United States Web Award - Excellent - 2021 |
2021- "We Proudly Present you with the United States Web Award Excellent 2021. Based on our review of your site we are presenting you with a Excellent rating! We are pleased to present you with a 2021 United States Web Award for providing a US FRIENDLY, informative web site."
The United States Web Awards were founded by a group of professionals who own a progressive and expanding dot.com company They perceived a need to recognize Canadian dot.com entrepreneurs for excellence and achievement in the ever expanding Internet marketplace. UnitedStatesWebAwards.com
Canadian Web Award - Excellent - 2020 |
2020 December 1- "We are pleased to present you with a Canadian Web Award Excellent 2020 for providing a CANADIAN FRIENDLY, informative web site. Based on our review of your site we are presenting you with a Excellent rating!"
The Canadian Web Awards has become a trusted source for independent website reviews worldwide since 1998.
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United States Web Award - Excellent - 2020 |
2020 December 1- "We Proudly Present you with the United States Web Award Excellent 2020. Based on our review of your site we are presenting you with a Excellent rating! Our professional panel agrees that your site is everything you believe it is! We are pleased to present you with a 2020 United States Web Award for providing a US FRIENDLY, informative web site."
The United States Web Awards were founded by a group of professionals who own a progressive and expanding dot.com company They perceived a need to recognize Canadian dot.com entrepreneurs for excellence and achievement in the ever expanding Internet marketplace. UnitedStatesWebAwards.com
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PROUD OUT LOUD! Award Winner - 2009 |
2009 July 1- PROUD OUT LOUD! Web Site of the Week 2009.
"Thanks Bradford!
For a number of years now Bradford McIntyre has been the moderator and driving force behind our HIV/AIDS forums. But what some may not know, Bradford also operates his own award worthy website - PositivelyPositive.ca - which is chalk full of articles and other HIV/AIDS information."
The award graphic is used with kind permission of Vancouver artist, David Blue.
GayVancouver.Net (Gay Vancouver Online) - Vancouver Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Community Guide for Gay Vancouver, BC, Canada.
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Gold Award - 2005 |
2005 August 22- "Congratulations! The GayLifeUK Awards Team is pleased to annouce your site has been reviewed and you have won our Gold Award. The sites are judged on content, functionality, graphics and usefulness to the general public. We spend a lot of time reviewing sites and not all make the grade. You have done a greatjob, keep up the good work!"
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Award of Excellence - 2005 |
2005 July 13- "Congratulations! You have been chosen as an OFFICIAL AWARD WINNER of our "Award of Excellence" website award. We welcome you to the elite group of official award winners and congratulate you on a website that pleases the senses and is an exceptional display of the model criteria our award stands for. Your site is excellent and I hope to see other awareness sites like yours online. Your site is a great resource for HIV/AIDS."
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2005 March 28- "Congratulations! You have received our most prestigious Web Site SEAL OF EXCELLENCE AWARD! Recently we enjoyed a very pleasant visit to your web site! It is with great pride that we announce that yourweb site is a WINNER of our esteemed Majon Web Select "SEAL OF EXCELLENCE AWARD."
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Gold Award of Excellence - 2004 |
2005 March 2- "Greetings dear Bradford, I award you our Point of Life Gold Award of excellence for your super web site. In Love & Joy ” Michael Levy Professional Optimist.
Perfect peace, perfect love, perfect mind, all live in a perfect place
Michael Levy
PRIDE! AWARD - 2004 |
2005 January 7- "Congratulations! Your website has been awarded the PRIDE! AWARD for GLBT excellence and internet presence. The Pride! Award is the web's oldest and most prestigious award that has adorned community sites since 1995. Thank you for showing the world that "closets are meant for clothes" and for all your hard work in creating your GLBT presence on the web."
The Golden WEB AWARD - 2003 - 2004 |
2005 January 7- "Congratulations! Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV has been reviewed and chosen to bear the 2003-2004 Golden WEB AWARD.
Congratulations, You have obviously worked very hard."
2005 January 6- "Congratulations! In acknowledgement of creative content and services to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender community, MYgayweb.com proudly presents the PLATINUM WEB AWARD to your site. We consider it both an honor and privilege to welcome Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS to the Mygayweb Web Awards." www.mygayweb.com
Outstanding Website Award - 2005 |
2005 January 1- "Congratulations, our staff would liketo take this time and recognize your hard work and dedication on your web site. We have found your web site has met our criteria set fourth and we wish to honor your efforts with our "Outstanding Website Award.” Congratulations once again on your achievements." Disability Network Inc.
DISABILITY NETWORK Inc. Joining Hands Around the World.
A information highway for the disabled and their families.
2004 December 27- "We at GAY DAYS AWARD have reviewed your
site and are pleased to offer you our GAY-DAYS AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE in web page design and content! Congratulations, and we look forward to visiting your page often!"
