
Positively Positive
- Living with HIV
Curriculum Vitae:
HIV / AIDS Involvements
  Biography   HIV/AIDS
News Archive
Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS

Bradford McIntyre’s
Resume / Curriculum Vitae & HIV / AIDS INVOLVEMENTS

Part 1: 1994 - 2023

  Bradford McIntyre has become a global face for those living with HIV since his diagnosis in 1984. He has appeared on national television and radio, in numerous newspaper and magazine interviews, documentaries, and national and international speaking engagements. Bradford has served on multiple AIDS Service Organizations Board of Directors. His website Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS (www.positivelypositive.ca) is an internationally recognized resource on HIV/AIDS. Bradford has participated in a variety of research papers, studies and clinical trials to help improve treatment and other aspects of HIV.

From as early as 1982, Bradford began helping many HIV-positive people, when they are sick, in hopspital and when they are dying.
Since 1994, whenever possible, Bradford McIntyre has volunteered his time and energy to participate in HIV and AIDS causes and events. Bradford’s volunteerism has been acknowledged with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012, for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS, in Canada, and the Pride Legacy Award in 2013, for Sexual Health & HIV/AIDS Awareness.

"The interest generated in what I am doing is bringing so many wonderful people into my life, and we have and will continue to make a difference!" Bradford McIntyre


Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Steering Committee Member: 2015 - 2018 - Health Gateway Website (www.healthgateway.ca) Steering Committee at: Realize | Réalise (formerly Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR) / Groupe de travail canadien sur le VIH et la réinsertion sociale (GTCVRS) - www.realizecanada.org

Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Director / Vice Chair: 2010 - 2013 - AIDS Vancouver - www.aidsvancouver.org
Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Director: 2005 - 2010 - Face Forward Foundation - 2004 - closed May 27, 2010
Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Director: 1995 - 1996 - Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation - 1994 - closed March 2020

Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    HIV/AIDS Health Forum Moderator: 2004 - 2009 - Gay Vancouver - GayVancouver.net
Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    POZ Perspective written by Bradford McIntyre 2004 - 2005 - POZ Canadian

Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Columnist/Correspondent: 2003 & 2004 - Enkidu Magazine - Web Edition - Eye Opening International News (Mexico), Correspondent in Canada Bradford McIntyre.
BRADFORD MCINTYRE OPENS YOUR EYES - Articles by Bradford McIntyre, Web Archive
BRADFORD MCINTYRE ABRE TUS OJOS - Articulos por Bradford McIntyre, Archivo Web.

Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Member: 2000 - 2014: International AIDS Society - www.iasociety.org
Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Member: 1995 - Ongoing: AIDS Vancouver - www.aidsvancouver.org, now Ribbon Community
Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Member: 1995 - 2020: Positive Living BC - www.positivelivingbc.org (closed March 2020)
Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Member: 1995 - Ongoing: The Vancouver Friends For Life Society - www.friendsforlife.ca
    Member: 1995 - Ongoing: Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network - www.hivlegalnetwork.ca
Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Member: 1995 - Ongoing: Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE) - www.catie.ca
Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Member: 1997- 2018: Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) - www.ctac.ca (closed 2018)
Red Ribbon - AIDS Awareness    Member: 1995 - Ongoing: GNP+, Global Network of People Living With HIV/AIDS - gnpplus.net

HIV/AIDS Involvements:

POSITIVELY AWARE - www.positivelyaware.comBradford McIntyre at the Vancouver AIDS Memorial, 2013. (photo by Deni Daviau)-March 11, 2025 - COMMENTARTY: By Bradford McIntyre, Guest Contributor - Positively Aware | The HIV Treatment Journal of TPAN - The view from Canada—In support of our neighbours to the south by Bradford McIntyre - Canadians and people with HIV seem to have one thing in common these days: They both feel targeted by Donald Trump and his administration. Canadian Bradford McIntyre is a long-term survivor of HIV. In a time when U.S. foreign aid—including U.S. global HIV programs—has been under assault, the HIV advocate recalls how individual Canadians crossed the border to give people in this country the HIV medications they needed but couldn’t afford.
Bradford McIntyre with husband Deni Daviau, left‘We already lived through the plague years of HIV,’ says one Canadian long-term survivor. He doesn’t want to see the U.S. go through it again. - Positively Aware
The view from Canada—In support of our neighbours to the south
Positively Aware | The HIV Treatment Journal of TPAN
For almost 35 years, TPAN’s magazine, POSITIVELY AWARE has been among the most trusted sources of HIV treatment and advocacy news. It is a national voice for amplifying the concerns and resource needs for people living with HIV across the U.S.
Chicago, Illinois, United States

-2024- November 28, 2024 - Study Participant - ~ REDOSE Sub-Study ~ ~ Biobanking ~.
The BCC3 Cohort presents: (BC CARMA-CHIWOS Collaboration) ~ REDOSE Sub-Study ~ ReEvalulating antiretroviral Drug COncentrations and Side effects in individuals living with HIV.
REDOSE Principal investigator: Dr. Elizabether King MD. Assistance Professor, Health Sciences, SFU.
BCC3 Principal Investigator: Dr. Melanie Murray MD, PHD.
Co-Investigators: Dr. Hélène Côté, PHD.
Pathology & Lab Medicine
University of British Columbia (UBC).
Dr. Mark Hull
Clinical Assistant Professor, AIDS
Division Medicine, UBC.
Stacy Tkackuck
Oak Tree Clinic Pharmacist
Clinical Instructor
University of British Columbia (UBC).
Alice Tseng, PhD.
Associate Professor
University of Toronto
Chanson Brumme
Assistant Director,
BC Center for Excellence in HIV/AIDS.
SPONSOR: The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
This study is being conducted by the team listed above as well as women and men living with HIV with diverse lived experiences and expertise who were trained to work with research. This team is trying to better understand antiretroviral (ARV) concentrations and side effects for people living with HIV as they age. The team is investigaing whether the level of ARV's in the bloodstream increases as people living with HIV get older and whether this might be different for women compared to men. The team aslo wants to understand what other factors such as weight, kidney and liver functions might influence the levels of ARV in the bloodstream, and whether high ARV levels are assoiciated with increased side effects.
REDOSE is a sub-study of British Columbia CARMA-CHIWOS Collaboration (BCC3). The BCC3 project is a collaboration of two projects that each have been running for a decade or longer. By collaborating together, these projects will be able to better understand how the lived experiences of peole living with HIV intersect with clinical markers of aging.
This study is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). A team of doctors, researchers and community members are conducting this study.
Bradford, Thank you for participating in the REDOSE study. Jeyah Cruz, Research Assistant, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS.
Vancouver, Bristish Columbia, Canada

CanCURE - www.cancurehiv.org-2024-November 17, 2024 - Survey Participant - CanCURE - The Canadian HIV Cure Enterprise (CanCURE) is a research collaboratory focused on studying HIV persistence during antiretroviral therapy and developing strategies towards a sustainable HIV remission. Our innovative scientific program is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
Meaningful involvement of people with HIV and affected communities in HIV cure research is essential in ensure that cure research efforts are conducted transparently, socially justly, and ethically. In HIV research, the creation of Community Advisory Boards (CABs) has become the main strategy for researchers to introduce community representation and input in the HIV research process.
CanCURE is a collaboratory group of scientists across Canada working towards understanding HIV, and where and how it can persist in the body. In preparation for our next grant proposal, our group wants to understand the perspectives and opinion of people with HIV, expanding this question beyond the CAB advocates who participated in all CanCURE activities up to date. With the help of the CAB, we have put together a survey to understand better what people living with HIV in Canada consider priorities for HIV cure research for the next 5 years in Canada and to assist CanCURE researchers in developing a research agenda and a series of community engagement activities in line with the interests of the community.
“Thank you, for your interest in the survey”. The CanCURE Priority Team.
Toronto, Canada

https://www.catie.ca/education-publications-websites-client-publications/the-positive-sidehttps://www.catie.ca/positive-side/joy-in-focus-2024-August 26, 2024 -Submission | Photo - Joy in Focus - The Positive Side - PS 2024 Fall - By Chris McBain - Joy in Focus: Capturing moments of triumph with HIV - “Over time, we’ve learned that life after an HIV diagnosis can be vibrant and varied. This comes through love found and lost, career highs, and personal triumphs. These photo narratives capture moments where people have transcended their diagnoses. They reveal inspiring journeys of growth, connection, and fulfillment. They show that with support and perseverance, a profound and meaningful life awaits.” Joy In Focus.
Submission | Photo: “Bradford McIntyre is a long-term HIV survivor living with HIV since 1984. He is an advocate, writer, speaker, volunteer and researcher. He is also founder of Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS, which is designed to create awareness around many HIV and AIDS and promotes messages of positive living with HIV.”
Deni Daviau (HIV-) and husband Bradford McIntyre (HIV+ since 1984) were married on June 2, 2001. Their wedding took place at St. John’s United Church in Vancouver, B.C., with family and friends.“Deni Daviau (HIV-) and husband Bradford McIntyre (HIV+ since 1984) were married on June 2, 2001. Their wedding took place at St. John’s United Church in Vancouver, B.C., with family and friends.”
“Thank you for agreeing to contribute to The Positive Side. We can’t wait to publish your work!“ Sheila Sampath, The Public.
“Thanks so much, Bradford! We’re thrilled to have your piece in the magazine!” Andrew Brett, CATIE.
The Positive Side
Joy in Focus
CATIE CATIE - Canada”s source for HIV and hepatitis C information
Article: The Positive Side is back!
Article: Call for contributions: “Joy in focus: Capturing moments of triumph with HIV”
Toronto, Ontario

-2024-May 22- Study Participant (5 years) - CHANGE HIV: Correlates of Healthy Aging in Geriatrc HIV study.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Silvia Guillemi
The study is being conducted by Dr. Silvia Guillemi on behalf of the Sponsor: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
Co-Investigators: Dr. Mariane Harris
Clinical Research Coordinator/Ethics Assistant St. Paul's Hospital Vancouver: Jill Jackson.
The aging of the population is a remarkable success but comes with new challenges and many questions for people living with HIV and their caregivers. As people living wth HIV are living longer, critical knowledge gaps exist on how HIV and its treatment might impact and interact with normal aging. What will it be like to live to 60, 70, 80, years of age or more with HIV? What strategies will support PLWH to age well? How does one best adapt their approaches to support healthy aging? To help address these gaps, the CHANGE HIV protocol was designed. The purpose of this study is to describe healthy aging among PLWH in Canada who are 65 years of age or older. This study aims to identify factors that influence healthy aging in order to inform future care practices, strategies, programns and policies to achieve, maintain and/or enhance health.
It is anticipated that about 750 people will take part in this study, from research sites located in 6 clinics across Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, including about 150 at St. Paul's Hospital.
This study should take 5 years to complete. Results will be available on parts of the study over the next 5 years with final results expected in about 7 years.
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Deni Daviau (left), 68, HIV-negative, with husband Bradford McIntyre (right), 71, living with HIV 39 years; married 23 years.www.adaywithhiv.com-2023-September 23- Photo Participant - A DAY WITH HIV - DENI DAVIAU AND BRADFORD MCINTYRE - Deni Daviau (left), 68, HIV-negative, with husband Bradford McIntyre (right), 71, living with HIV 39 years; married 23 years. Vancouver British Columbia, Canada.
A Day with HIV is a social media-driven campaign that portrays 24 hours in the lives of people all over the world affected by HIV—that’s all of us, regardless of status. On Saturday, September 23, 2023, people around the world snapped a photo, a selfie, an action photo or an artful image to help capture 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV. Positively Aware magazine presents A Day with HIV, anti-stigma campaign. Photography and the power of storytelling combine to confront stigma.
Gallery: www.adaywithhiv.com
Article: A DAY WITH HIV Get in the picture. 9/23/2023
Positively Aware | The HIV Treatment Journal of TPAN
Chicago, IL. U.S.A.

Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS. www.PositivelyPositive.ca. Founder: Bradford McIntyre, original 2003 Homepage, 2023 Homepage, Bradford's Desk Computer.-August 15, 2023 - www.PositivelyPositive.ca 20TH ANNIVERSARY- Creating HIV/AIDS Awareness 20 Years: “Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS” website - Designed to create awareness around the many HIV and AIDS issues and promotes messages of positive living with HIV.
In 2003, nearly ten years after publicly announcing that he was living with HIV, Bradford McIntyre launched his website Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS (www.PositivelyPositive.ca). Going on 4 decades after his diagnosis, Bradford continues to share his message of positive living with HIV, and is a dedicated advocate for enhancing awareness about HIV/AIDS.
Logo: www.PositivelyPositive.ca DESIGNED TO CREATE HIV & AIDS AWARENESS. www.PositivelyPositive.ca - SwapImage: ...positive attitutdes are not simply moods "On August 15, 2003, I launched my website: “Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS” (www.positivelypositive.ca), designed to create awareness around the many HIV and AIDS issues and promotes messages of positive living with HIV/AIDS. Life affirming and supportive topics, my personal story, HIV/AIDS articles, news, videos, links and more."
Website Design by Trevor Uksik. "My nephew, Trevor Uksik created the website for me after our conversation regarding my long involvement in HIV/AIDS Activism and through our discussion that I had a drawer full of pertinent materials: radio, newspaper, TV, magazine interviews and documentaries. Articles on HIV and AIDS that I wrote and articles that were written about me were published in newspapers, magazines and on websites around the world.
Since launching in 2003, the website has reached millions of people globally. It provides me with the opportunity to educate, inform and build community"

Dedicated to: Jerry Fogg, Cecil Wallace, Barry Hohl, Neil Bolton, Michael Graham, and all those that we loved who died of AIDS.
A long time survivor living with HIV since 1984, Canadian Bradford McIntyre announced publicly in 1994 that he was living with HIV. Since 1994, whenever possible, Bradford has volunteered his time and energy to participate in HIV and AIDS causes and events.
Vancouver, Canada

www.aidsvancouver.orgAIDS Vancouver 40TH ANNIVERSARY - 40 Years Together in Vancouver-2023-August 9- Guest - AIDS Vancouver 40TH ANNIVERSARY -
40 Years Together in Vancouver. Bradford McIntyre, former AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair (2010 - 2013) attended the AIDS Vancouver 40th Anniversary celebrations, and the unveiling of the HIV In My Day Interactive Timeline by Peg Frank.
AIDS Vancouver will recognize those who have shaped and built AIDS Vancouver, and made it possible for this organization to be here today.
Interactive Tineline - Artist:Peggy Frank - Materials:Pen, watercolour pencils, and pastels on canvas. "The history of HIV and AIDS is filled with public events, discrimination, collaboration with allies, piercing calls for justice, and stigma, along with grand openings and horrific closings of hubs for people living positively. Creating this timeline has been an emotional journey. I am grateful to individuals and agencies who provided information. My interpretation is htat of a positive womaen with here heart in rural BC - a woman who devotes time and energy to human rights. I left gaps in the timeline and encourage you to write me - pegfrank@telus.net - with new details. Please include what to add or change and the year the event or decesion tool place." Peggy Frank
Peggy's Bio - she and her pronouns. Since my infection in 1997, I have been blessed to call the Coast Salish territory my home. I acknowledge that the lands were stolen from First Nations and thank them for caretaking a beautiful part of the world. In HIV research circles, those who identify as women have not been heard enough. With other dedicated researchers, we hope our work changes that. As well as listening and speaking publicly, I use art and personal outreach to understand women's herstories. I do this in collaboration with my sisters and glow with pride as stories are shared. Much of my adult life has been forcused on communities affected by HIV and AIDS both here in Canada and in sub-Saharan Africa.
AIDS Vancouver provides direct support to people living with, and affected by HIV, throughout the Lower Mainland. AIDS Vancouver opened its doors in 1983 as one of the first AIDS service organization in Canada in response to the growing need for community health organizations to support individuals vulnerable to the epidemic.www.aidsvancouver.org
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Photo: Sarah Chown, AIDS Vancouver Executive Director, and Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984, and former AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair, at AIDS Vancouver 40TH Anniversary, August 9, 2023.Photo: HIV In My Day, Interactive Timeline (Partial), by Peggy Frank.Photo: Peg Frank, living with HIV since 1997, and Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984, standing in front of the HIV In My Day Interactive Timeline by Peg Frank, at the AIDS Vancouver 40TH Anniversary, August 9, 2023.Photo: HIV In My Day, Interactive Timeline (Partial 2), by Peg Frank.
Interactive Timeline - Artist: Peggy Frank - Materials: Pen, watercolour pencils, and pastels on canvas. The history of HIV and AIDS is filled with public events, discrimination, collaboration with allies, piercing calls for justice, and stigma, along with grand openings and horrific closings of hubs for people living positively. Creating this timeline has been an emotional journey. I am grateful to individuals and agencies who provided information. My interpretation is that of a positive women with her heart in rural BC - a woman who devotes time and energy to human rights.Artist Peggy Frank standing in front of the HIV In My Day Interactive Timeline she created.Peggy's Bio - Since my infection in 1997, I have been blessed to call the Coast Salish territory my home. I acknowledge that the lands were stolen from First Nations and thank them for caretaking a beautiful part of the world. In HIV research circles, those who identify as women have not been heard enough. With other dedicated researchers, we hope our work changes that. As well as listening and speaking publicly, I use art and personal outreach to understand women's <em>herstories</em>. I do this in collaboration with my sisters and glow with pride as stories are shared. Much of my adult life has been forcused on communities affected by HIV and AIDS both here in Canada and in sub-Saharan Africa.

Bradford McIntyre-2022-November 16- Guest Author - Bradford McIntyre - Daily Hive
- Opinion: BC needs to step up and provide access to long-acting HIV medications - Written for Daily Hive by Bradford Mcintyre, an HIV patient advocate who operates positivelypostive.ca in partnership with AIDS Vancouver.
"I have been living with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) for 38 years, and have had an undetectable viral load (less than 40 copies/mL) since 1998. Both of these facts are possible because of activism, community care, and HIV medications." Bradford McIntyre.
Opinion: BC needs to step up and provide access to long-acting HIV medications McIntyre.

Daily Hive
Vancouver, BC, Canada

www.adaywithhiv.com/2022/09/23/bradford-mcintyre-3www.adaywithhiv.com-2022-September 22- Photo Participant - A DAY WITH HIV - Bradford McIntyre - A Day With HIV 4:45 pm Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
"Enjoying the first day of Autumn 2022. HIV positive since 1984. I was told I had six months to live in 1985. Now I'm 70, and Keepin On Keepin On! I operate my own website designed to create HIV/AIDS awareness, www.PositivelyPositive.ca." Bradford McIntyre
Positively Aware magazine presents A Day with HIV, anti-stigma campaign. A Day with HIV captures 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV-that’s everyone, regardless of status. Photography and the power of storytelling combine to confront stigma.
Every year, A Day with HIV coincides with the autumnal equinox-one of only two days of the year when day and night are the same length. It signifies balance; in some ancient cultures, the equinox also signaled a time for change. What better day to take your best shot against stigma?
Photo Gallery: A Day with HIV 2022
Positively Aware | The HIV Treatment Journal of TPAN
Chicago, IL. U.S.A.

www.adaywithhiv.com/2021/09/22/bradford-mcintyre-2www.adaywithhiv.com-2021-September 22- Photo Participant - Bradford McIntyre - A Day With HIV 4:04 pm Vancouver British Columbia Canada
"At 69, I am a long-term survivor living with HIV since 1984, my first HIV activism to combat stigma was made on national TV in Canada in 1994. I am an HIV activist, living positively with HIV to combat stigma and discrimination, shame and fear, and to encourage disclosure, treatment, care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS. www.PositivelyPositive.ca." Bradford McIntyre
Positively Aware magazine presents A Day with HIV, anti-stigma campaign. A Day with HIV captures 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV-that's everyone, regardless of status. Photography and the power of storytelling combine to confront stigma.
Every year, A Day with HIV coincides with the autumnal equinox-one of only two days of the year when day and night are the same length. It signifies balance; in some ancient cultures, the equinox also signaled a time for change. What better day to take your best shot against stigma?
Photo Gallery: A Day with HIV 2021
Positively Aware | The HIV Treatment Journal of TPAN
Chicago, IL. U.S.A.

https://www.adaywithhiv.com/2020/09/24/bradford-mcintyre/www.adaywithhiv.com-2020-September 22- Photo Participant - A DAY WITH HIV -
Bradford McIntyre: 8:05 pm Vancouver British Columbia Canada
"My name is Bradford McIntyre, and I'm Positively Positive! I have been living with HIV since 1984! Now I'm 68. Since 1994, whenever possible, I have volunteered my time and energy to participate in HIV and AIDS causes and events. I'm wearing the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal I received for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS, in Canada." Bradford McIntyre
EVERYDAY MOMENTS IN EXTRAORDINARY LIVES. A DAY With HIV portrays 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV. On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, people took a picture of their day to help capture 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV.
Photo Gallery: A Day With HIV 2020
Photo: Bradford McIntyre: 8:05 pm Vancouver British Columbia Canada
Positively Aware | The HIV Treatment Journal of TPAN
Chicago, IL. U.S.A.

www.vidc.cawww.merck.ca-2020-July 30- Study Participant - "A Phase 3 Randomized, Active-Controlled, Open-Label Clinical Study to Evaluate a Switch to Doravirine/Islatravir (DOR/ISL) Once -Daily in Participants with HIV-1 Virologically Suppressed on Antiretroviral Therapy"
Protocal Number: MK8591A-017 - This study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of a switch to MK-8591A (a fixed dose combination of doravirine and islatravir) in human immunodeficiency virus -1 (HIV-1)-infected participants virologically suppressed on a protocol-specified antiretroviral regimen. The primary hypothesis is that a switch to MK-8591A will be non-inferior to continued treatment with baseline antiretroviral therapy (ART) as assessed by the proportion of participants with HIV-1 ribonucleic acid (RNA) >50 copies/mL at Week 48.
Investigator (Study Doctor): Brian Conway, MD, Vancouver ID Research Care Centre Society CRS.
Sponsor: Merck Canada Inc.
Vancouver, Canada

positivelivingbc.orgwww.ubc.ca-2020-March 4- Interview - University of British Columbia (UBC) Dental Hygiene Students - UBC Dental Hygiene students Emilee Salonga, Kaitlyn Spicer, and Jennifer Nguyen interview Bradford McIntyre, HIV-positive 36 years, and Positive Living Society of British Columbia member since 1995, about accessing oral health care for people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), including stigma and discrimination. In 2011, the University of British Columbia (UBC) Dental Hygiene Degree Program (DHDP) implemented a preventive oral health program at the Positive Living Society of British Columbia, a non-profit organization supporting PLWHA.
"My name is Emilee and I was one of the UBC Dental Hygiene students who was fortunate enough to partake in our interview with you in early March! We wanted to thank you very much again for sharing your story with us, what you shared has certainly positively impacted us - we consider you a big inspiration in our eyes!" Emilee Salonga, Faculty of Dentistry | The University of British Columbia, DHDP 2021, Entry-to-Practice Dental Hygiene Degree Program.
"Bradford, Thank you for sitting down to talk wiht us! We really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to answer our many questions." Jennifer Nguyen, Emilee Salonga, Kaitlyn Spicer, UBC Dental Hygiene Students, Class of 2021.
Dental Hygiene Degree Program
The University of British Columbia (UBC)
HIV organization Positive Living BC to end its services in Vancouver after operating for over 30 years
Positive Living Society of British Columbia closed March 31, 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

Zee Strong, The Digital Living Quilt AIDS Survivor Living MemorialThe Digital Living Quilt - www.facebook.com/groups/1716936251671905/about-2020-February 27- HIV Portrait Frames - by Zee Strong (Michael Zee Zalnasky) - The Digital Living Quilt @ AIDS HIV Survivor Living Memorial. Zee Strong, created 7 digital HIV Portrait Frames with profile photographs of HIV/AIDS Advocate and Founder of PositivelyPositive.ca Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV/AIDS, since 1984.
"I had lost a dear friend in the early eighties following her AIDS diagnosis. Shame led her to take her own life. After my diagnosis, I promised myself that I would never feel that same shame. I set out on a journey to change the way the world views HIV/AIDS. I decided to make it bright, bold, and beautiful! I'd make it colorful. Next, simple framed graphics designed to empower others to reveal their HIV status publicly. The journey led me to create The AIDS HIV Survivor Living Memorial on Facebook as Public Group. Better known as The Digital Living Quilt, it now has worldwide participation and it is slowly changing the face of HIV/AIDS." Zee Strong
Reflections from an HIV Advocate's Journey: Michael Zee Zalnasky
This Man Made Over 10,000 HIV Portraits [SLIDESHOW]
Broward County, Florida, U.S.A.

HIV Portrait Frame: Bradford McIntyre LONG TERM HIV SURVIVOR 36 YEARS LIVING HIV+ - THE DIGITAL LIVING QUILT by Zee Strong HIV Portrait Frame: Bradford McIntyre I Will Not Hide My HIV Status - AIDS HIV Survivor Living Memorial by Zee Strong HIV Portrait Frame: Bradford McIntyre I'm A Thriver ADHERENCE EQUALS BETTER HEALTH - Luca & The Med Reminders - THE DIGITAL LIVING QUILT by Zee Strong HIV Portrait Frame: Bradford McIntyre HIV Portrait Frame: Bradford McIntyre END AIDS - STOP HIV END AIDS 2030 - THE DIGITAL LIVING QUILT by Zee Strong HIV Portrait Frame: Bradford McIntyre HIV Portrait Frame: Bradford McIntyre HIV Warrior Stronger Than Stigma More Powerful Than HIV - THE DIGITAL LIVING QUILT by Zee Strong

HIV Portrait Frames: Bradford McIntyre, LONG TERM HIV SURVIVOR
- by Zee Strong (Michael Zee Zalnasky)
7 digital HIV Portrait Frames with profile photogaphs of HIV/AIDS Advocate and Founder of PositivelyPositive.ca,
Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV/AIDS, since 1984.

HIV Portrait Frame: Bradford McIntyre Did you take your med's? Luca & The Med Reminders ADHERENCE EQUALS BETTER HEALTH - THE DIGITAL LIVING QUILT @ AIDS HIV Survivor Living Memorial by Zee Strong HIV Portrait Frame: Bradford McIntyre I WILL NOT HIDE MY MED's - AIDS HIV Survivor Living Memorial by Zee Strong

Photo: A Day With HIV - Bradford McIntyre 03:30 PM, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - Bradford McIntyre, 67, HIV-positive 35 yearswww.adaywithhiv.com-2019-September 23- Photo Participant - A DAY WITH HIV- Bradford McIntyre 03:30 PM, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Bradford McIntyre, 67, HIV-positive 35 years: My life is not about death and dying, but about living moment to moment–in the NOW! The people in my life and all our caring and sharing for one another has filled these years with endless affirmations that life is about LOVE. I am very grateful to everyone in my life!

Presented by Positively Aware | The HIV Treatment Journal of TPAN – A DAY WITH HIV photo essay of people living with HIV. EVERYDAY MOMENTS IN EXTRAORDINARY LIVES. On Monday, September 23, 2019, people captured a moment of their day to help record 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV.
A DAY WITH HIV is an awareness and anti-stigma photo campaign. On September 23, 2019, people across the world, whether HIV-positive or negative, captured and shared a moment of their day - A DAY WITH HIV - to focus attention on what it means to live in a world with HIV. We're all affected by HIV - that's the message of A Day With HIV.
Photo: Bradford McIntyre, 67, HIV-positive 35 years
Positively Aware | The HIV Treatment Journal of TPAN
Chicago, IL. U.S.A.

Photo: Timothy Brown: First person Cured of HIV & Bradford McIntyre: Long Term HIV Survivor (HIV-positive since 1984) at forefront Lecture: My Continued Activism Toward an HIV Cure. September 4, 2019, Burrard Room, Century Plaza Hotel & Spa; 1015 Burrard Street, Vancouver BC.-2019-September 4, 2019- Guest - forefront Lecture - My Continued Activism Toward an HIV Cure - Speaker: Timothy Brown "The Berlin patient", First Person Cured Of HIV, with Introduction by Dr. Zabrina Brumme, Director, Laboratory Program, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, and Associate Professor, Health Sciences Simon Fraser University.
"International researchers recognized Timothy as the first and only documented case of a person who has been cured of HIV so far until March 4, 2019, when the media announced that a second patient had gone 18 months without his HIV medication after a similar treatment. Timothy is extremely elated to possibly have a new member in his very miniscule family of people formerly living with HIV. Now, 23 years after he was diagnosed with HIV, the 53-year-old now lives in Palm Springs, California USA. He has chosen to out himself as the man who had until then been known only as "The Berlin Patient."
"Timothy's most important goal now is to help make his cure create an impetus leading to universally curing HIV; this should be available to everyone regardless of economic means or background. He donates his time, blood and occasionally bodily tissues to help science advance toward realizing this goal."
BC Centre For Excellence in HIV/AIDS
forefront Lecture | My Continued Activism Toward an HIV Cure was held in the Burrard Room, Century Plaza Hotel & Spa, 1015 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC.
Radio: Timothy Ray Brown, 1st person cured of HIV, was an 'unlikely rock star,' says friend
Video: First person cured of HIV appears in Vancouver
Article: The Berlin Patient: Cured of HIV with a stem cell transplant, Timothy Brown visits Vancouver
BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Poster: forefront Lecture | My Continued Activism Toward an HIV Cure - Speaker: Timothy Brown. With introduction by Dr. Zabrina Brumme - Wednesday September 4, 2019 - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Burrard Room, Century Plaza Hotel & Spa; 1015 Burrard Street - Vancouver, BC. Photo: Dr. Zabrina Brumme, Director, Laboratory Program, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, and Associate Professor, Health Sciences Simon Fraser University & Timothy Brown, First Person Cured of HIV -  forefront Lecture

Photo: Older Than What? Q & A with Cast Members Bradford McIntyre & Glenn Saunders. Special Screening of documentary short Older Than What? - April 25th 2018 Older Than What? Documentary Short, Cast Member: Glenn Saunders Older Than What? Documentary Short, Cast Member: Bradford McIntyre-2018-April 25th- Speaker / Cast Member - Special Screening - Older Than What? Documentary Short, created by Christina Starr (Steen) - Older Than What? cast members Bradford McIntyre and Glenn Saunders lead a Q & A following the film. Older Than What? is the story of twelve queer and trans elders responding to ten questions about aging, visibility, and the social change they've been a part of.
"Short, quippy, honest, surprising, bold and heartfelt film about being older and LGBTQ, in the voices of older LGBTQs themselves. It has the power to make invisible people visible." Christina Starr (Steen), Older Than What?
Older Than What? Special Screening held at Haro Park Centre, Vancouver, BC.
Video: Older Than What? trailer 2017
Facebook: Older Than What?
Article: Old and gay: Doc aims to smash stereotypes, call out ageism and make you laugh
Vancouver, Canada

AccolAIDS 2018: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre April 28, 2018www.positivelivingbc.org-2018-April 22- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2018 - Bradford McIntyre, nominated for an AccolAIDS 2018 Award, received a Certificate of Nomination in recognition of his achievement in the areas of Kevin Brown Positive Hero Award & Social/Political/Community Action, the for his tireless work. AccolAIDS: A biennial awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC HIV/AIDS movement.
"Bradford McIntyre has become a global face for those living with HIV in the 34 years since his diagnosis, with countless media appearances and speaking engagements. He is an incredible volunteer, and has served on multiple AIDS Service Organizations (ASO) Boards. His website is an internationally recognized resource on HIV/AIDS." Positive Living Society Of British Columbia
"On behalf of the Positive Living Society of British Columbia's Board of Directors, congratulations on your 2018 AccolAIDS Award nomination. Your work is so important and worthy of recognition and acknowledgement - you have helped to ease suffering and improve quality of life. Truly you have made a differnece in your community and we are proud to recognize your work with this nomination. Thank you for everything you do." Neil Self, Chair, Board of Directors.
AccolAIDS 2018 Nominees & Recipients
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 – 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

www.realizecanada.org-2018-March 21- Interview - Access to Rehabilitation - Puja Ahluwalia, Project Coordinator, Access to Rehabilitation at Realize, talks with Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984, to learn about his experiences with rehabilitation.
Purpose: To learn about the impact of living with HIV and/or a chronic health condition on your functioning/daily life, your understanding of rehabilitation, your experience accessing rehabilitation, and how you feel rehabilitation has made a difference in your life. Rehabilitation, in this instance, means physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology services.
Benefits: The indirect benefit of participating in this interview is that you will be contributing to the development of a business case for policy change which may play a role in increasing access to rehabilitation services for people living with HIV and/or other chronic health conditions.
Realize-Fostering positive change for people living with HIV and other episodic disabilities
Toronto, Canada

ACCOLAIDS 2018 -  AccolAIDS: A biennial awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC HIV/AIDS movement. Positive Living BC - www.positivelivingbc.org-2018-March 15- Nomination: AccolAIDS 2018 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS 2016 Award.
"Dear Bradford McIntyre, Congratulations! You have been nominated for an AccolAIDS Award. The AccolAIDS Advisory Panel has received a nomination in your name for your outstanding contribution within the BC HIV/AIDS movement in the following award category area(s) of Social/Political/Community Action, Kevin Brown Positive Hero Award & Panel's Merit Award." Ken Coolen, Positive Living BC.
AccolAIDS: A biennial awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC HIV/AIDS movement.
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, BC, Canada

www.vidc.ca-2017-November 1- Research Study Participant - SL 1506-001; Minimal Risk Specimen Collection Protocol - This study may aid in the deveopment of a new diagnostic test, which may provide additional information to guide physicians in patient follow-up and risk categorization.
Sponsor: SlieaGen L.L.C., Austin,TX.
Study Doctor: Dr. Brian Conway.
Address of Study Site: Vancouver ID Research and Care Centre Society, 201-1200 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC. V6Z 2C7.
Number of Subjects: Approximately 3000 subjects, adults, diagnosed with an infectious disease or non-infectious disease will be enrolled in this study.
Benefits: The information obtained from this study may help in diagnosing future patients with greater accuracy and in a timely manner.
Vancouver, Canada

leveller.ca-2017-September- Interview - The Leveller - Vol. 10, No. 2 (Oct/Nov 2017) - Home for HIV/AIDS patients closes under financial duress - In a phone interview, Ash Abraham, writer with The Leveller, talks with Bradford McIntyre about the shutdown of Bruce House's Transition House Program, Ottawa's first and only transition house for people living with HIV and AIDS.
"Bradford McIntyre was searching for such a place when he tested positive for HIV in 1984 and was told he had six months to live in 1985. "I moved to Ottawa so no one would see me get sick and die. I was in hiding," McIntyre told the Leveller. He lived without any support before becoming too sick to work. "My body was like an open wound. And the stress, likely caused from not having a home, was preventing the healing." Ash Abraham, The Leveller.
Home for HIV/AIDS patients closes under financial duress
The Leveller
Bruce House
Ottawa, Canada

Photo/Banner - Older Than What? Documentary Short - Cast Members: Glenn Saunders, Ma-Nee Chacaby, Bradford McIntyre, & Pat Hoganoutonscreen.com/vqff-2017-August 18- Documentary Short - Older Than What? - 29TH Vancouver Queer Film Festival - Older Than What? is the story of twelve queer and trans elders responding to ten questions about aging, visibility, and the social change they've been a part of. With responses that are inspiring, funny, and at times heartbreaking, this short documentary engages with a diverse group that includes Vancouver locals Pat Hogan, Bill Richardson, Bradford McIntyre, and Glenn Saunders.
Photo: Older Than What? Documentary Short cast members Glenn Saunders (Left) and Bradford McIntyre (Right) with Director Steen Starr (Center) - 29TH Vancouver Queer Film Festival, August 18, 2017.Older Than what? Director Steen Starr, and Cast Members Glenn Saunders and Bradford McIntyre attended the 29TH Vancouver Queer Film Festival showing of the documentary short Older Than What?.
Full Cast & Crew
Directed by Steen Starr www.christinastarr.ca
Carol Allan, Ma-Nee Chacaby, Natalie Collins, Pat Hogan, Lezlie Lee Kam, Bradford McIntyre, Bill Richardson, Glenn Saunders, Bill Sleno, Rhoma Spencer, Ruth Starr and Jane Traies.
Dylan Rhys Hopward, Moe Laverty, Thom Stitt, Lulu Wei
Supervising Editor
Cecilio Escobar
Video: Older Than What? trailer 2017
The film Older Than What? is in consideration at film festivals and not yet availble to the public.
Vancouver Queer Film Festival
Vancouver, Canada

positivelivingbc.org-2017-May 25- Volunteer Recognition Award - Positive Living Society of BC - 10 YEARS of Volunteer Service honouring Bradford McIntyre.
"Thank You Bradford McIntyre From Positive Living B.C. For Your 10 Years Of Service. WE COULD NOT PERFORM WITHOUT YOU!
Thank you so much for your Dedicated Service to the Positive Living Society of BC. Our records indicate this year your volunteering is at the milestone stage of 10+ years of volunteer service. It is because of volunteers like you that many HIV-positive people can come through our doors and greatly benefit from the various programs and services your volunteer work supports.
With Sincere Thanks, Marc Seguin, Volunteer Services on Behalf of all our Board of Directors."
Marc Seguin, Positive Living Society of BC.
Each year, to honour the incredible calibre and amazing amount of work done by our volunteers, Positive Living Society of BC presents an evening of volunteer recognition.
Bradford McIntyre, Positive Living BC Member since 1995.
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

THE BC PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV STIGMA INDEX-2016-November 24- Research Study Participant - Interview (2 Hours) - The BC People Living with HIV Stigma Index Project - The BC HIV Stigma Index is a research and community-building tool that was developed and tested beginning in 2005 by a team of people in four countries, and has since been used in more than 50 countries worldwide to better understand the stigma faced by people living with HIV. This is the first time the HIV Stigma Index is being conducted in Canada. Wherever it is done, the HIV Stigma Index is carried out by people living with HIV, with people living with HIV. In this way, it is considered to be a peer-driven project, meant to create connections between HIV-positive people, empower them to speak the truth about their experiences of stigma, and in doing so, to create meaningful change in Communities.
Because the HIV Stigma Index has never been done in Canada, the BC phase of the Index will fill a gap in understanding the experience of stigma and discrimination in this region. Three are a number of organizations working against stigma and discrimination and fighting for the human rights of people livign with HIV. We hope that this project will provide information that will help these efforts.
The BC People Living with HIV Stigma Index Project:
Number of Participants:

Approximately 200 people will be included in this study.
Project Funding:
This project is being funded by the Vancouver Foundation, the CIHR Centre for REACH in HIV/AIDS and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research Institute of Infection and Immunity (HIV/AIDS).
Dr. Melanie Rush, Population and Public Health, Island Health Authority
Research Coordinator Jaydee Cossar
People Living with HIV Stigma Index: Home
Vancouver, Canada

www.sfu.ca-2016-November 4- Study Participant - Interview (1 1/2 HOURS) - FORMING AND DE-FORMING IDENTITIES: EXPANDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SELF BY DECONSTRUCTING THE CATEGORIES OF AGE, GENDER AND SEXUAL INDENTITY - We are exploring the life stories of older adults who self-identify as gender and sexual minorities-people not bound by strict definition of gender and sexuality.
Participation in this project will include two interviews.
Principal Investigator: Patrick Aubert, MA Candidate, Dept. of Gerontology, Simon Fraser University
Faculty Supervisor: Sharon Koehn, PHD, Dept. of Gerontology, Simon Fraser University
Dept. of Gerontology, Simon Fraser University
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre - This is what A DAY WITH HIV looks like - A DAY WITH HIV 2016 - September 22, 2016 - www.adaywithhiv.comPoster: A Day With HIV - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 - 24 HOURS IN THE LIVES OF PEOPLE AFFECTED BY HIV - www.adaywithhiv.com-2016-September 22- Photo Participant - A DAY WITH HIV - Photo: Bradford McIntyre - 24 HOURS IN THE LIVES OF PEOPLE AFFECTED BY HIV - This is what A DAY WITH HIV looks like.
On Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016, people across the United States and in 11 other countries photographed a moment of their day for A Day with HIV to portray 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV/AIDS. No matter who you are, or where you are, we are all affected by HIV. A Day with HIV is a social media-driven anti-stigma campaign that captures a single 24-hour period in the lives of people affected by HIV.
Chicago, IL. U.S.A.

vancouverpride.caPhoto: Bradford McIntyre Presenter - 4th Annual TD Pride Legacy Awards: PINK Award - Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness - Presented by Bradford McIntyre, the 2013 Recipient for the Pink Award. June 18, 2016PRIDE Legacy Awards - The PRIDE Legacy Awards Gala is an awards night to acknowledge individuals who have contributed to the LGBTQ2+ community in Vancouver.-2016-June 18- Presenter - 4th Annual PRIDE Legacy Awards - Pink Award: Sexuailty (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness) - Bradford McIntyre, HIV and AIDS Advocate and Founder of Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS www.PositivelyPositive.ca, presented the Vancouver Pride Society's 2016 PRIDE Legacy Award Finalists and Award Recipient of the 2016 PRIDE Legacy Pink Award: (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness).
Pink Award Presenter: Bradford McIntyre, 2013 Recipient for the PRIDE Legacy PINK Award
2016 PRIDE Legacy PINK Award: Sexuality (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness):
Finalists: Zdravko Oliveros Cimbaljevic and Dean Thullner
Award Recipient: Dean Thullner.
The PRIDE Legacy Pink Award recognizes an individual whose work has promoted sexual health.
Video: 4th Annual TD PRIDE Legacy Awards: Bradford McIntyre Presenter
PRIDE Legacy Awards - Eight Award Categories: The eight awards, made of blown glass and shaped in a wave-like design, each represented a colour of the iconic rainbow flag.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: PRIDE Legacy Awards - Pink Award Finalist Zdravko Oliveros Cimbaljevic, PINK Award Presenter Bradford McIntyre, and Dean Thullner PINK Award Recipient. June 18, 2016Photo: 2016 Pride Legacy Award Winners - Back Row: John Boychuk, Zdravko Cimbaljevic, Myriam Dumont, John Ferrie, Rachel Garrett, Morgane Oger. Front Row: Dean Thullner & Rohan Hare. Roundhouse Community Centre - June 18, 2016.4th Annual TD Pride Legacy Awards - Deni Daviau with husband Bradford McIntyre, Presenter of the PINK Award: Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awarness. June 18, 2016.

