Development and Volunteerism guide and direct us.

AIDS Vancouver-what we do.

Our mission is to alleviate individual and collective vulnerability to HIV and AIDS through support, public education and community-based research. Our mandate is Prevent Act Support.

AIDS Vancouver opened its doors in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada in response to the growing need for community health organizations to support individuals vulnerable to the epidemic.

Each year, over 7,000 people from all over the world are accessing some form of service provided by AIDS Vancouver. AIDS Vancouver continues to respond to the ongoing changing and challenging health care environment of HIV/AIDS and is fully dedicated to grow and respond to meet the needs of the community we serve. AIDS Vancouver strives to keep our programming innovative and relevant.

We offer a comprehensive range of services. Specifically, we have intensive and long-term case management, care teams (the only at home individual support program in the city), the only HIV positive nutrition focused grocery program in Vancouver for HIV positive individuals in need, confidential helpline, an information & resource centre providing materials in numerous languages to support newly arrived Canadians, as well as education, prevention and community outreach programs.

"Reproduced with permission - AIDS Vancouver "

AIDS Vancouver

...positive attitudes are not simply 'moods'

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