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HIV/AIDS News Bradford McIntyre

Canadian AIDS Society:
Cost of HIV is $1.3 Million per Person Infected

November 24, 2011 - OTTAWA, ONTARIO - The Canadian AIDS Society has released a report today that indicates that the economic impact of 3,070 new HIV infections in 2009 has a lifetime cost of $4,031,500,000, approximately 22% higher than previously estimated.

November 24th marks the beginning of Canadian HIV/AIDS Awareness Week and the release of this report - The Economic Cost of HIV/AIDS in Canada, written by JoAnn Kingston-Riechers, PhD, from the Institute of Health Economics and the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University of Alberta - should serve as a sobering reminder of the impact of approximately 3,070 new HIV infections in Canada each year. The report focusses on the costs of treatment and the costs associated with loss of productivity for lost work hours throughout the lifetime of those recently infected individuals (as of 2009).

"We know that this is about more than just numbers," said Monique Doolittle-Romas, Executive Director of the Canadian AIDS Society. "Living with HIV has an impact on an individual's quality of life. We see this as an opportunity to address the needs of people living with HIV in Canada."

The dollar value of that impact on quality of life has been estimated at $380,000 per person, and when added to health care costs ($250,000/person), and labour productivity ($670,000/person) we arrive at a very sobering number. In 2009, when there were an estimated 3,070 new infections, the total cost hit just over $4 billion. The bottom line? HIV/AIDS is costing Canadians $1.3 million per each new diagnosis of HIV. But it's not about money - the primary concern is for the affected lives.

Al McNutt, volunteer Chair of the Board of Directors reminds us: "HIV is entirely preventable; and even with such alarming figures, we have seen successes in prevention in Canada - our rates of HIV have dropped from over 6,000 per year in the mid-eighties to an estimated 3,070 new cases in 2009."

"That is the good news," McNutt explains. The challenge follows in reaching those people who are at risk of HIV infection. "We need culturally appropriate interventions to stop the spread of HIV," advises McNutt. This is why funding to fight HIV/AIDS is needed now more than ever. Infections can be prevented with further investment in prevention campaigns.

This year for World AIDS Day and AIDS Awareness Week, the Canadian AIDS Society has launched, with the support of the federal government and Abbott Laboratories, a national campaign with the theme of "Do Something!" Through social media, a Youtube competition and print poster the message is being spread. The message is simple - we can all do something about the spread of HIV in Canada. And the economic case for action has never been clearer.

"When we see the human and financial costs of HIV/AIDS, it becomes even more apparent that we all need to increase our efforts to prevent and treat this destructive disease," said Russell Williams, President of Canada's Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (Rx&D). "We are proud to support the Canadian AIDS Society study as it does invaluable work in raising awareness and supports people living with HIV in Canada."

The report is available online at www.cdnaids.ca/economic . Print copies are also available upon request. The Canadian AIDS Society gratefully acknowledges Rx&D: Canada's Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies for their support and funding for the development and production of this paper.

Canadian AIDS Society

The Canadian AIDS Society is a national coalition of over 120 community-based AIDS organizations from across Canada. Dedicated to strengthening the response to HIV/AIDS across all sectors of society, we also work to enrich the lives of people and communities living with HIV/AIDS. We accomplish this by advocating on behalf of people and communities affected by HIV/AIDS, facilitating the development of programs, services and resources for our member groups, and providing a national framework for community-based participation in Canada's response to AIDS.

For further information:
To arrange for interviews: Canadian AIDS Society
Tricia Diduch, Communications Consultant,
(613) 230-3580 ext. 130, Fax: (613) 563-4998,

"Reproduced with permission - "Canadian AIDS Society | Société canadienne du sida "

Canadian AIDS Society | Société canadienne du sida

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