Banner: POSITIVE PLUS ONE - University Of Toronto - www.positiveplusone.ca-2016-May 11- Research Study Participant - Positive Plus One: A research study of relationships where one partner is HIV-positive and the other is HIV-negative. Bradford McIntyre is supporting researchers across the country on Positive Plus One: A national, mixed-methods study of relationships where one partner has HIV, and the other does not. Positive Plus One is currently recruiting participants, and wants to hear the voices of both HIV-positive and HIV-negative partners. Participants can share the ups and downs of living with HIV in their relationship. Their experiences may also help other couples, and may lead to better health and support programs for all.
Positive Plus One
Toronto, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, ACCOLAIDS 2016 Nominee, in recogonition of achievements and dedication to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.AccolAIDS 2016: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 24th day of April in the year 2016Poster: AccolAIDS 2016: An awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC AIDS movement. April 24, 2016 - positivelivingbc.org-2016-April 24- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2016 - Bradford McIntyre, nominated for an AccolAIDS 2016 Award, attended AccolAIDS 2016, and received a Certificate of Nomination in recognition of his achievement in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, the Kevin Brown PWA Hero and Panel's Merit Award for his tireless work.
Bradford McIntyre AccolAIDS 2016 Nomineee Bio: "Bradford McIntyre has become a global face for those living with HIV in the 32 years since his diagnosis, with countless media appearances and speaking engagements. He is an incredible volunteer, and has served on multiple ASO boards. His website PositivelyPositive.ca is an internationally recognized resource on HIV/AIDS, with over 5,000 pages of information. He has participated in a variety of research studies to help improve treatment and other aspects of HIV and is on the health gateway steering committee at Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR)." Alina Wilson, Positive Living BC
AccolAIDS 2016 Award Winners
AccolAIDS 2016 Nominees & Recipients
Video: AccolAIDS 2016: Kevin Brown Positive Hero Award Nominees
Photos: AccolAIDS Awards Gala 2016 Photos
Photo: AccolAIDS Award Gala 2016: Bradford McIntyre with husband Deni Daviau.
The AccolAIDS Awards honour the extraordinary achievements and dedication of organizations, businesses, groups and individuals responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in our province, and the thousands of British Columbians who are affected. Proceeds benefit vital programs and services provided by Positive Living BC. AccolAIDS is made possible through the generousity of sponsors and donors, and our gratitude for their support is shared by over 5,500 HIV-positive members of Positive Living BC.
AccolAIDS 2016 was held at the Vancouver Convention Centre, 1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

Video: AccolAIDS 2016:
Kevin Brown Positive Hero Award Nominees

AccolAIDS 2016 Nominees on stage at the Vancouver Convention Centre, 1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 24, 2016. Photo: AccolAIDS 2016: Bradford McIntyre, ACCOLAIDS 2016 Nominee (Right) with husband Deni Daviau (Left). April 24, 2016
Photo: (1) AccolAIDS 2016 Nominees on stage at the Vancouver Convention Centre,
1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 24, 2016.
Phtoto: (2) AccolAIDS 2016: Bradford McIntyre, ACCOLAIDS 2016 Nominee (Right)
with husband Deni Daviau (Left). April 24, 2016

www.citynews1130.com-2016-April 22- Interview - News 1130 - Manulife to offer life insurance to HIV-positive Canadians - News 1130 reporter Martin MacMahon, talks with long-term (32 years HIV+) HIV/AIDS survivor Bradford McIntyre, about Manulife now offering life insurance to people living with HIV.
"Given that individuals infected with HIV can live a long and healthy life, life insurance is an important issue." Bradford McIntyre.
Manulife to offer life insurance to HIV-positive Canadians
Vancouver, Canada

Poster: AccolAIDS 2016-2016-March 5- Nomination: AccolAIDS 2016 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS 2016 Award.
"Dear Bradford McIntyre, Congratulations on your AccolAIDS nomination Bradford, and thank you for your dedication to the cause. The AccolAIDS Advisory Panel has received a nomination in your name for your outstanding contribution within the BC HIV/AIDS movement in the following award category area(s) of Kevin Brown Positive Hero Award, Social/Political/Community Action Panel's Merit Award." Alina Wilson, Positive Living BC.
Positive Living BC and BC Government and Service Employees' Union present: AccolAIDS 2016, a bi-annual awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC HIV/AIDS movement.
AccolAIDS 2016: Meet the Nominees
AccolAIDS 2016: Call for AccolAIDS 2016 Nominations
Positive Living BC seeking nominations for AccolAIDS Awards
AccolAIDS 2016 - Cast your vote for the AccolAIDS "People's Choice" Award
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Filmmaker Christina Starr (Steen) talks with Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ 32 years. Camera: Videographer Thom Stitt - January 16, 2016. Photo: Bradford McIntyre & Christina Starr (Steen), January 18, 2016-2016-January 16- Interview - Filmmaker, Christina Starr (Steen), talks with Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV for 32 years, for documentary short, about aging and LGBTQ identity.
"Older people in the LGBTTIQ2S community (LGBTQ for short) face double or triple stigmas. They become invisible not only in society but in their own community. This film, Older Than What? is about capturing the thoughts, experiences, struggles, knowledge, sex appeal and charm of older LGBTQs and celebrating it all up there on the big screen." Christina Starr (Steen)
Camera: Videographer Thom Stitt.
Older Than What? Trailer
Facebook: Older Than What?
Vancouver, Canada

Older Than What? campaign video from Steen Starr on Vimeo.
Video: Older Than What? campaign video from Steen Starron Vimeo.

bccfe.ca-2016-January 15- Research Study Participant (27 months) - Understanding and Optimizing Brain Health in HIV Now - The purpose of the study is to understand how HIV affects the brain over time and how this impacts everyday activities. A total of 900 people across Canada will be asked to participate in this study.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Marianne Harris
Co-Investigators: Dr. Mark Hull, Dr. Julio Montaner, Dr. Silvia Guillemi.
BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
St. Paul’s Hospital | Providence Health Care
Vancouver, Canada

-1994 to 2015- HIV/AIDS VIDEOS - Compilation of many hours of film footage from numerous interviews; news, talk shows, videos and documentaries. HIV/AIDS Videos

Members Holday Season Dinner - December 3, 2015 - Positive Living BC - www.positivelivingbc.orgPhoto: Bradford McIntyre (Right) & husband Deni Daviau (Left), sitting on Santa's lap at Positive Living BC Members' Holiday Season Dinner. December 3, 2015-2015-December 3- Positive Living BC Members' Holiday Season Dinner - Bradford McIntyre attended the Positive Living Society of British Columbia Members' Holiday Season Dinner, held at the Law Courts Inn Restaurant, 800 Smithe Street, Fourth Floor. Bradford has been a Member of Positive Living BC Society (formerly British Columbia Person's With AIDS Society (BCPWA) since 1995.
Founded in 1986, Positive Living BC is Western Canada's largest HIV/AIDS organization with a membership of more than 4,800 HIV-positive individuals. Positive Living BC is directed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS and the Society's Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV-positive members.
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, a guest on The Dini Petty Show for World AIDS Day, December 1st 1994.Photo: Dini Petty talks with Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, a guest on the Dini Petty Show, World AIDS Day, 1994. -2015-December 1- Guest Interview - Best of Dini Petty: Bradford McIntyre - The 1994 World AIDS Day show, when Bradford McIntyre was a guest on the Dini Petty Show, was published on YouTube today, December 1st 2015, World AIDS Day. Published on Dec 1, 2015: Bradford McIntyre comes out on World AIDS Day 1994 and begins a journey as an HIV/AIDS warrior. He had been given 6 months to live.
"It was World AIDS Day, Dec. 1st, 1994 and what I didn't know about the handsome man who walked onto the set that day was that this interview would change Bradford McIntyre's life. Brad has been living with HIV since 1984. In November of 1985, he was told he had six months to live." Dini Petty.
Watch Entire Episode: The Dini Petty Show - 1 December 1994
– Consists of closed captioned episode featuring Charmaine Gooden (style/beauty editor at Chatelaine Magazine), Bradford McIntyre (Living with HIV/AIDS), Faye Resnick (author, "Nicole Brown Simpson: The Diary of a Life Interrupted"), and Barry White (singer/songwriter).
Article: World AIDS Day 2015: Best of Dini Petty - 21 years ago today, I was a guest on the Dini Petty Show for World AIDS Day, December 1st 1994
The Dini Petty Show was a Canadian daytime talk show, hosted by Dini Petty. The Dini Petty show aired from 1989 to 1999. All of the footage of the Dini Petty Show has been donated to the York University Archives. It's all been catalogued and is in climate controlled storage. Dini's collection of photos and video from her entire career is there. Link to the Archive. The footage from the Dini Petty Shows are being transferred and digitized. Dini has started a "Best Of Dini Petty" collection of her favourite interviews from the Dini Petty Show, on YouTube.
Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre - www.vidc.ca-2015- November 30- Community Spotlight - Community Spotlight: Bradford McIntyre - Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre - VIDC Connect
"This month's Community Spotlight is again on Bradford McIntyre. We want to join him in celebrating the life he was told should have ended within 6 months from November 28 - THIRTY YEARS AGO!
This month's spotlight is a bit different. Not only is it shone on someone we've already featured before, but it is also one where we will let the the person speak for himself. There is no way anything written on VIDC Connect could be as impactful as reading his words for yourself."
Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre - VIDC Connect
Community Spotlight: Bradford McIntyre
Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre
Vancouver, Canada

Poster: Positive Living, Positive Homes (PLPH)-2015- October 20- Research Study Participant (1 Year) - Positive Living, Positive Homes: Navigating HIV and Housing Policies and Programs in British Columbia - Conducted by Dr. Catherine Worthington of the University of Victoria and Jennifer Evin Jones of the Pacific AIDS Network. This research is being funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research.
Purpose and Objectives: The purpose of this study is to better understand the experiences of people living with HIV related to housing, health and wellbeing, as well as related programs, services and policies.
Importance of this Research: Gathering this information will help fill gaps in understanding about the housing and health experiences of people living with HIV as well as related successes, challenges and best practices of related services and policies.
Participation in this research is completely voluntarily.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, long-term survivor, HIV+ 31 years, October 12, 2015.www.vancouverites.ca-2015- October 12- Interview - Vancouverites - BRADFORD MCINTYRE: SHOWING UP FOR LIFE - Vancouverites Cristina Padrés (Writer/Editor), talks with Bradford McIntyre, long-term survivor of HIV, a journey of 31 years, and promoting HIV/AIDS Awareness by volunteering his time to HIV/AIDS causes and events for 21 years. Bradford discusses his volunteerism creating HIV/AIDS Awareness, and being the Founder of Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS (www.PositivelyPositive.ca)
"I am honoured to share with you the story of one courageous Vancouverite. Bradford McIntyre was diagnosed with HIV in 1984 and a year later told that he had six months to live. This is a story of being given a death sentence, of enduring pain and self-imposed isolation but it is also a story of personal growth and making a difference." As Bradford says, "The only difference of people making a difference and the people that are not, is that the first are making a difference." Cristina Padrés, Vancouverites.
Vancouverites: The voice of the unspoken heroes of Vancouver - "My main goal is to share the stories of people that make Vancouver one of the greatest cities in the world, so that others in our community can be inspired by their journey. I believe you are one of them and I would love to share your story" Cristina Padrés, Vancouverites.
Vancouver, Canada

www.aidsvancouver.orgBanner: JoyTV Presents the 8th Annual CELEBRITY DIM SUM - October 4th, 2015 - 11am - 1pm - Four Seasons Hotel - Vancouver, BC Canada - www.aidsvancouver.org-2015- October 4- Volunteer - 8th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum - Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ 31 years, and former AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair (2010-2013), volunteered at AIDS Vancouver's 8TH Annual Celebrity Dim Sum, manning the Silent Auction table. Celebrity Dim Sum is AIDS Vancouver`s Premiere Fundraiser. Every year this event proves to be a delectable Dim Sum brunch to remember, with all proceeds going towards AIDS Vancouver's Community Outreach Program: providing outreach HIV information, education and support to people who are a high risk of contracting HIV.
"Thank you Bradford for being an amazing support for years!" Brian Chittock, Executive Director, AIDS Vancouver.
The 8th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum was held at the Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver, 791 W Georgia St, Vancouver, B.C.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, at AIDS Vancouver`s Premiere Fundraiser, the 8th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum - October 4th 2015. Bradford McIntyre, (HIV+ 31 years & former AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair), manning the Silent Auction at Celebrity Dim Sum. Photo Credit: Eric Rudolph Photo: Brian William Chittock, Executive Director of AIDS Vancouver, Daniel Dex, AIDS Vancouver Chair & Bradford McIntyre (HIV+ 31 years & former AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair) at AIDS Vancouver`s Premiere Fundraiser, the 8th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum - October 4th 2015. Photo Credit: Eric Rudolph Photo: Joy TV`s Carmen RuizyLaza & Bradford McIntyre (HIV+ 31 years & former AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair), at AIDS Vancouver`s Premiere Fundraiser, the 8th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum - October 4th 2015. Photo Credit: Eric Rudolph

Photo: Bradford McIntyre - A DAY WITH HIV - September 22, 2015www.adaywithhiv.com-2015- September 22- Photo Project Participant - A Day With HIV - Photo: Bradford McIntyre 4:40 PM, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada - Bradford McIntyre: At home, living longer with HIV. I am now 63, and have been HIV-positive since 1984. Thirty years ago, on November 28th 1985, I was told by my doctor to inform my family, arrange my finances and funeral, because I had six months to live! It has been a long six months! I am Bradford McIntyre, founder of PositivelyPositive.ca.
Presented by Positively Aware, A Day With HIV is an awareness and anti-stigma photo campaign. On September 22, 2015, people across the world, whether HIV-positive or negative, will visually capture and share a moment of their day - A Day with HIV - to focus attention on what it means to live in a world with HIV. Each year over the past five years, A Day with HIV has established a single day in which people from all walks of life grab their smartphones or digital cameras and capture a moment of their day that tells their story.
A Day With HIV By Rick Guasco
Imagine A Day with HIV
Video: A Day with HIV in America
A Day with HIV: A new initiative to tackle stigma, discrimination against HIV patients
Vancouver, Canada

www.vidc.ca-2015- September 10- Community Spotlight - Community Spotlight: Bradford McIntyre - Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre - VIDC Connect - "This month's community spotlight sheds light on an issue that's worth celebrating yet heartbreaking. Bradford McIntyre - more commonly known as Brad to us at VIDC - is a friend of VIDC who has successfully outlived the 6-months-to-live diagnosis he was given in 1984.
Brad was recently featured in an article by the Vancouver Courier entitled Living longer with HIV. He was the prime example of how the field of HIV is rapidly changing. Not too long ago, being diagnosed with HIV was considered a death sentence; now, because of the new treatments available, people like Brad are living well into their sixties."
Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre - VIDC Connect.
Community Spotlight: Bradford McIntyre
Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre
Vancouver, Canada

vancouverpride.ca-2015- September 6- Volunteer - Volunteer Appreciation - Vancouver Pride Society - Bradford McIntyre, attended the Vancouver PRIDE Society's Volunteer Appreciation Party at Lips Resto, 1143 Davie St Vancouver.
Vancouver Pride Society strives to produce inclusive, celebratory events, and advocacy for LGBTQAI2S+ communities through an intersectional lens.Vancouver Pride Society
Vancouver, Canada

HIVANONYMOUS CONTRIBUTE. LISTEN. SHARE. FOR MANY, LIVING WITH HIV MEANS HIDING FROM DISCRIMINATION - Let them know that being anonoymous doesn't mean being alone - HIVANONYMOUS.CAHIVanonymous #4 - The following is a voice message by Bradford McIntyre - HIVANONYMOUS.CA-2015-August 28- Volunteer Story - HIVANONYMOUS: Hear the stories - The Following is a voice message recorded by Bradford McIntyre on HIVANONYMOUS, launched August 28, 2015: HIVanonymous #4 - A voice message by Bradford McIntyre. The Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life has launched the HIV Anonymous campaign in anticipation of September's Walk. HIVANONYMOUS allows individuals to tell their story and allows others to hear the experiences of those living with HIV in their own words. Hear other HIV ANONYMOUS stories
"Dear Bradford McIntyre, on behalf of Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life, thank you for participating in our 2015 Walk campaign. By sharing your story, you are supporting the Walk and making an impact on the services we support for those at-risk and living with HIV/AIDS in Canada." Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life.
-The Canadian AIDS Society, Positive Living Society of BC, and the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT), announced July 14, 2015, the launch of the first ever HIV Anonymous campaign in anticipation of the annual 2015 Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life, a national fundraising and awareness movement that takes place in more than 30 communities across Canada each year. This year, the event will take place from Saturday, September 12th to Sunday, September 20th.
HIVanonymous #4
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre: A year after he was diagnosed with HIV in 1984, he was told he had only six months to live. He did not expect to live to 63. Photo Credit: Dan Toulgoet, Vancouver Courier - August 19, 2014.-2015-August 19- Interview - Vancouver Courier - Living longer with HIV - Vancouver Courier's Emily Blake talks with long term HIV/AIDS survivor Bradford McIntyre, about aging with HIV, in light of new research about the increased life expectancy of Canadians living with HIV. Vancouver Courier Photographer, Dan Toulgoet, photographs Bradford McIntyre, for inclusion in the Vancouver Courier interview.
"Bradford McIntyre never expected to live to be 63. A year after he was diagnosed with HIV in 1984, he was told he had only six months to live.
But he beat the odds and is one of many Canadians now aging with HIV. New research from the Canadian Observational Cohort Collaboration found the average life expectancy for HIV-positive people receiving antiretroviral therapy is now 65.”
Emily Blake, Vancouver Courier.
Living longer with HIV
Life expectancy of HIV-positive Canadians rises to 65 years: study
Vancouver, Canada

www.sfu.ca-2015-August 5- Panelist - The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic HSCI 431-3 - "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART", visual arts presentations - Simon Fraser University (SFU) - Bradford McIntyre, HIV positive since 1984, was invited to participate as part of a panel to view the "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART" visual arts presentations, and ask questions of the group members.
"Bradford McIntyre, I want to thank you for participating in our HSCI 431 Face of HIV presentations on Wednesday. I know the students really appreciated your comments, questions, and kind words. It is thrilling to me that we are able to connect ourstories and passion about HIV advocacy, practice, and research to the next generation of trainees." Instructor: Dr. Angela Kaida, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU.
(HSCI 431) "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART" is a 4th year undergraduate course assignment on the Global HIV/AIDS epidemic at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby campus. In groups of 5-7, students have chosen a "Face of HIV" person/organization/community/issue of interest and created a POSI+IVE ART presentation that describes the importance of this person, organization, community, and/or issue in the context of HIV and course material. Part of the assignment involves the students describing their art via a short oral presentation, delivered to a distinguished panel of local and global stakeholderrs. Through this assignment, students examine the connections between HIV/AIDS science, advocacy, and policy.
HSCI 431-3: Special Topics - Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic Summer 2015
Instructor: Dr. Angela Kaida, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU.
Cathy Puskas - SFU, BCCfE
Allison Carter - SFU, BCCfE, CHIWOS study,
Patience Nyoni - Afro-Canadian Positive Network of BC,
Chuck Osborne - CIHR, CTN, BCCfE,
Bradford McIntyre - Positively Positive,
Claudette Cardinal - BC Positive Living Society, CHIWOS study,
Daniella Barreto - YouthCo,
Brian Chittock - AIDS Vancouver.
Malcolm Steinberg - SFU, BCCDC
Zach Tanner - SFU, BCCfE
Sophie Patterson - SFU, BCCfE
The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic HSCI 431-3 "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART", was held at the 1st Floor Atrium, Blusson Hall, 8888 University Drive, SFU Burnaby campus.
HSCI 431-3: Special Topics – Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic Summer 2015
Simon Fraser University (SFU)
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: HSCI 431 'Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART'- Course Instructor: Dr. Angela Kaida, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU, & Panelist Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984. August 5, 2015.
Photo: HSCI 431 'Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART'- Course Instructor: Dr. Angela Kaida, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU, & Panelist Bradford McIntyre, HIV/AIDS advocate, living with HIV since 1984.
Panelists & Instructor for HSCI 431 'Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART' visual arts presentation, August 5, 2015, held at Simon Fraser University.
Photo: Panelists & Instructor for HSCI 431 'Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART'
visual arts presentation.

Back row left to right: Cathy Puskas - SFU, BCCfE Allison Carter - SFU, BCCfE, CHIWOS study, Course Instructor: Angela Kaida - SFU, Patience Nyoni - Afro-Canadian Positive Network of BC, Chuck Osborne - CIHR CTN, BCCfE, Bradford McIntyre - Positively Positive, Claudette Cardinal - BC Positive Living Society, CHIWOS study, Daniella Barreto - YouthCo, Brian Chittock - AIDS Vancouver.
Front row: Left to right: Malcolm Steinberg – SFU, BCCDC, Zach Tanner - SFU, BCCfE,
Sophie Patterson - SFU, BCCfE.

Bradford McIntyre, Pride Legacy Award Recipient 2013, for Sexual Health & HIV/AIDS Awarness, at THE VANCOUVER PRIDE SOCIETY LEGACY LUNCHEON July 24, 2015.THE VANCOUVER PRIDE SOCIETY - LEGACY LUNCHEON - July 24, 2015.-2015-July 24- Guest - Vancouver Pride Society Pride Legacy Luncheon 2015 - Invited Guest, Bradford McIntyre, Pride Legacy Awards 2015 Presenter, and Pride Legacy Award Recipient 2013, Pink Award: Sexual Health & HIV/AIDS Awareness, attended The Vancouver Pride Society LEGACY LUNCHEON 2015. The Legacy Luncheon honours outstanding members of Vancouver’s LGBTQ+ community. LEGACY Luncheon 2015 celebrates eight Pride Legacy Award recipients for their contributions to Vancouver Pride. Each award corresponds to a colour of the original eight colour flag and its meaning when artist Gilbert Baker first created the queer icon. The Vancouver Pride Society and the LOUD Business, LOUD Scholarship Foundation presented the winners of the 3rd Annual Vancouver Pride Legacy Awards with their engraved Legacy Awards, at the PRIDE Legacy Luncheon, July 24, 2015.
Pride Legacy Award 2015 Recipients:
Jody Jollimore - Pink Award: Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Awareness
Presented by Bradford McIntyre
Pat Hogan - Red Award: Lifetime Achievement
Presented by Tim Richards
Scott Fullerton - Orange Award: Sport
Presented by Christine Dunsworth
Don Presland - Yellow Award: Volunteer Extraordinaire
Presented by Robin Perelle
Ryan Hunter - Green: Safe Spaces
Presented by Grant Minish
David C. Jones - Turquoise: Art
Presented by Shaira Holman
Al Houston - Blue: Community Leaders
Presented by Vancouver Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Caroline Doerksen - Purple: Youth
Presented by Blair Smith.
Pride Legacy Luncheon was held at Forage Restaurant. Forage is a restaurant located on Robson Street in Downtown Vancouver, BC. The restaurant specializes in locally grown, sustainable cuisine.
Pride Legacy Awards 2015 honour Vancouver's LGBT community superheroes
Vancouver, Canada

www.straight.com-2015-June 16- Interview - The Georgia Straight - Long-time Vancouver medical-marijuana user defends edibles - In a phone interview, Travis Lupick, writer with the Straight, talks with Bradford McIntyre about the City of Vancouver's proposed ban on the sale of Medicinal-Marijuana edibles.
"Edible medicinal-marijuana products have been available in British Columbia for decades," McIntyre told the Straight. "The city is out of touch."
"McIntyre has lived with HIV/AIDS for 31 years. He said he takes medicinal marijuana to ease pain he experiences as a result of nerve damage caused by a treatment called AZT that he received in the 1990s."
Travis Lupick, Georgia Straight.
Long-time Vancouver medical-marijuana user defends edibles
Letter To The Elected Leaders Of the City of Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, Positive Living BC Society Member & Volunteer, at VOLLIES ALL-STARS: Sports Edition: Positive Living BC presents an evening of Volunteer Recognition and Awards. June 10, 2015. Photo by Kangsoon Park Poster: Positive Living BC - presents an evening of Volunteer Recognition and Awards - VOLLIES ALL-STARS: Sports Edition - Wednesday June 10 - 6PM - Vancouver Rowing Club - positivelivingbc.org-2015-June 10- Volunteer Recognition - VOLLIES ALL-STARS: Sports Edition - Positive Living BC presents an evening of Volunteer Recognition and Awards. Each year, to honour the incredible calibre and amazing amount of work done by our volunteers. Bradford McIntyre, Positive Living BC Member since 1995, and a Volunteer, attended Positive Living BC's evening of volunteer recognition. A gala dinner, fantastic venue, entertainment. VOLLIES ALL-STARS: Sports Edition, held at the Vancouver Rowing Club, 450 Stanley Park Drive.
VOLLIES_ALL-STARS-Sports-Edition (Volunteer Recognition) - June 10 2015.pdf
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

-2015-June 9- Study Participant (5 years) - Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Darunavir/Cobicistat/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide (D/C/F/TAF) Regimen Versus Boosted Protease Inhibitor (bPI) Along With Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (FTC/TDF) Regimen in Virologically-Suppressed, HIV-1 Infected Participants.
Protocal - TMC1141FD3013 - A Phase 3, randomized, active-controlled, open-label study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of switching to a darunavir/cobicistant/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (D/C/F/TAF) once-daily single-tablet regimen versus continuing the current regimen consisting of boosted protease inhibitor (bPI) combined with emticitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (FTC/TDF) in virologically-suppressed, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infected subjects.
Study Doctor: Brian Conway, MD.
Sponsor: Janssen Sciences Ireland UC.
Last blood draw: June 30, 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, STRUT, June 6, 2015. foundationofhope.netPoster: STRUT - foundationofhope Foundation of Hope - foundationofhope.net-2015-June 6- Volunteer - Registration - Foundation of Hope - Bradford McIntyre, volunteered at the Registration table for the Foundation of Hope's fundraising campaign, STRUT.
"STRUT is a one-mile walk-a-thon in heels for LGBT+ refugees, asylum seekers, and newcomers to Canada. "A mile in heels is easier than a lifetime in the closet." The whole concept behind STRUT centers around what a privilege it is to freely express one's gender identity in Canada, without fear of government or societal persecution. It is hard to imagine having to wait in fear over a lifetime, then manage to escape and get off a plane not knowing where to go with barely enough money to eat, find housing, or gain access to basic healthcare. This would be a challenge for any newcomer seeking asylum, but less so than also having to navigate a system that has little understanding of LGBT+ issues." Foundation of Hope
STRUT was held at Sunset Beach Park, 1204 Beach Avenue
VIDEO: Carl Meadows' speech at the Strut For Hope Vancouver 2015
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Jody Jollimore, Recipient (Left) & Bradford McIntyre, PRIDE Legacy PINK Award Presenter. May 28, 2015.Photo: Bradford McIntyre, Presenter, 3rd Annual PRIDE Legacy Awards, May 28, 2015.PRIDE Legacy Awards - https://vancouverpride.ca-2015-May 28- Presenter - 3rd Annual PRIDE Legacy Awards - Pink Award: Sexuailty (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness) - Presented by Bradford McIntyre, HIV and AIDS Advocate and Founder of Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS www.PositivelyPositive.ca.
Bradford McIntyre, the 2013 Recipient for the PRIDE Legacy PINK Award, presented the Vancouver PRIDE Society's 2015 PRIDE Legacy Award Finalists and Award Recipient of the PINK Award: Sexuality (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness).
2015 PRIDE Legacy PINK Award: Sexuality (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness)
Pink Award Presenter: Bradford McIntyre, 2013 Recipient for the PRIDE Legacy PINK Award
Finalists: Andrea Szewchuk, Hasan Abdessamad and Jody Jollimore
Award Recipient: Jody Jollimore.
Photo: PRIDE Legacy PINK Award: Presenter Bradford McIntyre & PINK Award Finalists: Jody Jollimore, Andrea Szewchuk, and Hasan Abdessamad. May 28, 2015.3rd Annual PRIDE Legacy Awards: Bradford McIntyre Presenter
"Bradford McIntyre, Thank you for volunteering to be a Presenter for this years 2015 Pride Legacy Awards." Vancouver PRIDE Society.
PRIDE Legacy Awards hosted by Fred Lee, with a performance by the Vancouver Circus School and an exhibition of local LGBTQ2+ artists, including AJ Kutchaw, Pedro Lacerda Muniz, Laura Smith, Jennifer Riley and Ray McEachern.
3rd Annual PRIDE Legacy Awards, held at the Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews.
VIDEO on Facebook: Bradford McIntyre: Presenter - 3rd Annual PRIDE Legacy Awards: PINK Award: Sexuality
Pride Legacy Awards 2015 honour Vancouver's LGBT community superheroes
Vancouver, Canada

Poster: Suits - Poz Gay Working Men's Dinner Group - www.positivelivingbc.org-2015-April 27- HOST - Suits - Poz Gay Working Men's Dinner Group - Forage - Bradford McIntyre, Positive Living BC Society Member, since 1995, hosted SUITS, an evening of delicious food at Forage.
This monthly dinner, takes place at a restaurant in the Vancouver area on the last Monday of each month, and offers working men a chance to build community and combat isolation and stigma. SUITS provides a forum where HIV poz men can meet other professionals, network and have a positive influence on the community.
SUITS is part of the Positive Living BC Society of British Columbia Support Departments’ Wellness Promotion programs.
Forage restaurant, 1300 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC.
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: AIDS Vancouver Volunteer Recognition Event - Staff, Board Members & Volunteers - April 16, 2015. AIDS Vancouver - aidsvancouver.orgBanner: AIDS Vancouver Volunteer Appreciation Event - You are the Star - Thursday April 16TH - The Junction 1138 - Vancouver, BC. - AIDS Vancouver - www.aidsvancouver.org-2015-April 16- Volunteer - Volunteer Recognition - AIDS Vancouver Volunteer Recognition Event - You are the Star - Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair, 2011 - 2013, attended the AIDS Vancouver Society Volunteer Recognition event for volunteer contributions to the AIDS Vancouver Society. The Volunteer Recognition Event was held on Thursday April 16, 2015, at the Junction, 1138 Davie St. Vancouver. BC.
AIDS Vancouver Society's Volunteer Recognition event is the one time each year where the staff and board are able to say thank-you to the individuals who work tirelessly, donating their time.
Vancouver, Canada

Banner: LOve events-2015-March 8- 'Community Star' Award - LOve events - "L0ve events is pleased to announce this week's 'community star' award. Every week we highlight a community member, who is working hard for all our benefit. This week, we recognize Bradford McIntyre, who for over 20 years, has devoted his time and energy to volunteer with many community organizations in Vancouver. We interviewed Bradford McIntyre, feel free to spread the Love and share these words." LOve events
LOve events Community Star Award Announcement For Bradford McIntyre
Vancouver, Canada

Poster: Positive Living BC Members' Holiday Season Dinner - Law Courts Inn - 800 Smithe Street 4th Floor - Thursday December 4, 2015 - 6.oo - 9.ooPM - positivelivingbc.org-2015-February 12- Member Testimonial - Positive Living BC Newsletter - Positive Living BC Member Bradford McIntyre, who regularly attends Positive Living BC Annual Members’ Holiday Season Dinner, shares the importance of the dinner and the support he receives. Bradford has been a Member of Positive Living BC Society since 1995. The Positive Living BC Members' Holiday Season Dinner is a highlight of the Christmas season calendar.
Positive Living BC Annual Members' Holiday Season Dinner - Member Testimonial by Bradford McIntyre
"I have lived with HIV for 31 years. Positive Living BC has played a large supportive role in my life and I have been a Member for the last 19 years." Bradford McIntyre.
Positive Living BC is dedicated to empowering persons with HIV/AIDS through mutual support and collective action. Founded in 1986, Positive Living BC is Western Canada's largest HIV/AIDS organization with a membership of more than 4,800 HIV-positive individuals. Positive Living BC is directed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS and the Society's Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV-positive members.
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 202- 0.
Vancouver, Canada

-2015-January 31- Interview - Older Than What? - Filmmaker, Christina Starr (Steen), talks with Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV for 31 years, about LGBT and aging.
Older people in the LGBTTIQ2S community (LGBTQ for short) face double or triple stigmas. They become invisible not only in society but in their own community. This film, Older Than What? is about capturing the thoughts, experiences, struggles, knowledge, sex appeal and charm of older LGBTQs and celebrating it all up there on the big screen.
"Older Than What? will be a short, quippy, honest, surprising, bold and heartfelt film about being older and LGBTQ, in the voices of older LGBTQs themselves. It has the power to make invisible people visible." Christina Starr (steen)
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, guest speaker, Focus Group Participant, End-Of-Life Conversations, Care and Community among LGBT Older Adults. SFU Town Hall Meeting. January 28, 2015.Poster: Join us on Wednesday January 28th for our Fostering End-Of-Life Conversations, Care and Community among LGBT Older Adults - Town Hall Meeting 7-9 PM - Room 7000 - SFU Downtown Campus - 515 West Hastings Street - Vancouver, BC-2015-January 28- Guest Speaker - Focus Group Participant - The Fostering End-of-Life Conversations, Community Care Among LGBT Older Adults – Town Hall Meeting
- Bradford McIntyre, Founder, Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS, shared his experience with aging and planning for end-of-life as a gay man, at The Fostering End-of-Life Conversations, Community Care Among LGBT Older Adults - Town Hall Meeting.
Fostering End-of-Life Conversations, Community and Care Among LGBT Older Adults (Speaking Notes: Bradford McIntyre)
Quote: 'I'm 63 and I have been living infected with HIV for 31 years. No one is more surprised than me that I am alive in 2015, here with you, discussing LGBT and Aging.'by Bradford McIntyre, at Fostering End Of Life Conversations, Care and Community among LGBT Older Adults, Town Hall Meeting, Simon Fraser University Campus. January 28, 2015."I'm 63 and I have been living infected with HIV for 31 years. No one is more surprised than me that I am alive in 2015, here with you, discussing LGBT and Aging." Bradford McIntyre.
Principal Investigators: Dr. Brian de Vries from San Francisco State University and Dr. Gloria Gutman from the Gerontology Research Centre at Simon Fraser University hosted a Town Hall meeting Wednesday January 28th 2015 from 7-9pm.
The Town Hall reported on focus group research conducted in Vancouver in August/September of 2014 highlighting some of the unique challenges of, and strategies for, end of life preparations among LGBT older adults; the British Columbia LGBT End-Of-Life Resource Inventory was launched.
Speakers: Brian de Vries, Patrick Aubert, Robert Beringer, Bradford McIntyre, Kara Turner, Lorraine Gerard, Ross Waddell, and Vince Connors.
Photo: Fostering End-of-Life Conversations - Town Hall Meeting Speakers: Brian de Vries, Patrick Aubert, Robert Beringer, Gloria Gutman & Bradford McIntyre - January 28, 2015.Fostering End-of-Life Conversations, Community Care Among LGBT Older Adults - A project that seeks to gain a better understanding of the ways in which older LGBT persons prepare for later life and end-of-life, seek care, engage networks of support, and the role that internet technology play in supporting these activities. This project is conducted by professionals and researchers from Simon Fraser University, University of Alberta, University of Waterloo, University of Quebec Montreal, Dalhousie University, and Mt. St. Vincent University, in partnership with the community groups in all these locations. This project is funded by Technology Evaluation in the Elderly (TVN).
Room 7000, Simon Fraser University Vancouver campus, 515 W. Hastings St. Vancouver, BC.
Watch Video: SFU Gerontology Public Event: Fostering End of Life Conversations
The Fostering End-of-Life Conversations, Community Care Among LGBT Older Adults - Town Hall Meeting
Fostering End Of Life Conversations - Bradford McIntyre - Speaking Notes
LGBT End-of-Life Conversations Website
The British Columbia End-Of-Life Resource Inventory
Emergent Themes from Gay/Bisexual Male Group
Researchers launch LGBT End-of-Life Resource Inventory for BC at town hall
Simon Fraser University Gerontology Research Centre
Simon Fraser University
Vancouver, Canada

VIDEO: SFU Gerontology Public Event: Fostering End of Life Conversations
(You can hear Guest Speaker, Bradford McIntyre speak at 27.10 min.)

www.wegohealth.com/category/ha-awards/-2014-December 23- Nominee - Fourth Annual WEGO Health Activist Award - Bradford McIntyre - WEGO Health Activist Awards Nominee.
"Dear Bradford, Congratulations on being nominated in the Fourth Annual WEGO Health Activist Awards. We're ecstatic that you've been recognized for the hard work you've put in advocating and educating others." WEGO Health
The WEGO Health Activist Awards program was created to recognize and honor those making a difference in the online health community.
Boston, MA, United States

www.vidc.ca-2014-December 9- Study Participant (1 year) - KASA Study- Real-life of the Kaletra Adherence Support Assistance (KASA) -
Program: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study.
"You are being treated for HIV with the approved medication Kaletra and elegible to be enrolled in the Kaletra patient support program called KASA or already enrolled in the Kaletra patient support program. For a period of approximately 1 year, information about your symptoms, administration/compliance with the medication treatment, side effects and your quality of life will be documented by your doctor and by yourself via questionaires during your routine doctor visits. Your personal health information will be kept for a minimum of 25 years, as required by Canadian law." AbbVie
The manufacturer of this drug and sponsor of this research, AbbVie Corporation, is interested in collecting real life information about the effectiveness of this program (KASA) in HIV patients treated with Kaletra. As part of this research, the company is hoping to obtain information from approximately 165 patients with HIV who had been registered in the patient support program called KASA.
Study Doctor: Dr. Brian Conway,
Vancouver ID Research and Care Centre Society,
201-1200 Burrard Street
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre singing The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire), at The Positive Living BC Annual Members Holiday Season Dinner, held at the Law Courts Inn Restaurant, December 4, 2014. Vancouver, B.C. Canada.Poster: Positive Living BC Members' Holiday Season Dinner - Law Courts Inn - 800 Smithe Street 4th Floor - Thursday December 4, 2015 - 6.oo - 9.ooPM - POSITIVE LIVING SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA - positivelivingbc.orgPhoto: Bradford McIntyre, On Santa's lap at the Positive Living BC Members' Holiday Season Dinner, Dec 4, 2014. Photo By Kangsoon Park -2014-December 4- Positive Living BC Members' Holiday Season Dinner - Bradford McIntyre attended the Positive Living BC Members' Holiday Season Dinner at the Law Courts Inn Restaurant, 800 Smithe Street, Fourth Floor. Bradford McIntyre has been a Member of Positive Living BC Society (formerly British Columbia Person's With AIDS Society) since 1995. Singing for his table's supper, Bradford sang "The Christmas Song" (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire). The Positive Living BC Members' Holiday Season Dinner is a highlight of the Christmas season calendar.
Positive Living BC is dedicated to empowering persons with HIV/AIDS through mutual support and collective action. Founded in 1986, Positive Living BC is Western Canada's largest HIV/AIDS organization with a membership of more than 4,800 HIV-positive individuals. Positive Living BC is directed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS and the Society's Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV-positive members.
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 ' 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

egale.caPhoto: Bradford McIntyre, #HearOurStory Bradford's Story - Egale Canada Human Rights Trust - egale.ca/hearourstory. November 4, 2014#HEAROURSTORY: Your Stories, Your Lives - egale.ca/hearourstory-2014-November 4- #HearOurStory: Bradford's Story - HearOurStory2014 - Egale - The #HearOurStory campaign is our response to the need for a stronger LGBTQ voice worldwide-because there's still work to be done. Bradford McIntyre sumitted his story to the #HearOurStory campaign. #HearOurStory Bradford's Story
"People everywhere are entitled to the same rights and freedoms. We will not end the stigma and discrimination around homophobia, same sex marriage and people living with HIV/AIDS, unless, we recognize these are Human Rights issues and the integral components necessary for social acceptance, in order for everyone to move forward, living our lives free to be who we are." Bradford McIntyre
Egale's vision is of a Canada free of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and all other forms of discrimination so that every person can achieve their full potential, unencumbered by hatred and bias. Our mission and values help pave the way for our vision to become reality.
Egale Canada Human Rights Trust (Egale) is Canada's only national charity promoting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans (LGBT) human rights through research, education and community engagement.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: International AIDS Society (IAS) Member Spotlight: Bradford McIntyre, IAS Member, Canadawww.iasociety.org-November 3, 2014- Member Spotlight - International AIDS Society (IAS) -
"Dear Bradford McIntyre, As an HIV Activist with Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS, we at the IAS have identified you as an extraordinary candidate for our new outreach initiative, Member Spotlight." Jane McClenathan, Intern, Governance and Member Relations, International AIDS Society.
"My work increasing HIV and AIDS awareness globally has provided a face living with HIV to many people, and this has helped to bring hope to people infected that they too can live a ling and healthy life!" Bradford McIntyre, International AIDS Society (IAS) Member.
Facebook Photo: Member Spotlight: Bradford McIntyre International AIDS Society (IAS) Member, Canada.
Facebook: International AIDS Society (IAS)
Website: International AIDS Society (IAS)
Geneva, Switzerland

Photo: Bradford McIntyre volunteering at AIDS Vancouver's 7th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum - Saturday September 27, 2014 - Vancouver Bc. Canada. Photo by Rudolph SchmidtBanner: JoyTv Presents the 7th Annual CELEBRITY DIM SUM - www.aidsvancouver.org - September 27, 2014.-2014-September 27- Volunteer - The Seventh Annual Celebrity Dim Sum - Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, and former AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair (2010-2013), volunteered at the AIDS Vancouver annual fundraiser Celebrity Dim Sum, manning the Silent Auction table.
The Celebrity Dim Sum is a signature fundraising event for AIDS Vancouver, attracting high-level donors as well as a variety of Vancouver celebrities. Every year this event proves to be a delectable Dim Sum brunch to remember, with all proceeds going towards AIDS Vancouver's Community Outreach Program: providing outreach HIV information, education and support to people who are a high risk of contracting HIV. The most significant appeal of the Celebrity Dim Sum is the opportunity to meet and network with high profile celebrities with direct ties to Vancouver. Guests are treated to the hugely popular Annual Chicken Feet Eating Contest, and live and silent auctions will round out the afternoon's festivities.
The Seventh Annual Celebrity Dim Sum was held at the Floata Seafood Restaurant, 400-180 Keefer Street, Vancouver, B.C.
AIDS Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

Rachel Nelken, AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors, and Bradford McIntyre, Former AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair, at AIDS Vancouver's 7th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum - Saturday September 27, 2014 - Vancouver Bc. Canada. Photo by Rudolph SchmidtBradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984 and Former AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair, and Stuart Mackinnon, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation Chair, AIDS Vancouver's 7th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum - Saturday September 27, 2014 - Vancouver Bc. Canada. Photo by Rudolph SchmidtPhoto: Brian Chittock, AIDS Vancouver Executive Director, Rachel Nelken, AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors, Sister Lois Price, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and Bradford McIntyre, Former AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair, leaving AIDS Vancouver's 7th Annual CELEBRITY DIM SUM aboard Candy Dart Shuttle. AIDS Vancouver's 7th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum - Saturday September 27, 2014 - Vancouver Bc. Canada. Photo by Rudolph Schmidt

Photo: Bradford McIntyre 10:09 AM, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada - Enjoying some relaxing time at English Bay Beach and thankful to be alive. A DAY WITH HIV - September 22, 2014www.adaywithhiv.com-2014- September 9- Photo Project Participant - A Day With HIV - Presented by Positively Aware. Fifth Annual A Day with HIV Initiative Empowers Everyone to Take Your Best Shot Against HIV - A DAY WITH HIV photo essay of people living with HIV.
Photo: Bradford McIntyre 10:09 AM, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada.- "Enjoying some relaxing time at English Bay Beach and thankful to be alive. HIV-positive 30 years (since 1984). I was 32 when diagnosed, and I am now 62 years of age and operate Positively Positive (www.PositivelyPositive.ca), an HIV/AIDS information and resource website." Bradford McIntyre
Picture A Day with HIV
- A Day With HIV is an awareness and anti-stigma photo campaign. On September 9, 2014, people across the world, whether HIV-positive or negative, will visually capture and share a moment of their day - A Day with HIV - to focus attention on what it means to live in a world with HIV. Each year over the past four years, A Day with HIV has established a single day in which people from all walks of life grab their smartphones or digital cameras and capture a moment of their day that tells their story.
Photo: Bradford McIntyre #?adaywithhiv? 2014
Vancouver, Canada

www.sfu.ca-2014-September 9- Study Participant (6 weeks) - Fostering End-of-Life Conversations, Community Care Among LGBT Older Adults - Bradford McIntyre, participated in the Fostering End-of-Life Conversations, Community Care Among LGBT Older Adults focus group for gay and bisexual men. A project that seeks to gain a better understanding of the ways in which older LGBT persons prepare for later life and end-of-life, seek care, engage networks of support, and the role that internet technology play in supporting these activities. This project is conducted by professionals and researchers from Simon Fraser University, University of Alberta, University of Waterloo, University of Quebec Montreal, Dalhousie University, and Mt. St. Vincent University, in partnership with the community groups in all these locations. This project is funded by Technology Evaluation in the Elderly (TVN).
Participation in this project is intended to provide information and direction to better assist researchers, community organizations and older individuals to understand and prepare for end of life within the LGBT communities.
Gerontology Research Centre Simon Fraser University
Simon Fraser University
Vancouver, Canada

www.vidc.ca-2014-August 21- Study Participant (10 Years) - The Canadian HIV and Aging Cohort - Determinants of Increased risk of Cardio-Vascular Diseases in HIV-Infected Individuals : Rationale and Study Protocol.
Short Title: Canadian HIV and Aging Cohort.
With advances in HIV treatments, people with HIV are living longer. It appears that diseases related to aging in the general population: metabolic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease), neurocognitive disorders (memory loss, difficulty concentrating, etc.), bone density loss and fragile bones, occur earlier in persons infected with HIV.
The objectives of this study are to improve our understanding of the pathophysiological (modification of normal body function) process involved in premature aging associated with HIV infection and to identify the predictive markers that could be used to prevent or treat the disease associated with this process. The study is funded from Canadian Institutes of Health Research CIHR.
Lead Investigator: Cecile Tremblay, MD, FRCPC, CHUM
Lead Co-investigators: Madeleine Durand, Jean-Louis Chiasson, Jean-Claude Tardif, Chritos Tsoukas.
Clinical Investigator: Brian Conway, MC, FRCPC
Institution: Vancouver Infectious Disease Centre (VIDC)
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, is Out About HIV, HIV+ for 30 years, wearing N0 SHAME ABOUT BEING HIV+ T-Shirt to fight HIV/AIDS Stigma, in the Vancouver PRIDE Parade. August 3, 2014.Poster: 36TH ANNUAL PRIDE PARADE - August 3, 2014. Vancouver, BC, Canada.Photo: Bradford McIntyre, is Out About HIV, HIV+ for 30 years, in the 36TH ANNUAL Vancouver PRIDE PARADE. August 3, 2014.-2014-August 3- Parade Entry Participant - Vancouver Pride Society - 36 Annual Vancouver PRIDE PARADE 2014 - HIV+ 30 Years, Bradford McIntyre marched proudly along the 36 ANNUAL Vancouver PRIDE PARADE route carrying his homemade sign which read: OUT ABOUT HIV, HIV+ 30 YEARS, wearing a T-Shirt with the words: NO SHAME ABOUT BEING HIV+, to fight HIV/AIDS Stigma.
HIV/AIDS Advocate Bradford McIntyre is marching in the 36 Annual
"Ten years ago, HIV/AIDS Activist Bradford McIntyre marched in both the 2004 March of GLBT PRIDE in Mexico City, and the 2004 Vancouver PRIDE PARADE carrying a handmade sign that said he was OUT ABOUT HIV, HIV+ for 20 Years (in both English and Spanish, in Mexico). At 62 years of age, and HIV positive for 30 years, Bradford is planning to carry the same sign (the year changed to 30 years) that he carried in the Vancouver PRIDE PARADE in 2004." Vancouver Pride Society
Video:PRIDE PARADE 2014 VANCOUVER 'Mayor Gregor Robertson' 'Bradford McIntyre'
Vancouver PRIDE Society
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, OUT ABOUT HIV, HIV+ For 30 YEARS - www.PositivelyPositive.ca - Photo Credit: Charlie Smith - August 3, 2014.www.straight.com-2014-August 3- Interview - Georgia Straight - Pride 2014: Bradford McIntyre proudly declares his HIV status to encourage others to get tested - Georgia Straight Editor Charlie Smith, talks with HIV/AIDS advocate Bradford McIntyre about his living with HIV for 30 years, and his participation in the Vancouver PRIDE Parade to fight Stigma associated with HIV.
"At this year's Vancouver Pride celebrations, Bradford McIntyre marked another milestone in his remarkable life. The long--term HIV Survivor changed the sign he carried in the 2004 parade to reflect that he's still here 30 years after being infected with the retrovirus. A decade ago, the sign said "20 years" Emblazoned across the front of his white T-shirt was the message "No shame about being HIV+." "I'm in shock that I'm still alive and still here and still doing this." McIntyre told the Georgia Straight at the corner of Robson and Bute Streets." Charlie Smith, Editor, Georgia Straight.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Vancouver City Hall - PRIDE Proclamation July 28 2014 - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Photo: Bradford McIntyre and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson at PRIDE PROCLAMATION at Vancouver City Hall. July 28, 2014Poster: PRIDE PROCLAMATION AT CITY HALL, Vancouver, BC, Canada. July 28,2014.-2014-July 28- PRIDE PROCLAMATION AT CITY HALL - Bradford McIntyre attended the PRIDE Proclamation held in the Vancouver City Hall Council Chamber, from 11:00 am - Noon, and then proceeded to the Vancouver City Hall North Lawn to watch the Proclamation and Pride Flag Raising Ceremony. Followed by a barbecue hosted by the City of Vancouver's LGBTQ Advisory Committee.
Vancouver PRIDE Society
Vancouver, Canada

wesn.ca-2014-July 26- Interview / Documentary - "The Invisible Senior: Senior Renters' Struggle To Stay in the West End" - Filmmaker, Spencer Isaac talks with Bradford McIntyre about issues facing Vancouver's West End Senior Renters. The West End Seniors' Network is partnering with the Social Planning & Research Council of BC and film maker Spencer Isaac from Still Water Creations to make a film sharing the stories of West End seniors struggling to deal with our neighbourhood's skyrocketing rents. The film will help us reach a broader audience as we educate people about the impact of the rental crisis facing West End seniors. WESN improves the quality of life of adults aged 55+ by providing social, educational and recreational programs and services that foster connection and inclusion in the broader community.
West End Seniors Network (WESN.ca)
"The Invisible Senior: Senior Renters' Struggle to Stay in the West End"
Vancouver, Canada

Video: "The Invisible Senior:
Senior Renters' Struggle to Stay in the West End"

Please take a few minutes to watch this short documentary about the challenges facing senior renters in Vancouver's West End. The documentary was produced by WESN and SPARC BC in collaboration with local seniors, Gordon Neighbourhood House and the West End Seniors' Community Planning Table. The documentary was filmed and edited by Still Water Creations.

