November 28th, 1985, my doctor informed that I had six months
to live. I was advised that I should inform my family and arrange
my finances and funeral.
Because of the impact HIV has had on my life, I am committed to
sharing the many positive approaches and techniques that I have
incorporated into my life and the journey to healing.
Along with medical interventions, I have had success with various
alternative and complementary therapies.
Some of the approaches that
I use in conjunction with current medical resources are:
- Healthy diet
- Exercise
- Meditation
- Visualization
- Reiki
- “A Course In Miracles”
- Body Rebalancing
- Craniosacro-therapy
- Massage/therapeutic touch
- Reflexology
- Detoxification
- Intravenous Vitamin C
- Vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals
- Essential oils/Aromatherapy
- Acupuncture
Dis-ease = Disease
HIV/AIDS, Cancer, All Illness - Emotional or Physical |
Heal your mind and
transform your body in order to realize its full potential, joy
and purpose. There is only one way to have an impact on your dis–ease
and that is for you to live today as healthy and as fully as you
can - mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Learn how to love yourself
Release fear and guilt
Discover inner healing and alternative
Improve personal growth and wellness
Experience body and mind shifts
Create healing and love every
moment of the day for yourself and others
Live in the now
From the breakdown to breakthrough, looking at dis–ease reveals ways to identify resistance and turn away from illnesss using specific techniques. Open yourself up to the healer within and bring about changes. Look at how you can create and celebrate more health, balance and pleasure in your life. Learning about the influences that our thoughts have on our life and health will open new doors for YOU, and provide YOU with the opportunity to change your lifestyle to one that is positively healthy.

There was and still is much confusion and conflict when it comes to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS. Many do not realize that HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is not the same as AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Fear and stigma have risen when it should be declining. HIV infection can be managed. The incorrect assumption that HIV is the same as AIDS contributes to the belief that HIV infection means automatic death.
In reality, there is a great deal that can be done to prevent the progression to AIDS.
It is important to keep the body strong and healthy. Nutrition, vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals, alternative and complementary therapies; can be used to protect the body's healing system and boost the immune system.
These have enabled assistance and improvement in many ways: diarrhea, nausea, neuropathy, irritated skin and rashes, wasting, fatigue, loss of appetite, immune suppression and more.
Pharmaceuticals play a very important role in assisting the immune system when it is weakened, and when the virus is out of control and causing serious problems. With early treatment with antiretroviral therapy you can manage HIV infection and live a long and healthy life.
The ONLY way you can know how HIV is reacting in your body
is through regular blood work!
This knowledge of how HIV is reacting allows you and your physician to closely monitor your health status. You are better prepared to understand and address health issues.
Often, people wait too long before getting tested and/or starting HIV/AIDS medications. Knowledge is the weapon to create a positive impact on our health.
By using every available means, the more likely we are to SURVIVE!
Our own judgments and those we place on others contribute to our
dis-ease and disease. This plays a role in how we judge the disease. Moving everyone to a reliance on pharmaceuticals leads us into a world where there is more resistance.
physical resistance to viruses and bacteria.
resistance to breaking the boundaries of our created differences.
HIV and AIDS has taught and shown me, that we are ALL connected and there are endless possibilities!
While dealing with HIV or AIDS, dedicated people have worked tirelessly, creating awareness in the many areas related to HIV and AIDS.
Individuals spoke out; ignored the HIV stigma and broke down the barriers of fear and discrimination in their own lives as well as for the sake of others.
Among the varied issues, many pioneered the importance of complementary therapies and their uses in treating HIV/AIDS.
For some, the benefits from their efforts were not always realized while they were alive.
Where some left off striving, others are going onward.
This challenging work will continue until science, the medical profession, pharmaceutical companies, governments and media combine all resources to promote the usage of complementary therapies as an integral part of the methods for treatment of illnesses.
For a quarter century, infected individuals have addressed their HIV infection by going beyond basic nutrition.
They have included vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals.
Whether described as alternative and complementary therapies, vitamin replacements or micronutrients, these methods have proven to be highly effective. The evidence for this is shown in the numbers of HIV positive individuals who have used them and continue to use them successfully. This information is further demonstrated and documented in the libraries of AIDS organizations, confirming their important role!
Positive Living
- A Practical Guide for People with HIV
This guide has been developed for people with HIV infection by health professionals and people living with HIV. This guide is intended to offer you three main things: hope for the future,information about how to take good care of yourself, and referrals to the many organizations and people in the community who are ready to help you when you need it.
HIV and Nutrition
Diet and Nutrition for People Living With HIV
Nutrition and HIV
What should I know about living with HIV and taking nutritional supplements?
HIV, Food Security and Nutrition
A Practical Guide to a Healthy Body for People Living with HIV
Living well with HIV/AIDS - A Manual on nutritional care and support
for people living with HIV/AIDS
HIV and Nutrition and Food Safety
ART and Nutrition in HIV and AIDS
HIV and Nutrition and Food Safety
HIV/AIDS: A Guide For Nutrition, Care and Support
A Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation of Nutrition Assessment, Education and Counseling of People Living With HIV
Nursing Guidelines: HIV and Nutrition
Nutrition Guidelines for Care and Support of People living with HIV
HIV and Nutrition - POZ