July 15, 2011 - The National Black Leadership Commission
on AIDS INC. (NBLCA) is spearheading a campaign to end this alarming trend by raising public awarenss about people affected by HIV/AIDS.
tell us your story
NBLCA invies you to make a difference: share your experience to
empower others affected by this disease.
Send your story. Become part of our online commemorative journal, "30 Years Strong! Together
We Will Win!"
it's easy to get invloved
(1) Send us a photo and / or video of yourself, someone who has passed on, or anyone else living
with or in some way affected by HIV/AIDS. If your subject has passed on, be sure to tell us the month and year that he or she passed away.
(2) Then tell your story: How do / did you/ they demonstrate resiliency against HIV/AIDS?
(3) Email your story and photos to 30yearsstrong@nblcaids.org
Upload videos to www.youtube.com/user/nblcaids.
National Black Leadership Commission On HIV/AIDS
The National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS, Inc.'s (NBLCA) mission is to educate, mobilize, and
empower Black leaders, including clergy, elected officials, medical practitioners, business professionals, social
policy experts, and the media, to meet the challenge of fighting HIV/AIDS and other health disparities in their local
communities. The NBLCA, founded in November 1987, is the oldest and largest not-for-profit organization of its
kind in the United States. The NBLCA conducts policy, research and advocacy on HIV/AIDS and other health
disparities to ensure effective participation of our leadership in all policy and resource allocation decisions
impacting communities of African descent nationwide. The NBLCA has established affiliates in cities where
African-American communities are hardest hit by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, including New York City, Nassau
County (LI, NY), Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Baltimore, Atlanta, Detroit, Tampa, and Washington, D.C. nblca.org
"Reproduced with permission - National Black Leadership Commission On HIV/AIDS "
National Black Leadership Commission On HIV/AIDS