Photo: Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS and Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ 30 years, and Founder of www.PositivelyPosiitve.ca. May 27, 2014.bccfe.ca-2014-May 27- Guest - Forefront Special Lecture by UNAIDS Executive Director, Michel Sidibé - A Special Presentation by the Executive Director of UNAIDS. Bradford McIntyre attended the Forefront Special Lecture by UNAIDS Executive Director, Michel Sidibé, hosted by the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, and held at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, 1088 Burrard Street.
Ending AIDS: how can we leverage solidarity, science and momentum to reach the next milestone in global health?
Michel Sidibé, leading HIV advocate, receives honorary doctorate of science from UBC
B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Deni Daviau with spouse Bradford McIntyre at the PRIDE Legacy Awards. May 4, 2014.Photo: Martin Rooney, 2014 PRIDE Legacy Award Recipient and Bradford McIntyre, 2013 PRIDE Legacy Award Recipient: PINK Category: Sexuality (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness). May 4, 2014.Bradford McIntyre, Committee Panelist, at the 2014 PRIDE Legacy Awards. May 4, 2014.Poster: PRIDE Legacy AWARDS Presented by TELUS - May 4, 2014 - Yaletown Roundhouse Community Centre - Vancouver' British Columbia, Canada.-2014-May 4- PRIDE Legacy Awards Selection Committee Panelist - 2014 PRIDE Legacy Awards. Bradford McIntyre, selection committee panelist for the PRIDE Legacy Awards, May 4th, at the Yaletown Roundhouse Community Centre.
PRIDE Legacy Awards is a night to celebrate the legacy of activism and volunteerism that has shaped Vancouver's LGBTQ community.
PRIDE Legacy Awards Presented by TELUS
Vancouver PRIDE Society
Vancouver, Canada

AccolAIDS 2014: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 13th day of April in the year 2014, to recognize achievements in the area of Social/Political/Community Action, Panel's Merit Award & Kevin Brown Positive Hero Award. Positive Living Society of British Columbia - www.positivelivingbc.orgPoster: ACCOLAIDS 2014 - An awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC AIDS movement. Sunday April 13 2014 - 6-10PM Vancouver Convention Centre-2014-April 13- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2014 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2014, and received a Certificate of Nomination in recognition of his achievement in the areas of Soccial/Political/Community Action, the Kevin Brown PWA Hero and Panel's Merit Award for his tireless work.
"Living with HIV since 1984, Bradford's story of strong local presence and international activism inspires and gives hope to countless people. For 20 years, he has worked to create HIV/AIDS awareness, volunteering in HIV/AIDS causes through all venues: speaking engagements, media, conferences, seminars and documentaries. He has served as Vice-Chair, Board of Directors at AIDS Vancouver and his website, positivelypositive.ca, is an internationally recognized HIV/AIDS information and resource site." AccolAIDS, Positive Living BC
Photo: AccolAIDS 2014 - Deni Daviau with spouse Bradford McIntyre, AccolAIDS 2014 Nominee. April 13, 2014.Bradford McIntyre with husband Deni Daviau. April 13, 2014 at AccolAIDS 2014. Bradford McIntyre, nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2014, and received recognition of his achievement in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, and the Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award for his tireless work, with husband Deni Daviau. April 13, 2014 The AccolAIDS Awards honour the extraordinary achievements and dedication of organizations, businesses, groups and individuals responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in our province, and the thousands of British Columbians who are affected. Proceeds benefit vital programs and services provided by Positive Living BC. AccolAIDS is made possible through the generousity of sponsors and donors, and our gratitude for their support is shared by over 5,500 HIV-positive members of Positive Living Society of British Columbia.
AccolAIDS 2014 was held at the Vancouver Convention Centre West, 1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
AccolAIDS 2014 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS 2014 Nominees
AccolAIDS 2014 awards gala honours women's advocates, deceased heroes, and more
AccolAIDS "People's Choice" Award
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

positivelivingbc.org-2014-March 5- Nomination: AccolAIDS 2014 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award 2014 .
"Bradford McIntyre, Congratulations you have been nominated for an AccolAIDS Award. The AccolAIDS Advisory Panel has received a nomination in your name for your outstanding contribution within the BC HIV/AIDS movement in the following award category area(s) of Kevin Brown Positive Hero Award, Social/Political/Community Action & Panel's Merit Award." Dena Ellery, Positive Living BC
Positive Living BC and ViiV present: AccolAIDS 2014, a bi-annual awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC HIV/AIDS movement.
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Zero Discrimination: Bradford McIntyre , HIV+ since 1984. Vancouver, BC, Canada - March 1, 2014.1 March 2014 - Zero Discrimination Day - JOIN THE TRANSFORMATION - UNAIDS - www.unaids.org-2014-March 1- Photo Participant - Zero Discrimination Day - Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé launched the Zero Discrimination Day on 27 February with a major event in Beijing, China supported by the China Red Ribbon Foundation, Hanergy Holding Group, Chinese government, civil society and celebrities. Similar events are planned for the days leading up to 1 March 2014 in countries around the world. Zero Discrimination Day is a call to people everywhere to promote and celebrate everyone's right to live a full life with dignity-no matter what they look like, where they come from or whom they love. The symbol for Zero Discrimination is the butterfly, widely recognized as a sign of transformation.
Countries around the world celebrate Zero Discrimination Day
Zero Discrimination Day to be celebrated 1 March 2014
Campaign #Zerodiscrimination
Photos: Zero Discrimination
UNAIDS, Geneva

Photo: Bradford McIntyre (Right) & partner Deni Daviau (Left) on Santa's lap at the Positive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner - December 6, 2013.Poster: Positive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner - Thursday, December 6th, 6.00 - 9.00PM - Law Courts Inn, 800 Smithe Street, 4th Floor, Vancouver, BC.-2013-December 6- Positive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner - Bradford McIntyre attended the Positive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner at the Law Courts Inn Restaurant, 800 Smithe Street, Fourth Floor. Bradford has been a Member of Positive Living BC Society (formerly British Columbia Person's With AIDS Society (BCPWA)) since 1995. Positive Living BC is dedicated to empowering persons with HIV/AIDS through mutual support and collective action. Founded in 1986, Positive Living BC is Western Canada's largest HIV/AIDS organization with a membership of more than 4,800 HIV-positive individuals. BCPWA is directed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS and the Society's Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV-positive members.
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, FACING AIDS by promoting HIV and AIDS Awareness. HIV+ since 1984. Facing AIDS - November 18, 2013.www.hiv.gov-2013-December 4- Guest Blog - #FacingAIDS - HIV.gov - HIV Activist Shares His Experiences with Facing AIDS Initiative.
Editors Note: Bradford McIntyre, an HIV activist who runs the "Positively Positive Living with HIV" website in Canada (www.PositivelyPositive.ca) has participated in HIV.gov's #FacingAIDS initiative for four years. We asked him how he heard about the initiative, how he uses it in his work, and what Facing AIDS means to him.
"Always on the lookout for HIV/AIDS-related materials on the internet, I discovered Facing AIDS in 2009 through the HIV.gov website and began including both HIV.gov and Facing AIDS in the "links and resources" section and throughout my own HIV/AIDS website." Bradford McIntyre.
HIV Activist Shares His Experiences with Facing AIDS Initiative
HIV.gov is an official U.S. Government web site managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Washington, D.C. United States

From Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Bradford sporting the No Shame About Being HIV+ t-shirt. Visit www.positivelypositive.ca for more info on Bradford's work and achievements. RISE UP TO HIV - World AIDS Day December 1, 2013.../hiv-aids-news-2/Rise_Up_To_HIV.html-2013-December 1- Photograph | Participant - RISE UP TO HIV - World AIDS Day - From Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Bradford McIntyre sporting the No Shame About Being HIV+ t-shirt. Bradford McIntyre has No Shame About Being HIV Positive!
Photo: NO SHAME ABOUT BEING HIV+ T-Shirts seen around the world.
Rise Up To HIV and Help End the Stigma: The mission of Rise up To HIV is to educate, inspire, empower, advocate, network and partake in social change through unilateral and collaborative social media efforts of organizations, PLWHA, and our supporters with diverse backgrounds from all over the World.
Rise Up to HIV: There's No Shame About Being HIV-Positive
Video: Rise Up To HIV No Shame Production
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre - Your AIDS 2014 - WHAT DOES AIDS 2014 MEAN TO YOU? - AIDS 2014 photo initiative - www.youraids2014.org-2013-November 29- Photograph Participant - Your AIDS 2014 - WHAT DOES AIDS 2014 MEAN TO YOU? Bradford McIntyre participated in the Your AIDS 2014 photo initiative.
Let us know your aspirations for the biggest, global HIV and AIDS conference. What issues are close to your heart that you would like to see reflected in the conference?
Make your voice heard at AIDS 2014! Add your words after the letters/numbers in AIDS 2014 and spread the message by sharing the campaign.
"Bradford McIntyre, Thank you for taking the time to join in this initiative. Thank you again for contributing to this project, we really appreciate it." IAS Membership Service
AIDS 2014 - Stepping up the Pace. 20th International AIDS Conference. July 20-25, 2014.
Photo: Bradford McIntyre - Your AIDS 2014
Melbourne, Australia

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, FACING AIDS by promoting HIV and AIDS Awareness. HIV+ since 1984. Facing AIDS - November 18, 2013.FACING AIDS - facing.aids.gov-2013-November 18- Photograph | Participant in the FacingAIDS photo initiative: Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day, December 1, 2013 - Bradford McIntyre is Facing AIDS - "FACING AIDS by promoting HIV and AIDS Awareness. HIV+ since 1984. Bradford McIntyre"
"HIV.gov: Hi Bradford, thanks for submitting your photo this year. We really appreciate that you've been sharing your Facing AIDS message each year for the past few World AIDS Days!" HIV.gov.
HIV.gov "Through Facing AIDS, you and your community can help reduce stigma and promote HIV testing by putting a face to AIDS for World AIDS Day (December 1) and beyond."
Photo: Bradford McIntyre Facing AIDS 2013
Photo: Bradford McIntyre Facing AIDS 2012
Photo: Bradford McIntyre Facing AIDS 2011
Photo: Bradord McIntyre Facing AIDS 2010
WATCH Video... How are you #FacingAIDS?
WATCH Video...
Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2009

United States

Bradford McIntyre, AIDS activist, recipient of the 2013 PRIDE Legacy Award: Sexuality: Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness. Photo by Dave RendallPhoto - PRIDE Legacy Award PINK: Bradford McIntyre received the PRIDE Legacy Award in the PINK Category: Sexuality (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness) at the PRIDE LEGACY AWARDS presented by TELUS on July 20, 2013.Bradford McIntyre, reflects on his life as an AIDS activist on the TELUS Optik TV special: Vancouver Pride: 2013 Legacy Awards. Airdate: Dec 16, 2013. Photo by Dave RendallPoster: PRIDE Legacy Awards Presented by TELUS at the Imperial on Main - Silent Auction - Reception. 6pm - Awards 7:30pm - Hosted by Fred Lee - July 20, 2013 - Vancouver Pride Society - www.vancouverpride.ca-2013- November 4- Video Interview - TELUS Optik TV - Vancouver Pride: 2013 Legacy Awards, Recipient Bradford McIntyre - Melinda Friedman, Director/Producer, Spotlight Productions Inc., talks with Bradford McIntyre, recipient of the PRIDE Legacy Award in the PINK Category: Sexuality: Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness. Bradford reflects on his life as an AIDS activist, on the TELUS Optik TV special: Vancouver PRIDE Society: 2013 PRIDE Legacy Awards. The Pink Pride Legacy Award recognizes an individual whose work has promoted Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness. Vancouver Pride Society honoured the leaders and visionaries of the LGTBQ community during their first annual Legacy Awards.
Telus Optic TV Interview:
Melinda Friedman, Director, Producer
Bradford McIntyre, Vancouver Pride: 2013 Legacy Awards, Recipient
Dave Rendall, Camera, Photography
Video: Vancouver Pride: 2013 Legacy Awards, Recipient Bradford McIntyre
Episode, Date 2013: Airdate: Dec 16, 2013.
Vancouver, Canada

Watch Video: Vancouver Pride: 2013 Legacy Awards,
Recipient Bradford McIntyre

Bradford McIntyre, recipient of the Pride Legacy Award in the PINK category for Sexuality: Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Awareness, reflects on his life as an AIDS activist.
Director/Producer: Melinda Friedman
Director of Photography: Dave Rendall
Spotlight Productions Inc.,

Article: Bradford McIntyre recieves PRIDE Legacy Award
Video: Vancouver Pride: 2013 Legacy Awards, Recipient Bradford McIntyre
Article: First Pride Legacy Awards celebrate "unsung heroes" in Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: A Day With HIV - Image Gallery Photo: Bradford McIntyre, Vancouver AIDS Memorial, Vancouver British Columbia Canada - www.adaywithhiv.com - September 21, 2013.www.adaywithhiv.com-2013- September 21- Photo Project Participant - A Day With HIV 2013 - Photograph: Bradford McIntyre - 2:30 PM - Bradford McIntyre, Vancouver AIDS Memorial, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. HIV-positive since 1984. In 2003, he founded positivelypositive.ca, an HIV awareness website: www.PositivelyPositive.ca
"I am wearing the double loop AIDS ribbon designed by Kenneth Cole, symbolizing 'redoubling our efforts' in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal which I was awarded on November 27, 2012, for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada. Since 1994, whenever possible, I have volunteered my time and energy to participate in HIV and AIDS causes and events."

Presented by Positively Aware, A DAY WITH HIV is an awareness and anti-stigma photo campaign. On September 21st, 2013, people in 11 countries on five continents took their best shot against HIV. Whether they were HIV-positive or negative, they photographed a moment of their day and shared their lives for A Day with HIV."A Day With HIV" Aims To Fight Stigma And Raise AIDS Awareness
Watch Video: A Day With HIV
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, AIDS VANCOUVER Board Vice Chair, 3 years. www.aidsvancouver.org - September 17, 2013.Photo: Bradford McIntyre steps down having served 3 years as Vice Chair on AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors, September 17, 2013.www.aidsvancouver.org-2013- September 17- AIDS Vancouver Annual General Meeting (AGM). Bradford McIntyre stepped down as Vice-Chair on AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors, having served 3 years (Volunteer position) on AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors.
Recognition of AIDS Vancouver Staff Members' Service:
Monica Freudenreich - Volunteer Resources Supervisor - 3 years
Brian William Chittock - Executive Director - 3 years
Recognition of AIDS Vancouver Board Members' Service:
Bradford McIntyre, Vice-Chair - 3 years.
Stephanie Konrad - Director - 1 year
Vancouver, Canada

Portrait of Bradford McIntyre by Sarrah Vinluan for Simon Fraser University (HSCI 431) Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART visual art presentation: Face of HIV Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive.www.sfu.ca-2013-August 4- Face of HIV Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive - 2013 Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic HSCI 431- "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART", visual arts presentation - Simon Fraser University (SFU).
Simon Fraser University student members of Group 19 inspired by Bradford McIntyre, focused on Bradford and his website Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS (www.PositivelyPositive.ca), and created a portrait for their "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART" visual arts presentation and presented their "Face of HIV" project Face of HIV Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive on August 4, 2013. The project has been presented to mimic being on an iPhone platform as the data & images they used are encapsulated in a border, which looks like such a device.
(HSCI 431) "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART" is a 4th year undergraduate course assignment on the Global HIV/AIDS epidemic at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby campus. In groups of 5-7, students have chosen a “Face of HIV" person/organization/community/issue of interest and created a POSI+IVE ART presentation that describes the importance of this person, organization, community, and/or issue in the context of HIV and course material. Part of the assignment involves the students describing their art via a short oral presentation, delivered to a distinguished panel of local and global stakeholderrs. Through this assignment, students examine the connections between HIV/AIDS science, advocacy, and policy.
Bradford McIntyre was not aware of the Simon Fraser University (SFU) "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART" visual art presentations or that a group of SFU students had chosen Bradford for thier "Face of HIV" project. Bradford first learned of the SFU students project: Face of HIV Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive when presented with the project Portrait by Group 19 member Sarrah Vinluan, the day after the Group 19 "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART" presentation had taken place.
Instructor: Dr. Angela Kaida, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU
SFU students of Group 19: Carmen Leung, Keith Tse, Ka-Wing Ng, Joshua Loo, Roy Ortega. Leandro Dela Cruz, and Sarrah Vinluan.
"Dear Bradford, My students were so inspired by you, your work, and your website that they created a portrait of you!" Dr. Angela Kaida, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU.
"Dear Bradford, The project was called "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART." Dr. Kaida wanted us to choose a person or an organization who we thought exemplified HIV/AIDS advocacy. We used the idea of the app to organize our presentation of your website and the messages you shared through your website. Your work, especially your positive message was a great inspiration to us. I'm glad that you liked the portrait and personally, I was touched to hear that you framed it and even hung it! Thank you!" Group 19 member: Sarrahn. Vinlua
"Bradford McIntyre, making you the topic of our Positively Positive project was a no-brainer, your story is truly inspiring and your work is a model for us students to follow. The app concept came from looking at all the HIV related apps, and seeing how all of them centered on treatment. None of them really addressed the social issues surrounding HIV and how to go about helping the user of the app deal with the non-medical aspects of HIV. The app was just an extension of what your website accomplished."Group 19 member: Leandro Dela Cruz.
Simon Fraser University (SFU)
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART: SFU students of Group 19 with their finsihed Project: Face of HIV Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive. Group Members: Carmen Leung, Keith Tse, Ka-Wing Ng, Joshua Loo, Roy Ortega. Leandro Dela Cruz, and Sarrah Vinluan - August 4, 2013. Photo: Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART visual arts presentation, Face of HIV Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive. August 4, 2013.

Photos: 2013 Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic HSCI 431 - "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART",
visual arts presentation:

SFU student members of Group 19, with their "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART" project:
Face of HIV Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive.
Group 19 members: Carmen Leung, Keith Tse, Ka-Wing Ng, Joshua Loo, Roy Ortega. Leandro Dela Cruz, and Sarrah Vinluan"

Portrait of Bradford McIntyre by Sarrah Vinluan for Simon Fraser University (HSCI 431) Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART visual art presentation: Face of HIV Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive.Photo: SFU student Sarrah Vinluan, presented Bradford McIntyre with a Portrait of Bradford McInytre, created by Sarrah Vinluan, for Simon Fraser University (HSCI 431) Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART visual art presentation: Face of HIV Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive, on April 4, 2013
Photo: Portrait of Bradford McIntyre by Sarrah Vinluan,
Face of HIV Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive,
2013 Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic HSCI 431 - "Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART",
visual arts presentation Face of HIV: POSI+IVE ART

Photo: Sibel Thrasher (Singer, Actress) & Bradford McIntyre (HIV/AIDS Advocate), on the AIDS Vancouver Float, in the Vancouver PRIDE Parade, 2013.vancouverpride.caPhoto: Brian Chittock, AIDS Vancouver Executive Director and Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair, on the AIDS Vancouver Float at the 2013 Vancouver PRIDE Parade, August 4, 2013.-2013- August 4- Vancouver PRIDE Parade Participant - 2013 Vancouver Pride Parade - Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Board Vice Chair, participated in the Vancouver PRIDE Parade, riding on the AIDS Vancouver float.
2013 marks the 35th Anniversary of Pride in Vancouver. This year is an important turning point for the Vancouver Pride Society (VPS), with the City of Vancouver granting civic status to the Pride Parade, now considered one of the city's flagship events! Attracting crowds of more than 650,000, the Pride Parade is renowned on the international stage among the largest and most successful events in the world in support of LGBTQ communities, with spectator and participants outnumbering the host City's residents.
Vancouver Pride Society
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre at Pride Parade in Vancouver on 4th August, 2013.

Bradford McIntyre, TELUS Pride Legacy Award Recipient, Pink Award: Sexuality (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness), attended the Legacy Lunch 2013.Pride Legacy Award Winners: Barb Snelgrove (Yellow - Sunlight - Community Superstar), Bradford McIntyre (Pink - Sexuality - Sexual Health & HIV/AIDS Awareness), Shawn Ewing(Red - Life - Lifetime Achievement) at today's PRIDE Legacy Luncheon at the Metropolitan.Legacy Lunch at the Metropolitan co-produced by LOUDBUSINESS - Vancouver Pride Society Celebrates Inaugural TELUS Pride Legacy Award Recipients - Metropolitan Hotel Vancouver - August 1st 2013 - vancouverpride.ca-2013-August 1 - Guest - Legacy Lunch 2013 - Bradford McIntyre, TELUS Pride Legacy Award Recipient, attended the Legacy Lunch 2013. Vancouver Pride Society Celebrates Inaugural TELUS Pride Legacy Award Recipients at Intimate Metropolitan Hotel Vancouver Event. PRIDE Legacy Awards were presented on July 20th 2013, at the Imperial, to honour those who have devoted themselves to the development and improvement of local LGBT communities. Awards were engraved and given to the Award Winners at today's PRIDE Legacy Luncheon at the Metropolitan. In addition to all eight of the TELUS Pride Legacy Award recipients, guests will include: Joe Average R.C.A., internationally-acclaimed artist, and Zdravko Cimbaljevic, Grand Marshall of the 2013 Vancouver Pride Parade and founding father of Montenegro's modern LGBT movement. Legacy Lunch 2013 held at the Tai Pan Suite, 18th Floor of the Metropolitan Hotel, 645 Howe Street Vancouver, BC.
Vancouver, Canada

globalnews.ca/bc/program/the-simi-sara-showglobalnews.ca/radio/cknw/?gref=cknw-2013-July 31- Interview | Radio - CKNW News Talk AM980 - The Simi Sara Show with guest host Jill Krop - LIVING A POSITIVELY POSITIVE LIFE WITH AN HIV DIAGNOSIS:
In studio, Jill Krop interviews Bradford McIntyre, Advocate for creating HIV/AIDS awareness.
"Last night, AIDS Vancouver celebrated its 30th anniversary and on hand to celebrate the occasion was Bradford McIntyre. Bradford was diagnosed with HIV in 1984, but due to the stigma associated with HIV at the time, he did not come out. It took Bradford ten years to come out, which he did on national TV on Worlds Aids Day in 1994. How has the stigma around HIV and AIDS changed since he was first diagnosed? How has the HIV/AIDS treatment available in British Columbia changed?" Jill Krop, Guest Host, The Simi Sara Show.
Interview starts at approximately 24:18, following the conversation on mobile-phone providers.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: After 28 years of living with HIV, Bradford McIntyre recently received a Vancouver Pride Society PRIDE Legacy Award for elevating awareness about AIDS.HIV survivor keeps up fight by GAIL JOHNSON - About Bradford McIntyre - The Georgia Straight - July 31, 2013The Georgia straight - Volume 47 NUMBER 2380 AUGUST 1 - 8/2013-2013-July 31- Interview - Georgia Straight - BRADFORD MCINTYRE STIRRING STORY OF SURVIVAL! - HIV survivor Bradford McIntyre keeps up fight - Georgia Straight reporter Gail Johnson, talks with Bradford McIntyre about his having lived infected with HIV since 1984, the work he does creating HIV and AIDS awareness and the Vancouver Pride Celebrations.
"Creating HIV awareness has become my life's work," McIntyre says in a phone interview. "I don't want anybody to go through what I've been through. After I was diagnosed, I lived a life of fear-fear of death."
"The thing people hear is that HIV is a problem among high-risk groups," says McIntyre, 61. "But HIV doesn't discriminate. HIV can infect anyone. Here in Canada, our youth are infected. Women are infected. Aboriginal communities are infected. Members of the LGBT [community] are infected. Seniors are being infected-maybe they're newly single, recently separated, or they've lost their spouse and they've never had to have a conversation around safe sex and using a condom. They don't think there's any risk.
High risk is unprotected sex, that's what high risk is."
"Pride represents how far we've come," he adds. "Our community was devastated by HIV, but we can be proud that we cared for those who were sick and fought to get treatment. Now people who are HIV-positive can live long and healthy lives, and we can be proud of that, too.
We've come a long way, but we still have so far to go."
Bradford McIntyre.
Vanoouver, Canada

Canadian face for HIV and AIDS by GRAHAM SLAUGHTER - About Bradford McIntyre - The Province - July 31, 2013Photo: Bradford McIntyre, hiv-positive and Founder of PositivelyPositive.ca, at his in home office. July 31, 2013.theprovince.com-2013-July 31- Interview - The Province - Canadian face for HIV and AIDS - Graham Slaughter, Reporter for The Province, talks with Bradford McIntyre about his living infected with HIV for 29 years, Bradford receiving the TELUS PRIDE Legacy Award and his participation in the upcoming Pride Parade.
"McIntyre started doing print and TV interviews, quickly becoming one of a handful of Canadian faces for HIV and AIDS. Now 61 - 29 years after his diagnosis - McIntyre is vice-chair of AIDS Vancouver, the city's resource for people living with HIV and AIDS." Graham Slaughter, The Province
Vancouver, Canada

AIDS VANCOUVER PRESENTS AN ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION:30 years of AIDS Vancouver-2013-July 30- Speaker - AIDS Vancouver 30th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - AIDS Vancouver's Vice-Chair, Bradford McIntyre, introduces the RED RIBBON AWARD Recipients at AIDS Vancouver's 30th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION.
"If you have been watching our The 30 30 Campaign Videos, you will know the people we are honouring tonight. They are our UNSUNG HEROS. The first two AWARDS are honouring two FOUNDING FATHERS of AIDS Vancouver. Please join me in congratulating Noah Stewart and Gordon Price.
Mike McKimm from ViiV Healthcare is presenting the Awards.
Next is, Dr. Brian Willoughby, a physician and former Board Member of AIDS Vancouver.
Next is, May Mcqueen. May is a current volunteer at AIDS Vancouver with over 20 years of volunteering service to people living with HIV and AIDS.
We wish to honour AIDS Vancouver First Executive Director, Bob Tivey. Bob passed away last year, accepting on his behalf is James Johnstone. AIDS Vancouver's RED RIBBON AWARDS will become an ANNUAL EVENT presented at our Annual RED RIBBON GALA each November."
Bradford McIntyre.

AIDS Vancouver Red Ribbon Awards presentation at the 30:30 Celebration

AIDS Vancouver Chair, Board of Directors, Daniel Dex, introduces the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubliee Medal recipients, May McQueen: AIDS Vancouver Volunteer, Joel Nim Cho Leung: AIDS Vancouver Volunteer, and Bradford McIntyre: AIDS Vancouver Vice-Chair, Board of Directors, at AIDS Vancouver's 30TH Anniversary Celebration, July 30th 2013.AIDS Vancouver Chair, Board of Directors, Daniel Dex introduces the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubliee Medal recipients: May McQueen: AIDS Vancouver Volunteer, Joel Nim Cho Leung: AIDS Vancouver Volunteer, and Bradford McIntyre: AIDS Vancouver Vice-Chair, at AIDS Vancouver's 30TH Anniversary Celebration.
AIDS VANCOUVER's 30th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION was held on Tuesday July 30th 2013 at the Commodore Ballroom.
Hosted by Barb Snelgrove and Fred Lee
Speakers: AIDS Vancouver's Daniel Dex & Bradford McIntyre
Featuring musical performances by:
AIDS Vancouver's 30th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION closes with AIDS Vancouver Board Members, Staff and Volunteers on stage with ABRA CADABRA at the Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver, BC, July 30, 2013.ABRA Cadabra - A TRIBUTE TO THE MUSIC AND MAGIC OF ABBA
Melissa Endean
Alisa Rose & The Show Able
Featuring Heidi Morgan
DJ Jeffrey Michael
Live painting by Yared Nigussu
Live Auction
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre - Living Positive Bradford's Story: My work creating HIV and AIDS awareness globally has provided for many people, a face living with HIV, and this has helped to bring hope to people infected that they too can live! 3030.aidsvancouver.org - April 20, 2013. AIDS Vancouver - The 30 30 CAMPAIGNwww.aidsvancouver.org-2013-July 27- Video Interview - The 30 30 Campaign - 2009: The 30 30 Campaign - Living Positive - Bradford's Story - Bradford McIntyre shares his story from breakdown to breakthrough, emerging as an HIV activist and positive voice for 20 years. A journey from the fear of stigmatization to standing onstage accepting the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS, in Canada.
"Dear Bradford, On behalf of AIDS Vancouver and Be the Change Group, we wish to personally thank you for your contribution to The 30 30 Campaign. Thank you so much for your participation in this production, your presence was invaluable to the project and we look forward to sharing your story and the stories of others. This production will be an amazing gift to our communities and wouldn’t be possible without the individuals, like yourself, who have chosen to share your stories, experiences and memories."
Brandy Svendson CEO, Be the Change Group Inc.
The 30 30 Campaign was created in 2013 to celebrate AIDS Vancouver's 30th Anniversary.
The 30 30 Campaign has brought together the untold story of Vancouver's HIV Epidemic-told now by and for those who were there - community leaders, nurses, doctors, politicians, media, and people living with HIV. The 30 30 Campaign, chronicles through video interviews, the stories of both AIDS Vancouver and Vancouver's HIV epidemic over the past 30 years. The campaign pieces together the dynamic history of HIV in Vancouver, told by and for those who where there.
The videos, the first of their kind in Canada, feature 38 community leaders, nurses, doctors, politicians, media and people living with HIV, sharing their experiences and memories. The 30 30 Campaign will be hosted on a permanent website that has one of the most comprehensive HIV timelines ever created, highlighting global and national events and spotlighting the local events that shaped the epidemic. A public resource of this type has never been available locally and will serve as a teaching tool and a means of honouring all of those before us and all of us now, for years to come. AIDS Vancouver, is the First AIDS Service Organization in Canada, since 1983. Bradford McIntyre serves as Vice Chair on AIDS Vancouver's Board of Directors.
Vancouver, Canada

Video: 30 30 AIDS Vancouver Campaign 2009 Living Positive
Bradford McIntyre shares his story from the fear of stigmatization to emerging as an HIV activist and positive voice for over 20 years. The 30 30 Campaign - 3030.aidsvancouver.org

Photo: PRIDE Legacy Awards presented by TELUS: Bradford McIntyre, PRIDE Legacy Award Recipient. Maxine Davis, Executive Director of the Dr. Peter Centre, presented Bradford McIntyre with the PRIDE Legacy Award in the PINK Category: Sexuality (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness). July 20, 2013Photo: PRIDE LEGACY AWARD PINK - Bradford McIntyre received the PRIDE Legacy Award: PINK Category - Sexuality (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness), at the PRIDE LEGACY AWARDS presented by TELUS on July 20, 2013.Photo: Bradford McIntyre receiving the PRIDE Legacy Award in the PINK Category: Sexuality - Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness, July 20, 2013, at the Imperial on Main, PRIDE Legacy Awards presented by TELUS. Vancouver BCvancouverpride.ca-2013-July 20- PRIDE Legacy Award Recipient - PRIDE LEGACY AWARDS presented by TELUS - Bradford McIntyre, received a PRIDE Legacy Award. This award recognizes an individual whose work has promoted Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness. Maxine Davis, Executive Director of the Dr. Peter Centre presented Bradford McIntyre with the PRIDE Legacy Award in the PINK Category: Sexuality - Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness. PRIDE Legacy Awards - Eight Award Categories: The eight awards, made of blown glass and shaped in a wave-like design, each represented a colour of the iconic rainbow flag
"I am deeply honoured to be the inaugural receipient of the PRIDE Legacy Award, given in the PInk Category: Sexuality (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness). This Award serves as a positive affirmation of my work. It is gratifying to be recognized by the LGBTQ2+ community. I have lived infected with HIV 32 years, and creating HIV/AIDS awareness, volunteering my time to HIV/AIDS causes and events for 22 years." Bradford McIntyre, PRIDE Legacy Award Recipent, PRIDE Legacy Awards
"I started creating HIV and AIDS awareness because I didn't want to see anybody go through what myself and others have gone through. And to be recognized for having done so is a great honour, especially from the GLBT community, who really is my family," said McIntyre, who dedicated his award to "all the people affected and infected with HIV and AIDS and all those who we've lost."
"We are making a difference," McIntyre added, "but our work is not done."
Bradford McIntyre, Xtra Magazine
Bradford McIntyre dedicated his PRIDE Legacy Award to all the people affected by and infected with HIV and AIDS and all those who we've lost to AIDS.
The first annual PRIDE Legacy Awards presented by Telus were held at the Imperial (319) Main Street) with Host Fred Lee. Eight Awards were presented to outstanding community members who have contributed to Vancouver's LGBTQ culture. Each Award corresponds to a colour of the original eight colour flag and its meaning when artist Gilbert Baker first created the queer icon.
Photo: TELUS PRIDE LEGACY AWARDS RecipientsThe Eight Recipients of the Inaugural TELUS PRIDE LEGACY AWARDS are:
Bradford McIntyre - Pink - (Sexual Health & HIV/AIDS Awareness)
Shawn Ewing - Red - Life (Lifetime Achievement)
Jag Bilkhu - Orange - Healing (Sports)
Barb Snelgrove - Yellow - Sunlight ( Community Superstar)
Maria Foster - Green - Environment (Safe Spaces)
Joe Average - Turquoise - Art (ART)
Dean Malone - Blue - Harmony (Community Leaders)
Jen Sung - Purple - Spirit (Youth)
Celebrating 'unsung heroes'. Legacy Awards honour community leadersThe Awards celebrate the Legacy of pride in Vancouver and the individuals whose volunteer efforts have shaped the LGBTQ community.
PRIDE Legacy Awards - PINK Category Finalists: Perry Boldt, Sr. Merry Q. Contrary and Bradford McIntyre
Vancouver Pride: 2013 Legacy Awards, Recipient Bradford McIntyre First Pride Legacy Awards celebrate "unsung heroes" in Vancouver
PINK - PRIDE Legacy Award BIOs
PRIDE Legacy Awards Finalists BIOS
Bradford McIntyre recieves PRIDE Legacy Award
Legacy Lunch 2013 Celebrates LGBT Leaders' Contribution to Vancouver Pride
Pride Legacy Awards 2013 highlight bright lights of Vancouver's queer communities
Vancouver Pride Society
Vancouver, Canada

Video: Vancouver Pride: 2013 Legacy Awards, Recipient Bradford McIntyre
Bradford McIntyre, recipient of the Pink Pride Legacy Award
for Sexuality: Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness,
reflects on his life as an AIDS activist. Airdate: Dec 16, 2013.

vancouverpride.caPoster: PRIDE Legacy Awards Presented by TELUS - July 20th at the Imperial on Main - Silent Auction + Reception 6pm - Awards 7:30pm - Hosted by Fred Lee - www.vancouverpride.ca-2013-July 8- Nominee - PRIDE Legacy Award- Bradford McIntyre, nominated for a PRIDE Legacy Award.
"Conratulations Bradford McIntyre, you are one of the finalists for the PRIDE Legacy Awards in the PINK Catagory; Pink - Sexuality (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness). This award recognizes an individual whose work has promoted sexual health, or has supported individuals with HIV/AIDS." Llanavis Davies, Legacy Coordinator, Vancouver Pride Society.
The first annual PRIDE Legacy Awards Presented by TELUS is taking place this year to celebrate the individuals that built and continue to shape our community with their unabashed Pride. We will showcase community members that promote the Legacy of PRIDE in Vancouver through their community service.
Winner announced at the event: July 20th at the Imperial on Main - Reception. 6pm - Awards 7:30pm - Hosted by Fred Lee - Silent Auction.
PINK - PRIDE Legacy Award BIOs
PRIDE Legacy Awards Finalists BIOS
Vancouver Pride Society
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, Vancouver BC, Canada - #LOVEISINMYBLOOD - Elton John AIDS Foundation - June 27, 2013.Elton John AIDS Foundation - #LOVEISINMYBLOOD - Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, www.PositivelyPositive.c, Vancouver, BC, Canada.Sir Elton John - #LoveIsInMyBlood - Elton John AIDS Foundation - #loveisinmybloodwww.eltonjohnaidsfoundation.org -2013-June 27- Photograph | Participant - LOVE IS IN MY BLOOD - Elton John AIDS Foundation - Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, participated in the Elton John AIDS Foundation Love is In My Blood campaign.
Photo: #LOVEISINMYBLOOD - Bradford McIntyre - HIV+ since 1984 - www.PositivelyPositive.ca - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Love Is In My Blood is about showing the compassion that's in all of us. By showing everybody we care, we can help overcome the stigma that comes with HIV.
Video: Love Is In My Blood - Elton John AIDS Foundation
Vancouver, Canada

Postcard: 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial - Theme: In Solidarity: A Musical Tribute to People Infected and Affected by HIV and those we have lost to AIDS. www.aidsvancouver.orgPhoto: Bradford McIntyre, Master of Ceremonies at the 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial - May 19, 2013 - Alexander Park, 1755 Beach Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., Canada-2013-May 19- Event Planner & Master of Ceremonies (MC) - 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial - Bradford McIntyre, Master of Ceremonies, at the 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at 7:30 PM in Alexander Park, 1755 Beach Avenue.
"As a long time survivor living with HIV for 29 years, it is my great honour to participate in this Memorial. I feel very fortunate to be here. I was 32 years old when diagnosed HIV+." Bradford McIntyre.
Photo: 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial - May 19, 2013 - Alexander Park, 1755 Beach Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada.30 Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2013This year marks the 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial and the theme is "In Solidarity". In this special year, Bradford McIntyre, Vice-Chair, AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors, planned this year's AIDS Candlelight Memorial event, making the 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial a Musical Tribute; In Solidarity: A Musical Tribute to People Infected and Affected by HIV and those we have lost to AIDS.
"In this evenings musical tribute, the songs are not about HIV and AIDS, they are simply for us to enjoy; while holding the consciousness of why it is we are here."Bradford McIntyre.
"In the 30 years since the first case of HIV, over 60 million people have been infected worldwide. There are currently 34 million infected and over 30 million people have died of AIDS. Every year 1.8 million people die of AIDS related diseases and 2.7 million new people become infected. Worldwide, 50% of all HIV infections are women. Annually, at least 390,000 children are born with HIV and 3.3 million people under the age of 15 have the disease and it is estimated that 16 million children have been orphaned by AIDS. Five million people in the 15 - 30 years age group are infected. One fourth of individuals infected with HIV are not aware that they have the disease. Each hour, 300 people around the world will contract HIV. Treatment is prevention but millions do not have access!" Bradford McIntyre.
AIDS Vancouver is the Host of the 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial. This year marks AIDS Vancouver 30th Anniversary; the oldest HIV/AIDS service organization in Canada, since 1983. This year also marks the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial's 30th Anniversary.
Master of Ceremonies: Bradford McIntyre
Speakers and Performers: Chief Bill Williams, The Eagle Song Dancers, Vancouver Men's Chorus, Leora Cashe, Jess Cullen, PALS Chorus, Andrew Hiscox, James Johnstone.
Sound and Lighting: Moon Coin Productions
Proclamation: 30th Vancouver AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day
"Proclamation "30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day": Office of the Mayor, CITY OF VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, WHEREAS May 19, 2013 is the 30th Vancouver AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gregor Robertson, Mayor of the City of Vancouver DO HEREBY PROCLAIM Sunday May 19, 2013 as "30th VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL AIDS CANDLELIGHT MEMORIAL DAY" Gregor Robertson, Mayor of the City of Vancouver.
Watch Video... 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial with The Vancouver Men's Chorus and Leora Cashe May 19 2013
Watch Video... LIGHTING CANDLES WITH BRADFORD McINTYRE at 30th AIDS Candlelight Memorial Vancouver
Vancouver BC, Canada.

