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APCOM sets pace for needed MSM research for Asia and the Pacific at 10th ICAAP

17 August 2011 - The Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM): 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP), in Busan, Republic of Korea, at the BEXCO International Convention Centre.

Building on from the successful 200 Forum at the 9th ICAAP in Bali, Indonesia, APCOM will be hosting a day-long pre-conference meeting on the 25th August, 2011: BEYOND NUMBERS - Getting to Zero: The forces driving HIV among MSM and transgender people in Asia Pacific.

The meeting promises to be a vibrant interactive platform for exchanging information and strengthening partnerships between APCOM coalition members, which includes community members from all 10 APCOM sub-regions/regional groups, and those from the government sector, donors, technical experts and the United Nations system. The meeting is designed to ensure that the most pressing issues at national and sub-regional levels are well covered by the key themes to be explored.

BEYOND NUMBERS - Getting to Zero: The forces driving HIV among MSM and transgender people in Asia Pacific

The material covered will build on work from the most recent APCOM-involved regional and global initiatives that have specifically looked at factors affecting HIV among MSM and transgender people, and others, in Asia Pacific:

•  High-level Technical Consultation on HIV-Sensitive Social Protection for Impact Mitigation in Asia and the Pacific (April 2011 w/UNDP) in Siem Reap, Cambodia

•  Asia Pacific Regional Dialogue of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law (February 2011 - UNDP) in Bangkok, Thailand

•  Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Populations Multi-City HIV Initiative (December 2010 - USAID/UNDP) in Hong Kong

•  WHO Global Consultation on MSM and TG (Sept 2010), in Beijing, China In addition to the outcomes from:

•  United Nations High Level Meeting (June 2011) in New York

•  UNESCAP Resolution 67/10 (March 2011) in Bangkok

Read the full Press Release on apcom.org.

Space may be limited at the venue; please RSVP to ACPOM at beyondnumbers@apcom.org as soon as possible. Advance registration is not required for this event but is strongly suggested.

Title: BEYOND NUMBERS - Getting to Zero: The forces driving HIV among MSM and transgender people in Asia Pacific

Date/time: 25 August at 9:00 am for Community Forum; 11:00 am for APCOM MSM Forum

Location: APEC Room - BEXCO Conference Centre (Busan, South Korea)

The joint community plenary will start in the morning at 9:00 am and then break into session for each key affected population. The MSM and transgender meeting will continue in the APEC Room for the remainder of the day.

The APCOM MSM meeting will start with presentations on:

•  HIV and syndemic issues that increase the risk and vulnerabilities of MSM and transgender people in the region

•  Follow up and progress on the Global Commission on HIV and the Law

•  Universal access and MSM and transgender people

Delegates will be asked to participate in two of the following different breakout sessions:

•  Sub-regional groupings: Australasia, China, Developed Asia, Greater Mekong, India, Insular Southeast Asia, Pacific, South Asia, PLHIV MSM, and Transgender

•  Thematic issues:

•  Faith - A focus on faith, sexual diversity and access to health

•  Health Sector Engagement - focus on reducing stigma and discrimination and health settings

•  Living with HIV (for both positives and negatives)

•  Social Research - moving beyond statistics

•  Transgender Health

•  Use of technology for targeted interventions, including social networking and online surveys

Don't miss these important APCOM-partnered sessions during 10 th ICAAP as well:

Moving from sheer quantity to queer quality: Emerging HIV and social research issues among MSM and transgender persons

Saturday 27 August 12:00-13:30 in BEXCO CH106

Engaging the health sector for scaling up services for MSM and transgender people

Sunday 28 August 28 12:00-13:30 also in BEXCO in CH106

Sex, Drugs & Technology: Findings from Asia's largest multi-country Internet survey

Monday 29 August 29 12:00-13:30 in BEXCO CH108

I am what I am: Transgender health and challenges

Monday 29 August 12:00-13.30 in BEXCO CH-TBA

For a complete listing of activities and sessions about men who have sex with men and transgender people, please see the ICAAP conference delegate packet insert, "All things MSM & TG at 10 th ICAAP".

See the complete agenda for the Forum here.

Note for the media:

The media are invited to attend the APCOM Forum plenary at 4pm on August 25, 2011 at the APEC Room, BEXCO Conference Centre, to ask questions of the distinguished panelists present. There will also be opportunities at ICAAP for one-on-one interviews with the APCOM Secretariat and Governing Board representatives from the various sub-regions. For media queries, contact Roy Wadia at roy.wadia@gmail.com or +91-98205-28007, and Paul Causey at paulc@apcom.org or +6681-984-6515.

For additional information, please go to www.apcom.org

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