'Nine out of every ten people with HIV will get up today and go to work.'
SAfAIDS/GIZ: 28. October 2011- For Juan Somavia, Director-General of the International Labour Organisation,
this is what makes the workplace a key entry point for effective HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
Since 2003 the 'AIDS Prevention and Health Promotion Workplace Programmes in Southern Africa' (AWiSA), implemented by GIZ
(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH) on behalf of the German Government, have gained a wealth of
experience in implementing comprehensive health-promotion programmes for companies in the workplace.
In order to put this experience into practice, the German Government, GIZ and SAfAIDS are launching
the AWiSA Network and
inviting individual experts and organisations to join this online network.
The AWiSA Network offers expertise, knowledge & information focusing on HIV & AIDS in the workplace.
The vision and objective of the Network is to offer both relevant background information on all aspects of HIV &
AIDS in the working world, as well as specific tools and know-how for people and organisations working and interested in this field.
Thus, the AWiSA Network is far more than just an information resource - it is also an internet-based Community of Practice
(CoP) which links people, companies and organisations, providing them with a forum to exchange their experiences with
HIV & AIDS in the workplace.
The Network targets individuals and organisations involved in AIDS response , whether they are
company owners, human-resource managers, focal persons and peer educators, trainers, consultants or scientists.
The following are the benefits
of being an AWiSA Network Member:
Research & Knowledge Hub
Download toolkits and guidelines on how to implement workplace programmes plus a wealth of information on HIV & AIDS
in this field. Use the online library as a one-stop shop to download case studies, lessons-learned, reports, statistics and
Forum & Blog
Communicate and discuss with other Network Members and share your experience. Read through the discussions and post your
comments or questions.
Electronic Marketplace
Look for a consultant, facilitator or job offer and search for specific information.
Create a 'Service Provider Profile' to offer your service.
Create your own profile
Get in touch with other experts, look for specific contacts and create your own network
Read, watch & listen: Find web articles, newsletters, videos etc.
Event calendar
Be aware of on-going workshops, trainings, conferences and other events.
Join the AWiSA Network
To join the AWiSA Network and browse through the wealth of information available on the website, please click here . Becoming
a member is free of charge and can easily be done within a minute by registering on the website.
For organisations/companies:
Promote your business
The AWiSA Network is linked to various organisations and companies that have made HIV and AIDS their business priority. The effects of
AIDS to companies and organisations, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, go far beyond the individual fate and require a corporate
action. This is why the AWiSA Network is there to create space for members to network, share challenges and success stories
about how to deal with HIV & AIDS in the world of work. Link up with other organisations and gain from their experience.
Send a request to become an official Network Partner and your business profile will be promoted online.
Lisa Mildes ( AWiSA Network Coordinator)
E-mail: awisa-network@safaids.net
"Reproduced with permission - "AWiSA Network"
AWiSA Network