Photo: AIDS Candlelight Memorial - A Musical Tribute - Vancouver Men's Chorus - May 19, 2013.
Group Photo: Vancouver Men's Chorus, AIDS Vancouver Executive Director Brian Chittock,
Vancouver Men's Chorus Conductor & Artistic Director Willi Zwozdesky, Jazz Vocalist Leora Cashe,
Master of Ceremonies by Bradford McIntyre, Vice-Chair, AIDS Vancouver

Photo: AIDS Vancouver Volunteer Recognition - CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: Bradford McInytre THANK YOU for your volunteer contributions -AIDS Vancouver Society - aidsvancouver.org Photo: AIDS Vancouver Volunteer Recognition Event - Staff, Board Members & Volunteers - April 25, 2013 - aidsvancouver.org-2013-April 25- Volunteer Recognition - AIDS Vancouver Volunteer Recognition Event - Bradford McIntyre attended the
AIDS Vancouver Society Volunteer Regognition event where he received a CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION, for his volunteer contributions to the AIDS Vancouver Society. An evening of Thanks to Recognize all our Volunteers. The Volunteer Recognition Event was held on Thursday April 25th, 6-9pm, at131 Water Kitchen & Bar 131 Water Street in Gastown. This AIDS Vancouver Society event is the one time each year where the staff and board are able to say thank-you to the individuals who work tirelessly, donating their time each and every week to ensure that our programs and services offer the very best support for our clients and education to the general public and at risk groups in order to battle stigma and prevent as many new infections as possible.
Poster: The AIDS Vancouver Volunteer Recognition Event
AIDS Vancouver Society
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre - The 30 30 Campaign: Living Positive Bradford's Story - My work creating HIV and AIDS awareness globally has provided for many people, a face living with HIV and this has helped to bring hope to people infected that they too can live! 3030.aidsvancouver.org - April 20, 2013.www.aidsvancouver.org-2013-April 20- Interview - Living Positive - Bradford's Story - AIDS Vancouver - The 30 30 Campaign - 30 Years, 30 Stories - On behalf of AIDS Vancouver, Brandy Svendson, (Be The Change Group Inc.), interviewed Bradford McIntyre for The 30 30 Campaign, a new video campaign that chronicles the stories of HIV/AIDS in Vancouver over the past 30 years. The videos feature 38 community leaders sharing their experiences and memories; the first video premieres on July 1st at 3030.aidsvancouver.org, and a new video will be released each day for 30 days.
"Dear Bradford, Thank you so much for your participation in this production. We are very excited to work with you and cannot thank-you enough for helping us by adding your voice to this story. This production will be an amazing gift to our communities and wouldn't be possible without the individuals, like yourself, who have chosen to share your stories, experiences and memories." Brandy Svendson, CEO, Be the Change Group Inc.
Bradford McIntyre - The 30 30 Campaign - Video Production - Call Sheet
"My work creating HIV and AIDS awareness globally has provided for many people, a face living with HIV and this has helped to bring hope to people infected that they too can live!" Bradford McIntyre, HIV/AIDS Advocate, Living with HIV.
"On behalf of AIDS Vancouver and Be the Change Group, we wish to personally thank you for your contribution to The 30 30 Campaign. Your presence was invaluable to the project and we look forward to sharing your story and the stories of others." Brandy Svendson, Be The Change Group Inc.
The 30 30 Campaign was created in 2013 to celebrate AIDS Vancouver's 30th anniversary. These thirty videos will share the stories of the doctors, the nurses, the scientists, the community members, the advocates, and the families who were touched and inspired to make change by this epidemic.
AIDS Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

Video: The 30 30 Campaign - Living Positive Bradford's Story
Bradford McIntyre shares his story from breakdown to breakthrough,
emerging as an HIV activist and positive voice for 20 years. A journey from the fear of stigmatization to standing onstage accepting the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada.

CAHR 2013 Certificate of Attendance - The Canadian Association for HIV Research certifies that Bradford McIntyre attended the 22nd Annual Canadian Conference on HIV Research April 11 - 14, 2013CAHR 2013 - 22nd Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research - www.cahr-acrv.ca-2013-April 11-14- Scholarship - CAHR 2013 - Bradford McIntyre attended the CAHR 2013 - 22nd Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research- held April 11-14 at the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver, British Columbia.
"On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 22nd Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2013), I am pleased to inform you that you have been awarded a Community Scholarship to attend the conference. Your CAHR Community Scholarship is supported in part by the Public Health Agency of Canada and offered in partnership with the CATIE-CAHR Community Learning Institute." CAHR
Vancouver, Canada

Poster: Bradford McIntyre NO SHAME ABOUT BEING HIV POSITIVE - RISE UP TO HIV: NO SHAME ABOUT BEING HIV POSITIVE CAMPAIGN - February 1, 2013.www.facebook.com/RiseUpToHIV-2013-February 1- Photograph | Participant in the RISE UP TO HIV: NO SHAME ABOUT BEING HIV POSITIVE CAMPAIGN - Bradford McIntyre has No Shame About Being HIV Positive!
"A long time survivor living with HIV since 1984, I announced publicly on national TV (Canada), on World AIDS Day, December 1, 1994, that I was living with HIV. For me, there is more power in people knowing the truth than there ever was in the fear and hiding. I did not experience any negative repercussions following my coming out publicly about being infected with HIV. This freed me from the burden of hiding that I'm HIV positive, giving me the freedom to truly be myself. My coming out publicly evolved and grew, which has been an extremely rewarding and liberating experience". Bradford McIntyre.
"Thank you so much for sharing this truly inspirational story that others will be inspired by!" Kevin Maloney.
"The "Rise Up to HIV" campaign was inspired by an image of Chelsea Clinton holding a sign for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. My vision for this campaign is to mobilize people across the United States and the world who are willing to stand up in an effort to reduce HIV stigma. Participants are empowered by the act of pairing a simple statement with their personal story and photo. In turn, these stories inspire hope and empower others to fight stigma. This campaign identifies and mobilizes individuals who are making a difference in their communities. When you are engaged in your own care, you'll engage others, which will in turn create healthier communities." Kevin Maloney.
Rise Up to HIV: There's No Shame About Being HIV-Positive
Video: Rise Up To HIV No Shame Production
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre & Colin Carrie - Medal presenter Dr. Colin Carrie, on behalf of the Government of Canada, presented Bradford McIntyre with the Diamond Jubilee Medal for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada, on November 27, 2012, at the Chateau Cartier Hotel, Gatineau, Quebec.-2013-January 8- Interview - Xtra | Canada's Gay and Lesbian News - Bradford McIntyre awarded Queen's medal - Xtra Reporter Shauna Lewis, interviews HIV/AIDS activist Bradford McIntyre on his having received the Diamond Jubilee Medal for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada.
"All I've done is say yes when people have asked me to speak and volunteer," says Bradford McIntyre.
"Long-time HIV-positive activist Bradford McIntyre is dedicating his new Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal to others infected and affected by the virus.
McIntyre received the Queen's medal on Nov. 27, 2012, at the Canadian AIDS Society's fifth annual World AIDS Day Gala at the Château Cartier in Gatineau, Quebec. He was among five British Columbians and 30 Canadians recognized for their exemplary work and service in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada."
Shauna Lewis.
Bradford McIntyre awarded Queen's medal
Vancouver, Canada

Program: Positive Living BC Holiday Season Dinner December 6, 2012. Positive Living BC - www.positivelivingbc.orgPositive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner - Thursday - December 6th 2012- 6:00-9:00PM - Law Courts Inn- 800 Smithe Street, 4th Floor - Vancouver, BC. www.positivelivingbc.orgPhoto: Bradford McIntyre with Santa and his Elf, at the Positive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner. December 6, 2012 - Photo Credit: Kangsoon Park-2012-December 6- Positive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner - Bradford McIntyre attended the Positive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner at the Law Courts Inn Restaurant, 800 Smithe Street, Fourth Floor. Bradford has been a Member of Positive Living BC (formerly BCPWA) since 1995. Positive Living BC is dedicated to empowering persons with HIV/AIDS through mutual support and collective action. Founded in 1986, Positive Living BC is Western Canada's largest HIV/AIDS organization with a membership of more than 4,800 HIV-positive individuals. BCPWA is directed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS and the Society's Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV-positive members.
Vancouver, Canada

Joel Nim Cho Leung, Diamond Jubilee Medal reciepient for Community Service in Vancouver, British Columbia & Bradford McIntyre, Diamond Jubilee Medal for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada. Positive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner, December 6, 2012.Diamond Jubilee Medla receipients Joel Nim Cho Leung, May McQueen & Bradford McIntyre. Positive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner, December 6, 2012.Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipients: Bradford McIntyre (Positive Living BC Member), Joel Nim Cho Leung (Positive Living BC Member) & May McQueen (Positive Living BC Volunteer) at the Positive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner, December 6, 2012. Photo Credit: Kangsoon ParkDeni Daviau & Bradford McIntyre at Positive Living BC Members Holiday Season Dinner - December 6, 2012

Poster: World AIDS Day for me is... Campaign. The initiative titled 'World AIDS Day for me is.' features IAS members demonstrating what World AIDS Day means to them. - International AIDS Society - iasociety.org - December 1, 2012.Bradford McIntyre - International AIDS Society Member - 'World AIDS Day for me is... ' Campaign: World AIDS Day for me is... REMEMBERING People We Lost to AIDS! December 1, 2012.www.iasociety.org-2012-December 1- Photograph Participant in the "World AIDS Day for me is..." Campaign- Bradford McIntyre, International AIDS Society Member participated in the World AIDS Day for me is... Campaign: "World AIDS Day for me is... REMEMBERING People We Lost to AIDS!" Bradford McIntyre, a long time survivor living with HIV since 1984 and Founder: Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS and IAS Member.
On World AIDS Day, the International AIDS Society would like to illustrate the diversity and engagement of our membership on the frontline of the HIV epidemic. The initiative titled "World AIDS Day for me is." features
IAS members demonstrating what World AIDS Day means to them. The International AIDS Society is the world's leading independent association of HIV professionals.
International AIDS Society
Geneva, Switzerland

Article Photo: Medal recognizes AIDS work - Bradford McIntyre was handed a death sentence 28 years ago. While his journey hasn't been an easy one, he is being honoured for his advocacy work. By Joanne Laucius, Ottawa CitizenBradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984. Photo Credit: Deni Daviauottawacitizen.com-2012-November 30- Interview - Ottawa Citizen - Bradford McIntyre has emerged as the face of HIV - Joanne Laucius, Ottawa Citizen Reporter, interviews Bradford McIntyre, who has been living with HIV since 1984, now 60, who "came out" as HIV positive in a 1994 interview with the Ottawa Citizen. Bradford was back in Ottawa this week to receive the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal; for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada. McIntyre can't help but look back at the last 28 years and be amazed.
"It's really important that people understand that HIV is not a death sentence. It's one of the reasons why I do what I do." Bradford McIntyre
Bradford McIntyre has emerged as the face of HIV
Medal recognizes AIDS work
Article & Photos: Bradford McIntyre Honoured With Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipients for Excellence in the Field of HIV/AIDS in Canada
Bradford McIntyre Shares his story in Ottawa
Ottawa, Canada

Photo: Bradford McIntyre - I'm Facing AIDS Creating HIV/AIDS Awareness. FACING AIDS - facing.aids.gov - November 30, 2012.www.hiv.gov/blog/why-do-i-face-aids-2012-November 30- Photograph | Participant in the Facing AIDS photo initiative: Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day December 1, 2012 - Bradford McIntyre is Facing AIDS - "I'm Facing AIDS Creating HIV/AIDS Awareness." Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984 and Founder: Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive LIving with HIV/AIDS (www.PositivelyPositive.ca), Vancouver, Canada.
HIV.gov: "Through Facing AIDS, you and your community can help reduce stigma and promote HIV testing by putting a face to AIDS for World AIDS Day (December 1) and beyond."
Photo: Bradford McIntyre Facing AIDS 2011
Video: Facing AIDS Photo App for World AIDS Day
Facing AIDS goes Mobile
Facing AIDS 2010 Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aidsgov/sets/72157624909410428/
Facing AIDS 2009 Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aidsgov/sets/72157623554308794/

United States

Bradford McIntyre & Dr. Colin Carrie - Bradford McIntyre receives the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada, on November 27, 2012.Bradford McIntyre presented with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and Medal pinned by Dr. Colin Carrie, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health. November 27, 2012.Medal: Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal - Recipient Bradford McIntyre - November 27, 2012-2012-November 27- Awarded The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal - Canadian AIDS Society's World AIDS Day GALA - Bradford McIntyre was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and he has been honoured with this distinction for his exemplary work and service in the field of HIV/AIDS, in Canada. Bradford was among 22 Canadians awarded a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada. The Diamond Jubilee Medal ceremony was held at the Canadian AIDS Society's 5th Annual World AIDS Day Gala, at the Chateau Cartier, Gatineau, Quebec.
Bradford McIntyre Recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for Excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS: "In 2003, nearly ten years after publicly announcing that he was living with HIV, Bradford launched his website Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS. Nearly 3 decades after his diagnosis, Bradford continues to share his message of positive living with HIV and is a dedicated advocate for enhancing awareness about HIV/AIDS."
Récipiendaires des médailles du jubilé de diamant de la reine Elizabeth II pour l’excellence en domaine du VIH/sida: "En 2003, presque dix ans après avoir annoncé publiquement qu'il vivait avec leVIH, Bradford lance son site web Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive vivant avec le VIH/sida. Près de trois décennies après son diagnostic, Bradford continue de partager son message de vivre positivement avec le VIH et il est un défenseur dévoué pour rehausser la sensibilisation au VIH/sida."
November 24- Announcement - The London Free Press - CONGRATULATIONS BRADFORD MCINTYRE Recipient of The Queen Elizabeth 11 Diamond Jubilee Medal 27 November 2012. Our best wishes and love, Paul, Heather & Family. London, Ontario. Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipients for Excellence in HIVAIDS in Canada
Bradford McIntyre Honoured With Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Bio Slide: Bradford McIntyre Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipient
Vancouver man receives Diamond Jubilee Medal for HIV/AIDS work
Honour | Recipients
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal - Information and Wearing Guide
Letter from Governor General Of Canada to Bradford McIntyre, Recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Bradford McIntyre Shares His Story in Ottawa
Watch Video... Diamond Jubilee Message / Message du jubilé de diamant (anglais)
Watch Video... The Making of a Medal
Canadian AIDS Society
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

22 Canadians awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada. November 27, 2012.
Photo: Recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals
for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS
at Canadian AIDS Society World AIDS Day gala on Tuesday, November 27, 2012.

(back row left to right) Richard Elliott, Dr. Jacqueline Gahagan, Bob Leahy, Louis-Marie Gagnon, Karen Plater, David Hoe, Darien Taylor, Monique Doolittle-Romas, Maria Mac Intosh, Dr. Brian Conway
(middle row left to right) Dr. Ted Myers, Randy Jackson, Bradford McIntyre, Denise Becker, Deborah Warren, Brian Huskins, Albert McNutt, Doris Peltier, Dr. Colin Carrie (medal presenter on behalf of the Government of Canada/présenteur des médailles au nom du gouvernement du Canada), Enrico Mandarino, Colleen Elizabeth Price
(front row seated left to right) May McQueen, Mary Elizabeth Paul
Photo by Cynthia Münster for the Canadian AIDS Society

Bradford McIntyre, who has been living with HIV since 1984, sits down with CTV's Leanne Cusack, where he discusses what it was like to be given a death sentence. CTV Ottawa News - November 27, 2012ottawa.ctvnews.ca-2012-November 27- Interview - CTV Ottawa News - Surviving a death sentence: Opening up about a 28 year battle with HIV - Leanne Cusack, CTV Reporter, sits down with Bradford McIntyre, who has been living with HIV since 1984, where he discusses what it was like to be given a death sentence and the importance of AIDS awareness. Video Clip
CTV Ottawa: AIDS Awareness - Part 1 & AIDS Awareness - Part 2
Ottawa, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984, discusses the importance of AIDS awareness with CTV's Leanne Cusack, on CTV Ottawa News, November 27, 2012. CTV Ottawa News Studio - Interview: CTV Reporter Leanne Cusack and Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984. November 27, 2012 CTV Ottawa News Studio Set with Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, CTV Reporter Leanne Cusack & Deni Daviau, Bradford's spouse. November 27, 2012.

Accentuating the positive leads to national honour for HIV activist - Deni Daviau, (left) and Bradford McIntyre have been happily married and healthy for 11 year despite the fact McIntyre is HIV-positive. METRO VANCOUVER - Newspaper - October 22, 2012 - MetroNews - www.metornews.ca.-2012-October 22- Interview - Metro News - Accentuating the positive leads to national honour for HIV activist - Matt Kieltyka, Metro Vancouver reporter/photographer, interviewed Bradford McIntyre, HIV/AIDS Advocate/Activist, about Bradford being a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his contributions in the field of HIV/AIDS, in Canada.
Print/Newspaper: Accentuating the positive leads to national honour for HIV activist
"Diamond Jubliee medal. Bradford McIntyre went from fear to isolation to devoting his life to others with HIV/AIDS."
Matt Kieltyka, Metro Vancouver.
Online News: Vancouver man receives Diamond Jubilee Medal for HIV/AIDS work
"HIV/AIDS activist Bradford McIntyre didn't set out to win any prizes, but he'll be heading to Ottawa next month to collect a Diamond Jubilee medal."
Matt Kieltyka, Metro Vancouver.
Bradford McIntyre Honoured With Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Vancouver, Canada

Province Cover: Heartbeat - Inside St. Paul's Hospital Living longer with HIV/AIDS. An extraordinary love story. Bradford McIntyre & Deni Daviau. They are a serodiscordant couple; McIntyre is HIV-positive, and Daviau is not. October 21, 2012.Bradford McIntyre,(right) is HIV-positive, but still found love. He stands with husband Deni Daviau and their marriage certificate in their Vancouver home. They are a serodiscordant couple; McIntyre is HIV-positive, and Daviau is not. October 21, 2012 - Photograph by: Arlen Redekop, PNG.-2012-October 21- Interview - A life stained by stigma, now rich in love - HEARTBEAT Part 7: HIV and AIDS - Cheryl Chan, reporter for The Province, interviewed Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984, and husband Deni Daviau, for The Province's series, Inside St. Paul's Hospital: The Heartbeat of Vancouver. They are a serodiscordant couple; McIntyre is HIV-positive, and Daviau is not: Living longer with HIV/AIDS. An extraordinary love story -
A life stained by stigma, now rich in love.
"An HIV-positve diagniosis left Bradford McIntyre ostracized and isolated; but because of St; Paul's pioneering research and treatment he can now lead an almost normal life."
"When Bradford McIntyre was diagnosed in the 80's with HIV, his doctor told him he had six months to live. Despite being handed a so-called "death sentence" in the 80's, Bradford McIntyre has lived with HIV 29 years."
Cheryl Chan, reporter for The Province.
Video: Heartbeat: Love in the time of HIV/AIDS
Cheryl Chan, reporter for The Province,
Videographer/Editor/Producer Rafe Arnott and photographer,
Arlen Redekop. Original music by DJ AW. The Province 2012.
The Province
Video: Heartbeat: HIV/AIDS care and research at St. Paul's Hospital
Vancouver, Canada

Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal-2012-October 16- Recipient of the Diamond Jubilee Medal - Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal - Bradford McIntyre is a recipient of The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and he has been honoured with this distinction for his exemplary work and service in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada.
"Dear Mr. McIntyre, We congratulate you on recently being selected as a recipient for The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for your contributions to work in the field of HIV/AIDS. The Canadian AIDS Society as a national coalition of community-based AIDS service organizations, was granted the privilege of being given 30 medals to present to those working in the community and you were among those selected through our process.
We are very grateful for all of your efforts in support of the HIV movement in Canada and for your achievements in improving the lives of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.
We congratulate you on receiving the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II to the Throne and we thank you for your dedication to the HIV/AIDS movement."
Al McNutt, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Canadian AIDS Society.
30 award recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals have been given to the Canadian AIDS Society (CAS) to honor those Canadians who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to HIV/AIDS work.
Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipient/Press Information

Medal Recipients:
Denise Becker
Adrian Betts
Jay Browne
Dr. Brian Conway
Monique Doolittle-Romas
Richard Elliott
Louis Marie Gagnon
Jacqueline Gahagan
David Hoe
Brian Huskins

Randy Jackson
Jim Kane
Bob Leahy
Roger Leclerc
Maria Mac Intosh
Bradford McIntyre
Enrico Mandarino
Gerry McConnery
Albert McNutt
May McQueen
Dr. Julio Montaner
Dr. Ted Myers
Diane Nielsen
Mary Elizabeth Paul
Doris Peltier
John Plater (posthumous)
Colleen Elizabeth Price
Darien Taylor
Deborah Warren
Lyle Watling
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipients for Excellence in HIVAIDS in Canada
Watch Video... The Making of a Medal
Watch Video... Diamond Jubilee Message / Message du jubilé de diamant (anglais)
Ottawa, Canada

Scotiabank AIDS Walk For Life Vancouver 2012 - Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair, volunteering at the AIDS Vancouver Community Table.Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair, AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors, manned the AIDS Vancouver Community Table at Vancouver's Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life 2012 - September 23, 2012. Photo by Eric Rudolf.-2012-September 23- Volunteer - Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life Vancouver - AIDS Vancouver Community Table - Bradford McIntyre, Vice Chair, AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors, manned the AIDS Vancouver Community Table at Vancouver's Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life 2012. Sept 23rd, held at Sunset Beach in Vancouver, BC. Produced by POSITIVE LIVING BC, the WALK raises funds for the health needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS. AIDS Vancouver opened its doors in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada.
AIDS Vancouver Community Table Volunteers:
Brian Chittock, AIDS Vancouver Executive Director
Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair
Alastair McDonald, AIDS Vancouver Volunteer
Joe Smith, AIDS Vancouver Volunteer
This years AIDS WALK raised over $230,000.
Vancouver, Canada

Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life Vancouver 2012 - Starting Line - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Photo Credit: Deni DaviauBradford McIntyre, Positively Positive, Advocate for HIV and AIDS Awareness, wearing Red Ribbon at Scotiabank AIDS Walk For Life Vancouver 2012. Photo Credit: Deni Daviau AIDS Vancouver Community Table Volunteers: Alastair McDonald, Brian Chittock, Bradford McIntyre and Joe Smith, at Scotiabank AIDS Walk For Life Vancouver 2012. Photo Credit: Deni Daviau AIDS Vancouver Community Table Volunteers: Alastair McDonald, Bradford McIntyre and Joe Smith, at Scotiabank AIDS Walk For Life Vancouver 2012. Photo Credit: Deni Daviau

Anya Sarang, President of the Andrey Rylkov Foundation (ARF); recipient of 2012 International Award for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights AWARD, and Bradford McIntyre, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Member and Founder of PositivelyPositive.ca. September 22, 2012 - Photo Credit: Deni DaviauAnya Sarang, President of the Andrey Rylkov Foundation (ARF) recipient of 2012 International Award for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights AWARD. Septermber 22, 2012 - Photo Credit: Bradford McIntyre-2012-September 22- Guest - INTERNATIONAL AWARDS FOR ACTION LAUNCH 2012 - Bradford McIntyre, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Member, attended the INTERNATIONAL AWARDS FOR ACTION LAUNCH 2012. Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Executive Director Richard Elliott, along with Vancouver based board members and Human Rights Watch; presented the Anya Sarang, President of ARF, accepted the award on the organization's behalf.
When: September 22, 2012 - 7:00 p.m.
Where: Holiday Inn Vancouver, Columbia Room, 1110 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C.
Vancouver, Canada

A Day With HIV - Image Gallery - Bradford McIntyre: Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS - www.adaywithhiv.com - September 21, 2012www.adaywithhiv.com-2012-September 21- Photo Project Participant: A Day With HIV - Bradford McIntyre Image - 12:15 PM-Vancouver, BC, Canada
"I have been living with HIV since 1984. People need to see others living with HIV who are not afraid to disclose, in order to move away from thefear. I am Bradford McIntyre, and have been living with HIV since 1984. I promote HIV and AIDS through both my website, www.PositivelyPositive.ca, and by volunteering in HIV and AIDS events. My photo was taken by my spouse, Deni Daviau, who is HIV-negative. We are a serodiscordant couple of 12 years."
Presented by Positively Aware, A Day With HIV is an awareness and anti-stigma photo campaign. On September 21st, 2012, nearly 200 people in 10 countries took pictures capturing a moment of their lives to mark A Day with HIV.
Photographs from A Day with HIV Now Online
Watch Video: A Day With HIV In America
Vancouver, Canada

www.aidsvancouver.org-2012-September 17- Vice-Chair - AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors, Executive Committee - AIDS Vancouver AGM (Annual General Meeting) and Board Meeting - Bradford McIntyre attended the AIDS Vancouver AGM and having served a term (2 years), Bradford was re-elected Director, on the Board of Directors and re-appointed Vice-Chair to the Executive Committee. AIDS Vancouver 28th Annual Report 2011-2012
"Dear Bradford, Thank you for all of your support and the work you do for us at AIDS Vancouver." Brian Chittock, AIDS Vancouver.
AIDS Vancouver opened its doors in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada. Executive Director, AIDS Vancouver. AIDS Vancouver is a non-profit. AIDS Vancouver exists to alleviate individual and collective vulnerability to HIV and AIDS through support. public education and community-based research.
Vancouver, Canada

www.adaywithhiv.comA Day With HIV In America Photo Book Bradford McIntyre - A DAY WITH HIV - September 17 2012 - www.adaywithhiv.com -2012-September 17- Pic of the Day- A Day with HIV- An HIV awareness and anti-stigma photo campaign that focuses on one day - Sept. 21 - as A Day with HIV. Today's Pic of the Day from last year's A Day with HIV is from Vancouver:
Photo: A Day with HIV Bradford McIntyre - 3:30 p.m., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Bradford McIntyre, HIV-positive since 1984, is the founder and operator of the website positivelypositive.ca, and is Board Vice Chair of AIDS Vancouver, the first AIDS service organization in Canada.
Help make A Day with HIV truly global. This Friday the 21st, wherever you are, take your picture and take part in A Day with HIV.
A Day With HIV photos
Positively Aware
Chicago, IL, United States

Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair and Founder of Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS (www.PositivelyPositive.ca), with Maxine Davis, Executive Director, Dr. Peter Foundation (www.drpeter.org), at Passions 2012: A benefit for the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation. September 9th, 2012.www.drpeter.org-2012-September 9- Guest - Passions 2012:
A benefit for the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation - Bradford McIntyre attended Passions 2012, a benefit for the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation, on September 9th 2012, held at the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation, 1110 Comox Street, Vancouver BC. Passions 2012 was emceed by Global TV's Sophie Lui and Chris Gailus, with speakers: Chair and Founder of Passions, Nathan Fong, Shirley Young (Dr. Peter Jepson-Young's mother) and Maxine Davis, Executive Director, Dr. Peter Foundation. Passions has raised more than $800,000 for the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation, which provides comfort care and resources to people living with HIV/AIDS, since 2003.
Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation
Vancouver, Canada

From Left to Right: Chris Cross, Doreen Young, Shirley and Bob Young (Dr. Peter Jepson-Young's parents) and Bradford McIntyre (www.PositivelyPositive.ca), at Passions 2012: A benefit for the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation (www.drpeter.org). Sunday September 9th 2012. Deni Daviau with spouse Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair and AIDS Vancouver Executive Director, Brian Chittock; at Passions 2012 in support of the Dr. Peter Foundation. September 9th 2012.

Vancouver Pride Parade and Festivel 2012: Bradord McIntyre, living with HIV, and AIDS Vancouver Board Vice Chair, hands out condoms at the AIDS Vancouver Booth, Sunset Beach, Vancouver, BC. Canada. August 5, 2012 - Photo Credit: Deni Daviau-2012-August 5- Volunteer - Vancouver Pride Parade & Festival 2012: Educate, Liberate, Celebrate. Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Board Vice Chair, participated in the Vancouver Pride Parade 2012, and at the Pride Parade Festival held at Sunset Beach, manning the AIDS Vancouver Booth. Each year, the annual Pride Parade draws more than 600,000 people. The 34th annual Pride Parade - located in the heart of Vancouver's West End - is the event of the summer!
Watch Video...VANCOUVER PRIDE 2012 PARADE PART 2 of 3
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: AIDS Vancouver team of volunteers participating in the Vancouver Pride Parade and Festival 2012. Photo Credit: Deni Daviau Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, in the Vancouver Pride Parade 2012 - August 5, 2012 - Photo Credit: Deni DaviauVancouver Pride Parade 2012 - Front seat: Brian Chittock, AIDS Vancouver Executive Director and May McQueen, who has volunteered with AID'S Vancouver for over 20 years. Back seat: Danial Dex, Chair, AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors and Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, and Vice Chair, AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors. August 5, 2012 - Photo Credit: Deni Daviau

Bradford McIntyre demonstrating Accessible Beach Feature: beach access with a beach wheelchair - English Bay Beach, Vancouver, BC. Canada. August 2, 2012 - Photo Credit: City of Vancouvervancouver.ca-2012-August 2- Volunteer - Photo Shoot - Accessible beaches - City of Vancouver - Parks, Recreation & Culture - Accessible Beach Feature: Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV-related neuropathy, photographed at English Bay Beach, Vancouver, B.C, demonstrating accessible beach access with a beach wheelchair. Over-sized wheels on beach-ready wheelchairs make it easier to travel across the sand. Two beach wheelchairs are available for public use and are shared by all 12 beach locations. Vancouver's parks, beaches, and gardens are world class destinations for all sorts of recreational activities, public art, and more.
City of Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

CHANGE HIVSTORY - ITSDIFFERENTNOW.ORG-2012-July 18- Guest: Campaign Launch Press Conference - CHANGE HIVSTORY - Vancouver Coastal Health and Providence Health Care held a press conference to launch the official campaign CHANGE HIVSTORY, held at the UBC Theatre C.300 at UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson Street from 2:15pm - 3:30pm. Bradford McIntyre attended the CHANGE HIVSTORY campaign launch which encourages more people to get an HIV test. CHANGE HIVSTORY aims to inspire and empower people via a social media campaign featuring a moving and dramatic video. The campaign enables individuals to power the movement, by encouraging every person who's ever been sexually active to have an HIV test.
Vancouver Coastal Health & Providence Health Care aim to change the course of "HIVstory"
It's Different Now - Campaign Launch - Change HIVSTORY
Speakers at the campaign launch included:
Dianne Doyle, President and Chief Executive Officer of Providence Health Care,
Dr. Réka Gustafson, Medical Health Officer & Director of Communicable Disease Control, Vancouver Coastal Health,
Dr. Julio Montaner, Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, St. Paul's Hospital; Professor of Medicine, Chair in AIDS Research and Head of Division of AIDS, University of British Columbia, Founding National Co-Director, CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network; Past-President, International AIDS Society
Scott Harrison, Program Director Urban Health, HIV/AIDS, Providence Health Care President Elect, Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS Care - Adjunct Professor of Nu :
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Board Vice Chair, greets guests at the Fifth Annual Celebrity Dim Sum, June 2, 2012.Poster: FIFTH ANNUAL CELEBRITY DIM SUM - June 2nd 2012 - Sun Sui Wah Seafood Restaurant, 3888 Main Street, Vancouver, BC.-2012-June 2- Volunteer - FIFTH ANNUAL CELEBRITY DIM SUM - AIDS Vancouver Fundraiser. AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair Bradford McIntyre, greeted celebrities and guests arriving at the 5th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum Event, proudly presented by Caya powered by TELUS, at Sun Sui Wah Seafood Restaurant. 3888 Main Street, Vancouver B.C. Fred Lee and Sophie Lui once again emceed this entertaining and exciting benefit for the AIDS Vancouver Asian Community Outreach Project.
Fifth Annual Celebrity Dim Sum
A look back at the 4th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: AIDS Vancouver Director Tuan Luu, AIDS Vancouver Executive Director Brian Chittock & AIDS Vancouver Director Elrick Lu at the Fifth Annual Celebrity Dim Sum, June 2, 2012 at Sun Sui Wah Seafood Restaurant, Vancouver, BC. Photo Credit: Bradford McIntyre Photo: Celebrity Server Margaret Gallagher, Celebrity Dim Sum Emcees Fred Lee & Sophie Lui, Celebrity Servers, Bowen Zang, Karen S0, Deborah Moore, William Ho, Gloria Macarenko, Miyoung Lee, Stephanie Yuen, Zahra Alani, Susan da Silva, Chef Quang Dang and Chef Dale MacKay, at the 5th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum Event. June 2, 2012. Photo Credit: Bradford McIntyrePhoto: Celebrity Servers: Miyoung Lee- CBC News Vancouver, Susan da Silva - CBC Late Night News and Zahra Alani - CBC Weekend News at the Fifth Annual Celebrity Dim Sum. June 2, 2012 - Sun Sui Wah Seafood Restaurant - Vancouver, BC. Photo Credit: Bradford McIntyreHairstylist Deni Daviau with his spouse Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouvr Board Vice Chair, at the FIFTH ANNUAL CELEBRITY DIM SUM. June 2nd 2012.

Bradford McIntyre (positivelypositive.ca), and Janet Leduc (Heritage Vancouver), June 2, 2012 - Photo Credit: Matthew R Greenwood - snapd Downtown Vancouver - Community Events Media - downtownvancouver.snapd.com.-2012-June 2- Photo: snapd Downtown Vancouver - Vol.1 No.3 - June 2012 - Bradford McIntyre of positivelypositive.ca, and Janet Leduc of Heritage Vancouver. Photo by Matthew R Greenwood. snapd Downtown Vancouver is a FREE monthly print publication specializing in a "non-political" friendly and entertaining photographic view of living in our community.
Vancouver, Canada

Community Forum: HIV & the Brain - The Latest Evidence on HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND)-2012-May 22- Guest - HIV & the Brain: The Latest Evidence on HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND) - Bradford McIntyre attended the Community Forum: HIV & the Brain.
Maggie Atkinson BA, LLB, LSM, O. Ont
Sean B. Rourke PhD, Scientific & Executive Director, Ontario HIV Treatment Network Director, CIHR Centre for REACH in HIV/AIDS & University Without Walls, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toronto
When: Tuesday May 22, 2012.
Time: 6 to 8 PM
Where: Chateau Granville 1100 Granville St, Vancouver, BC
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial - Promoting Health and Dignity Together - Join us @ 8:00PM May 20th 2012 - Alexandra Park - 1755 Beach Avenue at Bidwell - www.aidsvancouver.org-2012-May 20- Master of Ceremonies (MC) - Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial - Bradford McIntyre, Master of Ceremonies at the Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at 8:00 PM in Alexander Park, 1755 Beach Avenue. This year is the 29th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial and the theme is "Promoting Health and Dignity Together". Bradford McIntyre, Vice Chair, on the Board of Directors of AIDS Vancouver and Founder of the HIV/AIDS information and resource website: Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive-Living with HIV/AIDS, was the Master of Ceremonies (MC) for the Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial.
A long time survivor living with HIV for 28 years, Bradford stated that, "around 100,000 people worldwide today commemorate the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial to remember those who have lost their lives to AIDS and to support those living with HIV and affected by its impact."
"Continuing to hold an annual AIDS Candlelight Memorial in Vancouver will enable us to remain connected to those who have gone before, to those who are affected today and in the future.As someone who is living with HIV, these are reasons for maintaining a memorial event: to first and foremost honour and remember those who have died of AIDS: to demonstrate, through a public event, strong support for those living with HIV and AIDS to raise our community awareness and involvement: to decrease the stigma related to HIV/AIDS" Bradford McIntyre, Living with HIV, and AIDS Vancouver Society VIce Chair.
Master of Ceremonies: Bradford McIntyre - Opening remarks, introductions and closing
Blessing: Chief Bill Williams, Squamish Nation
John Cameron
Doreen Littlejohn
James Johnstone
Michael Vincent
Heidi Morgan
Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
Postcard: Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2012
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
Vancouver BC, Canada.

www.ubc.ca-2012-May 16- Tutorial Guest - Doctor, Patient and Society, (DPAS 410) - Bradford McIntyre particpated as a tutorial guest in the GLBTQ Tutorial Guest Session, annual medical undergraduate plenary entitled Doctor, Patient and Society, (DPAS 410), Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer issues session for UBC Medical Students. This session forms part of the Sexual Medicine portion of the curriculum for all First-year UBC Medical students.
Background: Four weeks of the first year course DPAS 410 are devoted to the topic of Sexual Medicine. In one session, volunteers are invited to participate in the small group tutorial sessions as guests. These guests are asked to talk about their experiences with the health care system, their GLBTQ coming out story, relationships, parenting, sexual practices, family/friends/societal attitudes over your lifetime, religion/spirituality, and suggestions on what good health care for a GLBTQ patient would look like.
"Thank you so much for your generosity in responding to the request to be a community guest for the Lecture and Tutorial on May 16, 2012 "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Issues" for the Doctor Patient and Society course at the UBC Faculty of Medicine.
On behalf of the Course Directors of Doctor Patient and Society (DPAS 410), we would like to express our deep appreciation to you for coming to speak with our UBC first year medical students this year. Our students are privileged to have experts like you involved in our course and willing to share their time.
DPAS is an important component of the training of our medical students, and provides exposure to topics that they will encounter throughout their careers. We believe that your sharing of your knowledge and experiences was an incredibly rich and positive learning experience for our students. Again, many thanks for participating in DPAS 410."
Dr. Ruth Elwood Martin
Location: UBC Life Sciences Centre - 2350 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, BC
Tutorial Sessions: 2:30 - 4:30pm
Session topic: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer issues
Session chair: Dr. Gail Knudson
UBC Faculty of Medicine
University of British Columbia (UBC)
Vancouver, Canada

AccolAIDS 2012: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 29th day of April in the year 2012, to recognize your achievements in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action,  Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award & Panel's Merit Award. Positive Living Society of British Columbia - www.positivelivingbc.orgBradford McIntyre - Stage Screen Image - AccolAIDS 2012 Nominee - April 29, 2012.Poster: AccolAIDS 2012 - AccolAIDS is a bi-annual awards gala honouring our heroes in the British Columbia HIV/AIDS movement. www.positivelivingbc.org-2012-April 29- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2012 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2012 and received a Certificate of Nomination in recognition of his achievement in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, the Kevin Brown PWA Hero and Panel's Merit Award for his tireless work.
"A long time survivor living with HIV since 1984, Bradford-s story of strong, local presence and international activism inspires and gives hope to countless people. For over 18 years, he has been involved creating HIV and AIDS awareness, volunteering his time and energy participating in HIV/AIDS causes through all venues: events, media, conferences, seminars and documentaries. He serves as Vice-Chair, Board of Directors at AIDS Vancouver and Bradford-s popular website, PositivelyPositive.ca, is an internationally recognized HIV and AIDS information and resource site." AccolAIDS, Positive Living BC
AccolAIDS is a bi-annual gala honouring our heroes in the BC HIV/AIDS Movement. Hosted by Sophie Lui (Global BC) and Fred Lee (CBC Radio One), with cocktails, dinner, entertainment, silent and live auctions, the AccolAIDS Awards Gala took place on Sunday, April 29 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. 1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC, V6C 0C3.
The next AccolAIDS Awards Gala will take place in 2014.
AccolAIDS 2012 honours B.C.'s HIV/AIDS movement, winners express health cut concerns
AccolAIDS 2012: Nominees and Recipients
Photo: AccolAIDS 2012 Nominee: Bradford McIntyre
AccolAIDS "People's Choice" Award
AccolAIDS 2012: Call for Nominations
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

Photo: AccolAIDS 2012 Nominee Bradford McIntyrePhoto: AccolAIDS 2012 Nominee Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair, & Brian Chittock, AIDS Vancouver Executive Director - April 29, 2012 - Photo by Kangsoon AccolAIDS 2012, Deni Daviau with husband Bradford McIntyre, AccolAIDS 2012 Nominee - April 29, 2012.

ctac.ca-2012-March 30- Guest Participant - Tools for Access: Oral Health and People Living with HIV and HIV/Hepatitis Co-infection - Organized by the CTAC: Canadian Treatment Action Council. Bradford McIntyre attended this afternoon session to pilot test CTAC's new Tools for Access workshop entitled Oral Health Care and People Living with HIV and HIV/Hepatitis Co-infection. The workshop addresses the oral health care needs of PHAs and people living with co-infection, the dental care treatment access issues they face, and consults with participants on policy options to address them.
When: Friday, March 30, 2012 - 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Where: Positive Living Society of British Columbia, The Training Room (1st Floor),107 Seymour Street.
Vancouver, Canada

AccolAIDS 2012 - www.positivelivingbc.org-2012- March 7- Nomination: AccolAIDS 2012 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award. "Congratulations you have been nominated for an AccolAIDS Award. The AccolAIDS Advisory Panel has recieved a nomination in your name for outstanding contribution within the BC HIV/AIDS movement in the following award category area(s) of Social/Political/Community Action, Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award and Panel's Merit Award. AccolAIDS is a bi-annual awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC HIV/AIDS movement." Monica Chan
AccolAIDS is a bi-annual gala honouring our heroes in the BC HIV/AIDS Movement.
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
Vancouver, Canada

Deni Daviau, left, and Bradford McIntyre have been happily married and healthy for 10 years, despite the fact McIntyre is HIV-positive. A recent survey has shown advances in medical care and education are permitting couples to live out regular lives. March 2, 2012 - Photo Credit: Matt Kieltyka-2012-March 2- Interview - METRO VANCOUVER - HIV proves no obstacle for couples: Study - Matt Kieltyka, Metro News Vancouver reporter/photographer, interviewed Bradford McIntyre and Deni Daviau, a serodiscordant couple (a couple in which one partner is HIV positive and the other is HIV negative). A recent survey has shown advances in medical care and education are permitting couples to live out regular lives.
"Bradford McIntyre and his husband, Deni Daviau, are living proof that the virus doesn't get in the way of a positive, long-term relationship. The two Vancouver men have been happily married for 10 years; McIntyre has been living with HIV for 28." Matt Kieltyka.
HPTN 052 - A Randomized Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Antiretroviral Therapy Plus HIV Primary Care versus HIV Primary Care Alone to Prevent the Sexual Transmission of HIV-1 in Serodiscordant Couples
Vancouver Coastal Health
Providence Health Care
Vancouver, Canada

www.bccfe.ca-2012- February 20- Guest - HIV/Antiretroviral Update-Special Session - Bradford McIntyre attended HIV/Antiretroviral Update-Special Session, an open educational event sponsored by the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Sheraton Wall Centre, Port Alberni Room, 1088 Burrard St.
British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Vancouver, Canada

A Day in the Life of... Bradford McIntyre - International AIDS Society Member & Founder of Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS (www.PositivelyPositive.ca)- Photo Credit: Deni Daviauwww.iasociety.org-2012-January- International AIDS Society (IAS) Member Stories - A Day in the Life of Bradford McIntyre, IAS Member and Founder of "Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS" Website, IAS Member and Founder of "Positively Positive, Living with HIV/AIDS" Website - The International AIDS Society (IAS) has recently launched the 'A day in the life of.' series in order to highlight the day to day lives of IAS members from around the world.
A day in the life of Bradford McIntyre
GENEVA, Switzerland

-2011-December 9- Guest - Anal HPV Infection: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention - Presentation By: Stephen E. Goldstone, M.D. FACS, Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. Bradford McIntyre attended the Lecture: "Safety and Immunogenicity of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in HIV-1 Infected Men." Friday Dec. 9th 2011 12:00-1:00PM, Sheraton Wall Centre, Port Alberni Room, 1088 Burrard St., Vancouver, BC.
HPV/HIV Visiting Speaker
Anal HPV Infection: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention
Human Papillomavirus:
Vancouver, Canada

