Photo: Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ since 1984.
"My work creating HIV and AIDS awareness globally has provided for many people, a face living with HIV and this has helped to bring hope to people infected that they too can live!" Bradford McIntyre
Honours & Awards | Bradford McIntyre
PRIDE Legacy Award
Bradford McIntyre, received a PRIDE Legacy Award, on July 20, 2013. Maxine Davis,
Executive Director of the Dr. Peter Centre presented Bradford
McIntyre with the PRIDE Legacy Award
in the PINK Category: Sexuality - Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness.
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Bradford McIntyre awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
for excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada, on November 27, 2012, Ottawa, Canada.


Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipients for Excellence in the Field of HIV/AIDS in Canada at CAS' World AIDS Day gala on Tuesday, November 27.
(back row left to right): Richard Elliott, Dr. Jacqueline Gahagan, Bob Leahy, Louis-Marie Gagnon, Karen Plater, David Hoe, Darien Taylor, Monique Doolittle-Romas, Maria Mac Intosh,
(middle row left to right): Dr. Brian ConwayDr. Ted Myers, Randy Jackson, Bradford McIntyre, Denise Becker, Deborah Warren, Brian Huskins, Albert McNutt, Doris Peltier, Dr. Colin Carrie (medal presenter on behalf of the Government of Canada), Enrico Mandarino, Colleen Elizabeth Price
(front row seated left to right/): May McQueen, Mary Elizabeth Paul
Photo by Cynthia Münster for the Canadian AIDS Scoiety
AccolAIDS Awards: A biennial awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC HIV/AIDS movement. Over the years, many individuals, working independently and through associated organizations, groups, institutions, and businesses, have demonstrated extraordinary dedication, determination and compassion in responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in British Columbia. The Positive Liviving Society deveoped AccoLAIDS as a tribute to your tremendous achievment.
Bradford McIntyre, AccolAIDS Awards Nominee presented with a Certificate of Nomination in the following years: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018.
AccolAIDS Awards 2018 Nominee: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 22nd day of April in the year 2018, to recognize achievements in the area of Kevin Brown Positive Hero Award & Social/Political/Community Action. Positive Living Society of British Columbia -
AccolAIDS 2018 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2016 Nominee: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 24th day of April in the year 2016, to recognize achievements in the area of Social/Political/Community Action, Kevin Brown Positive Hero Award & Panel's Merit Award. Positive Living Society of British Columbia -
AccolAIDS 2016 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2014 Nominee: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 13th day of April in the year 2014, to recognize achievements in the area of Social/Political/Community Action, Panel's Merit Award & Kevin Brown Positive Hero Award. Positive Living Society of British Columbia -
AccolAIDS 2014 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2012 Nominee: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 29th day of April in the year 2012, to recognize your achievements in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award & Panel's Merit Award. Positive Living Society of British Columbia -
AccolAIDS 2012 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2010 Nominee: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre, on the 18th day of April in the year 2010, to recognize your achievements in the area of Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award & Social/Political/Community Action. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society -
AccolAIDS 2010 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2009 Nominee: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 19th day of Aprilin the year 2009, to recognize your achievements in the areas of Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award, Social/Political/Community Action & Unsung Hereos Award. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society -
AccolAIDS 2009 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2008 Nominee: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 13th day of April in the year 2008, to recognize your achievements in the area of Social/Political/Community Action, Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award & Above & Beyond. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society -
AccolAIDS 2008 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2007 Nominee: this Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 22nd day of April in the year 2007, to recognize your achievements in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action, Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award & Unsung Heroes Award. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society -
AccolAIDS 2007 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2006 Nominee: This Certificate of Nomonation is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 7th day of May in the year 2006, to recognize your achievements in the areas of Social/Political/Community Action Award, Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award and Above & Beyond. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society -
AccolAIDS 2006 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2005 Nominee: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 24th day of April in the year 2005 and in the area(s) of Kevin Brown PWA Hero , Social/Political/Community Action Award & Other. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society -
AccolAIDS 2005 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2004 Nominee: This Certificate of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 25th day of April in the year 2004 and in the areas of Kevin Brown PWA Hero, Social/Political/Community, Action & Other. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society -
AccolAIDS 2004 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2003 Nominee: This Certificate Of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre, on the 27th day of April in the year 2003 and in the areas of Kevin Brown PWA Hero Award, Social,/Political/Community Action & Other. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society -
AccolAIDS 2003 Nominees & Recipients
AccolAIDS Awards 2002 Nominee: This Certificate Of Nomination is presented to Bradford McIntyre on the 28th day of April in the year 2002 and in the area of KevinBrown PWA Hero Award. The British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society -
AccolAIDS 2002 Nominees & Recipients
See: AccolAIDS Nominees & Recipients 2002 - 2018

Most Eye Opening Contributor AWARD
Bradford McIntyre, Enkidu Magazine (Mexico City, Mexico) correspondent in Canada
received the Most Eye Opening Contributor AWARD on June 28, 2004 from Enkidu Magazine
- Web Edition - Eye Opening International News (Mexico).
A reader Poll took place in February 2004 and readers voted
"The way we address HIV is cause for concern" by Bradford McIntyre,
the "Most Eye Opening" article.
Article in Spanish: La manera que nos dirigimos al VIH es causa de preocupación
Other articles by Bradford McIntyre
Mexico City, Mexico

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