A description by the Author: Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV: is designed to create awareness around the many HIV and AIDS issues and promotes positive messages for living with HIV.
GAY-DAYS Awards! Awarding outstanding Gay Websites since 1996.
2004 November 26- "Your homepage provides valuable support and information for others who are struggling with an extremely stressful condition, and consequently your site clearly meets the criteria for the RS "SITES OF SUBSTANCE." Thank you for your contribution to humanity." B.W. Holmes.
Sites deserving of this award contain information that is intelligent, thought-provoking, educational, and/or of genuine value to a significant number of people.
Superior Resource Site Community Award - 2004 |
2004 November
19- "We applaud your site's ease of navigation, obvious hard work, and informative content. Considering
the nature of your site, it is with great pleasure that we give you the Superior Resource Site Community Award for the Positively Positive Living with HIV site." T. Miller
Miller Communications Group
2004 November 12- "Congratulations www.PositivelyPositive.ca has won the POWER IN PRIDE AWARD. The POWER IN PRIDE AWARD was created to inspire and recognize those websites and webmasters who honor diversity and show pride for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered community on the internet. There is POWER IN PRIDE!"
Canadian Web Award - Very Good - 2004 |
2004 November 9- "We are pleased to present you with a 2004 Canadian Web Award for providing a CANADIAN FRIENDLY, informative web site. Based on our review of your site we are presenting you with a VERY GOOD rating!"
The Canadian Web Awards has become a trusted source for independent website reviews worldwide since 1998. www.canadianwebawards.com |
UNITED STATES WEB AWARD - Very Good - 2004 |
2004 November 9- "We Proudly Present you with the UNITED STATES WEB AWARD. Our professional panel agrees that your site is everything you believe it is! We are pleased to present you with a 2004 UNITED STATES WEB AWARD for providing a US FRIENDLY, informative web site. Based on our review of your site we are presenting you with a VERY GOOD rating!" www.unitedstateswebawards.com
The UNITED STATES WEB AWARDS were founded by a group of professionals who own a progressive and expanding dot.com company They perceived a need to recognize Canadian dot.com entrepreneurs for excellence and achievement in the ever expanding Internet marketplace. |
2004 October 24- "We are happy to award your website with the AIDS ANGEL AWARENESS AWARD. After examining your web page, we have determined that your site meets the criteria we are looking for. You have a web page that is informative and touches those that visit, you should be very proud. Congratulations!"
We know there are all kinds of Awards out there in cyberspace, hopefully this one will not only make someone proud of their site but also help to make more people aware of the fact that AIDS & HIV have not gone away!!"

RAINBOW AWARD - presented for GLBT excellence on the Web-2004 |
2004 October 24- "Congratulations! You are this months RAINBOW AWARD Honoree. The Rainbow Award is exclusively bestowed upon those Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Transgenders who have made a contribution to the GLBT Web community through excellence in content, design, creativity, presentation or overall concept of their Web page." The Rainbow Committee
The Rainbow Award which began in 1996, was transferred officially to GayAmerica.COM [AmbushOnLine.COM] on January 12, 1997. After careful consideration, Excalibur, founder of The Rainbow Award, chose AmbushOnLine.COM to continue this important project.
www.gayamerica.com |
Gold Achievement Award - 2004 |
2004 October 18- "After reviewing your site our judges have come up with this result. We all feel that your site has proven itself to be awarded with our Gold Achievement Award. Congratulations! We hope you will upkeep your standard."
Site Awards is a tribute to recognise all webmasters for their skills & talents to provide a service to the community of web surfers. All their painstaking efforts should not go un-noticed without a word of praise and well-deserving Awards to signify their successful.
GOLD AWARD WWINNER - 5 Star Goodwill Award - 2004 |
2004 September 9- "BRAVO! Congratulations! We are very happy to announce that your fine website has won our new 5 Star GOODWILL GOLD AWARD (Class of 2004) from B MEN NETWORK for outstanding service to the global bisexual community as well as the GLBT community worldwide. Our world is a much better place for all the good you have done! We will be adding your website in our new HALL OF HONORS."
The BI Men Network's 5 Star Goodwill Gold Award is for outstanding achievement and selfless service to others.
BI-Men Network - Worlds largest social &support organization for bisexual, bi-curious & gay adult men & bi couples.
PROUD! OUT LOUD! Web Site of the Week Award - 2004 |
2004 February 16- "Congratulations, your website www.PositivelyPositive.ca is the recipient of our PROUD! OUT LOUD! Web Site of the Week Award Winner this week."
The award graphic is used with kind permission of Vancouver artist, David Blue.
www.GayVancouver.Net (LesBiGay Vancouver Online)
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Web Site Awards