Positive Living Society Of British Columbia - positivelivingbc.org-2011-December 8- POSITIVE LIVING BC Member's Holiday Season Dinner - Bradford McIntyre, Positive Living BC Member, attended the Positive Living BC Member's Holiday Season Dinner at the Law Courts Inn Restaurant, 800 Smithe Street. Positive Living BC is directed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS and the Society's Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV-positive members. Formerly known as the British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society (BCPWA) and with a membership of more than 5,000 HIV+ members, Positive Living BC is Western Canada's largest AIDS service organization and has a proud history spanning three decades.
Positive Living Society of British Columbia: 1995 - 2020.
BC Persons With AIDS Society changes its name to Positive Living BC
Vancouver, Canada

www.cdnaids.ca-2011-December 8- Quote - Get out and Do Something for World AIDS Day! - Canadian AIDS Society - Lauryn Kronick, Canadian AIDS Society, invited Bradford McIntyre to share his thoughts on the Canadian AIDS Society "Do Something' World AIDS Day Campaign."
"We are collecting feedback on the Canadian AIDS Society's "Do Something" World AIDS Day Campaign that we had going throughout the month of November and I was wondering if you would be interested in writing a short one-to-two sentence quote on what you thought about the campaign. We would be using the quote in our end-of-year report as well as for some sponsor material." Lauryn Kronick, Communications Consultant, Canadian AIDS Society.
Thank you for the invitation, I am honoured to be asked. I am thrilled to be able to participate in this way. Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive, Living with HIV/AIDS (www.PositivelyPositive.ca).
Quote by Bradford McIntyre - "The Canadian AIDS Society's 2011 Campaign, "HIV/AIDS: Do Something", was a unique and very successful way to involve people throughout Canada in raising HIV and AIDS awareness."
This year for World AIDS Day and AIDS Awareness Week, the Canadian AIDS Society has launched, with the support of the federal government and Abbott Laboratories, a national campaign with the theme of "Do Something!" Through social media, a Youtube competition and print poster the message is being spread. The message is simple - we can all do something about the spread of HIV in Canada.
Video: CAS Executive Director Monique Doolittle-Romas speaks about 'Do Something!'
Canadian AIDS Society
Vancouver, Canada

vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/carnegie-community-centre.aspxBradford McIntyre - Guest Speaker - World AIDS Day  December 1, 2011 - Carnegie Community Centre Theatre 401 Main Street Vancouver BC CanadaWorld AIDS Day Flyer: World AIDS Day Thursday December 1, 2011 10:00am - 8:15pm Carnegie Community Centre 401 Main Street Vancouver BC.-2011-December 1- Guest Speaker - World AIDS Day - Carnegie Community Centre Theatre - AIDS Vancouver Board Vice-Chair, Bradford McIntyre, guest speaker at the World AIDS Day celebration held in the Carnegie Theatre at the Carnegie Community Centre, 401 Main Street, Vancouver, BC.
AIDS Vancouver and Positive Living BC present World AIDS Day at the Carnegie Community Centre for a day of workshops, speakers, video presentations, food and refreshments, door prizes and fun from 9.30am–7.30pm.
World AIDS DAY: Special Guests and Speakers:
Jenny Kwan, NDP, MLA, Andrea Reimer, Councillor, City of Vancouver, Ellen Woodsworth, Councillor, City of Vancouver, Brian Chittock, AIDS Vancouver. Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver, Ken Buchanan, Positive Living BC, Lou Demarais, VHHS, Ethel Whitty, Carnegie Centre
WORLD AIDS DAY: Guest Speaker Bradford McIntyre
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre - I'm Facing AIDS, 27 years HIV+. Vancouver, CanadaFacing AIDS for World AIDS Day December 1, 2011 - www.hiv.gov-2011-December 1- Photograph | Participant in the Facing AIDS photo initiative: Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day December 1, 2011 - Bradford McIntyre is Facing AIDS - "I'm Facing AIDS, 27 years HIV+. Vancouver, Canada."
"December 1, World AIDS Day, is an opportunity to take action. Through Facing AIDS 2011, you and your community can help reduce stigma and promote HIV testing by putting a face to AIDS." HIV.gov
Video: Facing AIDS 2011. Write. Snap. Share.
Video: Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2010 - Taking Action in your Community
Ready to Join us in Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2011?
"FACING AIDS together, with YOU": Communities Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day
Facing AIDS 2010 Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aidsgov/sets/72157624909410428/
Facing AIDS 2009 Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aidsgov/sets/72157623554308794/
Facing AIDS 2009 promotional flyer
Bradford's Photo: bradford-mcintyre-im-facing-aids-27-years-hiv-vancouver-canada/

United States

AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair Bradford McIntyre and AIDS Vancouver Executive Director Brian Chittock at AIDS Vancouver's Positive Change Red Ribbon Gala, held November 30, 2011 at the Museum of Vancouver.Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign - Red Ribbon Gala - Museum of Vancouver - November 30, 6-9 pm - 1100 Chestnut Street Vancouver, BC-2011-November 30- Volunteer - Positive Change Red Ribbon Gala - AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair Bradford McIntyre, greeted guests arriving at the 2nd Annual Positive Change Red Ribbon Gala. This fabulous event, emceed by CTV’s own Lynda Steele, is the highlight of the 2011 Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign.
When: Nov 30th, 6-9 pm
Where: Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut Street
Positive Change Red Ribbon Gala
Vancouver proclaims Red Ribbon Month in support of AIDS Vancouver's Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign
Vancouver, Canada

www.bccfe.ca-2011-November 25- Guest - Fall 2011 HIV/Antiretroviral Update - Bradford McIntyre attended the Fall HIV/Antiretroviral Update on Friday, November 25, at the Sheraton Wall Centre. A BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS event for General Public, Healthcare Professionals, Persons with AIDS, Policy Makers. This is an open educational event sponsored by the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Vancouver, BC.

www.aidsvancouver.org-2011-November 17- Educate to Empower: Taining of Trainers Program Launch - Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair, attended AIDS Vancouver’s Educate to Empower: Training of Trainers Program Launch. Sponsored by the MAC AIDS Fund, this educational program seeks to promote discussion around the social dynamics of HIV and Hepatitis C and what this means to people's lives.
Dr. Tasha Riley, Prevention Education Coordinator, AIDS Vancouver
Tasha Nijjar, Co Executive Director and Sexual Health Manager, YouthCo
When: November 17 th , 2011. 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Where: AIDS Vancouver's Training Room, 1107 Seymour St
AIDS Vancouver's Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign launches Educate to Empower
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, opened the commercial premiere of the documentary We Were Here and moderated a Q & A session with Director David Weissman, via Skype after the screening; an AIDS Vancouver Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign Event. Vancity Theatre, November 11, 2011, Vancouver, Canadawww.aidsvancouver.org-2011-November 11- Speaker: AIDS Vancouver presents touching documentary "We Were Here" to promote "Positive Change." AIDS Vancouver Board Vice-Chair, Bradford McIntyre opened the commercial premiere of the documentary "We Were Here" sponsored by AIDS Vancouver at VanCity Theatre. Bradford McIntyre, a long term survivor living with HIV since 1984, introduced the feature length documentary "We Were Here" and shared his own experience living with HIV. After the screening, Bradford moderated a 20 min Q & A session with director David Weissman, via Skype.
"In We Were Here, director David Weissman vividly captures the reality many of us faced in the early years of the HIV epidemic. Back then there was no support out there for people living with HIV and stigma was so vehement. People living with HIV/AIDS had to create grassroots networks to take care of one another; fight for treatments and human rights and educate the public to break down the barriers of stigma. Thirty years on we have come a long way in addressing these issues those generations before fought for. However, with over 33 million HIV infections worldwide, we must continue to act and support people living with HIV, by never faltering to advocate for HIV/AIDS awareness." reflected Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, and AIDS Vancouver Society Board Vice-Chair.
Thanks Bradford. I really enjoyed doing it, and appreciated your participation in the event." David Weissman, Director, We Were Here (film).
Vancouver proclaims Red Ribbon Month in support of AIDS Vancouver's Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign
AIDS Vancouver presents touching documentary "We Were Here" to promote "Positive Change"
Vancouver, Canada

Brian Chittock, Executive Director of AIDS Vancouver holds Red Ribbon Month proclamation. Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign. November 1, 2011 - www.aidsvancouver.org Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, Brian Chittock, Executive Director of AIDS Vancouver and Bradford McIntyre AIDS Vancouver Board Vice Chair. AIDS Vancouver Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign - November 1, 2011 -  www.aidsvancouver.orgBradford McIntyre, addresses Vancouver City Councillors in support of AIDS Vancouver's Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign - Vancouver City Hall - November 1, 2011-2011-November 1- Speaker - AIDS Vancouver Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign launched: Bradford McIntyre's Statement - RED RIBBON MONTH - Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign Launch - Vancouver City Hall - Bradford McIntyre, Board Vice Chair of AIDS Vancouver, addresses Vancouver City Councillors, accepting the proclamation to launch AIDS Vancouver RED RIBBON MONTH: Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign. Mayor Gregor Robertson, during a City Council meeting today, presented AIDS Vancouver with a proclamation to launch AIDS Vancouver's second annual Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign.
"I, Gregor Robertson, Mayor of the City of Vancouver, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM the month of November, 2011 as "RED RIBBON MONTH" in the city of Vancouver".
Accepting the proclamation: Brian Chittock, "My name is Brian Chittock and I am honoured, as Executive Director of AIDS Vancouver, to accept this proclamation on behalf of the persons living with HIV and AIDS in the City of Vancouver and those of us who serve them."
Accepting the proclamation: Bradford McIntyre, "As Vice Chair of the Board of AIDS Vancouver and as a person who has been living with HIV since 1984, thank you for your support in our month long, Positive Change " Red Ribbon Campaign and for helping to change the face of HIV in Vancouver!"
Gregor Robertson,Vancouver City Mayor,
Brian Chittock, Executive Director, AIDS Vancouver
Bradford McIntyre, Vice Chair, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver
When: November 1st, 2011. 2:00pm
Where: Vancouver City Hall, Council Chambers, 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver V5Y 1V4
Vancouver proclaims Red Ribbon Month in support of AIDS Vancouver's Positive Change Red Ribbon Campaign
AIDS Vancouver presents touching documentary "We Were Here" to promote "Positive Change"
Vancouver, Canada

-2011-October 12- Guest - Criminalization of HIV Non-Disclosure: Science, Society and the Law - Bradford McIntyre attended the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network's legal seminar "Criminalization of HIV Non-Disclosure: Science, Society and the Law", at the Law Courts Inn in Vancouver.
Opening Remaks by Dr. Julio Montaner, Director of the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Past-President of the Internatioanl AIDS Society.
Speakers: Dr. Mark Tyndall, Richard Elliott, Janet Dickie, Jason Grati, Glyn Townson, and Cecile Kazatchkine.
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 from 5:45 PM to 8:00 PM (PT)
800 Smithe Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2E1

Photo: Bradford McIntyre greeted guests arriving at the Forth Annual Celebrity Dim Sum, an AIDS Vancouver Fundraiser. October 1st 2011 - www.aidsvancouver.orgFlyer: FOURTH ANNUAL CELEBRITY DIM SUM-2011-October 1- Volunteer - Fourth Annual Celebrity DIM SUM - AIDS Vancouver Fundraiser. AIDS Vancouver Vice Chair Bradford McIntyre, greeted guests (a sell out crowd) arriving at the 4th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum. Famous Celebrity Pairs from TV, Radio and City Council served carts of Dim Sum to event guests at Sun Sui Wah Seafood Restaurant. 3888 Main Street, Vancouver B.C.
Fourth Annual Celebrity Dim Sum
A look back at the 4th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum
AIDS Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

Mitra Motamedi AIDS Vancouver Board Member, Bradford McIntyre AIDS Vancouver Vice-Chair of the Board, Gregor Robertson Mayor of Vancouver and Brian Chittock Executive Director AIDS Vancouver, at the 4th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum an AIDS Vancouver Fundraiser. October 1, 2011 - Vancouver, Canada Deni Daviau and partner Bradford McIntyre (AIDS Vancouver Board Vice Chair), at the 4th Annual Celebrity Dim Sum, an AIDS Vancouver Fundraiser. October 1, 2011 - Vancouver, Canada

A Day With HIV in America Photo BookA Day With HIV In America A Day With HIV in America: Bradford McIntyre Image 64 - Bradford McIntyre, Vancouver, British Columbia. - adaywithhivinamerica.com -2011-September 21- Photo Project Participant: A Day With HIV in America - A project of Positively Aware - Bradford McIntyre Image 64 - 3:30 PM - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Bradford McIntyre, HIV-positive since 1984, is the founder and operator of the website positivelypositive.ca, and is Board Vice Chair of AIDS Vancouver the first AIDS service organization in Canada.
Positively Aware - Whether you're positive or negative, we all live with HIV. That's the point raised by A Day With HIV in America, Positively Aware's photo essay project aimed at confronting the stigma of HIV. Dozens of images were submitted from across the U.S.-and from Canada-as people took snapshots to a capture a moment of their lives on Sept. 21 to mark A Day with HIV, now in its second year. The poignant images and powerful stories of that day, at the U.S. Conference on AIDS, November 10-13 in Chicago, IL.
A Day With HIV
"A Day with HIV in America" on September 21 to Chronicle Images of What it Means to Live with HIV
Photographs From "A Day with HIV in America" Now Online
"A Day with HIV in America" Photo Project Focuses On De-stigmatizing HIV And Tearing Down Boundaries
Watch Video... A Day With HIV In America
Chicago, IL. United States

www.aidsvancouver.org-2011-September 19- Vice Chair, AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors - AIDS Vancouver AGM and Board Meeting - Bradford McIntyre, Director, AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors, attended the AIDS Vancouver AGM and Bradford was appointed Vice Chair, Board of Directors, at the AIDS Vancouver Board Meeting after the AGM. AIDS Vancouver: Founded in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada.
Vancouver, Canada

Abid Nasan, Lindsey Bruce, Bradford McIntyre, Jessica Wood and Brian Chittock manned the AIDS Vancoouver Community Table at the Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life Vancouver. Photo Credit: Jennifer Strang PHOTOGRAPHYAIDS Vancouver Community Table at the Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life Vancouver. Photo Credit: Jennifer Strang PHOTOGRAPHYBradford McIntyre, HIV-Positive since 1984, and Director, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver, volunteering at the AIDS Vancouver community table, at Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life Vancouver, 2011. Photo Credit: Jennifer Strang PHOTOGRAPHY-2011-September 18- Volunteer - AIDS Vancouver Community Table - Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life Vancouver 2011 - Bradford McIntyre, Vice Chair, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver, volunteering at the AIDS Vancouver Community Table at Vancouver's Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life 2011.
AIDS Vancouver Community Table Volunteers:
Abid Nasan, Website Volunteer, AIDS Vancouver
Lindsey Bruce, Director, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver
Bradford McIntyre, Director, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver
Jessica Wood, Director of Development and Public Relations, AIDS Vancouver
Brain Chittock, Executive Director, AIDS Vancouver
Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life raised over $250,000 on its 25th anniversary.
AIDS Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

www.vancouverfriendsforlife.caBradford McIntyre - serves up Chicken Dogs, Vegggie Burgers, Hamburgers and Hot Dogs at the the Vancouver Friends for Life Society 1st Annual Bake Sale and BBQ - August 27, 2011 - Vancouver, BC Canadawww.vancouverfriendsforlife.ca-2011-August 27- Volunteer - Vancouver Friends For Life Society - 1st Annual Bake Sale and BBQ - $2,100.00 raised! Bradford McIntyre, Vancouver Friends For Life Society member, served up Chicken Dogs, Vegggie Burgers, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Fried Onions at the the Vancouver Friends for Life Society 1st Annual Bake Sale and BBQ. The Vancouver Friends For Life Society serves as a catalyst to enhance the wellness of individuals living with a life threatening illness by providing complementary and alternative health and support services.
PHOTO GALLERY: Vancouver Friends For Life Society Bake Sale & BBQ
"Thank you Bradford! Your quick promotion and support is very much appreciated. Thanks again for that amazing long shift you put in for us." Sarah Evans, Vancouver Freinds For Life Society.
"Thanks so much for the help! I appreciate the much needed promo and the help so very much!" Robert Kaiser, Vancouver Freinds For Life Society.
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre (PositivelyPositive.ca) & Jenna Talackova, PRIDE PARADE Grand Marshal and the first transgendered Miss Universe contestant, at the Vancouver Pride Parade 2011, July 31, 2011. Photo Credit: Deni DaviauBradford McIntyre, HIV-positive since 1984, and Director, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver, holding AIDS Vancouver's We Care Red Ribbon Campaign sign: Spread the Love STOP THE VIRUS, in the Vancouver Pride Parade, 2011.-2011-July 31- Pride Parade Participant - Vancouver Pride Parade 2011: Educate, Liberate, Celebrate. Bradford McIntyre, parade participant, in the Vancouver Pride Parade 2011 in the AIDS Vancouver Pride Parade entry: Grand Marshal - Bob Tivey - Posthumous Pride Hero. Bob Tivey (1943 - 2011) was the co-founder and first executive director of AIDS Vancouver. AIDS Vancouver was founded in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada.
Vancouver Pride Society
Vancouver, Canada

AIDS Vancouver in Pride Parade 2011 - AIDS Vancouver Executive Director: Brian Chittock, AIDS Vancouver Director, Board of Directors: Bradford McIntyre, and AIDS Vancouver Volunteer: May McQueen AIDS Vancouver in Vancouver Pride Parade 2011 - In this photo: Jeremy Boudreau, Tasha Riley: Prevention Education Coordinator at AIDS Vancouver, Bradford McIntyre: Director, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver, Brian Chittock: Executive Director, AIDS Vancouver - Photo Credit: Deni Daviau AIDS Vancouver participating in the Vancouver Pride Parade 2011. Photo Credit: Deni Daviau AIDS Vancouver team of volunteers participating in the Vancouver Pride Parade 2011. Photo Credit: Deni Daviau

-2011-July 15- Testimony | Bradford McIntyre Guest contributor - NBLCA's '30 Years Strong! Together We Will Win' campaign - Bradford McInytre shares his experience living with HIV for the National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS: 30 Years Strong! Together We Will Win! campaign.
"Bradford McIntyre, your story about how you have stood up in the face of grave news from the doctors to engaging in activism and educating people about HIV/AIDs is remarkable. We'd love to have you also share it as part of the 30 years Strong campaign of the National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS (NBLCA)." National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS (NBLCA).
Bradford McIntyre - 30 Years Strong! Together We Will Win campaign
National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS

nblch.org NBLCA Campaign Flyer - 30 Years Strong! Together We Will Win - www.nblca.org Bradford McIntyre - Guest contributor - National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS (NBLCA) - www.nblca.org

www.kings.eduwww.uscupstate.edu-2011-June 16- Research Study Participant - Interview (2 hours) - Self Presentation Via Visual Messages in an online HIV/AIDS Community - Warren Bareiss (University of South Carolina Upstate) and Karen Mercincavage (King's College - Wilkes-Barre, PA) interviewed Bradford McIntyre, who is a participant in a study they are conducting of how individuals and organizations present themselves to the public through visual messages in an online photo sharing community, specifically the Flickr site, hosting the AIDS.gov 2010 "Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day" campaign. To help gain further insights into this area of self presentation, social media and health communities, interviewers ask participants open-ended questions about their motivation and reasoning for participating in a Flickr campaign.
"Your interview was extremely informative and helpful. It shed light on a subject that we really don't hear a lot about today in the U.S. media. Warren and I both agree with your assessments of many issues, such as healthcare, religion and politics regarding HIV/AIDS. Again, thank you for your participation with this interview. The stories behind the photos are always so much more powerful." Karen Mercincavage, King's College - Wilkes-Barre, PA.
Photos: Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2010
2010 CDC Health Communication, Marketing, and Media Conference Highlights
Exploring Digital Innovations and Bridging Perceptive Divides: A Textual Analysis of HIV Community Photos as Ritual Performance

www.hiv.gov Facing AIDS - I'm Facing AIDS: HIV+ since 1984. Bradford McIntyre, Vancouver, Canada. www.hiv.gov

Bradford Mcintyre - Guest Speaker - Vancouver AIDS Candlelight Vigil and Memorial - May 17, 2011 - Photo Credit: Deni Daviau Flyer: AIDS Candlelight Vigil and Memorial - May 26, 2011, Carnegie Theatre - 4:30 - 6:30 - Speakers: TBA (Anglican Church),Sister Victoria Niasia (Catholic Church),Pastor Ric Matthews (First United Church),Pastor Brian Heinrich (Lutheran Church),Doreen Littlejohn (Vancouver Native Health Society),Bradford McIntyre (Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS), John Cameron (Positive Living BC),Glyn Townson (Positive Living BC),James Johnstone (AIDS Candlelight Vigil and Memorial)-2011-May 26- Guest Speaker - AIDS Candlelight Vigil and Memorial - Bradford McIntyre, guest speaker at the Vancouver AIDS Candlelight Vigil and Memorial, held in the Carnegie Theatre at the Carnegie Community Centre, Downtown Eastside, 401 Main Street, Vancouver, BC.
"My name is Bradford McIntyre and I'm Positively Positive. I have been living infected with HIV for 27 years. I feel very fortunate to be here today. I am the founder and operator of Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS (www.PositivelyPositive.ca), and currently, on the Board of Directors of the AIDS Vancouver Society.
The AIDS Candlelight Memorial is an ideal opportunity and event, which allows people who are affected or infected by HIV to gather together, to mourn losses, to celebrate lives and to give and receive comfort from others."
Bradford McIntyre, Living with HIV, and Director, AIDS Vancouver Society.
TBA (Anglican Church)
Sister Victoria Niasia (Catholic Church)
Pastor Ric Matthews (First United Church)
Pastor Brian Heinrich (Lutheran Church)
Doreen Littlejohn (Vancouver Native Health Society)
Bradford McIntyre (Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS)
John Cameron (Positive Living BC)
Glyn Townson (Positive Living BC)
James Johnstone (AIDS Candlelight Vigil and Memorial)
AIDS Candlelight Vigil and Memorial
AIDS Candlelight Memorial - Guest Speaker Bradford McIntyre
AIDS Candlelight Vigil and Memorial Flyer/Poster (pdf)
AIDS Vancouver Society
Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver AIDS Candlelight Vigil and Memorial - Speakers: Bradford McIntyre and James Johnstone - Carnegie Theater, Vancouver, BC. May 26, 2011Vancouver AIDS Candlelight Vigil and Memorial - Candles lit in memory of all those who have died of AIDS - Vancouver, BC. May 26, 2011Vancouver AIDS Candlelight Memorial - Speakers James Johnstone (AIDS Candlelight Memorial), Doreen Littlejohn (Vancouver Native Health Society), Bradford McIntyre (Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS), Brian Chittock (AIDS Vancouver), John Cameron (Positive Living BC) - Vancouver, BC. May 26, 2011

-2011-May 16- 7th Annual International Day Against Homophobia Breakfast - Vancouver's Queer QMUNITY Redefines Personal Relationships on the International Day Against Homophobia - Bradford McIntyre attended the 7th Annual Day Against Homophobia Breakfast hosted by QMUNITY, held at the Floata Seafood Restaurant in Vancouver's dynamic Chinatown on Tuesday, May 17th 2011, 8am - 10am.
Vancouver, Canada

itgetsbettercanada.org/2022/05/12/idahobit-2022 7th Annual Day Against Homophobia Breakfast - May 17th 2011 - AIDS Vancouver table - Megan McKinney, Sonia Marino, Quinn Bennett, Brian Chittock and Bradford McIntyre qmunity.ca

www.ubc.ca-2011-May 4- Tutorial Guest - Doctor, Patient and Society, (DPAS 410) - Bradford McIntyre particpated as a tutorial guest in the GLBTQ Tutorial Guest Session - UBC Faculty of Medicine - annual medical undergraduate plenary entitled Doctor, Patient and Society, (DPAS 410), Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer issues session for UBC Medical Students. This session forms part of the Sexual Medicine portion of the curriculum for all First-year UBC Medical students.
"Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Doctor, Patient and Society, (DPAS 410), Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Issues session for UBC Medical students on May 4, 2011. This session forms part of the Sexual Medicine portion of the curriculum for all First-year UBC Medical students. Thank you once again for participating in our program. Your involvement contributes significantly towards the education of our medical students, and we greatly appreciate your time and your willingness to speak candidly with our students." Madelene Klassen, DPAS 410 Program
Location: UBC Life Sciences Centre - 2350 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, BC
Tutorial Sessions: 2:30 - 4:30pm
Session topic: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer issues
Session chair: Dr. Gail Knudson
University of British Columbia (UBC)
Vancouver, Canada

Dr. Iain Mackie and Bradford McIntyre - Aging and HIV Forum: A COMMUNITY FORUM PRESENTED BY BCPWA - March 10, 2011bcpwa.org-2011-March 10- Guest - Aging and HIV Forum - A COMMUNITY FORUM PRESENTED BY BCPWA - Bradford McIntyre attended the Aging and HIV Forum held at the Best Western Chateau Granville, 1100 Granville Street Vancouver, British Columbia.
TOPICS & PRESENTERS: Dr Greg Bondy and Dr Iain Mackie
British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society (BCPWA)
Vancouver, Canada

-2010-December 9- Member - BCPWA Members Holiday Season Dinner - Bradford McIntyre attended the British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society (BCPWA) Members Holiday Season Dinner at the Law Courts Inn Restaurant, 800 Smithe Street, Fourth Floor. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society (BCPWA) is dedicated to empowering persons with HIV/AIDS through mutual support and collective action. Founded in 1986, BCPWA is Western Canadas largest HIV/AIDS organization with a membership of more than 4,800 HIV-positive individuals. BCPWA is directed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS and the Society's Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV-positive members.
British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society (BCPWA)
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, BCPWA Member, sitting on Santa Claus's lap - BCPWA Member's Holiday Season Dinner - December 9, 2010 Bradford McIntyre with spouse Deni Daviau at the BCPWA Member's Holiday Season Dinner - December 9, 2010 Santa Claus - BCPWA Member's Hoilday Season Dinner - December 9, 2010

The 2010 FALL HIV/ANTIRETROVIRAL UPDATE - BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS - cfenet.ubc.ca Dr. Julio Montaner and Vancouver Premier Gordon Campbell at the Fall HIV/Antiretroviral Update - December 3, 2010 - Vancouver, Canada.bccfe.ca-2010-December 3- Guest - Fall HIV Antiretroviral Update - Bradford McIntyre attended the British Columbia Center for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Fall HIV/Antiretroviral Update on Friday, December 3, at the Sheraton Wall Centre, Vancouver, BC.
Speakers: Julio Montaner, Reka Gustafson, Evan Wood, David Burdge, Mark Hull, Mark Brockman, Peter Philips, Don Sin, Greg Bondy, Robin Hsiung and Val Montessori.
Special guest: Vancouver Premier Gordon Campbell. This open educational event hosted by the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS featured expert presentations on a diverse range of HIV-related topics including: immunology, neurocognitive impairment in HIV, lung diesease in HIV, women & HIV, STDs, and hard to reach populations.
British Columbia Center for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day - I'm Facing AIDS: HIV+ since 1984. Vancouver, Canada. Creating HIV and AIDS awareness. www.PositivelyPositive.caFacing AIDS Badge: Facing AIDS - World AIDS Day DECEMBER 1, 2010 - AIDS.gov-2010-December 1- Photograph | Participate in the Facing AIDS photo initiative - Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day - Bradford McIntyre is Facing AIDS - "I'm Facing AIDS: HIV+ since 1984. Vancouver Canada. Creating HIV and AIDS awareness." Bradford McIntyre
AIDS.gov: By putting our faces to AIDS, we can help reduce the stigma around HIV and promote HIV testing this World AIDS Day.
For the past two years, we've asked people from across the country (and around the world) to share why they are Facing AIDS in honor of World AIDS Day, December 1.
provides access to Federal HIV/AIDS information through a variety of new media channels, and supports the use of new media tools by Federal and community partners to improve domestic HIV programs serving minority and other communities most at-risk for, or living with HIV.
Group Photos... Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2010
Facing AIDS 2010 Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aidsgov/sets/72157624909410428/
Facing AIDS 2009 Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aidsgov/sets/72157623554308794/
Photo: Bradford McIntyre: https://www.flickr.com/photos/56228756@N05/5202605898/in/pool-facingaids2010
Join us in Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day
United States

AIDS Vancouver Board Directors, Elizabeth Storbo and Bradford McIntyre, at AIDS Vancouver's Red Ribbon Gala Reception at the Museum of Vancouver, celebrating the close of the 2010 We Care Red Ribbon Campaign.We Care Red Ribbon Campaign - We Care Red Ribbon Gala of AIDS Vancouver-2010-November 30- Volunteer - We Care Red Ribbon Gala of AIDS Vancouver - AIDS Vancouver Red Ribbon Campaign: Spread the Love, Stops the Virus - AIDS Vancouver Board Director, Bradford McIntyre greeted guests at the We Care Red Ribbon Gala. A Cocktail Reception at the Museum of Vancouver celebrating the close of the 2010 We Care Red Ribbon Campaign.
When: November 30, 2010
Location: Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut St.
When: November 30, 2010. 6 - 9pm
Emcee: CBC's own Fred Lee.
Live music: PK3 Jazz Trio Fantastic
We Care Red Ribbon Gala
Watch Video: We Care Red Ribbon Gala of AIDS Vancouver - Video
AIDS Vancouver Red Ribbon Campaign Spreads the Love, Stops the Virus
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in Support of AIDS Vancouver's Red Ribbon Month - Video
AIDS Vancouver Red Ribbon Campaign Spreads the Love, Stops the Virus
Vancouver, Canada

Video: We Care Red Ribbon Gala of AIDS Vancouver
We Care Red Ribbon Gala of AIDS Vancouver - Video: A Cocktail Reception at the Museum of Vancouver celebrating the close of the 2010 We Care Red Ribbon Campaign.

POZ I AM RADIO YOUR DOSE OF HOPE - poziamHIV positive Canadian Bradford McIntyre, a long time survivor living with HIV since 1984-2010-November 14- Guest Interview - Bradford McIntyre - Positively Positive - POZ I AM RADIO- POZIAM Radio Host Robert Breining talks with HIV positive Canadian Bradford McIntyre. A long time survivor living with HIV since 1984, Bradford announced publicly on national television in 1994, that he was living with HIV.
"My work creating HIV and AIDS awareness globally has provided for many people, a face living with HIV and this has helped to bring hope to people infected that they too can live!" Bradford McIntyre, HIV-positive since 1984.
The Hosts of POZ I AM Radio are Robert Breining , Jack Mackenroth and Jeromy Dunn will be taking your calls, Sunday's at 9pm EST. POZ I AM Radio can be heard at blogtalkradio.com/poziam. The radio show also has a chat room for listeners to ask questions, chat with the hosts and each other.
Bradford McIntyre - Positively Positive - POZ I AM RADIO SHOW
Bradford McIntyre Talks to POZ I AM RADIO (Listen)
Philadelphia, PA, United States

POX I AM Radio Show
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Parting Glances - STEVE BUSCEMI in Parting Glances - A film by Bill Sherwood.Bradford McIntyre speaking at Pacific Cinematheque before a showing of the Bill Sherwood film, Parting Glances. Bradford discussed the film Parting Glances and shared his own experience living with HIV. November 12, 2010 - Vancouver, Canada-2010-November 12- Speaker - Pacific Cinematheque - Message from the We Care Red Ribbon Campaign's Bradford McIntyre - Parting Glances - We Care Red Ribbon Campaign Week 2 Event - AIDS Vancouver Board Member, Bradford McIntyre, a long term survivor living with HIV since 1984, discussed the film Parting Glances, and shared his own experience living with HIV, on November 12th, 2010 at Pacific Cinematheque, as part of AIDS Vancouver's We Care Red Ribbon Month. Bradford has been working tirelessly to help increase HIV/AIDS awareness to help prevent the stigma and silence that often accompanies the virus.
Parting Glances - Movie Synopsis: The romantic comedy-drama went positively gay - and gay-positive - in writer-director Bill Sherwood's 1986 indie feature Parting Glances, a landmark of gay cinema and one of the first American films to address the AIDS epidemic.
Watch Message from the We Care Red Ribbon Campaign's Bradford McIntyre
Video: Parting Glances (1986) Trailer
The Cinematheque
Vancouver, Canada

Video: Message from the We Care Red Ribbon Campaign's Bradford McIntyre
- Spread the Love, Stop the Virus

Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Vancouver Board Member
Speaking at Pacific Cinematheque before a showing of Parting Glances.

Video: In the Life: Parting Glances (1986) spotlight
This segment spotlights the restoration of Parting Glances (1986), featuring interviews with film stars Richard Ganoung, John Bolger, Steve Buscemi and Kathy Kinney. Parting Glances (1986) was restored as part of the Outfest Legacy Project, a collaboration between Outfest and the UCLA Film & Television Archive. Funding made possible by The Andrew J. Kuehn Jr. Foundation and members of Outfest.

BCPWA Members' Skating Party - OUTER SPACE THEME - Aliens on ice! - Nov. 5th 2010 - BCPWA - www.bcpwa.org-2010-November 5- Member - BCPWA Members' Skating Party - OUTER SPACE - Bradford McIntyre, BCPWA Member, attended the British Columbia Person's With AIDS Society Members Skating Party, OUTER SPACE THEME - Aliens on ice!
Friday, November 5th. 6:15 - 7:45 PM.
West End Community Center (WECC),
870 Denman Street, Vancouver, BC.
Vancouver, Canada

-2010-November 2- Speaker - Vancouver City Hall - We Care Red Ribbon Campaign- Director Bradford McIntyre, living infected with HIV since 1984, presented the AIDS Vancouver We Care RED RIBBON Campaign Public Service Announcements: Stigma: The Silent Epidemic. Breaking Down the Silence, and Safer Sex Practices to Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and Vancouver City Council, at City Hall, in the City of Vancouver, BC., Canada.
"It has been nearly thirty years since the first reported case of HIV and silence still plagues the HIV/AIDS movement. Within this shroud of silence, ignorance and fear has been able to flourish throughout the community. One of our best defenses in the fight against HIV/AIDS is education and communication." Bradford McIntyre, Living with HIV, and Director, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver.
The We Care Red Ribbon Campaign was officially recognized by Vancouver City Council. Mayor Gregor Robertson introduced and read the November RED RIBBON Month proclamation to the council. Brian Chittock, Executive Director, AIDS Vancouver, addressed council about the campaign.
Vancouver, Canada

Video: Stigma and Safer Sex Practices - We Care RED RIBBON Campaign
AIDS Vancouver Director, Bradford McIntyre, living infected with HIV since 1984, presents the AIDS Vancouver We Care RED RIBBON Campaign Public Service Announcements: Stigma: The Silent Epidemic. Breaking Down the Silence and Safer Sex Practices.

             Video:  HIV/AIDS PSA's: Stigma: The Silent Epidemic - Breaking Down The Silence
               Video: HIV/AIDS PSA Safe Sex Just Use It

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson - RED RIBBON Month - We Care RED RIBBON Campaign - Nov. 2nd 2010 - City Council, Vancouver City Hall - Photo Credit: Bradford McIntyreRed Ribbon Month - Mayor Gregor Roberston read the RED RIBBON Month Proclamation to City Council - Nov. 2nd 2010 - Photo Credit: Bradford McIntyreBrian Chittock, Execuative Director, AIDS Vancouver, addressed City Council informing them of the AIDS Vancouver We Care RED RIBBON Campaign - Nov. 2, 2010 - Photo Credit: Bradford McIntyre Vancouver City Hall Council Chambers - City Hall - November 2, 2010 - Photo Credit: Bradford McIntyre
Click on Photographs to see larger

Bradford McIntyre, Director, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver - We Care RED RIBBON Campaign Launch - Vancouver City Hall - November 1, 2010We Care RED RIBBON Campaign - Spread the Love - AIDS Vancouver - www.aidsvancouver.org-2010-November 1- Speaker - Vancouver City Hall - We Care Red Ribbon Campaign Launch - AIDS Vancouver Director Bradford McIntyre, who has been living infected with HIV for 26 years, presented the We Care RED RIBBON Campaign Public Service Announcement, Stigma: The Silent Epidemic. Breaking Down the Silence. AIDS Vancouver launched the We Care RED RIBBON Campaign at City Hall today with Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson proclaiming November 2010 Red Ribbon Month in the City of Vancouver.
Mayor of Vancouver
Gregor Robertson.
Brian Chittock, Executive Director, AIDS Vancouver.
Daniel Dex Chair, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver,
Bradford McIntyre, Director, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver, and
Tuan Luu, Director, Board of Directors, AIDS Vancouver.
When: November 1 st , 2010. 1:00pm
Where: Vancouver City Hall.
Watch VIDEO: Stigma: The Silent Epidemic. Breaking Down the Silence Video
Watch VIDEO: RED RIBBON Month - We Care RED RIBBON Campaign Launch
AIDS Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

www.aidsvancouver.org-2010-October 25- Director - AIDS Vancouver Board of Directors - AIDS Vancouver AGM and Board Meeting - Bradford McIntyre attended the AIDS Vancouver AGM and Bradford was elected Director, on the Board of Directors. AIDS Vancouver; founded in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada. AIDS Vancouver is a non-profit.
AIDS Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre ocean kayaking at Englsih Bay, Vancouver, Canada. Photo Credit: Deni Daviau.Banner: PositiveLite.Com - Same flaours... less calories - www.positivelite.com-2010-October 10- Guest Interview: PositiveLite - A conversation with PositivelyPositive.ca creator Bradford McIntyre.
"Bradford, a Vancouverite, has led a public life as an HIV/AIDS advocate and educator, along with many other contributions to the global community." Brian Finch, Publisher PositiveLite.com.
Toronto, Canada

www.aidsvancouver.org-2010-October 9- Fundraising Workshop - Bradford McIntyre attended Creating Fundraising Diversity at AIDS Vancouver presented by Leslie Thompson Independent Fundraising Councel.
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, HIV-positive 26 years, celebrates the last full day of summer at English Bay, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. A Day With HIV in America - Gallery 2 - September 21, 2010.A Day With HIV In America - adaywithhivinamerica.com-2010-September 21- Photo Project Participant: A DAY WITH HIV IN AMERICA- Gallery 2: Afternoon - Bradford McIntyre, HIV-positive 26 years, celebrates the last full day of summer at English Bay. What does it mean to live with HIV? Positively Aware magazine asked that question, and received dozens of responses, creating this photo essay. Positive or negative, we're all affected by HIV.
Positively Aware Magazine Announces "A Day With HIV in America" Photo Essay Which Will Illustrate a Day in the Life With HIV
POSITIVELY AWARE Magazine Announces "A Day with HIV in America" Photo Essay, Illustrating Lives of Americans Living with HIV
Video: A Day with HIV in America
Vancouver, Canada

viivhealthcare.com/en-caBritish Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.org-2010-September 21- Guest: Bradford McIntyre attended the Community Forum Highlighting the XVIII International AIDS Conference (Vienna) UPDATES - Health Promotion at BCPWA is pleased to present a community forum highlighting the XVIII International AIDS Conference (Vienna) updates.
Terry Howard - Community Research
Kath Webster - Seek and treat initiatives around the world
Dr Mark Hull - Medical and technical updates from the conference
Sponsored by ViiV Healthcare
Best Western Chateau Granville
Vancouver, Canada

Guest Speaker, Bradford McIntyre, OUT ABOUT HIV, at Artists For Life. J Lounge, September 12, 2010, Vancouver.Canada Artists for Life - www.artistsforlife.ca-2010-September 12- Guest Speaker: Reading - OUT ABOUT HIV - Bradford McIntyre performed a reading of his speech, 'OUT ABOUT HIV', first delivered at the Vancouver 20 Annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial and Vigil, May 25, 2003, at the Artists for Life event held on September 12, 2010, The Artists for Life event was held at J Lounge in Vancouver. Artists for Life is a new project to raise HIV/AIDS awareness while fundraising for organizations and showcasing artists. AIDS Vancouver and the Vancouver Friends For Life Society were chosen to receive donations from Artists For Life public show presentations. Visit www.artistsforlife.ca
Video: OUT ABOUT HIV - Canadian Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, speaks out about HIV
OUT ABOUT HIV (Bradford's Message)
Vancouver, Canaada

-2010-September 9- Guest: Bradford McIntyre attended Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Dr. Peter, The Broadcast Tapes of Dr. Peter: Screening and Talkback. UBC Alumni Affairs, the UBC Faculty of Medicine and the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation celebrated the 20th anniversary of the debut of the Dr. Peter Diaries and the 25th anniversary of his graduation from UBC Medicine. Studio 40, CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 700 Hamilton Street, Vancouver.
Dr. Peter Diaries: AIDS Then & Now
Vancouver, Canaada

 David Paperny, Director/Executive Producer of The Broadcast Tapes of Dr. Peter, Starring Peter Jepson-Young - Photo Credit: Bradford McIntyre Shirley Young, Mother of Dr. Peter Jepson-Young - Photo Credit: Bradford McIntyre The Broadcast Tapes of Dr. Peter: Talkback Panel - Panellists: Bill Richardson, Dr. Deborah Money, Dr. Stacy Elliott, Dr. David Butcher, Shirley Young,  & David Paperny. CBC Studio 40, Vancouver, Canada. Photo Credit: Bradford McIntyre

One of a KIND Stories, Guest Speaker, Bradford McIntyre, a long time survivor living  with HIV since 1984 - July 12, 2010 - Photo Credit: Deni DaviauPoster: One of a Kind Stories - www.oneofakindstories.com-2010-July 12- Guest speaker: One of a KIND Stories - Speaker: Bradford McIntyre (Positively Positive) - Bradford McIntyre, a long time survivor living infected with HIV since 1984, shares his story, living with HIV, positively positive.
"A long time survivor living with HIV since 1984, Bradford McIntyre (PositivelyPositive.ca) announced publicly, on national television, in 1994 that he was living with HIV.
Bradford has transformed the challenges he faced through living with HIV into opportunities to educate, inform and build community. Bradford has put into practice in his daily living, his message about living positively and the influence our thoughts have on our lives. You don't survive 26 years with HIV with a smile on your face without a healthy mental attitude. While waging his personal war with the disease, he strives to reach out and make a difference. Through all avenues, (TV and radio, print, conferences, seminars, documentaries and the internet), he promotes responsibility for health and wellness. Bradford advocates daily to raise the profile of HIV and AIDS awareness and serves as an educator through his own experiences and by association with professionals in the health care field.
Bradford's global impact is shown through a comprehensive, informative website. When you visit his website Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS (www.PositivelyPositive.ca), you will discover a wide variety of life affirming and supportive topics."
Brock Tully, Kindness Foundation.
One of a KIND Stories is an inspiring evening of courageous stories, uplifting music and songs from the heart.
Host - Brock Tully. One of a KIND Stories is held at Organic Lives, 1829 Quebec St., Vancouver.
About Bradford McIntyre
Kindness Foundation
Vancouver, Canaada

Treatment as Prevention: A Made in Canada Strategy to STOP HIV & AIDS - Julio Montaner MD, FRCPC, FCCP, FACP, FRSC - Director BC-Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health Care - Professor of Medicine and Head, Division of AIDS, University of British Columbia - President, International AIDS Society - Spring HIV/Antiretroviral Update - June 11, 2010-2010-June 11- Guest - Spring HIV/Antiretroviral Update - Bradford McIntyre attended the bi-annual HIV/Antiretroviral Update on Friday, June 11, at the Sheraton Wall Centre, Vancouver, BC. This open educational event hosted by the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) featured expert presentations on a diverse range of HIV-related topics, including new antiretrovirals, management of addictions, men's health issues, TB and HIV, MRSA, and HIV and aging.
Vancouver, Canada

www.ubc.ca-2010-May 16- Tutorial Guest - GLBTQ Tutorial Guest Session - UBC Faculty of Medicine annual medical undergraduate plenary entitled Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Queer (GLBTQ) Issues session of the Doctor, Patient and Society Course (DPAS 410 Course). This session forms part of the Sexual Medicine portion of the curriculum for all First-year UBC Medical Students.
"Thank you so much for your generosity in responding to the request to be a community guest for the Lecture and Tutorial on May 16, 2012 "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Issues" for the Doctor Patient and Society course at the UBC Faculty of Medicine. We are honored to have you as a community guest." Madelene Klassen, DPAS 410 Program Assistant,Vancouver Fraser Medical Program MD Undergraduate Education, Faculty of Medicine, UBC.
Building Location: UBC Life Sciences Centre - 2350 Health Sciences Mall (at the corner of
Health Sciences Mall and Agronomy Road)
Date of session: Wednesday, May 12th, 2010
Lecture Details: 1:00 - 2:15 pm, in room LSC - 1
Lecture theatre: "LSC-1" in the Life Sciences Centre at UBC
Tutorial discussions: 2:30 - 4:00 pm
Session topic: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Issues
Session chair: Dr. Gail Knudson
Location: UBC Life Sciences Centre - 2350 Health Sciences Mall.
Vancouver, Canada

Conference Banner: 19th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research - May 13 - 16, 2010 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada - www.cahr2010.ca-2010-May 13-16- Conference Delegate - CAHR Community Scholarship Program - Bradford McIntyre, CAHR Community Scholarship recipient, attended the CAHR 2010: 19th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, May 13 - 16, 2010, held in Saskatoon to focus attention on the changing face of HIV/AIDS in this country. The theme of "New Challenges, New Commitments" reflects this new direction. With a membership of more than 750 researchers and others interested in HIV research, CAHR is the leading voice of Canadian HIV/AIDS researchers. CAHR organizes the Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR Conference).
CAHR Community Scholarships - To support community attendance and participation at the 19th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research - CAHR 2010. The CAHR Community Scholarship Program provides financial assistance and support for five individuals from across Canada and fifteen Registration Bursaries for Community Attendees from the Saskatchewan area.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Larissa Coser: Youth Injection Prevention (YIP) Project & Bradford McIntyre: Positively Positive - Living with HIV at CAHR 2010 Bradford McIntyre at CAHR 2010: 19th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

