The DOES HIV LOOK LIKE ME? campaign facilitates the empowerment of
people living with HIV or AIDS to challenge stigma and discrimination in their communities. They will be trained to advocate
and create awareness by discussing the realities of living with HIV or AIDS and encouraging people to get tested. The
campaign Ambassadors, people living with HIV or AIDS, are human rights leaders standing up to fight misconception,
stigma and inequality with their faces, voices and individual stories.
What is the issue, problem, or challenge?
With treatment being widely accessible and free, HIV has changed in Canada. People are living long healthy lives, enjoying healthy
relationship and having families. However, the way people think about HIV and the messages surrounding HIV continue to foster stigma.
HIV+ individuals continue to face the same stereotypes and discrimination because the average Canadian does not know what being
HIV+ means. And 1 in 4 Canadians still do not know they are HIV+ which calls for a need to raise awareness.
How will this project solve this problem?
This campaign will educate the general public about HIV and AIDS and to reduce stigma and discrimination against people living
with HIV or AIDS. It will include the faces & stories of people living w/ HIV. Our aim is to encourage people to get tested,
protect themselves, and reduce stigma in their communities. The campaign will show people living with HIV & AIDS that they
are not alone, provide them with the tools, skills and networks to take charge of their lives and redefine living w/ HIV.
Potential Long Term Impact
The project will train 30 people living with HIV to be advocates, leaders and ambassadors. The project will educate the general
public about HIV and AIDS and to reduce stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV or AIDS. The project encourages
people to get tested for HIV. The project encourages people living with HIV to connect to community and support programs that
will improve their quality of life.
Project Message
"This is one of the greatest experiences of my life and it has given me a huge needed boost to take steps on becoming open as an
HIV positive in my everyday life."
- Anonymous, One of our Norway Campaign Ambassadors
Funding Information
Total Funding Received to Date: $1,885
Remaining Goal to be Funded: $78,115
Total Funding Goal: $80,000
HelpDoes HIV Look Like Me?International earn a permanent spot on the Global Giving website, by supporting their project - just $10 helps them reach their goal.
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Reproduced with permission - "DOES HIV LOOK LIKE ME?"