CAHR 2010 Certificate of Attendence - The Canadian Association for HIV Research certifies that Bradford McIntyre attended the 19th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV Research May 13 - 16, 2010Conference Banner: 19th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research - May 13 - 16, 2010 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada - www.cahr2010.ca-2010-May 15- Community Scholarship - CAHR Community Scholarship Program - CAHR AGM and Reception - Bradford McIntyre attended the The 19th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research - CAHR 2010 and the CAHR Annual General Meeting. At the AGM, Members meet and hear from Dr. William Cameron, CAHR President, Dr Brian Conway and Dr. Kurt Williams, CAHR 2010 Conference Co-Chairs, and CAHR Council on the activities of the Association, receive CAHR's finacial statement, and transact other business, including the appointment of auditor for the fiscal year 2011. Reception afterwards.
Room: Gallery A, Main Floor, TCU Place,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

www.cahr-acrv.ca-2010-May 15- Community Scholarship - CAHR Community Scholarship Program - Bradford McIntyre received a complimentary conference registration and a Membership in CAHR for the 2010 - 2011 year.
CAHR Community Scholarships - To support community attendance and participation at the 19th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research - CAHR 2010. The CAHR Community Scholarship Program provides financial assistance and support for five individuals from across Canada and fifteen Registration Bursaries for Community Attendees from the Saskatchewan area.
CAHR is an organization which represents Canadian HIV researchers in the disciplines of basic science, clinical science, epidemiology/public health and social science. It reflects their vision, speaks on their behalf and advocates for their interests. CAHR also works to promote excellence in research and collaboration among researchers. The Canadian Association of HIV Research was formed in 1991 and has evolved into a diverse Canada-wide organization which represents people who conduct HIV/AIDS research.
CAHR (Canadian Association of HIV Research) - ACRV (Association canadienne de recherche sur le VIH)

AccolAIDS 2010: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre, on the 18th day of April in the year 2010, to recognize your achievements in the area of Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award & Social/Political/Community Action. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.orgAccolAIDS 2010 - An awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC AIDS movement - www.bcpwa.org-2010-April 18- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2010 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2010, and received a Certificate of Nomination to recognize his achievement in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, and the Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award for his tireless work. AccolAIDS: An awards banquet honoring our heroes for achievements in the B.C. AIDS movement. The BC Persons With AIDS Society & ViiV Healthcare in partnership with Shire Canada present AccolAIDS 2010, an awards gala honouring our heroes in the BCAIDS movement.
AccolAIDS 2010 - Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award Recipient: Monique Desroches - Glyn Townson, BCPWA Chair - Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award Nominee: Bradford McIntyreAccolAIDS 2010 - Social/Political/Community Action Recipient: Micheal Vonn - Social/Political/Community Action Nominee: Bradford McIntyreThe AccolAIDS Awards honour the extraordinary achievements and dedication of organizations, businesses, groups and individuals responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in our province, and the thousands of British Columbians who are affected. Proceeds benefit vital programs and services provided by Positive Living BC.
AccolAIDS 2010: Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS 2010: Call for Nominations
British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society
Vancouver, Canada

www.cahr-acrv.ca-2010-March 31- Community Scholarship - CAHR Community Scholarship Program -
Dear Bradford McIntyre, on behalf of the Conference Organizing Committee of the 19th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, I am pleased to inform you that you have been awarded a Community Scholarship to attend the conference. CAHR - Canadian Association for HIV Research
Community Scholarships - To support community attendance and participation at the 2010 Conference, the CAHR Community Scholarship Program provides financial assistance and support for five individuals from across Canada and fifteen Registration Bursaries for Community Attendees from the Saskatchewan area.
Full Community Scholarships Awarded to:
Tyler Cuddahy
Mark Hanlon
Mel Hennan
Michael Liddell
Bradford McIntyre
The Canadian Association for HIV Research provides awards, scholarships, and registration support in order to promote research excellence, knowledge exchange, and mentoring within and across various communities of researchers and the broader HIV community.
Awards | CAHR
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

AccolAIDS 2010 - An awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC AIDS movement - www.bcpwa.org-2010-March 4- Nomination: AccolAIDS 2010 - "Dear Bradford McIntyre Congratulations! You have been nominated for an AccolAIDS Award. The AccolAIDS Advisory Panel has received a nomination in your name for outstanding contribution within the BC AIDS movement in the following award category area(s) of Social/Political/Community Action and, Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award." Zoran Stjepanovic, AccolAIDS Advisory Panel.
The BC Persons With AIDS Society & ViiV Healthcare in partnership with Shire Canada present AccolAIDS 2010.
Sunday, April 18th - 6PM - 10PM - Vancouver Convention Center
This year's 9th AccolAIDS Awards continues to honour the extraordinary achievements and dedication of organizations, businesses, groups and individuals responding to the AIDS epidemic in British Columbia, and the thousands of people living in BC who are affected.
AccolAIDS 2010 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS 2009 Call for nominations
British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society
Vancouver, Canada

Pat White & Bradford McIntyre, LifeSciences British Columbia Event - The Impact of Science & Innovation in the Evolving Global Health Paradigm - Gala Reception at Terminal City Club - Vancouver, BC, Canada-2010-February 26- GUEST - Bradford McIntyre attended The Impact of Science & Innovation on the Evolving Global Health Paradigm: HIV and AIDS - A Global Challenge of Olympic Proportion hosted by LifeSciences British Columbia; The British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; the International AIDS Society; and The University of British Columbia.
World Leaders in HIV/AIDS to Convene in Vancouver During Olympic Games
LifeSciences British Columbia Hosts World-Class Summit on HIV/AIDS During Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games
Vancouver, Canada

lifesciencesbc.ca www.iasociety.org bccfe.ca www.ubc.ca

www.hivlegalnetwork.ca-2010-January 13- Member - Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network -
"Dear Bradford McIntyre, Thank you for accepting our invitation to beome a member of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. For 16 years, the Legal Network has been one of the world's leading organizations working on HIV-related legal issues thanks to our members. Again, thank you for joining the Legal Network. We look forward to working with you to protect the rights of those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS." Lindsey Amèrica-Simms, Outreach Coordinator, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network (www.aidslaw.ca) promotes the human rights of people living with and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS,in Canada and internationally, through research, legal and policy analysis, education, and community mobilization.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Toronto, Canada

-2006 - 2009- HIV-Related Facial Lipoatrophy - Since 2006, Bradford McIntyre has worked and colaborated with individuals, groups and organizations in Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia, to educate the government, media and the public about HIV related Facial Lipoatrophy. This work includes lobbying government to recognize the need for facial reconstruction and health care coverage of the procedures. Both HIV, and the drugs which are used to to treat HIV/AIDS, cause facial wasting.
Global Network Television produced a documentary in 2007, on the topic of HIV related facial wasting. As a guest interview, Bradford McIntyre appeared in the documentary, discussing the facial reconstruction procedure he underwent on 2004. He wrote about his experience, HIV/AIDS Lipoatrophy - Before & After. Recently, Bradford has been interviewed and share his experience with the phychosocial effects of HIV related lipoatrophy and reconstruction treatment, in the BCPWA living+ magazine, January/February 2009 / Issue 58, Best face forward.
Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia

www.vidc.ca-2009-November 2- Study Participant (1 year) - BEAHIV: Behaviour and Attitudes in HIV - Protocal - R157753HIV4001 - A survey-based research study to compare the frequency of individual symptom reports by HIV-infected patients and their physicians at the same clinic visit.
The study will involve about 30 HIV physicians and aout 1200 patients from a number of different clinics across Canada
Principal Investigator: Brian Conway, MD, FRCPC,
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Theraputics,
University of British Columbia,
c/o Downtown Infectious Disease Clinic
Sponsor: Tibotec, a division of Janssen-Ortho Inc.
Vancouver, Canada

Day of Action End the US HIV Travel Ban - August 16, 2009. Surrey, BC, Canada.-2009-August 16- Rally Participant - Day of Action: End the US HIV Travel Ban - Bradford McIntyre, joined AIDS Activists from Buffalo to British Columbia, rallying against the United States HIV travel ban on HIV-Positive Immigrants and visitors, at the Peace Arch, a monument near the Canada and United States border.
"Mr. Obama, please lift this ban!" said Martin Rooney, an individual infected with HIV and dedicated to creating HIV and AIDS awareness locally and internationally. Martin Rooney was denied entry into the United States in 2007 because of his HIV status.
Charles King, President and CEO of Housing Works, NYC, who spoke at the rally said, " I want you to know that I was able to cross the border from the United States to Canada with my HIV medications in hand, without the slightest worry that I would be barred from entry. I am ashamed to say that it would not be the same if I were an HIV+ Canadian going in the other direction."
Bradford McIntyre, Rally to lift the US HIV travel ban, Aug 17, 2009. Credit: screengrab from video by Nathaniel ChristopherHIV/AIDS Advocate/Activist Bradford McIntyre said, "I have been HIV-positive for 25 years and I have not visited the United States since 1997 when I started antiretroviral drugs, because I refuse to lie to immigration officers at the border, hide my meds and risk my health!"
U.S. HIV Travel Ban
AIDS Activists Rally This Sunday To Support Lifting U.S. Ban On HIV-Positive Immigrants And Visitors
HIV Travel Ban Speech Delivered by Charles King
Rally to lift the US HIV travel ban
HIV-positive Canadian takes on U.S. travel ban
US lifts HIV/Aids immigration ban
Vancouver, Canada

Award: Proud! Out Loud! PositivelyPositive.ca web site of the week - www.gayvancouver.net-2009-July 1- Website Award: PositivelyPositive.ca - Proud! Out Loud! Award Winner - 2009.
"Thanks Bradford! For a number of years now Bradford McIntyre has been the moderator and driving force behind our HIV/AIDS forums. But what some may not know, Bradford also operates his own award worthy website - PositivelyPositive.ca - which is chalk full of articles and other HIV/AIDS information." Gay Vancouver.
Every few weeks, GayVancouver.Net (Gay Vancouver Online) finds or receives a nomination for some great websites in Vancouver and around the world. Each of these sites are awarded with our Proud! Out Loud! Website of the Week. We hope you find these sites just as interesting, thought-provoking or just plain fun as we do.
Gay Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

-2009-May 6- Tutorial Guest - GLBTQ Tutorial Guest Session - UBC Faculty of Medicine. Bradford McIntyre particpated as a tutorial guest during the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Queer (GLBTQ) Issues session of the Doctor, Patient and Society Course (DPAS 410 Course).
Location: Lecture theatre "LSC-1" in the Life Sciences Centre at UBC.
Lecturers: Dr. Gail Knudson, Dr. Aaron Devor, and Dr. Laura Chapman.
UBC Life Sciences Centre - 2350 Health Sciences Mall.
"Thank you for agreeing to participate as a tutorial guest during the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgenedered and Queer Issues session of the DPAS 410 course. This session forms part of the Sexual Medicine portion of the curriculum for all First-year UBC Medical Students.Thank you once again for giving our students the opportunity to speak with you and learn from you; your experience and insights add valuable dimension to their education that is impossible to capture in any other way. Thank you once aqain for participating in the program. Your involvement contributes significantly towards education of our medical students, and we greatly appreciate your time and willingness to speak candidly with our students." Erin Hohmann, DPAS 410 Program Assistant, MD Undergrauate Education, Faculty of Medicine, UBC.
Vancouver, Canada

AccolAIDS 2009: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 19th day of Aprilin the year 2009, to recognize your achievements in the areas of  Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award, Social/Political/Community Action & Unsung Hereos Award. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.orgBradford McIntyre, AccolAIDS 2009 Nominee.-2009-April 19- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2009 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2009, and received a Certificate of Nomination to recognize his achievement in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, the Kevin Brown PWA Hero and Unsung Hereos for his tireless work.
"Dear Mr McIntyre, Congratulations! Your nomination at the 2009 AccolAIDS awards gala deserves much praise. To be recognized as outstanding by your fellow peers and colleagues is an extraordinary achievement.The 8th Annual AccolAIDS Awards Gala honoured you as a hero for your achievements within the BC AIDS movement. Your dedication and inovative work demonstrates your commitment to the BC AIDS movement and in turn your hard work has made you one of these heroes. On behalf of the all the members of the AccolAIDS Advisory and Nominations Panel, I want to offer my congratulations." Dena Ellery, AccolAIDS Nominations Advisory Panel.
AccolAIDS 2009 - the 8th annual AccolAIDS awards gala took place in the elegant Pacific Ballroom at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. More than $102,000 raised! This recognition and fundraising event honoured outstanding achievements of individuals and organizations working in the BC AIDS movement.
AccolAIDS 2009 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Nominees & Recipients 2002 to 2009
AccolAIDS 2009 call for nominations
British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society
Vancouver, Canada

living+ magazine - Positive Living Society of British Columbia - positivelivingbc.orgBradford McIntyre, received reconstructive treatment for Lipoatrphy (facial wasting) to rejuvenate his face, in 2004. Photo Credit: Jacqueline Turpin-2009-January/February- Interview - Best face forward - living+ magazine - January/February 2009/Issue 58 - Jennifer Tsui talks with Bradford McIntyre about HIV/AIDS Facial Wasting (Facial Lipoatrophy), and the reconstructive treatment Bradford underwent to rejuvenate his face.
"This isn't about beauty or vanity, it's about correcting a problem caused by HIV and the drugs used to treat it. It's like getting something back that was taken away from you." Bradford McIntyre
Best face forward
Four people share their experiences with the psychosocial effects of facial lipoatrophy and reconstructive treatment.
One of the most prominent and challenging side effects associated with HIV is lipoatrophy–a condition that causes erratic fat production of cells and the unequal distribution of fat in the body. Manifestations of lipoatrophy can vary from excessive accumulation of fat around the abdomen to severe fat and muscle wasting in the arms, legs, buttocks, and face.
living+ magazine is a publication of the British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society.
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, Vancouver, Canada - Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984... Where's The Cure?. wherewsthecure.amfar.orgamfAR WHERE'S THE CURE Callout - SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO - DEMAND THE RESEARCH TO FIND THE CURE - wherewsthecure.amfar.org-2009-January- Photo Project Participant - Where's The Cure - Bradford McIntyre particiapated by submitting a photo in amfAR's photo project, "Where's the Cure?" is the question. "Where's the Cure?" isn't just another online photo contest, its designed to send a real, tangible message and make a real impact.
amfAR AIDS Research
Vancouver, Canada

2008-April 28- Filipa de Souza Award Nominee - International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC). Bradford McIntyre, Filipa de Souza Award Nominee. International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission gives the annual Felipa de Souza Award, to a human rights activist or an organization.
2008 Felipa de Souza awardees: Innacio Rivera Duart of Chile and the Iranian Queer Organization.
"Please accept our praise and respect for your incedible work." Paula L. Ettelbrick, Executive Director, IGLHRC.
OutRight Action International (formerly the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission)
New York, NY, USA

AccolAIDS 2008: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 13th day of April in the year 2008, to recognize your achievements in the area of Social/Political/Community Action, Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award & Above & Beyond. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.org-2008-April 13- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2008 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2008, and received a Certificate of Nomination to recognize his achievement in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, the Kevin Brown PWA Hero and Above and Beyond for his tireless work.
"Dear Mr McIntyre, Congratulations! Your nomination at the 2008 AccolAIDS awards gala deserves much praise. To be recognized as outstanding by your fellow peers and colleagues is an extraordinary achievement. On behalf of the AccolAIDS Advisory and Nominations Panel, I want to offer my congratualtions. The Certificate of Nomination is our way of honouring your contributions to those lives you have touched, and the very important part you are playing in the BC AIDS community. Again, congratualtions" Kat Biondi, On Behalf of the AccolAIDS Nominations & Advisory Panel
AccolAIDS Awards 2008 - The 7th Annual AccolAIDS Awards honour the extraordinary achievements and dedication of organizations, businesses, groups and individuals responding to the AIDS epidemic in British Columbia, and the thousands of people living in BC who are affected.
AccolAIDS 2008 Nominees & Recipients
HIV Super Heroes Honoured at 7th Annual AccolAIDS Gala
AccolAIDS Awards 2008
British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society
Vancouver, Canada

-2007-August- LAUNCH: Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS News. In 2007, Bradford McIntyre launched an HIV/AIDS News page on www.PositivelyPositive.ca.
Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS News: is an ongoing project and requires collaboration on a daily basis through e-mail and telephone discussions with individuals, media, governments and organizations worldwide. These informative connections allow Bradford to include their timely news items, press releases, workshops, campaigns, and upcoming conferences and events on his news page providing HIV and AIDS News from around the world.
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, volunteered to have an INSTI® Kit HIV-1 Antibody Testing INSTI® Kit HIV-1 Antibody Test, HIV Diagnosis in 60 Seconds, at bioLytical Laboratories mobile testing unit to illustrate the ease of the HIV-1 antibody test. TestYourCommitmentAlison Lawton - HIV/AIDS Mobile Testing campaign - TestYourCommitment - INSTI® Kit Kit - bioLytical Laboratories Inc. - biolytical.combiolytical.com-2007-August 10- Demonstration Volunteer: INSTI® Kit HIV-1 Antibody Test - Special guests: Alison Lawton, Chair, UNICEF Canada Unite For Children, Unite Against Aids, sport figures Geoff Courtnall and Pat Quinn, and Bradford McIntyre who is living with HIV; all volunteered for INSTI® Kit HIV-1 Antibody Test demonstrations to illustrate the ease of the HIV-1 antibody test.
bioLytical Laboratories HIV/AIDS Mobile Testing campaign Test Your Commitment - INSTI® Kit HIV-1 Antibody Test - HIV diagnosis results in 60 seconds - bioLytical Laboratories - biolytical.comAt 60 seconds for a reading, INSTI® Kit is the fastest HIV diagnostic assay in the world today. HIV test demonstrations using bioLytical Laboratories INSTI® Kit - HIV diagnosis in 60 seconds; at the launch of bioLytical Laboratories HIV/AIDS Mobile Testing campaign TestYourCommitment in Vancouver, British Columbia.
bioLytical® Laboratories Inc. based in Richmond, BC, Canada is a privately-owned Canadian Company federally incorporated in 2002.
HIV test results in 60 seconds
bioLytical® Laboratories
Vancouver, Canada

INSTI® Kit Test Demonstration:
Bradford McIntyre volunteered to have an INSTI® Kit HIV-1 Antibody Test,
using INSTI® Kit HIV-1 Antibody Test. HIV Diagnosis in 60 Seconds.

Bradford McIntyre, demonstration volunteer, at bioLytical Laboratories HIV/AIDS Mobile Testing campaign TestYourCommitment - bioLytical Laboratories - biolytical.com Bradford McIntyre, demonstration volunteer, Pre-INSTI Kit HIV-1 Antibody Test Councelling - bioLytical Laboratories - biolytical.com INSTI® Kit HIV-1 Antibody Test. HIV Diagnosis in 60 Seconds - bioLytical Laboratories - biolytical.com Bradford McIntyre, demonstration volunteer, INSTI Kit HIV-1 Antibody Test. HIV Diagnosis in 60 Seconds. bioLytical Laboratories - biolytical.com

SHARED VISION Magazine Cover - shared-vision.com A Brave Face Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive by Jaime Kowal - SHARED VISION Magazine - July 2007 - Shared-Vision.com-2007-July- Interview: SVVisionary - Featured in the July issue of Shared-Vision: A Brave Face Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive by Candice Martins - Bradford McIntyre featured in the July issue of Shared Vision magazine. Photo by Jaime Kowal.
"Each month the readers and editors of SHARED Vision select extraordinary individuals from across our community who, through their courage, vision, and commitments, are pointing the way toward hope and solutions. We call them "Visionaries." Candice Martins, SHARED Vision Magazine.
SHARED VISION July issue Visionaries:
Pivot Legal's Katrina Pacey; Bradford McIntyre of Positively Positive; Edible Planet's Marilyn Kopansky; and Gordon Price of the SFU City Program.
Shared Vision magazine was a health and wellness publication based out of Vancouver, British Columbia. It ceased publishing in 2008.
A Brave Face Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive
Vancouver, Canada

-2007-July- Reviewer | Fact Sheet - How does disclosure affect HIV prevention? why is disclosure important in HIV?- University of California San Francisco
Prepared by: Robert H. Remien and Mark Bradley HIV Center for Clinical & Behavioral Studies, NY State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University July 2007. Fact Sheet #64E.
Special thanks to the following reviewers of this fact sheet:
Mark Cichocki, Joe Imbriani, Phebe Lam, Jennifer Lewis, Bradford McIntyre, Bob Munk, Michael Paquette, Tom Patterson, Steve Pinkerton, Jane Simoni, Jef St De Lore, David Vance, John K. Williams.
How does disclosure affect HIV prevention? why is disclosure important in HIV?
Vancouver, Canada

Jaime Kowal & Bradford McIntyre Bradford McIntyre photographed by Jaime Kowal (www.jaimekowal.com)for the July issue of SHARED VISION Magazine-2007-June 1- Photograph | SHARED VISION Magazine: Bradford McIntyre photographed by Jaime Kowal, for a feature story about Bradford in the July issue of SHARED VISION Magazine.
Jaime Kowal: Professional Photographer and Author of Award Winning Waking Up the West Coast: Healers and Visionaries. Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Jaime Kowal travels frequently and photographs for editorial and advertising clients all around the world.
Vancouver, Canada

Face Forward Foundation Exhibit Photos of Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV: Before & After Facial Reconstruction for facial lipoatrophy in 2004, at the 16th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research - April 26 - 29, 2007, Toronto, Canada.-2007-April 26-29- Volunteer - Manning the Face Forward Foundation Exhibit - 16th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research - Bradford McIntyre (Vancouver) in Toronto manning the Face Forward Foundation Exhibit at the 16th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research held in the Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario.
Canadian Association for HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR)
The Face Forward Foundation: is a non-profit organization created to help people effectively manage both the physical aspects, such as lipoatrophy or facial wasting, and emotional effects of the HIV/AIDS illness. Face Forward provides resources and solutions in an effort to improve self-image and confidence.
The Face Forward Foundation is honoured to facilitate a treatment Subsidy Program to those individuals who are in need of facial aesthetic restoration and cannot afford it. We recognize how important this restorative treatment is, and together with our sponsors (Polymekon, Pur Medical Corp, Medicard) and the treating physicians, we work to ensure its accessibility to those living with HIV and afflicted with facial lipoatrophy.
Toronto, Canada

AccolAIDS 2007: this Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 22nd day of April in the year 2007, to recognize your achievements in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award & Unsung Heroes Award. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.org-2007-April 22- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2007 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2007, and received a Certificate of Nomination to recognize his achievement in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, the Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award and Unsung Heroes Award for his tireless work.
"Dear Bradford, Congratulations! Your nomination at the 2007 AccolAIDS awards gala deserves much praise. To be recognized as outstanding by your fellow peers and colleagues is an extraordinary achievement. On behalf of all the members of the AccolAIDS Advisory and Nominations Panel, I want to offer my congratulations. By honouring your dedication and hard work, you have aided us even further in helping those persons who live with HIV and AIDS. The Certificate of Nomination is our way of honouring your contributions to those whose lives you have touched, and the very important part you are playing in the BC AIDS community." Dena Ellery, On Behalf of the AccolAIDS Nominations & Advisory Panel
AccolAIDS Awards 2007 - The 6th Annual AccolAIDS Awards: honour the extraordinary achievements and dedication of organizations, businesses, groups and individuals responding to the AIDS epidemic in British Columbia, and the thousands of people living in BC who are affected.
AccolAIDS 2007 Nominees & Recipients
Web Archive AccolAIDS Nominees and Recipients: 2002 - 2006
British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society
Vancouver, Canada

insightfilm.com-2007-February 7- Guest Interview | Insight Film Studios - Bradford McIntyre on Insight Film Studios hit documentary series Vanity Insanity on Global Television Network.
Facial Wasting: Dr Francis Beninger, Plastic Surgeon (Toronto), performs Bio-AlcamidT procedure on lipoatrophy patient James Wood (Toronto) and interview with Bradford McIntyre ( Vancouver) about facial lipoatrophy and the Bio-Alcamid treatment Bradford underwent in 2004 for HIV/AIDS related facial wasting.
"About 80% of people that are on the antiretroviral therapies will develop lipoatrophy. I've been HIV+ for 22 years. The last dozen years, I have been very active in creating awareness involved in HIV and AIDS awareness. Many people are aware of that gaunt, drawn look in the face and especially within the gay community having had so many people in Vancouver who came down with AIDS." Bradford McIntyre.
VIEW VIDEO CLIP ( 2 min.) - (from the original half hour documentary)
Vanity Insanity is a compelling half hour documentary series that explores the phenomenon of real individuals documentary series returns for its second season with 26 new half-hour episodes. Vanity Insanity is produced by Insight Film Studios in association with Global Television and Canal Vie.
Vancouver, Canada

-2006-October 22- Guest Speaker - Positive Gathering 06 - Workshop: Coverage for Reconstructive Surgery in BC - Towards An Action Plan.
Workshop: Coverage for Reconstructive Surgery in BC - Towards An Action Plan. This workshop provides an overview of what advocacy efforts are taking place in other parts of Canada to ensure HIV+ individuals in need of reconstructive surgery for facial lipoatrophy have access to insurance and advocate for insured coverage in B.C.
Bobby MacKinnon
and Zoran Stjepanovic (Treatment Information & Advocacy - BCPWA)
Sandy Lambert, Brad McGuigan, and Bradford McIntyre.
British Columbia Positive Gathering 2006 - a conference for and by HIV+ British Columbians.
Theme - From Decade to Decade: Living Life Well.
The Positive Gathering is a community-based conference presented by a committee of ten AIDS organizations from across the province: ANKORS, AIDS Vancouver, BC Persons With AIDS Society, Vancouver Friends for Life Society, Pacific AIDS Network, Positive Living North, Positive Women's Network, Vancouver Island PLWHA Society, Wings Housing and YouthCO AIDS Society.
The Positive Gathering 2006 Conference is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada's AIDS Community Action Program.
Vancouver, Canada

-2006-October 20 - 22- Conference Delegate - Positive Gathering 06 - is a three-day conference developed for and by HIV-positive British Columbians. Peer-delivered interactive workshops allow HIV-positive people to learn from each other in a safe, open and supportive environment.
Theme - From Decade to Decade: Living Life Well.
The 2006 Positive Gathering is a community-based conference presented by a committee of ten AIDS organizations from across the province: ANKORS, AIDS Vancouver, BC Persons With AIDS Society, Friends for Life, Pacific AIDS Network, Positive Living North, Positive Women's Network, Vancouver Island PLWHA Society , Wings Housing and YouthCO AIDS Society.
The Positive Gathering 06 Conference is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada's AIDS Community Action Program.
Vancouver, Canada

vancouver.citynews.ca/index.jsp-2006-September 25- Interview - News 1130 - All News Radio - Ottawa is axing medicinal marijuana research - Katherine Kitts, (Reporter - News 1130 - All News Radio) talks with Bradford McIntyre concerning the effect the government's announcement today to eliminate the $4 million medical marijuana research program that tested the impact of pot on ill Canadians will have on people living with HIV and AIDS and other diseases.
"Mcintyre says it will effect not only those who live with HIV, but also MS and other diseases. He added it's a resource that's become another alternative for those living in pain." Katherine Kitts, News 1130
Vancouver, Canada

www.insightfilm.com-2006-August 24- Interview - Linda Sanche, (Story Producer - Insight Film Studios) interviews Bradford McIntyre about facial Lipoatrophy and the Bio-Alcamid treatment procedure Bradford underwent for HIV/AIDS related facial wasting. Air date: 2007.
Vancouver, Canada

Insight Film Studios film crew setting up for interview with Bradford McIntyre. August 24, 2006.
Photo: Linda Sanche: Story Producer - Insight Film Studios,
interview with Bradford McIntyre, HIV-positive since 1984.

Brochure: Bio-Alcamid for Facial LipoatrophyBio-Alcamid Brochure - Bio-Alcamid Brochure photo of Bradford McIntyre, actual patient.-2006-August- Brochure Cover Photo - Bradford McIntyre Actual Patient - (Pur Medical Corporation) - Bio-Alcamid for Facial Lipoatrophy Brochure. Cover Photo: Actual Patient, Bradford McIntyre, Vancouver, Founder of www.positivelypositive.ca, photo by Jacqueline Turpin, MPA (Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation). Pur Medical Corporation is the Canadian distributor of Bio-Alcamid. Bio-Alcamid is exceptional news to men and women suffering from Lipoatrophy, the disfiguring condition that is often a result of the antiretroviral drugs used to treat HIV infection and AIDS.
"Many individuals living with HIV and AIDS have often overcome bouts of illness but the side effects of the medications have resulted in deep facial scars, which affect their self-image physically and mentally. This will contribute to their hardship and ill health! We need government to recognize the severity of the problem and treat Lipoatrophy like that of the restoration treatments patients with cancer receive. Lipoatrophy is a direct result of the medications to treat HIV infection. To remedy the problem, the procedure needs to be covered under Health Care." Bradford McIntyre

AIDS 2006 Conference delegate Bradford McIntyre (HIV+ since 1984), & The Honourable Jack Layton, Leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada, at AIDS 2006 Opening Ceremonies (Rogers Centre), Toronto, Canada. August 13, 2006.www.aids2006.org-2006-August 13-18- Conference Delegate - Scholarship - AIDS 2006 - Canadian Scholarship Programme - XVI International AIDS Conference - Bradford McIntyre attended the XVI International AIDS Conference, August 13 - 18, 2006, Toronto.
Photo Gallery - AIDS 2006
Photographs by Bradford McIntyre, while in Toronto attending AIDS 2006 XVI International AIDS Conference - August 13 - 18, 2006, Toronto, Canada.
Photo Gallery - AIDS 2006: Page 1
Photo Gallery - AIDS 2006: Page 2
Toronto, Canada.

AIDS 2006: Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, standing beside his 8 ft. Poster Portrait at the Canada Booth Ehibit - Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS - XVI International AIDS Conference - August 13-18, 2006, Toronto, CanadaAIDS 2006: Canada Booth - Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS, 8ft. Poster Portrait of Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV. Poster caption: In 1985, I was told by my doctor to arrange my finances and funeral; I had six months to live. Exhibition Hall - XVI International AIDS Conference - August 13-18, 2006, Toronto, Canada.-2006-August 13-18- Interview/Photograph/Video Graph - Bradford McIntyre, participated in a multi-media presentation comprised of people living with HIV and AIDS from across the country providing a current view and a human FACE to HIV/AIDS in Canada in 2006, at the Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS - Government of Canada Booth in Exhibition Hall at XVI International AIDS Conference - August 13 - 18, 2006, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The Government of Canada Booth, Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS in the Exhibition Hall at the XVI International AIDS Conference was comprised of 8 ft. Posters as backdrops; photographs of people living with HIV and AIDS from across the country who were interviewed and photographed. Canada Booth Posters and a Video Presentation of participants provided a current view and a human FACE to HIV/AIDS in Canada in 2006.Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS - www.leadingtogether.ca
Photo: (1) AIDS 2006: Canada Booth - Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS, 8ft. Poster Portrait of Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, providing a current view and a human FACE to HIV/AIDS in Canada in 2006. Exhibition Hall - XVI International AIDS Conference - August 13 - 8, 2006, Toronto, Canada.
Poster caption: "In 1985, I was told by my doctor to arrange my finances and funeral; I had six months to live."
Photo:(2) Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, standing beside the 8 ft. poster portrait of himself, at the Canada Booth - Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS, at the AIDS 2006: XVI International AIDS Conference, August 13-18, 2006.
"Dear Bradford; Jackie and I wanted to thank you for having given us the opportunity to showcase you at the conference. I was so happy that we got to watch it together and that we got to see your expression when you did finaly see the finished product. We got such incredible reviews from all who viiewed the video and the exhibit itself. We were told that people felt it was the nicest, most compelling exhibit, one that really drew you inside to see what it was all about. Thank you my friend for helping us make this happen. Do take care my friend and till we meet again, Safe journey," Lise D. Turpin, The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation.
Photo Gallery AIDS 2006: Canada Booth -Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS.
Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS (2005 - 2010)
Launch of Renewed 'Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS'
Toronto, Canada

Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS - Canada Booth theatre at the XVI International AIDS Conference - 2006Photo: AIDS 2006: Lise and Jacqueline Turpin, standing beside 8 ft. Poster Portrait of Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, providing a human FACE to HIV/AIDS in Canada in 2006. Exhibition Hall at the XVI International AIDS Conference, August 13 - 18, 2006, Toronto, Canada.
Photos: (1) AIDS 2006: Canada Booth Theatre - Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS
           (2) AIDS 2006: Lise and Jacqueline Turpin, standing beside 8 ft. Poster Portrait of Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, providing a human FACE to HIV/AIDS in Canada in 2006. Exhibition Hall at the XVI International AIDS Conference, August 13 - 18, 2006, Toronto, Canada.

Canadian HIV/AIDS Resources: 2006 Edition [CD-ROM] - Multi Media CD ROM including Video Presentation - The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)-2006-June 15- Interview / Photograph / Video Graph - Jacqueline Turpin, MPA, (www.snowyowl.org) interviewed Bradford McIntyre for a multi-media presentation comprised of people living with HIV and AIDS from across the country providing a current view and a human FACE to HIV/AIDS in Canada in 2006. Contracted and developed by The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) in conjunction with Perfection Communications Inc.
VIDEO: Leading_Together-Canada_Takes_Action_on_HIVAIDS.mov
"The objective was to capture real Canadian stories to put a face to HIV and AIDS through photographs, video footage and testimonials. The only way to achieve this was to get out there and see first hand how HIV and AIDS is affecting all Canadians." Lise Turpin, Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation
The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) Video Presentation to run during the AIDS 2006: XVI International AIDS Conference August 13 - 17, 2006 in the Government of Canada Booth - Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS - in the Exhibition Hall. Conference delegates visiting the Canada Booth will receive a Canadian HIV/AIDS Resources 2006 Edition [CD-Rom].
"Dear Bradford McIntyre, on Behalf of the Canadian Public Health Association, Perfection Communications Inc. and the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation, we would like to take this opportunity to to extend our heart felt appreciation for your individual contribution to increasing awareness regarding how Canadians are coping with or helping in the fight against HIV/AIDS. With your help, we were able to provide a snapshot into the lives of a few brave Canadian citizens and showcase this footage at Canada's Exhibit during the XVI International AIDS Conference in Toronto Canada.
Thank you for courageously sharing your time and stories in an effort to assist all Canadians to continue to take critical steps forward in addressing HIV/AIDS here in Canada."
Carol Bull, President, Perfection Communications Inc.
Toronto, Canada

Canadian HIV/AIDS Resources: 2006 Edition [CD-ROM] - Multi Media CD ROM including Video Presentation
Canadian HIV/AIDS Resources: 2006 Edition [CD-ROM]
The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) Video Presentation - HIV/AIDS in Canada 2006
This CD-ROM of Canadian resources on HIV/AIDS was compiled by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Information Centre and was distributed at the Canada Booth during the XVI International AIDS Conference,
Toronto, Canada, August 13-17, 2006.

www.townsendletter.com-2006-June- Positively Positive - Townsend Letter - AIDS HIV Web Sites (June 2006) - Web Page Potpourri by Marjorie Roswell: A column devoted to informative integrative health resources on the internet. (Page48).
HIV/AIDS - Section 1: HIV/AIDS and Nutrition
Positively Positive

"In 1984, Bradford McIntyre was told to prepare his affairs, that he'd be dead in six months from AIDS. Twenty-two years later, he's still here, sharing the keys to his health: a combination of plant sterols, live foods, supplements, intravenous vitamins and minerals (including vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, and selenium), meditation, exercise, visualization, reiki, prayer, along with selected mainstream medicines. He launched the web site, Positively Positive, in 2003. Don't miss the videos and his thoughtful essays on HIV." Marjorie Roswell, Townsend Letter
Port Townsend, Washington, U.S. A.

AccolAIDS 2006: This Certificate of Nomonation is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 7th day of May  in the year 2006, to recognize your achievements in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action Award, Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award and Above & Beyond. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.org-2006-May 7- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2006 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2006, and received a Certificate of Nomination to recognize his achievement in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award and Above & Beyond.
"Dear Bradford, Congratulations. Your nomination at the 2006 AccolAIDS awards event deserves much praise. To be recognized as outstanding by your fellow peers and colleagues is an extraordinary achievement. The AccolAIDS Advisory and Nomination committee received a nomination in your name for your outstanding contribution within the BC AIDS movement in the award catagory areas of: Social/Political/Community Action Award, Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award and Above & Beyond. The Certificate of Nomination is our way of honouring your contributions to those whose lives you have touched, and the very important part you are playing in the BC AIDS community." Dena Ellery, Director of Develpoment (for the AccolAIDS Advisory and Nomination Committee), British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society (Name changed to Positive Living Society Of British Columbia).
AccolAIDS: an awards banquet honouring heroes in the BC AIDS movement. Sun - May 07 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Pan Pacific Hotel.
AccolAIDS 2006 Nominees & Recipients
Web Archive AccolAIDS Nominees and Recipients: 2002 - 2006
British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, one of the first Canadian lipoatrophy patients to receive a facial wasting restoration procedure in 2004.-2006-February 7- Guest: CBC Radio Early Edition - CBC Radio Early Edition radio host Rick Cluff interview with Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive, HIV+ since 1984; one of the first Canadian lipoatrophy patients to receive a facial wasting restoration procedure using Bio-AlcamidT, and Dr. Andrew B. Denton, MD FRCSC Facial Plastic Surgeon.
CBC Radio Early Edition radio host Rick Cluff interview with Bradford McIntyre (AUDIO file): HIV/AIDS Facial Wasting/Lipoatrophy and the facial restoration procedure using Bio-Alcamid approved by Health Canada for individuals living with HIV and AIDS.
"Bradford McIntyre knows only to well what it is like living with a facial disfigurement, the HIV medications he took left him with severely sunken cheeks and so he too is a bit of a pioneer in facial reconstruction and Dr. Andrew Denton is a plastic surgeon and their both here with us in the studio." Rick Cluff.
Audio file: CBC Radio Early Edition radio host Rick Cluff interview with Bradford McIntyre.
Bio-Alcamid approved by Health Canada
Face Forward Foundation: Subsidy Program
Vancouver, Canada

THE POSITIVE SIDE - FALL/WINTER 2005, Volume 7 Issue 2 - www.positiveside.ca BRADFORD McINTYRE, 53, AIDS awareness educator, Vancouver. Diagnosed with HIV: 1984 - The Positive Side - Chatty CATIE-2005-December 16- Interview: The Positive Side - Bradford McIntyre featured in THE POSITIVE SIDE Chatty CATIE - FALL/WINTER 2005 Volume 7 Issue 2.
Chatty CATIE: Doctor Who? Interviews by RonniLyn Pustil
"Do you swear by your naturopathic doctor? Would you go mad if your psychotherapist retired? Is your massage therapist the best thing since sliced bread? We asked five PHAs: Who, besides your HIV doc, is your most valued health care provider? Read all about the “other” health professionals in their lives." RonniLyn Pustil
RonniLyn Pustil interviews 5 PHAs:
BILL BRETHOUR, Receptionist at CPAVIH, Montreal
DARRELL MARTIN, Artist, New Glasgow,
Nova Scotia
ROD MICHANO, Public speaker/HIV educator, Toronto
RANDY SAMPERT, Chairperson of Living Positive, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta
BRADFORD McINTYRE, 53, AIDS awareness educator, Vancouver.
"Recognizing the ability of the body to heal has prompted many people to choose a naturopath. My ND has played an important role in addressing diarrhea, nausea, neuropathy, irritated skin and rashes, wasting, fatigue, loss of appetite, and immune suppression. With the aid of homeopathic remedies and vitamin replacement therapies provided by my ND, I have successfully boosted my immune system, reduced drug side effects and increased the efficacy of the HIV drugs. The neuropathy and my quality of life have improved in numerous ways!" Bradford McIntyre.
THE POSITIVE SIDE - Health and Wellness Magazine for People Living with HIV- created by the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE). For more information on CATIE visit www.catie.ca
Toronto, Canada

-2005-December 1- Participant: Bells 4 AIDS (Bells4aids.org) - The Jerusalem AIDS Project - A MILLION BELLS RINGING ON DECEMBER 1 – World AIDS Day! An Israeli initiative to mark World AIDs Day. Over a million people worldwide are expected to ring a bell for at least 60 seconds at 8:00pm GMT to raise HIV/AIDS awareness. Bradford McIntyre, of Vancouver, will be one of those taking part.
"I will be here at home ringing a bell at 12:00 noon Pacific time on World AIDS Day," he told ISRAELI21c.
"The Bell is Ringing" is a grassroots initiative of concerned individuals, who decided to mobilize communities and individuals from around the world to join a united effort to raise awareness to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. We call on every woman, man or child in our world to ring a bell for 60 seconds on Thursday, December 1, 2005, the World AIDS Day of 2005.
Vancouver, Canada

vancouver.citynews.ca-2005-November 30 & December 1- Interview: Guest on News 1130: All News Radio - Bradford McIntyre talks about World AIDS Day and The Bell is Ringing campaign. Bells ringing for World Aids Day (Bells4aids.org) campaign on News 1130: All News Radio.
"It's hoped that a million bells will be ringing on earth on Thursday for World Aids Day. "The Bell is Ringing Initiave" started in Isreal and Bradford McIntyre is bringing it to the Lower Mainland.Bradford McIntyre is bringing Bells ringing for World Aids Day to the Lower Mainland. McIntyre has been living with HIV since 1984 and he says millions of people die every year. He says he wants to send out the messge that we are connected and see past fear and anger to see that we are all here on the planet to love and take care of each other." Adam Donaldson, News 1130: All News Radio
News 1130 has Western Canada's largest radio newsroom.
Vancouver, Canada

-2005-November 29- Guest Interview: CJSF Radio 90.1 FM - Special programming for World AIDS DAY. The Nile Higgins Higgins half hour interview with Bradford McIntyre includes: discussion on HIV and AIDS, The Ring a Bell Campaign, World AIDS Day (Bells4aids.org) campaign event, and Bradford's personal experience living with HIV/AIDS (Pre recorded for air on World AIDS Day, Dec.1st 2005).
CJSF Radio 90.1 FM - Simon Fraser University's campus/community radio
broadcasts from the Burnaby mountain campus of Simon Fraser University at 90.1 FM to most of Greater Vancouver, from Langley to Point Grey and from the North Shore to the US Border. It is also available on 93.9 FM cable in the communities of SFU, Burnaby, New Westminister, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Surrey and Delta, in British Columbia Canada and through MP3 streaming.
Vancouver, Canada

Relay Magazine - Photo: Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive - HIV+ for 20 years.Relay Magazine - THE FACTS ABOUT HIV + YOU - July/August 2005 - Cover - Center Photo - Bradford McIntyre - www.relaymagazine.com-2005-July/August- Featured in Relay Magazine -The Facts About HIV + You. Vol. 1. No. 3. Summer 2005 - On the Cover - Positively positive: HIV+ for 20 years, Bradford McIntyre tells his story.
"People need to see others living with HIV who are not afraid to disclose, in order to move away from fear". Page 14- Bradford McIntyre in Vancouver shares his story
"Dear Brad, Parkhurst and the co-editors would like to thank you for your valuable contribution to the third issue of RELAY. It was great working with you and I believe your article will help people living HIV/AIDS be positively positive and that there are many things they can do to empower themselves." Johanna Okker, Managing Editor, Parkhurst.
Relay magazine is published 4 times a year by Parkhurst Publishing Ltd. Proudly sponsored by Abbott Virology
Montreal, Quebec.

My Digs by Carla Gillis - Sixth-floor one-bedroom apartment with cozy deck - Occupants: Bradford McIntyre, promoter of HIV/AIDS awareness, PositivelyPositive.ca  & Deni Daviau, Hairstylist. Westender - Lifestyle Section - WestEnder - www.westender.com - June 2, 2005. My Digs by Carla Gillis - Featuring the home of Bradford McIntyre (right )& Deni Daviau (Left); sixth-floor one-bedroom apartment with cozy deck. Photo by Doug Shanks - WestEnder - www.westender.com -  June 2, 2005.-2005-June 2- Interview - My Digs - Lifestyle Section - WestEnder.com (now Vancouver Courier) - Featuring the home of Bradford McIntyre, promoter of HIV/AIDS awareness (PositivelyPositive.ca) and Deni Daviau, Hair Stylist. Carla Gillis talks with Bradford McIntyre and Deni Daviau in their West End home; what they've done with their digs, and what they dig about their 'hood (neighbourhood).
"Bradford McIntyre and Deni Daviau have made maximum decorating use of their West End apartment." Carla Gillis.
"Everything is close by, like groceries. And I work downtown so it takes me only 15 minutes to get there." Deni Daviau, Hair Stylist.
"We love the West End mini market, the garage sales. When you have Stanley Park and the beach, the whole neightbourhood is like living in a park. Friends for Life is just on the next corner, which is a place for people living with a life-threatening illness. BCPWA (now Positive Living BC) and AIDS Vancouver are available to me for support if I need it. Its also convenient for volunteering." Bradford McIntyre, HIV/AIDS Advocate.
My Digs by Carla Gillis
Vancouver, Canada

LOGO: Face Forward Foundation: Bold Action and Clear Solutions for Living with HIV-2005-May 12 - 14- Exhibitor - 14th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Bradford McIntyre, Face Forward Foundation Director, manning the Face Forward Foundation Exhibit with Christie Gorrie (Face Forward Foundation Founder and Managing Director) at the 14th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research held in Vancouver, B.C.
Canadian Association for HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR)
Vancouver, Canada

Face Forward Foundation: Bold Action and Clear solutions for Living with HIV - Dedicated to helping people living with HIV manage the appearance&ndash;related side effects of the virus and its treatment. Face Forward provides resources and solutions in an effort to improve self-image and confidence.
Toronto, Canada

AccolAIDS 2005: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 24th day of April in the year 2005 and in the area(s) of Kevin Brown PWA Hero , Social/Political/Community Action Award & Other. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.org-2005-April 24- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2005 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2005, and received a Certificate of Nomination to recognize his achievements in the areas of Kevin Brown PWA Hero, Social/Political/Community Action, and Above and Beyond for his tireless work.8
"Congratulations on your nomination at this year's AccolAIDS Awards Evemt. Your work has been recognized as superlative by your peers and coleagues, who nominated you for this award. On behalf of all the members of the AccolAIDS Advisory and Nominations Committee, I want to offer my congratulations on your nomination. We would like you to have this certificate of nomination as a way of honouring your contributions. Your work has garnered the attention of the people whose lives you touch, and we hope this nomination serves as a public recognition of the important role you are playing in the BC AIDS community. I hope we will see you nominated for the next AccolAIDS." Alasdair Hooper, Director of Development. BC Persons With AIDS Society.
AccolAIDS: An awards banquet honoring our heroes for achievements in the B.C. AIDS movement.

AccolAIDS 2005 Nomimees & Recipients
British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society
Vancouver, Canada

-2005-March 22- Guest speaker - HIV/AIDS Topic: Dreams and Hopes for the Future!
The Vancouver Friends for Life Society
HIV/AIDS Support Group facilitated by Dakota Descoteaux. The Vancouver Friends for Life Society provides support to people confronting the daily challenges of living with life-threatening illness, as well as help for their families and caregivers. Friends For Life is a non-profit society.
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Development Gateway - www.developmentgateway.org-2005-March 10- Interview - The Development GATEWAY Foundation - Bradford McIntyre Featured in: DG Highlight-March 2005-PLWHA Going Public, Development GATEWAY Foundation.
HIV/AIDS Topic: PLWHA Going Public: Disclosure Provides Relief, Confidence, & Reduced Stigma - "Speaking out" Dr. Susan Paxton and Bradford McIntyre.
Speaking Out Has The Advantage of Generating Awareness and Dispelling Stigma, While Giving a Human Face to HIV/AIDS.
Contributed by Anuradha Bhattacharjee.
The Development Gateway is an independent not-for-profit organization.
Washington, DC,U.S.A.

Postcard: Face Forward Foundation - Rebuilding Self-Esteem, Repairing Self-Worth, Restoring Dignity. www.faceforward.ca-2005-February 21- A Member of Board of Director's - (Director) - Face Forward Foundation - Bradford McIntyre joined the Face Forward Foundation Board of Directors. The Face Forward Foundation: Bold Action and Clear Solutions for Living with HIV - A Canadian Based Non-Profit Organization dedicated to helping people living with HIV manage the appearance-related side effects of the virus and its treatment. Face Forward provides resources and solutions in an effort to improve self-image and confidence. Our aim is a better quality of life.
"While it can be a life threatening disease, today HIV and the onset of AIDS can be "managed." A powerful arsenal of antiretroviral drugs can hold the progression of the disease at bay, but they exact a toll, with debilitating side effects that include anemia, extreme fatigue and severe gastrointestinal problems plaguing daily life. Equally devastating is Lipoatrophy, the facial wasting that has become the scarlet letter of people living with HIV. Too often, self-esteem plummets and the belief that it is possible to live normally diminishes. Daily life is often born rather than fully lived and depression becomes a way of life." Face Forward Foundation
Face Forward Foundation Directors, Board of Directors,
Christie Chapman: Executive Director
Bradford McIntyre, Director,
Dr. Mona Loutfy: Director,
Dr. Colin Kovacs: Director.
*The Face Forward Foundation closed May, 27, 2010.
Toronto, Canada

-2005-January 15- Guest-Contributor - HIV STOPS WITH ME.org - Condoms: A STANDARD PRACTICE FOR ALL! by Bradford McIntyre. https://web.archive.org/web/20050207054603/http://hivstopswithme.org/feature/january05/condom_01.html
United States

inspire! magazine - magazine.borntoinspire.com-2004-December 24- Article Featured in: inspire! magazine - Positively Positive A Spiritual Journey from Fear to Love by Bradford McIntyre.
"I really think that your article can help other people. Perhaps it can give hope to someone that is also HIV+. Please remember that any help you can bring to this world is a gift - your article just might save someone's life.
You're Featured in inspire! Magazine because you are one of Earth's Most Inspiring People! I am honored to be able to feature you in inspire! magazine.
Barbara Rose, PHD.
Web Archive: Positively Positive A Spiritual Journey from Fear to Love
United States

www.thelovefoundation.comwww.thelovefoundation.com/loveambassadors-2004-December 15- Love Ambassador- Bradford McIntyre named a Love Ambassador by The Love Foundation, (United States).
"Congratulations, we are delighted to announce you as one of our very first Love Ambassadors. Your willingness to live your life dedicated to the vision of love is a potent model for so many. By your words, deeds and actions, you are having a profound impact on all those you contact. We are grateful and honored to extend this recognition to you." Harold W. Becker Founder, The Love Foundation.
The individuals listed below are recognized as ambassadors of love through their personal commitment to applying unconditional love in their everyday lives.
Dr. Mercy Ekop - Ibadan, Nigeria,
Giang H. Nguyen - Hanoi, Vietnam
Bradford McIntyre - Vancouver BC, Canada
Jean Paul Wabotai - Barcelona, Spain
Suwilanji S. Nkonde - Lusaka, Zambia
Chinyeke Joseph Tembo - Leeds, UK
Cleophas Kanamugire - Butare, Rwanda
Paul Sladkus - New York City, New York
Dr. Qudsiah Saba - Maputo, Mozambique
Allan Silberhartz - Santa Barbara, California
Aba Gayle - Silverton, Oregon
Kim Thomas - Colchester-Essex, UK
Shmuel Greenbaum- New York City, New York
United States

www.tigweb.org-2004-December 2004/ January 2005- TakingItGlobal - Monthly Themes-HIV/AIDS - Features Positively Positive and Founder Bradford McIntyre.
Featured Orgs: Positively Positive https://www.tigweb.org/themes/hivaids/positivelypositive.html
Toronto, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, volunteer patient, after receiving Bio-alcamid treatment for lipoatrophy (facial wasting),in 2004. Photo Credit: Jacqueline TurpinBradford McIntyre, Facial Recunstruction with Bio-Alcamid procedure, Before & After, half procedure done. Bradford McIntyre receives Bio-alcamid treatment for lipoatrophy (facial wasting). 2004-2004-November 27- Volunteer/Patient - Bradford McIntyre received Bio-Alcamid treatment - volunteer patient for physician training session using Bio-Alcamid for (facial wasting) lipoatrophy, a side effect of both HIV and the antiretroviral drugs used to treat HIV and AIDS. HIV/AIDS Lipoatrophy - Before & After by Bradford McIntyre.
"As an individual living with HIV for 20 years and the founder and operator of www.positivelypositive.ca, I am immensely aware of the issues that face people living with HIV and AIDS. Although appearance is not the primary concern, the side effect of lipoatrophy (facial and body fat wasting) causes great distress to many. I have had the opportunity to receive Bio-Alcamid for my facial lipoatrophy - it appears natural and feels soft under the skin. I would recommend this product and procedure to people with lipoatrophy concerns; Bio-Alcamid has rejuvenated my face and having the treatment increased my self esteem!"
Patient: Bradford McIntyre, Vancouver, Canada.
Bio-Alcamid training provided by Pur Medical Corporation.
Pur Medical Corporation distributors of Bio-Alcamid Soft Tissue Endoprosthesis, organized a training session for some of Western Canada's top cosmetic practitioners and 4 patients. This included Vancouver Drs. Alastair and Jean Carruthers, Robert Thompson and Calgary's Wayne Perron.
This followed a day in Toronto where Drs. F. Beninger, Kasrai, Weiglein and Rice treated 8 patients. These patients were the Canadian debuts of a product that has been used in Europe and other countries for 5 years. Bio-Alcamid is a synthetic gel that is injected below the skin to restore volume and the natural contours of the face. Bio-Alcamid is one of the only products that can be used in the large volumes necessary to correct this problem.
Photos: Patient: Bradford McIntyre, Vancouver, Canada Before & After Indications
Web Archive: View Before & After Photos
BioAlcamid Ad
Bio-Alcamid is no longer available in Canada.
December 2010: Bio-Alcamid associated with unacceptable complication risk: no longer recommended as a treatment for facial lipoatrophy
Vancouver, Canada

Film Clip Photo: Bradford McIntyre, HIV survivor, living with HIV for 20 years, profiled on BODY+HEALTH Documentary: SURVIVORS. Novembeer 22, 2004-2004-November 22- Interview | Documentary: SURVIVORS - Bradford McIntyre HIV survivor, profiled on BODY+HEALTH - canada.com network. BODY+HEALTH Producer Jeanette Diehl, talks with Bradford McIntyre about his story and success, living with HIV.
Video: "SURVIVORS" - Bradford McIntyre - HIV/AIDS Survivor - Living with HIV for 20 years
"Today AIDS kills millions of people around the world but medical science has learned how to keep the disease at bay and is getting closer to a cure. 20 years ago, however, an HIV diagnosis was like a death sentence!" Collen Walsh, Host/ Interviewer: BODY+HEALTH.
"For four long years I lived waiting to die, expecting to die, being told I was going to die. I had lived under that threat of I'm going to die at any given moment, and so I turned my life around and said I don't need to show up for my fear. I need to Show Up for LIFE!" Bradford McIntyre.
SURVIVORS Aired nationally on Global Television Network. BODY+HEALTH is a high profile, daily health program on the Global Television Network.
Program number: 4-515 | 11/22/04 | Survivors - BODY+HEALTH - canada.com network
Global Television Network
Toronto, Canada

Film Clip Photo: Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV 20 years, on BODY+HEALTH Documentary:  SURVIVORS, November 22, 2004.
Film Clip Photo: Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV 20 years, on BODY+HEALTH
Documentary "SURVIVORS",
November 22, 2004.

Video: "SURVIVORS" - Bradford McIntyre - HIV/AIDS Survivor

Bradford McIntyre, HIV-positive 20 years, OUT About HIV in the 2004 Vancouver Pride Parade. Vancouver, BC.www.tigweb.org-2004-November 15- Featured Orgs: Positively Positive -TakingITGlobal - Featured Themes - HIV/AIDS: Positively Positive. TakingITGlobal features HIV/AIDS advocate Bradford McIntyre, and his website www.PositivelyPositive.ca, designed to create HIV/AIDS awareness around the many HIV and AIDs issues and promotes messages of positive living.
Positively Positive: "We didn't understand the AIDS virus, and panic occurred. But, we have moved from a place of confusion and little understanding to a place where we now have a much broader understanding. Now, we can eliminate the fear and promote a new awareness, relying on education and a wide variety of treatment options. With choice there is hope!
I am not alone in realizing the importance in helping and educating others so we can create a shift in perception. There is more POWER in people knowing the TRUTH, than there is in hiding. My life has been so changed, going from fear; to removing the blocks that kept me from being my true self and living a full and healthy LIFE."

Bradford McIntyre
"I must say we couldn't have found a better 'feature', you are a true inspiration!" Liz Livelli
Vancouver, Canada

FLAME OF HOPE :: Djaef Mahler AIDS Benefit Society - www.mahlerflameofhope.org-2004-November 13- Guest Speaker - Flame Of Hope :: Djaef Mahler AIDS Benefit Society - Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, guest speaker at the Flame Of Hope :: Djaef Mahler AIDS Benefit Society: 15TH ANNIVERSARY GALA.
"Dear Bradford, many of the gala guests and especially my family were so touched by your courage to talk about the ordeal you went through and the courage to go on and live life to the fullest. And you know, Bradford, you also give me the strength to go on with the FLAME OF HOPE." Julie Mahler
Opening Ceremonies:
The Honourable Brenda Locke - Minister of State for Mental Health and Addiction Services,
Jim Bennet - Director of the Surrey HIV/AIDS Centre Society,
Penny Priddy - Councillor, City of Surrey,
Bradford McIntyre - HIV-positive 20 years;
Julie Mahler - Founder of the Flame of Hope :: Djaef Mahler AIDS Benefit Society.
Lighting of the Candles: the Honourable Brenda Locke, Frits Hall & Rudi Mahler.
Entertainment: Rainy City Gay Men's Chorus.
All proceeds go to the Surrey HIV/AIDS Centre Society, the Djaef Mahler Grocery and St. Paul's Hospital's HIV Unit 10C.
Surrey B.C. Canada

www.canadianwebawards.com-2004-November 9- Received 2004 CANADIAN WEB AWARD - VERY GOOD rating. For providing a CANADIAN FRIENDLY, informative website. You will also receive a free listing in our Canadian Web Award directory. The Canadian Web Awards has become a trusted source for independent website reviews worldwide since 1998.

www.unitedstateswebawards.com-2004-November 9- Received 2004 UNITED STATES WEB AWARD - VERY GOOD rating. For providing a U.S. FRIENDLY, informative website. The United States Web Awards has become a trusted source for independent website reviews worldwide since 1998. We archive all of the Web Awards in our searchable database. They are permanently archived on our site.

Body Health Shoot, Vancouver Survivor story, October 7 - 8.Interview - BODY+HEALTH Documentary Shoot(October 7-8, 2004) Vancouver Survivor Story - Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV and AIDS for 20 years.-2004-October 7 - 8 - Interview | BODY+HEALTH Documentary Shoot: Vancouver Survivor Story - Maureen Boyton, BODY+HEALTH Producer, interviews Bradford McIntyre about his story and success, living with HIV for 20 years.
Maureen Boyton (Producer),
John Collins (Director of Photography),
Dean Miles (Location Sound).
BODY+HEALTH SHOOT (7-8 October 2004))
SURVIVORS - Bradford McIntyre - HIV/AIDS Survivor - Living with HIV since 1984
SURVIVORS: BODY+HEALTH Documentary, Aired nationally on Global Television Network. BODY+HEALTH is a high profile, daily health program on the Global Television Network.
Program number: 4-515 | 11/22/04 | SURVIVORS - BODY+HEALTH - canada.com network
Global Television Network
Vancouver, Canada

In the home of Bradford McIntyre and husband Deni Daviau. Interview with Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV 20 years, for BODY_HEALTH (Canada.com) Documentary: SURVIVORS. Crew: Maureen Boyton (Producer), John Collins (Director of Photography, October 7-8 2004.Bradford McIntyre, HIV survivor interview for BODY+HEALTH Documentary: SURVIVORS, and John Collins (Director of Photography), filming (October 7-8 2004, Vancouver, BC, CanadaJohn Collins filming Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV 20 years, in his home for BODY+HEALTH Documentary: SURVIVORS. October 7-8 2004Film Crew: Maureen Boyton (Producer) and Dean Miles (Location Sound), interview in the home of Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV 20 years, for BODY+HEALTH  Documentary: SUVIVORS. October 7-8, 2004Interview, Body+Health Documentary: SURVIVORS - Filming Bradford McIntyre, AIDS Survivor, at English Bay - October 7, 2004
Photos: BODY+HEALTH SHOOT, Vancouver "SURVIVOR" Story
- Filming Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV for 20 years, for BODY+HEALTH Documenatary: "SURVIVORS".
Crew: Maureen Boyton (Producer), John Collins (Director of Photographer (D.O.P.),
Dean Miles (Location Sound).
October 7-8, 2004, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Back to Top of Page

www.gnpplus.net-2004-September 17- Invited Guest in GNP+NA Teleconference: U.S. HIV Travel/Immigration Ban. GNP+NA (Global Network of HIV+ People-North America) board discussing continuing efforts to lift U.S. travel/immigration ban.
UNAIDS IOM Statement on HIVAIDS Related Travel Restrictions
"We will be joined by invited guest Bradford McIntyre, an HIV+ Canadian in Vancouver who has been concerned about the matter and who has been working single handedly to press for changes." GNP+ North America - Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS.
GNP+ North America - Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS
Vancouver, Canada

Gay Vancouver - Vancouver's Online LGBTQ Guide - GayVancouver.Net-2004-2009- Forum Moderator: HIV/AIDS & Health Forum - GayVancouver.Net - Bradford McIntyre, Forum Moderator: HIV/AIDS & Health discussion group on GayVancouver.Net (Gay Vancouver Online - GayVancouver.Net) - Vancouver Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Community Guide for Gay Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Vancouver, Canada

POZ Canadian-improving quality of life - POZCanadian.comPOZ Perspective by Bradford McIntyre - www.pozcanadian-2004-August 29- POZ Perspective - Moderated by: Bradford McIntyre. "POZ Perspective" is written by Bradford McIntyre. "We hope you enjoy reading his articles. This is an interactive section, please POST A REPLY with your comments and opinions about the article and vote in a poll. You may NOT post a new thread in POZ Perspective, ONLY replies are allowed. Click on POZ Perspective on the POZ Menu at POZ Canadian-improving quality of life. Learn more about Bradford McIntyre by visiting his web site: www.positivelypositive.ca." POZ Canadian Team - www.pozcanadian.com
POZ Canadian is a non profit Canadian Online Community for people living with HIV/AIDS, providing free support; HIV information, news about traditional and alternative treatments for HIV; lists resources and organizations; connects with other people living with HIV/AIDS in Canada from coast to coast through discussion forums; personals; chat and email.
POZ Perspective – Moderated by: Bradford McIntyre 2004 & 2005.

-2004-August 5- Forum Moderator: HIV/AIDS & Health Forum - Moderator: Bradford McIntyre, on GayVancouver.Net (Gay Lesbian and Bisexual Vancouver Online)HIV/AIDS & Health Forum.
Vancouver, Canada

ctac.ca-2004-June 30- CTAC Member - A full member of Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) - Canada’s Voice for Treatment Access. Listening to and led by people with HIV and HCV.
Toronto, Canada

www.enkidumagazine.com-2004-June 28- Most Eye Opening Contributor AWARD - Canadian HIV/AIDS advocate Bradford McIntyre, received Most Eye Opening Contributor AWARD from Enkidu Magazine--Web Edition- Eye Opening International News (Mexico City, Mexico). A reader Poll took place in February 2003 and readers voted The way we address HIV is cause for concern by Enkidu Correspondent in Canada Bradford McIntyre, the "Most Eye Opening" article.
Web Archive: http://www.enkidumagazine.com/art/2004/080204/E_029_080204.htm
BRADFORD MCINTYRE OPENS YOUR EYES - Articles by Bradford McIntyre, Web Archive
BRADFORD MCINTYRE ABRE TUS OJOS - Articulos por Bradford McIntyre, Archivo Web.
"Bradford McIntyre is a frequent contributor to our weekly News Magazine Enkidu, based in Mexico City, and read by an international audience throughout the Spanish speaking world and beyond. He has stimulated engaging debates and discussions among our readers and at our outreach activities. His articles always generate encouraging feedback and our readers nominated him to our "Most Eye Opening Contributor 2003" in our annual reader survery. His contributions, which Enkidu publishes in Spanish and English, have had a considerable impact on our readers' awareness and perception of what it means to live with HIV-Virus.
Mr. McIntyre has introduced the Spanish speaking audience to new approaches and attitudes to treatment and mainstream medical responses to the AIDS-challenge. Most importantly, however, he has given hope, inspiration and a perspective to thousands of individuals living with HIV and AIDS throughout Latin America, in countries where medical services are less developed than in the Northern Hemisphere. Objective information is lacking or inaccessible to most people and far too many individuals have been left alone in darkness, fear and insecurity with their condition. Mr. McIntyre has given us the possibility to access a vision of a better future and encouraged many people to go on, by serving as an excellent example. He has demonstated how individuals can take responsibility for their own health and their own future regardless of HIV-status."
Dr. Lars Ivar Owesen-Lein Borge, General Director/Science Editor - Enkidu Magazine and Lic. Agustin Villalpando Sánchez - News Editor/ Outreach Coordinator - Enkidu Magazine.
The way we address HIV is cause for concern
Web Archive: Enkidu Magazine
Mexico City, Mexico

Poster: Enkidu: SEXUALIDAD MASCULINA: NUEVAS PERSPECTIVAS Conference: Speakers José Fernando Colón (Puerto Rico), Bradford McIntyre (Canada), Aloso Hernandez (Mexico), Yuri Herzberg Tovar (Canada|Mexico)Guest Speakers José Fernando Colón (Puerto Rico) &  Bradford McIntyre (Canada), at the Sexualidad Masculina: Nuevas Perspectivas Conference, Mecico City, Mexico, June 28, 2004-2004-June 28- Guest Speaker - OUT ABOUT HIV - (Mexico City, Mexico) - Sexualidad Masculina: Nuevas Perspectivas Conference - Canadian HIV/AIDS advocate Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984, is OUT ABOUT HIV at the Sexualidad Masculina: Nuevas Perspectivas Conference, in Mexico City, Mexico.
"How can anyone receive the help they need if their family and friends are not aware of what is going on in their life? Many who are living with HIV are afraid to disclose, but have never disclosed to anyone! They assume that everyone will pull away. You can tell people that you're HIV+ and they not run away. There are many people living with HIV who have loving family and friends and are in relationships. My partner is not HIV+." Bradford McIntyre, Living with HIV.
Flyer: Sexualidad Masculina:Nuevas Perspectivas Conference:
Sexualidad Masculina:Nuevas Perspectivas Conference
Guest Speakers:

José Fernando Colón (Puerto Rico)
Bradford McIntyre (Canada)
Alonso Hernandez (Mexico)
Yuri Herberg Tovar (Canada/Mexico)
Sponsored by Enkidu Magazine.
Held in Mexico City, Mexico, at Bgay Bproud, Amberes 12-B, Zona Rosa, Ciudad de Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Bradford McIntyre, OUT ABOUT HIV in Mexico City at the 26th March of LGBT PRIDE in Mexico City - XXVI MARCHA DEL ORGULLO LGBT DE LA CIUDAD DE MEXICO - Mexico City, Mexico - June 26, 2004Poster: XXVI Marcha Del Orgullo LGBT De La Ciudad De Mexico (the 26th March of GLBT Pride in Mexico City) - 26 de Junio, 2004 - Mexico City, Mexico.-2004-June 26- Parade Participant - Guest Speaker - (Mexico City, Mexico) - 26th March of LGBT PRIDE in Mexico City - XXVI MARCHA DEL ORGULLO LGBT DE LA CIUDAD DE MEXICO - Canadian HIV/AIDS advocate Bradford McIntyre, OUT ABOUT HIV in Mexico City, marched proudly in the XXVI MARCHA DEL ORGULLO LGBT DE LA CIUDAD DE MEXICO (26th March of LGBT PRIDE) with his homemade sign which read, 'OUT ABOUT HIV - HIV+ For 20 years' in English and 'FUERA SOBRE VIH - VIH POR 20 ANOS' in Spanish, in Mexico City, Mexico.
Guest Speaker: OUT ABOUT HIV and HIV+ for 20 years, Bradford McIntyre addressed a crowd of 130,000 people from the stage at the Zocola, bringing Greetings to Mexico from Canada, "Saludos deste Canada", and talked about creating HIV and AIDS awareness.
OUT ABOUT HIV in Mexico City
Photos of the March in Mexico City
Mexico City, Mexico

Photo: 26th March of GLBT Pride in Mexico City - XXVI March of Orgullo LGBT of Mexico - June 26, 2004130,000 people crowd the Zocalo - GLBT Pride Parade in Mexico City. Mexico. June 26,2004

-2004-June 24-Interview: Atracción Para Hombres Magazine - (Mexico City, Mexico) - Alonso Hernandez interviewed Canadian HIV/AIDS advocate Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984, for an article in Atracción Para Hombres Magazine, in Mexcio City, Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Press Conference - Niega AMLO ayuda a enfermos de SIDA - AMLO Denies Aid to AIDS Patients - Bradford McIntyre, Mario Arteaga, Sergio Villarreal, Horatio Franko and Minerva Grijalvo, organized by COMAC and Enkidu Magazine.  Mexico City, Mexico.-2004-June 24- Press Conference - (Mexico City, Mexico) - XXVI March of Orgullo LGBT of Mexico included Bradford McIntyre (Canada), HIV/AIDS advocate, Mario Arteaga president of COMAC A.C., Sergio Villarreal, Horatio Franko and Minerva Grijalvo, in an informative press conference organized by COMAC and Enkidu Magazine. The goal of the Press Conference was to address Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's denying Aid to AIDS patients, and to inform the Mexican Press about the XXVI March of Orgullo LGBT of Mexico. The Press Conference included talks about the goals and objectives of the Pride parade as well as other LGBT issues. Press Conference held at Bgay Bproud 12 Amberes, Sona Rosa,
Mexcio City, Mexico

EL TALLER DE LOS MARTES (TUESDAYS AT THE FACTORY - www.archivosymemoriasdiversas.org.mx)-2004-June 22- Guest Speaker: Bradford McIntyre - OUT ABOUT HIV at El Taller de Los Martes, (TUESDAYS AT THE FACTORY) in Mexico City.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Advocate Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ 20 years, is OUT ABOUT HIV at El Taller de Los Martes in Mexico City, Mexico.
Agusto Molina,
Agustin Villalpando Sanchez,
Beto Gonze, Roberto "Ozzy" Fernandez
Gabriel Briceno.
Speaker: Bradford McIntyre
Mexico City, Mexico.

Publication: A PLAN OF ACTION for Canada to reduce HIV/AIDS related stigma and discrimination - By Theodore de Bruyn - For The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network - www.aidslaw.ca -2004-April 27- Request for permission to quote: Theodore de Bruyn, Senior Policy Analyst for Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network working on A PLAN OF ACTION for Canada to reduce HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination. contacted Bradford McIntyre requesting permission to quote comments Bradford made on the draft PLAN OF ACTION in December 2003.
Quotes by Bradford McIntyre included in:
A PLAN OF ACTION for Canada to reduce HIV/AIDS related stigma and discrimination by Theodore de Bruy for The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

     "There ARE individuals who are OUT about their HIV status who are NOT afraid to speak up. What is necessary is media coverage not of new medications and side effects, or individuals sick and dying, but interviews with HIV+ individuals who are living!"
   "Who better to reach people than those who are living with HIV who are not afraid to talk about the fact that they are living with HIV. People need to see others living with HIV who are out about their status, in order to move away from the fear."
   "Many people world wide are out about their HIV status and many many more are voicing they would also like to be able to live without fear and let others know they are living with HIV. Unfortunately, the fear of discrimination still exists today, and this prevents many from feeling safe about revealing their status.
Bradford McIntyre.
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network is a partner organisation of the AIDS Law Project of South Africa, and a non-governmental organization in Special Consultative Status with the Ecomomic and Social Council of the United Nations. //Le Réseau juridique canadien VIH/sida est un organisme partenaire du AIDS Law Project de l'Afrique du Sud et ONG doté de statut consultatif spécial auprès du Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Vancouver, Canada

AccolAIDS 2004 Nomineee Bradford McIntyre, with partner Deni Daviau. Photo Credit: John KozachenkoAccolAIDS 2004: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 25th day of April in the year 2004 and in the areas of Kevin Brown PWA Hero, Social/Political/Community, Action & Other. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.orgPoster: AccolAIDS 2004 - AccolAIDS: An awards banquet honoring our heroes for achievements in the B.C. AIDS movement - positivelivingbc.org-2004-April 25- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2004 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2004, and received a Certificate of Nomination to recognize his achievement in the areas of Kevin Brown PWA Hero, Social/Political/Community Action, and Above and Beyond for his tireless work.
AccolAIDS: An awards banquet honoring our heroes for achievements in the B.C. AIDS movement.
2004 AccolAIDS Awards Recipients
AccolAIDS 2004 Nominees & Recipients
British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The CORRESPONDENT: Vol.111 Stigma, HIV/AIDS, and Disclosure - Summary of Stigma-AIDS eForum discussion-2004-April- Key Resource Person (Canada): Bradford McIntyre, Key Resource Person (Canada), on International E-Forum discussion Stigma and HIV/AIDS - Stigma, HIV/AIDS, and Disclosure.
PLWHA Going Public: Disclosure Provides Relief, Confidence, & Reduced Stigma
- Speaking out - Dr. Susan Paxton and Bradford McIntyre

"On Behalf of Susan Paxton and myself, we are pleased to invite you to act as a key Resource Person for an international eForum discussion on stigma and HIV/AIDS using the Stigma-AIDS eForum. We are drawing on key resource people for each of the themes. Each of the key resource people have been idetified based on their experience and are well respected in their fields. For this reason, we are inviting you to be a key resource person for the dicussion on: Stigma, HIV/AIDS and disclosure. This discussion is part of a larger International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cresent (IFRC) / Health & Development Networks (HDN )/ Global Neetwork of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+) and UNAIDS project." Nadine France and Susan Paxton, Health & Develpment Networks Stigma Project Team.
STIGMA-AIDS is a time-limited global forum on HIV/AIDS-related stigma, managed and moderated by (HDN) Health & Development Network with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cresent and Development Cooperation Ireland.

Pambazuka News - VOICES FOR FREEDOM AND JUSTICE - www.pambazuka.org-2004-February 17- Article: Article written and published in: PAMBAZUKA NEWS (AFRICA/GlOBAL) - An Information Service for Social Justice in Africa - "Aids is a war against humanity" by Bradford McIntyre.
Excerpt: "Individuals should not have to suffer all losses due to illness! Men, women and children are suffering with HIV/AIDS. We need to assure that these people are cared for, not discriminated against! We must provide funds for proper nutrition, housing and health care for these individuals to aid and contribute to their well-being. We need to get rid of the false perceptions and judgments. Like Doreen Millman said in Vancouver at the 1996 AIDS Conference in reference to how a 63 year old grandmother got AIDS. She said, "It just doesn’t matter!" Neither does an individual's race, religion or sexual orientation matter! Don’t look for differences; look at how we can help one another." Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV/AIDS.
Aids is a war against humanity: https://www.pambazuka.org/human-security/aids-war-against-humanity"
AFRICA | Global

2004-February 16- Website of the week - Proud! Out Loud! 2004 Award Winner - www.PositivelyPositive.ca, nominated and chosen as the GayVancouver.Net (LesBiGay Vancouver Online) and recipient of our Proud! Out Loud! Award.
"Our Proud Out Loud! web site this week is: www.PositivelyPositive.ca has been designed to create awareness around the many HIV and AIDS issues and promotes messages of positive living with HIV. Personal stories are mixed with practical information in this excellent site which is well worth the visit." Gay Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

Opening Doors Conference 2003 Poster: Opening Doors Conference 2003 - Building Communities and Breaking Down Barriers - Keynote Speaker: Bradford McIntyre coming to us from Vancouver. Opening Doors Conference 2003 - November 5,6 7, 2003 - Holiday Inn - Sudbury, Ontario.-2004-January 8- Keynote Speaker Evaluation: Bradford McIntyre received Evaluations of Keynote Presentation and Disclosure Panel Presentation at the Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference (November 6th, 2003) as compiled by the Northern Ontario Medical Education Corporation (NOMEC) from participant feedback.
"Dear Bradford McIntyre, thank you for your wonderful and enlightening Keynote presentation Positively Positive, and participation on the Disclosure Panel at the Opening Doors Conference in Sudbury on November 6th, 2003.
The main goal of the Opening Doors Conference annually is to enhance the quality of counselling and to meet the needs of the local community. Your involvement has certainly been one of the key contributing factors which enable us to meet this goal.
The advisory Committee for Opening Doors and I thank you for granting us your valuable time and expertise. We hope that you will be with us again at another Opening Doors Conference in Sudbury.
Please find enclosed the Evaluations for your Keynote Presentation and the Disclosure Panel presentation as compiled by the Northern Ontario Medical Education Corporation (NOMEC) from participation feedback. I hope you will find this useful.
Please note point #3 is not a valid techniques as you were not expected to uses a variety of teaching techniques in the key note address."
Vi Anderson, Opening Doors Conference Coordinator.
Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference 2003, held November 5, 6, 7, 2003, at the Holiday Inn, 50 Brady Street, Sudbury Ontario.

POZ Canadian-improving quality of life - POZCanadian.comPOZ Perspective by Bradford McIntyre - www.pozcanadian-January 4, 2004- Article: Article written and published in: POZ Canadian (Canada) - POZ Canadian Quarterly. Article HIV Prevention by Bradford McIntyre, Positively Positive, Canada, in POZ Canadian Quarterly, January 4, 2004. Bradford McIntyre is a Contributing Member of POZ Canadian web site.
Learn more about Bradford McIntyre by visiting his web site: www.positivelypositive.ca.
"As an individual living with HIV for 19 years, I have been working to break down the barriers of fear and discrimination for nearly a decade. As well, creating awareness among the many issues surrounding HIV and AIDS. I believe there is a serious problem stemming from the lack of media coverage, when it comes to educating people about HIV/AIDS." Bradford McIntyre,
POZ Canadian is a non profit Canadian Online Community for people living with HIV/AIDS, providing free support; HIV information, news about traditional and alternative treatments for HIV, lists resources and organizations, connects with other people living with HIV/AIDS in Canada from coast to coast through discussion forums, personals, chat and email.
Web Archive: HIV Prevention

-1994 to 2004- Ongoing lobbying of government - An HIV/AIDS activist, Bradford McIntyre wrote various levels of government, from the Prime Minister on down, to educate and inform politicians regarding the great need for funding, to provide integrative health care, housing and housing subsidies, for people living with HIV/AIDS and all disabilities. Bradford is active in the fight to keep nutritional supplements; vitamins, minerals, herb's and botanicals in the health food stores, and the importance of including their use and availability in our Canadian health care system. As well, the importance of Naturopathic Physicians and their ability to provide alternative and complimentary medicine.
Bradford McIntyre continues to write letters and articles, directing them to government, media, newspapers and magazines, creating awareness around the many HIV and AIDS issues.
Ottawa and Vancouver, Canada

Back to Top of Page

www.unaids.org-2003-December 1- UNAIDS World AIDS Day events 2003 - HIV positive Canadian Bradford McIntyre promotes messages of positive living with HIV through a website www.positivelypositive.ca. His website encourages feedback from people all over the world who support being open about their status as a strong way to help tackle the epidemic.
"Bradford, We would like to include your website in a link to UNAIDS. It is good to see positive people taking the lead in the fight against stigma. Keep up the great work." Andy Seale, Campaigns Coordinator, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
World AIDS Day is marked by many organizations around the world. Many events and activities take their lead from World AIDS Campaign and others from local priorities.
World AIDS Day events 2003 - Canada
UNAIDS: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Geneva, Switzerland

PRIDEVISION TV www.pridevisiontv.com-2003-Dec. 1 - Documentary - "Positively Living" - World AIDS Day Special 2003, PRIDE VISION Television Network, WORLD AIDS Day Broadcast.
World Broadcast Premiere of documentary "Positively Living" - film footage of Bradford McIntyre, HIV positive since 1984, living positively with HIV.
Web Archive: PrideVisionTV
Toronto, Canada

Poster: JAWBREAKER (TV Series) with BRAD FRASER. PrideVision TV - www.pridevisiontv.comLogo: JAWBREAKER - WITH BRAD FRASER - PRIDEVISION TV - www.pridevisiontv.comPrideVision TV logo from 2001 to 2004.  www.pridevisiontv.com-2003-December 1- Guest on PrideVisionTV - SPECIAL PrideVision Television Network - World AIDS Day Special 2003 - Bradford McIntyre, guest on Jawbreaker (TV Series), hosted by Brad Fraser, for SPECIAL PrideVision TV (Canada's First Gay Television Network) World AIDS Day Broadcast. One hour special on living with AIDS. With talk show host Brad Fraser, including testimonial by Bradford McIntyre, HIV positive since 1984.
World AIDS Day Special 2003: Testimonial given by Bradford McIntyre, (Positively Positive) living with HIV, via a telephone hookup (Toronto/Vancouver) with film footage of Bradford's HIV/AIDS involvements included in segment broadcast throughout the World AIDS Day programming.
"When it comes to how we view HIV and AIDS, the most visible, is the fear, illness and death tolls. What we don't see are the great numbers of individuals infected with the HIV virus, who are LIVING!." Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV.
Jawbreaker is a Canadian English language television talk show hosted by Brad Fraser. Jawbreaker premiered on October 11, 2002 on the Canadian specialty channel PrideVision TV, now called OUTtv.
Pride Vision TV's programming is designed to provide news, information and entertainment on issues of interest to the gay community. Wendy Donnan Director of Programming and Operations.
PrideVision TV - Canada's first Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered (GLBT) cable television channel to braodcast 24/7, and the second LGBT channel in the world.
Jawbreaker (TV series)
Web Archive: www.pridevisiontv.com
Wikimedia: OutTV (Canadian TV channel) - PRIDEVision TV
Toronto, Canada

Poster: Opening Doors Conference 2003 - Building Communities and Breaking Down Barriers - Keynote Speaker: Bradford McIntyre coming to us from Vancouver. Bradford will be here to share his outlook on how to live today as healthy and as fully as you can. Opening Doors Conference 2003 - November 5,6 7, 2003 - Holiday Inn - Sudbury, Ontario.-2003-November 6- Keynote Speaker - Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference 2003 - Bradford McIntyre, Keynote Speaker, Motivational Presenter, Speaker on HIV/AIDS issues and topics, at the Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference 2003, Building Community and Breaking Down Barriers, and discussion panelist on the topic of Disclosure.
"Keynote Speaker: Bradford McIntyre coming to us from Vancouver. Bradford will be here to share his outlook on how to "Live today as healthy and as fully as you can." Shawn Andress, ACCESS AIDS Network.
"I would like to spend this time and take you on a journey. A journey covering the many years since the emergence of HIV. A journey of some of the intimate details of my expereince. As well as, the expereince millions of people who have been affected by HIV and AIDS have had to face. I understand you have lots of fears, but there are fears you can let go of! In our time together it is my intent to journey, opening doors for letting go of fear!
It may appear that the Stigma attached to HIV and AIDS is a force to recond with. However this stigma was created out of fear at a time when there was confusion as to what this desease was that was killing people. And no understanding of how people were infected.
Many people infected have worked to understand HIV, the immune system and how to stay health, with great success. Those people who are no longer with us, many of them were the very people responsible for community action in the fight against HIV. They raised money for those who were sick. They raised the funds that built the organizations and set new standards for fund raising. They broke down the barriers of fear and discrimnination in their own lives as well as for the sake of others. Those people who are no longer with us, taught us, and it is because of them that I am here today."
Bradford McIntyre, Keynote Speaker: Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference 2003.
Keynote Speaker:
Bradford McIntyre
PANEL for PHAs, Family & Friends, Professionals & Service Providers on Disclosure Issues:
Matthew Perry
Bradford McIntyre
Lorie Pelletier
Susan Secord-Paul
Opening Doors 2003 is sponsored by:
Ontario Ministry of Health & Long Term Care - The Aids Bureau Support from the Northeastern Ontario Medical Education Corportation (NOMEC)... and will feature inspirational, informative workshops for People Living with/Affected by HIV/AIDS Professionals working in the HIV/AIDS Field.
Graph: Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference 2003 Schedule
Video: Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference 2003 - Bradford McIntyre, Keynote Speaker
Réseau ACCESS Network Sudbury
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: This certificate is awarded to Bradford McIntyre in recognition of valuable contributions to Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference 2003. Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference held in Sudbury, Ontario, November 5,6,7, 2003. Réseau ACCESS Network Sudbury - www.reseauaccessnetwork.com Vi Anderson - Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference Coordinator, Shawn Andress - Réseau ACCESS Network - Conference Coorganizer, Bradford McIntyre - Keynote Speaker, Sylvie Daviau - Réseau ACCESS Network - Support Services Coordinator - Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference - November 5, 6, & 7, 2003

Original Index/Homepage 2003 - Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS - www.PositivelyPositive.caVideo Screen Shot: Positively Positive Living with HIV is Dedicated to: Jerry Fogg, Cecil Wallace, Barry Hohl, Neil Bolton, Michael Graham, and all those that we loved who died of AIDS. www.PositivelyPositive.caPositively Positive Video created for Launch of Bradford McIntyre's website www.PositivelyPositive.ca - August 15, 2003-2003-August 15- Launch of website: Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS (www.PositivelyPositive.ca) - Designed to create awareness around the many HIV and AIDS issues and promotes messages of positive living with HIV.
In 2003, nearly ten years after publicly announcing that he was living with HIV, Bradford McIntyre launched his website Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS (www.PositivelyPositive.ca). Bradford continues to share his message of positive living with HIV, and is a dedicated advocate for enhancing awareness about HIV/AIDS.
"The website is my way of giving back to the community and gives me a strong sense of contributing. When you visit Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS, you discover a wide variety of life affirming and supportive topics; my personal story living with HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS Articles, Alternative and Complementary Therapies, HIV/AIDS Videos, HIV/AIDS Links & Resources, HIV/AIDS News and more.
The website provides me with the opportunity to educate, inform and build community."
Bradford McIntyre.
Dedicated to: Jerry Fogg, Cecil Wallace, Barry Hohl, Neil Bolton, Michael Graham, and all those that we loved who died of AIDS.
Video: Positively Positive Living with HIV/AIDS
Website Design by Trevor Uksik
A long time survivor living with HIV since 1984, Canadian Bradford McIntyre announced publicly in 1994 that he was living with HIV. Since 1994, whenever possible, Bradford has volunteered his time and energy to participate in HIV and AIDS causes and events.
Vancouver, Canada

-2003-July 24- Keynote Speaker - Motivational Presenter / Speaker on HIV/AIDS issues and topics - Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference 2003 - Bradford McIntyre received an invitation from Vi Anderson, Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference Coordinator, to be the Keynote Speaker, and one of four panelists on the topic of Disclosure, at the Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Conference on November 6, 2003, in Sudbury. Held annually in Northeastern Ontario.
Access AIDS Network
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984, Guest on OUT ON TV program Health Xymegaoutontv.com-2003-July 19- Interview - Out On TV - Health Xymega - Out On TV Producer Daniel Leipnik interviews scientist Al Wong, president of Xymega Corporation, Dr. Anita Tannis of the Center for Integrated Health, and Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984. Discussion on complementary therapies and the use of Al Wong's plant sterols product in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. Health Xymega - Out On TV
"We learn about natural products for boosting the immune system, especially in people with HIV." Out On TV - Vancouver's Gay and Lesbian TV News Magazine. OUT ON TV is a local weekly news magazine reflecting the gay & lesbian community.
"We have all these resources, we should be combining them rather than saying the only way to treat HIV and AIDS is with pharmaceuticals." Bradford McIntyre.
OUT ON TV Vancouver's Gay and Lesbian TV News Magazine is a local weekly news magazine reflecting the gay & lesbian community. www.outontv.com
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

PRIDEVISION TV - www.pridevisiontv.com - Logo as PrideVision TV used from 2001 to 2004.-2003-June 9- Interview - PrideVision TV - Wendy Donnan, Director of Programming and operations at PrideVision TV (Canada’s first Gay Television Network) talks with Bradford McIntyre, and requesting film footage of Bradford's HIV/AIDS involvement's, to be edited for World AIDS Day Special 2003, PRIDE VISION Television Network, WORLD AIDS Day Broadcast.
PrideVisionTV: Canada's first Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered (GLBT) cable television channel to braodcast 24/7, and the second LGBT channel in the world.
Wikimedia: OutTV (Canadian TV channel) - PRIDEVision TV
Toronto, Canada

www.reseauaccessnetwork.com-2003-June- Special Edition HARBOUR Connects Newsletter, Volume Five, Issue Two - OUT ABOUT HIV - Speech given by Opening Speaker, Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV since 1984, at the Vancouver 20 Annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial and Vigil, published in the Special Edition HARBOUR Connects Newsletter published by Access AIDS Network.
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, Guest Speaker: OUT ABOUT HIV, at the Vancouver 20th Annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial & Vigil, May 25, 2003 - Alexandra Park, Vancouver, BC Canada.Vancouver 20th Annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial & Vigil and Dedication of the Vancouver AIDS Memorial - light a candle and a memory - Sunday, May 25th, 2003 - 8:00PM - Alexandra Park - Vancouver, BC, Canada-2003-May 25- Opening Speaker - Vancouver 20th Annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial & Vigil - Bradford McIntyre, OUT ABOUT HIV opening speaker at the Vancouver 20th Annual International AIDS Candlelight Vigil and Dedication of the Vancouver AIDS Memorial, at Alexandra Park, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
"My name is Bradford McIntyre and I'm Positively Positive! I have been living, infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) since 1984! I feel very fortunate to be sharing with you! There is more power in people knowing I am HIV positive, than there ever was in the fear and hiding. The answers are in letting go of fear!" Bradford McIntyre.
Bradford McIntyre, Guest Speaker: OUT ABOUT HIV, at the Vancouver 20th Annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial & Vigil - May 25, 2003 - May 25, 2003 -  Alexandra Park, Vancouver, BC Canada.Video: OUT ABOUT HIV - Bradford McIntyre delivering this message at the 20th Annual International AIDS Candlelight Vigil (Bradford begins speaking at approx. 8 min 40sec.).
"Dear Bradford, It was great to have you as one of our speakers at this years AIDS Candlelight Memorial & Vigil. Your presence, and your contribution were so very much appreciated. All the best to you on your continued path." James Johnston, 2003 Greater Vancouver Organizing Committee.
OUT ABOUT HIV (Bradford's Message) - Given at the 20th Annual International AIDS Candlelight Vigil
Vancouver, Canada

AccolAIDS 2003: This Certificate Of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre, on the 27th day of April in the year 2003 and in the areas of Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award, Social,/Political/Community Action & Other. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.orgPoster: AccolAIDS 2003 - BC Persons with AIDS Society in partnership with Granville Island Public Market present AccolAIDS 2003 - April 27, 2003-2003-April 27- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2003 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2003, and received a Certificate of Nomination to recognize his achievement in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, the Kevin Brown PWA Hero and Above and Beyond for his tireless work. AccolAIDS: an awards banquet honoring our heroes for achievements in the B.C. AIDS movement.
"Bradford McIntyre - A long-time survivor living with HIV, Bradford has been a dynamic advocate for the health and wellness of PWA's throughout B.C. and beyond. He has developed pamplets related to alternative therapies, appeared on national television, numerous newspaper and magazine interviews and has lobbied governments to fund alternative therapies. He has been nominated for his tireless work." AccolAIDS ADVISORY & NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE
Award for Social/Political/Community Action was presented to Philip Owen, former Mayor of Vancouver.
Award for Kevin Brown PWA Hero's was presented to William E. (a.k.a. “UNK”) Sandquist.
Award for Above and Beyond was presented to Pat White.
AccolAIDS 2003 Program
AccolAIDS 2003 Nominees & Recipients
The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society: 1986-2006.
Ottawa, Canada

AccolAIDS 2003 - Tim Stevenson, MLA, Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, AccolAIDS 2003 Nominee & Philip W. Owen, former Vancouver Mayor, AccolAIDS 2003 Award recipient.

OutOnTV.com-2003-April 19- Interview - OutOnTV.com - Vancouver’s Gay and Lesbian TV News Magazine! Producer Daniel Leipnik, "Alternative Method's of Managing HIV/AIDS", talks with HIV/AIDS advocate Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, since 1984.
"Initially, there were no drugs available to treat HIV/AIDS, but substantial numbers of infected individuals collaborated, shared experiences and found an alternative way. Without medications, people incorporated proper nutrition, exercise and complementary therapies into their lives. People have been successful at staying healthy and/or having wellness restored time after time using complementary therapies, with or without HIV/AIDS medications." Bradford McIntyre.
OutOnTV.com Vancouver's Gay and Lesbian TV News Magazine is a local weekly news magazine reflecting the gay & lesbian community.
Vancouver, Canada

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.org-2003-March 15- Received letter of congratulations for AccolAIDS Award Nomination, for the outstanding contributions within the British Columbia AIDS movement in the areas: Social/Political/Community Action, the Kevin Brown PWA Hero's and Other, from the British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society. Award ceremony - April 27th 2003.
PDF: The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society: 1986-2006.
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV - Guest speaker - Seminar: Alternative Methods in Managing HIV/AIDS - West End Community Centre - March 5, 2003 - Vancouver, BC, CanadaBradford McIntyre - Guest speaker - Alternative Methods in Managing HIV/AIDS - March 5, 2003 - West End Community Centre, Bancouver, BC.-2003-March 5- Guest speaker - Bradford McIntyre - Alternative Methods in Managing HIV/AIDS - West End Community Centre, Vancouver, BC. Canada.
Speakers: Al Wong - Nutritional therapeutic strategy,
Bradford McIntyre - An advocate for active health,
Ted Walker - Living without medications,
Seminar provided by Al Wong, Xymega Nutritional Therapeutics: www.xymega.com
Video: Alternative Methods in Managing HIV/AIDS
"People who are HIV positive are doing much more than taking HIV medications; they are consciously pursuing every available means in order to address the many health issues facing them!" Bradford McIntyre
Health - Xymega: "We learn about natural products for boosting the immune system, especially in people with HIV. Discussion on complementary therapies and the use of AL Wong's plant sterols product in the treatment of HIV/AIDS." Al Wong.
West End Community Centre
Vancouver BC Canada

Doctors' Choice Naturopathic Clinic - www.doctorschoicenaturopathic.com-2003-February- Ongoing treatment of Vitamin C IN THE TREATMENT OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME (AIDS), provided by Dr. Aaron Hoo, BSc., N.D., Naturopathic Physician, 605-1200 Burrard St., Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Dosage of 5 grams increased every 3-4 months, working upwards to 30 grams of vitamin C.
Vancouver, Canada

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Doctors' Choice Naturopathic Clinic - www.doctorschoicenaturopathic.com-2002-December- VITAMIN C IN THE TREATMENT OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME (AIDS) - Bradford McIntyre, started Vitamin C intravenous injections, starting with 5 grams and slowly increasing by 5 grams every 3-4 months. Provided by Dr. Aaron Hoo, BSc., N.D., Naturopathic Physician. Preliminary clinical evidence shows that massive doses of ascorbate can suppress the symptoms of the disease (AIDS) and reduce the tendency for opportunistic infections.
Vancouver, Canada

-2002-2004- Study Participant - Xymega's Nutritional Therapeutics - Bradford McIntyre, ongoing volunteer participant in Xymega Nutritional Therapeutics (Canada) pilot study project (Alfred Wong, Xymega Corporation, research scientist) on nutritional therapeutics for people living with HIV/AIDS. Bradford McIntyre helped to find other volunteers in Vancouver for the pilot project. In addition to contributing personal blood test data regualrly for profile analysis, Bradford assisted in the testing of several nutritional therapeutic strategies.
Study results contact Al Wong, Xymega Nutritional Therapeutics.
Xymega Nutritional Therapeutics - natural products for health, happiness and longevity.
Vancouver, Canada

Doctors' Choice Naturopathic Clinic - www.doctorschoicenaturopathic.com-2002-July- Study Participant: Bradford McIntyre enrolled in the First Canadian study(3 months) - HIV/AIDS PATIENTS TREATED WITH THE PREPARATION VIUSID - provided by Dr. Aaron Hoo, BSc., N.D. Naturopathic Physician, 605-1200 Burrard St., Vancouver, B.C., Canada. A natural vitamin packet used to boost immune suppression and decrease viral load. Treatment and study first held in Kenya, Africa. Study results available through Dr. Hoo.
Vancouver, Canada

AccolAIDS 2002: This Certificate Of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 28th day of April in the year 2002 and in the area of KevinBrown PWA Hero Award. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.orgBradford McIntyre, HIV/AIDS Advocate, AccolAIDS 2002 Award NomineePoster: AccolAIDS 2002 - Art by Joe Average - www.joeaverageannex.com-2002-April 28- Nominee: AccolAIDS 2002 - Bradford McIntyre nominated for an AccolAIDS Award attended AccolAIDS 2002 and received a Certificate of Nomination to recognize his achievement in the area of Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award.
AccolAIDS is an awards banquet honoring our heroes for achievements in the B.C. AIDS movement. Kevin Brown was one of the founding Members of B.C. Persons With AIDS Society and the first Chair of the Board of Director-s. The PWA Hero Award, established in his mmeory, is presented to an individual living with HIV/AIDS who is regarded with great admiration and respect for his/her contribution to the AIDS movement.
Joe Average received the Kevin Brown Hero Award
AccolAIDS 2002 Program
AccolAIDS 2002 Nominees & Recipients
The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society: 1986-2006.
Vancouver, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, HIV positive - On November 28th 1985, Bradford was told by his doctor to inform his family, arrange his finances and funeral, he had six months to live!-2002-April- Article - I Defied A Death Sentence by Bradford McIntyre - alive magazine - Canada's #1 Journal of Health & Nutrition.
I Defied a Death Sentence by Bradford McIntyre, dealing with time allotted diagnosis.
alive Magazine April 2002 #234 (Page 80)
"My concern is that doctors often provide no hope. No one should be told he or she has six months to live! We need to find better ways for providing care and improving the quality of life for people living with serious disease. We can recognize the influence that thoughts and emotions have on our health and the importance of holistic therapies that nourish all aspects of being. Positive thinking, nutrition, exercise, supplements, spiritual discipline, holistic therapies and medical resources all contribute to wellness and a longer lifespan. All this should be discussed between health professionals and patient, allowing for a peace of mind and a quality of life not given by time-allotted diagnosis." Bradford McIntyre, Living with HIV/AIDS.
About the Author: More than 16 years after receiving a death sentence, Bradford McIntyre remains a dedicated advocate for active health. alive Canada's #1 Journal of Health & Nutrition
I Defied a Death Sentence
Vancouver, Canada

-1994 to 2003- Facilitator: Bradford McIntyre facilitating workshops, offering support, teaching and directing information about alternative therapies for wellness and healing strategies. Bradford is an advocate for active health and support for those living with a life threatening illness.
Alternative and Complementary Therapies
Ottawa and Vancouver. Canada

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.org-2002-March 22- Received congratulations for an AccolAIDS Award Nomination for outstanding contributions within the BC AIDS movement in the area of the Kevin Brown PWA Heroes Award. Award ceremony held April 28th 2002.
The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society: 1986-2006.
Vancouver, Canada

www.alive.com-2001-December- Article - alive magazine - Canada’s #1 Journal of Health & Nutrition - Bradford McIntyre invited to write and submit an article by Dec.19, for alive magazine for the April 2002 Issue, dealing with time allotted diagnosis.
I Defied A Death Sentence
Vancouver, Canada

Documentary: Champions of Health, Bradford McIntyre, living well with HIV.Bradford McIntyre - Documentary - Champions of Health, Living Well With HIV-2001-November 16- Interview - Shaw TV - Two Part Documentary: Champions of Health - Living Well With HIV - Bradford McIntyre living with HIV going on 17 years. Includes interviews with reflexologist Sharon Gilchrist-Reed, Naturopathic Physician Aaron Hoo, and Dr. Robert Voigt, GP.
"17 years ago Brad McIntyre was diagnosed with HIV. He was told to make plans for his belongings, inform his family and arrange his funeral. His doctor told him he had six months to live. But Brad had no plans of dying and instead decided to investigate other options that could not only save his life but keep him healthy." Daniel Leipnik - Producer - OutLook.
Champions of Health - Living Well With HIV: Two Part documentary for SHAW TV.
Program Plugged IN, OUTLOOK segment - Producer Daniel Leipnik. Part 1 aired Nov. 20th, Part 2 aired Nov. 23rd. and repeat broadcasts of both parts throughout November and December.
Video: Champions of Health - Living Well With HIV
(2 Part documentary: Part 2 plays a few moments after Part 1)
Vancouver, Canada

SHARED VISION - November 2001 Cover - Looking forward Living with HIV. Art Image by Joe AverageSHARED VISION - Feature story - November 2001 - Looking FORWARD Bradford McIntyre Living Positively with HIV. Photo provided by Michelle Valberg2001- November 1- Interview: Feature Story - Shared Vision Magazine - Issue #159 - Looking Forward Bradford McIntyre Living Positively with HIV written by Sonya Weir - November 2001 issue.
Looking Forward Bradford McIntyre Living Positively With HIV:
"The power of the human spirit cannot be underestimated. Sixteen years ago, diagnosed with HIV, Brad McIntyre was informed he had six months to live. Refusing conventional drug treatments, and against the advice of doctors, he explored alternative therapies and natural products. In taking responsibility for his health, he discovered the powerful connection between mind, body, and spirit." Sonya Weir, Shared Vision.
SHARED VISION Magazine Web Archive: Looking Forward Bradford McIntyre Living Positively with HIV
Vancouver, Canada

SHARED VISION Magazine - Art Image by Joe Average for aticle: Bradford McIntyre Looking FORWARD POSITIVE LIVING WITH HIV

Flyer: Porridge for the Soul - June's Guest Speaker - Bradford McIntyrewww.kindnessfoundation.com-2001-June 5- June's Guest Speaker: Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive, Living With HIV - Porridge for the Soul - Bradford McIntyre Positively Positive Living With HIV at Porridge for the Soul, KIND ACTS; a monthly networking breakfast to inspire and inform. Host Brock Tully.
Porridge for the Soul - Guest Speaker: Bradford_McIntyre
Story... Brad McIntyre - A long time survivor living with HIV since 1984, Bradford McIntyre (Positively Positive) announced publicly, on national television, in 1994 that he was living with HIV.
"Bradford has transformed the challenges he faced through living with HIV into opportunities to educate, inform and build community." Brock Tully, Kindness Foundation.
Porridge is a monthy networking breakfast designed to inspire and inform, and takes place the first Tuesday of every month at the Canadian Memorial Center for Peace, 1825 West 16th Ave.(norht side, just west of Burrard), 7:14 to 8:49 a.m. Porridge for the Soul breakfasts feature a renowned inspiring speaker to energize your day.
Vancouver, Canada

spectrum-health.net-2000- Study Participant (1 year) - Drug Study - Protease Inhibitor - Bradford McIntyre enrolled in a Drug study trial, using protease inhibitor ABT 387/r or Kaletra, provided by Spectrum Health, 702-1080 Howe St. Vancouver, B.C. In 2001, Kaletra was approved for public use by the Canadian Food and Drug Administration.
Spectrum Health
Vancouver, Canada

-1999-March 3- Interview - Testimonial - BC Compassion Club Society (BCCCS) - Filmed testimonial by Bradford McIntyre in support of medicinal marijuana; testimonials used to lobby government to legalizing the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. The BC Compassion Club is a collectively-run non-profit natural health centre providing safe, high-quality medicinal cannabis and the services of a full wellness centre.
Vancouver, Canada

-1997- Guest Speaker- Seminar - Living Healthy With HIV - Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984, was the guest speaker at the Living Healthy With HIV Seminar, on alternative and complimentary therapies for people living with HIV/AIDS. Held at St. John's United Church.
Vancouver, Canada

-1997- Lead Stroker - Angels on Dragons: Canadian International Dragon Boat Festival - "Celebration of Life Center" Dragon Boat Team - ANGELS ON DRAGONS - Bradford McIntyre - Lead Stroker - setting the pace for the team in five races at the Canadian International Dragon Boat Festival June 21-22, 1997, in Vancouver B.C. Canada.
"Bradford McIntyre, 45, lead stroker who is HIV+ was told he had six months to live on November 28, 1985. His life has been about healing ever since; overcoming various illnesses. He is an advocate for active health and support, he was a guest on the Dini Petty show for World AID Day 1994, and he gave a WORLD AIDS Day address on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, in 1996. Today, Bradford's friends and family are amazed he is paddling a dragon boat." Todd Wong, Dragon Boat Coach.
"People have to understand that the greatest healing comes from within. I made a conscious decision to Show Up for Life, and dragon boating has really challenged me." Bradford McIntyre, Living with HIV.
ANGELS ON DRAGONS - Team t-shirts read: The Dragon Boat is a Metaphor for LIfe. We all get to the finish line, the difference is how conscious we are of our experience. We are a team, we look after each other, We are all in the same boat. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience, paddling through the currents and cross tides of life. ANGELS ON DRAGONS TEAM
The Celebration of Life Centre - Angels on Dragons dragon boat team meet's life's challenges by addressing personal development and spiritual issues, through dragon boat racing.
ANGELS ON DRAGONS TEAM: Todd Wong, Bradford, McIntyre, Stephen Archibald, Robekha Ashley, George Baron, Lois Brassart, Craig Brown, Chrystal Buschau, Paddy Doran, Boyd Fuller, Judy Gaudin, Juhli Hansen, Steven Hinder, Barbara Holmes, Helen, Jackson, Sandra Kewley, Marilyn Knipp, Dennis McCrossan, Doug McIntyre, Bev McLean, Lisa Ruckaber, Maxine Searle, Leesa Strimbicki, Maureen Supeene, and Cecile Williams.
Canadian International Dragon Boat Festival
Vancouver, Canada

-1997-August 3- Volunteer - Float Decoration - Vancouver Friends For LIfe Society - Gay Pride Parade 1997. Bradford McIntyre participated in float decoration for the Vancouver Friends For Life Society float, for the Vancouver PRIDE Parade.
Watch Video: Gay Pride Parade 1997
Vancouver, Canada

-1997- Guest Interview - "OUTLOOK" - Rogers Network Television - Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, guest interview on Rogers Network Television Program "OUTLOOK". Producer | Writer - Daniel Leipnik.
Vancouver, Canada

Book: Look Beyond: The Faces and Stories of People with HIV/AIDS by Michelle ValbergTHE SNOWY OWL AIDS FOUNDATION - snowyowl.org-1996- December 15 - Volunteer - BOOK SIGNING - Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation - Bradford McIntyre organized a LOOK BEYOND The Faces " Stories of People with HIV/AIDS: BOOK SIGNING at Little Sister's. Michelle Valberg, photographer and author of LOOK BEYOND: The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS, flew in from Ottawa for the book signing at Little Sisters Book & Art Emporium. MIchelle was there to personally sign books, and many people with HIV/AIDS who are featured in the book who live in Vancouver were in attendance. Bradford McIntyre approached Little Sisters Book & Art Emporium to carry the book LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS, and allow all proceeds to go to The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation.
Look Beyond is both a fund raising and educational book: proceeds will go to the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation.
Pamphlet: Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation Pamphlet
Pamphlet: Look Beyond The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS Pamphlet
Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation (1994 - 2020), snowyowl.org.
Vanvouver, Canada

THE SNOWY OWL AIDS FOUNDATION - snowyowl.org-1996-December 2- Volunteer - Snowy Owl AID Foundation - LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS. While in Ottawa, Bradford McIntyre approached book stores and found a half a dozen book stores willing to carry the book LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS and allow all proceeds to go back to the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation. Look Beyond The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS is both a fund raising and educational book and proceeds will go to the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation.
Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation Presents: LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS by Michelle Valberg
Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation (1994 - 2020), snowyowl.org.
Ottawa, Canada

Bradford McIntyre - Guest Speaker - World AIDS Day 1996 - Parliament Hill/Major Hills Park - Ottawa, Canada - December 1, 1996.-1996-December 1- Guest Speaker: World AIDS Day - Parliament Hill - Bradford McIntyre gives World AIDS Day address to the crowd on Parliament Hill, Major Hills Park, in Ottawa. Bradford voices to the crowd, "WE ARE ALL CONNECTED", at Major Hills Park, and following he leads "Hands across the Bridge" from the Ottawa, Ontario side of the Royal Alexandra Interprovincial Bridge to the Hull, Quebec side.
Video: World AIDS Day 1996
"Today is World AIDS Day and around the world people are observing it in memory of those lives affected by HIV and AIDS but today is also meant to draw strength from hope. Bradford McIntyre is HIV positive, doctors said he had six months to live, that was 11 years ago." Vivian Lee, CTV - National News - Ottawa - Broadcast Date: Dec. 1, 1996.
"People are able to deal with HIV more like a chronic disease than a death sentence." Bradford McIntyre, Living with HIVAIDS.
World AIDS Day December 1, 1996 - Hands Across the Bridge - Bradford McIntyre hand-in-hand with Hands across the Bridge participants. Ottawa, Canada"The fight for millions more suffering from HIV or AIDS is far from over. People from the Ottawa side and the Quebec side of the river marked World AIDS Day on the Interprovicial Bridge." Vivian Lee, CTV National - Ottawa.
Hands across the Bridge: participants from both sides (Ottawa/Quebec) of the Interprovincial Bridge, walk hand-in-hand, across the bridge, and meet in the middle; where they form a human chain, linking the two shores of the Ottawa River in a gesture of solidarity and hope for all victims of HIV and AIDS.
World AIDS Day 1996
Ottawa Canada

Look Beyond The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS - Book Launch - Michelle Valberg presenting Bradford McIntyre, featured in the book, with LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS - November 28th 1996A selection of photographs in Michelle Valberg's book, LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDSBook Cover: LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS by Michelle Valberg - www.valbergimaging.comTHE SNOWY OWL AIDS FOUNDATION - snowyowl.org-1996-November 28- Guest - Photograph Participant - Book Launch - Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation Presents: LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS by Michelle Valberg at the Parliament Buildings, West Block, in Ottawa, Canada.
Janet Connors from Halifax and Bradford McIntyre from Vancouver, as well as those from Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, who are featured in the book were in attendance.
Michelle Valberg
presented LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS book to each of them. Look Beyond The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS - Book Launch celebration held in the West Block of the Parliament Buildings.
Snowy Owl Ice Sculpture at Book Launch - Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation Presents: LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS by Michelle Valberg at the Parliament Buildings, West Block, Novermber 28, 1996, in Ottawa, Canada.Invitation: Book Launch - Look Beyond: The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation and the J. Fernand Turpin Family cordially invite you to the launch of a remarkable Canadian Book "Look Beyond... The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS." Photography by Michelle Valberg, assisted by Jacqueline Turpin. November 28, 1996 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 200 of the West Block on Parliament Hill. A wine and cheese reception will follow, until 7 p.m.
Pamphlet: Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation Pamphlet
Pamphlet: Look Beyond The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS Pamphlet
Article Written by Jacqueline Turpin: The Presence and Grace of a Snowy White Owl
Article Written by Michael McLauhan: LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS by Michelle Valberg.
Video: Book Launch Coverage: LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS
Book Launch - Bradford McIntyre from Vancouver, was in attendance and presented with LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS by Michelle Valberg. Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, Canada. November 28, 1996 "It's a moving tribute to people living with HIV and AIDS, a book designed to show their celebration of life in the face of death." Max Keeping, News Anchor, CTV News.
"If a picture says a thousand words, these photographs have incredible stories to tell. They are the faces of Canadians living with AIDS and HIV, the faces of people like Bradford McIntyre who has a special reason to celebrate." Rona McMichael, CJOH News.
"I had the pleasure of meeting Brad when I asked him to participate in my book project called, LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS. My life changed the day I met Brad. He is a remarkable man who not only protects, loves, and admires, but gives back wholeheartedly to all. He has educated many about the disease that has touched his life. He remains positive, he shows up for life everday, and he is truly an inspiration. He is dedicated, loving, open, and fun - his smile and laughter opens your heart. His dedication to the fight against HIV/AIDS, as well as his survival is admirable. He possesses the power of belieiving and all it stands for. I wish there were more Bradford McIntyre's, lets celebrate that we have him in our world." Michelle Valberg, Photograher
"This is my 11th Anniverasry of the day in 1985, November 28th, the doctor told me that I had six months to live." Bradford McIntyre, LIVING WITH AIDS.
Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation (1994 - 2020), snowyowl.org
Ottawa, Canada

ottawa.ctvnews.ca-1996-November 28- Interview - MIDDAY - CJOH TV - Bradford McIntyre, guest interview, on CJOH TV, Ottawa, talk show "MIDDAY". Host Leanne Cusack, talks with Bradford McIntyre, who was told by his doctor on November 28th 1985, to inform his family, arrange his finances and funeral. He had six months to live!
Ottawa, Canada

www.bchousing.org-1996-October 1- Housing Subsidy - BC Housing - Bradford McIntyre received subsidized housing through the British Columbia Housing Management Commission, BC Housing. (Bradford received subsidized housing from 1996 - 2000).
Ottawa, Canada

AIDS Walk 96 Exhibit: on display a selection of photographs of HIV-positive Canadian participants photographed by Michelle Valberg, for her book LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS - Photograph Exhibit - AIDS Walk 1996 - Vancouver,BC, Canada.AIDS Walk 96 Exhibit - Bradford McIntye manning the Look Beyond Exhibit, a selection of photographs of people across Canada living with HIV and AIDS, photographed by Michelle Valberg, for her book LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS. Vancouver,BC, Canada.-1996-September- Exhibitor: AIDS Walk 96 - Photo Exhibit - LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS: Bradford McIntyre providing and manning a booth: displaying a selection of photographs of HIV-positive people across Canada photographed by Michelle Valberg, for her soon to be published book, LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS. LOOK BEYOND is both a fund raising and educational book: proceeds will go to the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation. LOOK BEYOND Book Launch celebration will be held in the West Block of the Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, Canada, November 28, 1996.
Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation (1994 - 2020), snowyowl.org.
Vancouver, Canada

bccfe.ca-1996 to 1999- Participant (3 years) - Bradford McIntyre participated in an ongoing program of the University of British Columbia School of Nursing and St. Paul's Hospital and The British Columbia Center For Excellence in HIV/AIDS, to promote doctors understanding of and appreciation for the realities of living with HIV related illness. To provide opportunities for students to explore values and attitudes. Helping to educate student nurses to better understand the needs and care of persons living with HIV/AIDS. Individuals who are infected with HIV volunteered and discussed what it is like living with HIV.
Held in the Treatment Room at the British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society.
Vancouver, Canada

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.org-1996-1997- Volunteer (Volunteer Hairstylist) - Bradford McIntyre, hairstylist, and Member of the British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society, provided hairstyling services at the BCPWA salon, for Members of the British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society.
PDF: The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society: 1986- 2006.
Vancouver, BC.

-1996- August 1- Exhibitor: Vancouver Pride Festival - Vancouver Pride Society - Bradford McIntyre assembling and manning a booth displaying a collection of photographs of people across Canada photographed by Michelle Valberg for her book LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS.
"Bradford McIntyre joined approximately 65 other booths at Sunset Beach Park, helping to make 1996 the largest celebration of Pride ever in Vancouver." Vancouver PRIDE Society.
Video: LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS
Vancouver, Canada

XI International AIDS Conference - July 7, 1996 - Vancouver, BC, Canada - International AIDS Society - www.iasociety.org-1996-July 7-12- Conference Delegate - XI International AIDS Conference - Bradford McIntyre, HIV/AIDS Advocate, attended the XI International AIDS Conference, held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 7-12, 1996.
The theme of the XI International AIDS Conference was "One World One Hope."
Guest: Opening Ceremony - Closing Ceremony: Invitation: Opening Ceremony, Closing Ceremony: Dr. Michael Rekart, Dr Martin Schechter, Dr. Michael O'Shaughnessy, and Dr. Julio Montaner of the XI Interrnational Conference on AIDS request the honour of your presence at the: Opening Ceremony at General Motors Place on Sunday, July 7, 1996 at 3:30, Closing Ceremony at General Motors Place on Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 7pm. Please present this invitation at Gate 3 or Gate 7 for access to both events.
"The International AIDS Conference is the premier global platform to advance the HIV response. As the world's largest conference on HIV and AIDS, it sits uniquely at the intersection of science, advocacy and human rights, bringing together scientists, policy makers, healthcare professionals, people living with HIV, funders, media and community. Since its start in 1985, the conference continues to serve as an opportunity to strengthen policies and programmes that ensure an evidence-based response to HIV and related epidemics." International AIDS Society
International AIDS Society (IAS)
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Video: 1996 International AIDS Conference
in Vancouver

A selection of photographs in Michelle Valberg's book, LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDSBook Cover: LOOK BEYOND: The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS by Michelle Valberg - www.valbergimaging.com-1996-July 7- Exhibitor: XI International AIDS Conference - Bradford McIntyre manning XI International AIDS Conference Exhibit: LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS; a selection of photographs of HIV-positive people across Canada, photographed by Michelle Valberg for her book LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS, at the XI International AIDS Conference held in Vancouver, Canada, July 7-12, 1996. Touching many lives, with the spirit that Michelle Valberg captures in her photographs.
Michelle Valberg and Jacqueline Turpin dedicated two years to fulfilling a vision: capturing people on film from across Canada living positively with HIV/AIDS and recording their intimate reflections on life and love. The photographs, beautifully presented in LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS, will bring a smile to your face, and tears to your eyes; they will fill you with warmth and give you hope for the future. Photography by Michelle Valberg. Book proceeds will go to Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation.
Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation Pamphlet
Look Beyond The_Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS Pamphlet
The theme of the XI International AIDS Conference was"One World One Hope".
XI International AIDS Conference 1996
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.org-1996- June 4- Gain Tribunal: Submissions for Additional Income Assistance. British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society member Bradford McIntyre, going through the legal process - Submissions for additional income assistance pursuant to Schedule F and continuing the legal process through to the Supreme Court challenge Jan.14th 1997, for more funds for those living with illness and disabilities.
PDF: British_Columbia_Persons_with AIDS_Society - History 1986-2006
Web Archive: British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society
Vancouver, Canada

Postcard: BOWEN LODGE BY THE SEA - Bowen Island, B.C. The perfect location for group meetings.  www.bowenislandlodge.caPoster: Healing Retreat Spring '96 - meditation * bodywork * writing * healing circles * great food * time away * stunning scenery ...not necessarily in that order - Bowen Island May 8t, 9th & 10th 0 Interested? Appy? See information desk at BCPWA 681-2122 ext 295 - British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society-1996-May 8th, 9th &10th- Facilitator: Healing Retreat Spring '96 - Bradford McIntyre asked by British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society to facilitate a BCPWA Healing Retreat for PWA [Person's With AIDS] on Bowen Island at the BOWEN LODGE BY THE SEA, May 8th, 9th and 10th, 1996. Bradford McIntyre facilitating and providing facilitators; creating a program for people with HIV/AIDS. Including: Mind/Body/Spirit Workshop and Mind/Body/Spirit Visualization with Bradford.
Retreat Team:
Project Co-Leaders: Patrick Burr & Bradford McIntyre
Retreat Coodinator: Gil Ferguson
Counsellors: Patrick Burr & Bradford McIntyre
Retreat Team: Bo LeDrew, Gordon Guitard, Bert Hanson, Michael McInereney , Marcus Nabess
Healing Retreat Spring '96: Introductory Gathering, Meet the Facilitators, Meditation, Bodywork, Writing, Healing Circles, Making a Prayer Arrow, Creative Self Exploration, Mind/Body/Spirit Workshop, Mind/Body/Spirit Visualization Workshop and Theatre Arts: Talent Night.
The Retreat Team was made up of BCPWA Member volunteers and staff who were also there to have fun and participate in the Retreat in addition to facilitating a safe healthy and memorable 3 days away from the city.
Healing Retreat Spring '96 Program

Vancouver, B.C. Canada

THE SNOWY OWL AIDS FOUNDATION - snowyowl.org-1995 -1996- Volunteer - LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS - Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation - Bradford McIntyre spent many months working with all the many AIDS organizations, looking for and finding participants in Vancouver and throughout British Columbia, who were out about being HIV+, for photographer Michelle Valberg's book LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS.
LOOK BEYOND: The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS by Michelle Valberg and assistant photographer Jacqueline Turpin, is both a fund raising and educational book; proceeds will go to the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation.
Look Beyond The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS Pamphlet
The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation Pamphlet
Michelle Valberg
Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation (1994 - 2020), snowyowl.org.
Vancouver, Canada

www.crwdp.ca-1995-1996- Report Participant - Equal citizenship for Canadians with disabilities: the will to act / Federal Task Force on Disability Issues. Bradford McIntyre participated in the Task Force on Disabilities Issues report.
"The Task Force on Disability Issues was created to determine the appropriate federal role in the area of disability. This report consists of the Task Force's inquiry results and its recommendations on ways to include people with a disability into mainstream society. Contents include: changing federal-provincial realities; aboriginal Canadians with disabilities; federal organization and approach to disability issues; legislative reform; labour market integration; disability income; costs of disability. The Task Force travelled across Canada during their research; excerpt quotations from participants are included in this report." Federal Task Force on Disability Issues.
Vancouver, Canada

www.vancouverfriendsforlife.ca-1995- Membership (Ongoing member) - A member of The Vancouver Friends For Life Society. The Vancouver Friends for Life welcomes people in Vancouver City Centre facing life challenges associated with HIV, Cancer, and Hepatitis C to participate in specialized support programs.
Vancouver, Canada

FLAME OF HOPE :: Djaef AIDS Benefit Society - www.mahlerflameofhope.org-1995-August 20- Guest Speaker: HIV/AIDS ART Exhibition - HIV/AIDS Advocate, Bradford McIntyre, guest speaker at the HIV/AIDS ART EXHIBITION supporting the Flame of Hope :: Djaef Mahler AIDS Benefit Society. "For Bradford McIntyre, the guest speaker at the opening reception of this exhibition, the HIV virus is not a death sentence."
This exhibition is the follow-up of five previous annual art shows organized by Julie Malher, president of the Djaef Malher AIDS Benefit Society, after seeing many of her son's friends die of AIDS. This time, however, the exhibition has the sole purpose of raising awareness to the HIV/AIDS issue. For this reason artists were invited to create an artwork on the theme itself. They have had to read, research and study the theme before even attemptiing to conceptualize the work.
"For Bradford McIntyre, the guest speaker at the opening reception of this exhibition, the HIV virus is not a death sentence. Brad, 42. has lived with HIV for over a decade. The first four years were a living hell. But then, he chose to get on with his life. Facing a life threatening illness makes you appreciate life, he says. McIntyre was diagnosed with the virus linked to AIDS in 1984. On November 28th 1985, he was given six months to live. On the anniversary, every year, he now organizes a party, A Celebration Of Life" wrote Julie Malher in the Djaef Malher AIDS Benefit Society's Newsletter, July 1995. McIntyre has incorporated into his life many positive approaches and techniques to healing such as a healthy diet, medication, body rebalancing, working with light and many others." Hélène Lanois, Exhibition coordinator.
"Dear Bradford, many of the gala guests and especially my family were so touched by your courage to talk about the ordeal you went through then and the courage to go on and live life to the fullest. And you know, Bradford, you also give me the strength to go on with the FLAME OF HOPE." ~ Julie Mahler, Flame of Hope :: Djaef Mahler AIDS Benefit Society.
In 1989, Julie Mahler, who was deeply affected by the impact HIV and AIDS had on the lives of her son Djaef and friends, Julie felt she had to do something to help. A benefit for HIV/AIDS charities was held in Surrey, BC, Canada, the first show called "Flame of Hope" was held in the fall of 1989. The proceeds went to AIDS Vancouver. In memory of her son, Djaef Mahler, a young visual artist, who passed away from AIDS in 1990, Julie Mahler formed the Flame of Hope :: Djaef Mahler AIDS Benefit Society, a registered non-profit organization.
Julie Mahler, Founder of the Flame of Hope :: Djaef Mahler AIDS Benefit Society"Art is the medium through which one’s feelings can be expressed. But in this case, I feel it is also the key to unlocking and understanding some of the complexities of this disease. The goals of THE FLAME OF HOPE are to contribute to organizations and support groups concerned with HIV/AIDS, and to reach out into the communities. Over the past thirteen years AIDS related charities benefiting from our Art Sales and Fundraisers were: AIDS Vancouver, BCPWA, LOVING SPOONFUL, Surrey HIV/AIDS Support Network, Peace Arch Community Services, HIV/AIDS Support Network, St. Paul's Hospital's HIV UNIT 10 C." ~ Julie Mahler ~
Surrey/North Delta, B.C.Canada

-1995-June 15- Volunteer: Fine ART Auction - Bradford McIntyre, volunteer for "Fine ART Auction", proceeds to benefit AIDS Vancouver, British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society and Positive Women's Network.
Vancouver, Canada

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society - bcpwa.org-1995- June 1- Membership - A member of British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society exists to enable persons living with AIDS and HIV to empower themselves through mutual support and collective action.

THE SNOWY OWL AIDS FOUNDATION - snowyowl.org-1994-1996- Director: Board of Directors - Snowy Owwl AIDS Foundation - Bradford McIntyre, Director, on the Board of Directors of the Snowy Owl Foundation in Ottawa. Honorary Board Member after moving to Vancouver in March 1995 and actively involved until 1997.
Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation:
Board Chair, President, Horst Bulau,
Vice President, W.J. (Bill) Renaud,
Secretary Treasurer, W.M. (Bill) Decarie,
Director, Bradford McIntyre

The goal of the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation is to establish, build and maintain a financial resource available to organizations dedicated to AIDS education, prevention, direct or support services, primary care, and/or expansion or enhancement of existing services.
The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation Pamphlet
The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation (1994 - 2020), snowyowl.org.
Ottawa, Canada

1994- December 14- Guest Host - Defiant Voices - CKCU FM 941 - Carleton University Radio - Bradford McIntyre , Guest Host, and a conversation with Bradford, talking about living positively with HIV.
"Welcome to Defiant Voices... Tonight we have with us a Guest Host, Bradford McIntyre. I'll be your host Annis Dahbar, along with Ryan lanyon." Anis Dahbar.
"and I'm Bradford... Tonight we have for you some music from Patti Austin and Kate Bush. We'll also have my personal perspective on living positively with HIV, so stick with us, we'll be right back." Bradford McIntyre.
Bradford McIntyre, on Defiant Voices, CKCU-FM's queer half hour, gives his persoanl perpective on living positively with HIV, Finding Out, Accepting, Therapy, Current Survival, Stuggles, and Admitting to others.
Defiant Voices
Wednesdays at 6pm
Carleton University Radio

Queer radio featuring queer talk, queer music & queer events listings. Ottawa's only all-queer radio!
Ottawa, Canada

Photograph: Bradford McIntyre photographed by Michelle Valberg for her book of photographs of people all across Canada living with HIV/AIDS; Look Beyond: The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS by Michelle Valberg - Vlaberg Imaging - www.valbergimaging.com-1994- December 5- Photograph Participant - Look Beyond The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS - Michelle Valberg invited Bradford McIntyre to participate and be photographed for her book of photographs of people all across Canada living with HIV/AIDS. Look Beyond is a book of remarkable photographs and stories of courageous Canadians living with HIV. It is both a fundrasing endevour and an educational book; proceeds will go to the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation.
" I am honoured, and thrilled, to be a part of and included in this wonderful project. I believe that this book has all the love and compassion, both in its making, and publication, to have an enormous impact on everyones lives. There are those that realize the importance in helping to create a shift in perception of people living with HIV and AIDS. This project is a wonedrful affirmation to those people who's lives are about living positively, and not about death and dying. This book and documentary will definetly help to create a positive outlook and meaningful message for all to see. I have the greatest respect and admiration for everyone involved who had the vision and commitment that will undoubtedly affect so many lives. I am proud to be a part of Look Beyond The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS", and support everyone involved. This is truely a message of Love! Thankyou for this opportunity." Bradford McIntyre, HIV positive since 1984
Video: LOOK BEYOND The Faces & Stories of People with HIV/AIDS
Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation (1994 - 2020), snowyowl.org.
Ottawa, Canada

Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV, a guest on The Dini Petty Show for World AIDS Day, December 1st 1994. Toronto, CanadaVideo: The Dini Petty Show, World AIDS Day, guest Bradford McIntyre, Living with HIV.-1994-December 1- Guest - The Dini Petty Show - World AIDS DAY, Dec. 1, 1994. Bradford McIntyre flew from Ottawa to Toronto to guest on The Dini Petty Show for World AIDS Day, December 1st 1994.
"It's World AIDS Day and later in the show we are going to share with you one man's very inspirational story, an incredible story, of a man who is facing this disease head on. A story of courage and a story of hope!" Dini Petty, The Dini Pety Show.
The Dini Petty Show surprised Bradford, showing the audience a film clip from his "A Celebration Of Life", a party he held in Ottawa a few days earlier. A party celebrating the 9th Anniversary of Bradford being told on November 28th 1985 that he only had six months to live.
"And every year you have this wonderful party, it's a celebration of life and it takes place on the day Bradford was originally diagnosed. This past Monday was the biggest celebration ever and CJOH TV in Ottawa was there, so we can be there. Let's take a look!" Dini Petty, The Dini Pety Show.
Video:"A Celebration Of Life" Bradford McIntyre, Living with HIV
Video Archive - The Dini Petty Show-1 December 1994 - Consists of closed captioned episode featuring Charmaine Gooden (style/beauty editor at Chatelaine Magazine), Bradford McIntyre (Living with HIV/AIDS), Faye Resnick (author, "Nicole Brown Simpson: The Diary of a Life Interrupted"), and Barry White (singer/songwriter).
The Dini Petty Show was a Canadian daytime talk show, which aired on stations affiliated with the Baton Broadcasting System from 1989 to 1997. Hosted by Dini Petty, the program mixed lifestyle features and interviews with celebrity guests. Following Baton Broadcasting's acquisition of CTV, the Dini Petty Show was renamed Dini and aired on CTV from 1998–2000.
Video: The Dini Petty Show
Toronto, Canada

Invitation Flyer: Bradford McIntyre Cordially Invites You To Attend A Celebration of Life on November 28th, 1994 at 7:30PM at the World Exchange Plaza, OttawaPhoto: Leah Smith (Musician) & Bradford McIntyre (living with HIV), at A Celebration of Life, held November 28, 1994, at the World Exchange Plaza, Ottawa.-1994-November 28- "A Celebration of Life", Bradford McIntyre organized a party, celebrating the 9th Anniversary of his being told, on November 28th 1985, that he only had six months to live. The event was held at the World Exchange Plaza in downtown Ottawa, with musical guests performing positive and spiritual messages through their music. Money raised for Bruce House. CJOH TV - Ottawa News Erin McKelvie was there reporting: VIEW VIDEO
"For many years, I lived in fear and in that fear I shut myself away from my family, my friends, clients." "Not any more, Brad McIntyre, AIDS survivor, is determined to enjoy life and celebrate this anniversary surrounded by friends. Everyone here knows that Brad was given a death sentence on this day, almost a decade ago. November 28th, 1985, Brad was told AIDS would claim his life in six months." Erin McKelvie, CJOH TV.
Ottawa, Canada

Pamphlet: You Can Heal - Alternative therapies for wellness and healing - Created by Bradford McIntyrePamphlet: The Way To Wellness and Healing - Created by Bradford McIntyre, Living with HIV, since 1984-1994- Pamphlets: The Way to Wellness and Healing & You Can Heal - Bradford McIntyre created and distributed 2 pamphlets, The Way to Wellness and Healing & You Can Heal, providing information on alternative therapies for wellness and healing, providing information and support for people living with HIV/AIDS, for anyone, dealing with dis-ease, mental, emotional, physical or spiritual and or/disease.
"Heal your mind and transform your body in order to realize its full potential, joy and purpose. There is only one way to have an impact on your dis-ease and that is for you to live today as healthy and as fully as you can - mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually." Bradford McIntyre, HIV-positive.
The Way To Wellness and Healing Pamphlet
You Can Heal Pamphlet
Ottawa, Canada

ottawacitizen.com-1994-November 30- Interview - Otawa Citizen - "HIV diagnosis gives man wake-up call", "Power of Love" - Susan Riley, Ottawa Citizen reporter, interviewed Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV/AIDS. Bradford McIntyre featured in the Ottawa Citizen.
"If you were given six months to live, how would you spend the time? For Brad McIntyre, a 42 years-old former hairstylist at Rinaldo's, its not an idle question. Ten years ago this week, McIntyre was told he was HIV positive and had six months to live." Susan Riley, Ottawa Citizen.
"We don't usually look at AIDS-or any life-threatening illness - as an opportunity. But without diminishing the seriousness of the disease of sentimentalizing its impact, it can be, "a wake-up call." Bradford McIntyre, HIV-positive.
Ottawa Citizen

Photo: Bradford McIntyre - HIV no longer a death sentence - story in the Ottawa Citizen, November 30, 1994. Photo Caption - ABUNDANCE: Brad McIntyre with Carmen, his pet turtle dove. Photo Credit: Rod MacIvor,Ottawa Citizen-1994-October 20- Interview: Feature story written in the Otawa Citizen - HIV no longer a death sentence - Elaine Medline, Ottawa Citizen reporter, interviewed Bradford McIntyre, living with HIV/AIDS for a decade.
"Brad McIntyre learned he was HIV+ 10 years ago. After fearing death for four years, he decided to get on with his life. For McIntyre, the AIDS virus is... HIV no longer a death sentence." Elaine Medline, Ottawa Citizen.
Ottawa Citizen
Ottawa Canada

-1994- Bradford McIntyre announced publicly {newspaper and television interviews} he has been living infected with HIV since 1984 and healthy!
Ottawa, Canada

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...positive attitudes are not simply 'moods

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